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Conceptual models, based on 7 years of data, are constructedto simulate the annual cycle and population dynamics of Microcystisaeruginosa in hypertrophic, warm monomictic Hartbees-poort Dam,South Africa in order to assess the role of hyperscum formation.In Hartbeespoort Dam the large summer planktonic population(mean epilimnion biovolumes of 20–50 mm3 I–1) andthe low wind speed resulted in the formation of hyperscums (thick,crusted accumulations of floating cyanobacteria at wind-protectedsites) containing up to 50% of the total standing crop for 2–3months in 4 out of 5 years. In years in which hyperscums formedthe post-maximal summer population maintained itself throughoutautumn and into late winter before declining to the annual nadir(>1000 cells ml–1). When hyperscums did not form, orwere artificially removed, the population fell to similarlylow levels as early as May (autumn) and remained small untilthe spring growth phase began. Microcystis cells decompose inthe upper layers of a hyperscum, but this is not a major lossto the planktonic population. Hyperscums are refuges which helpmaintain large planktonic standing crops during winter whengrowth is not possible but have no effect on the long-term (perennial)survival of Microcystis.  相似文献   

The spectral composition of the underwater light field was examined in two hypertrophic South African Impoundments (Hartbeespoort and Roodeplaat Dams) under a range of inorganic turbidities and chlorophyll α concentrations. The data indicated that inorganic turbidity and gilvin were dominant to chlorophyll in regulating underwater light attenuation during the present study. Under all conditions the wavelengths between 405 and 510 nm were attenuated more rapidly than near UV and the wavelengths above 510 nm and the 623 nm component penetrated deepest. Under low turbidities the 546 nm wavelength was the next most penetrating component, but its attenuation increased with increasing turbidity. This characteristic of the underwater light field may be important to the cyanobacteria which dominate in these hypertrophic lakes.  相似文献   
One hundred and fifty random clones from an enriched genomic library of Atlantic cod were sequenced. Primer pairs were designed for 15 microsatellites containing perfect di‐, tri‐, tetra‐ and hexanucleotide repeats and characterized in 96 unrelated fish. Eight markers were successfully amplified, with the number of alleles ranging from two to nine per locus and observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.341 to 0.977. Loci Gmo‐G13 and Gmo‐G14 had a significant excess of homozygotes. All loci conformed to the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic linkage disequilibrium analysis between all pairs of the loci showed no significant departure from the null hypothesis between any of the loci.  相似文献   
Patterns of variation at nine enzyme loci were examined in 528 plants representing diploid and tetraploid populations of Parnassia palustris s. l. in Europe to assess genetic variation patterns and migration history. Half of the plants showed a unique multilocus phenotype and 75% of all phenotypes occurred only in Scandinavia. Diploid populations showed similar levels of genetic diversity as other widespread outbreeding species with animal-mediated pollination and F -statistics indicated excessive heterozygosity and low rates of gene flow among them. In spite of dramatic population histories caused by the ice ages, diploid populations have maintained the same genetic diversity in Scandinavia as in central and southern Europe. Northern populations have apparently been established through the gradual advance of genetically variable populations and patterns of variation at individual loci indicate different migration routes, from the south-south-west and the east-north-east, respectively. The data strongly support a repeated autoploid origin of the tetraploid cytotype which has been much more successful than the diploid progenitors in colonizing new land since the last ice age. High genetic diversity in Scandinavia has apparently been obtained by a combination of immigration of plants from different source areas and recurrent formation of autotetraploids from diploid progenitors.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 347−372.  相似文献   
A specific exocytic process, the discharge of spindle trichocysts of paramecium caudatum was examined by means of the electron microscope. This exocytosis is induced by an electric shock simultaneously in nearly all of the trichocysts (ca. 6,000-8,0000 of a single cell. Single paramecia were subjected to the shock and then fixed at defined times after the shock so that the temporal sequence of the pattern of changes of the trichocyst membranes after exocytosis could be studied. The trichocyst vacuoles fuse with the plasma membrane only for that length of time required for expulsion to take place. After exocytosis, the membrane of the vacuole does not become incorporated into the plasma membrane; rather, the collapsed vacuole is pinched off and breaks up within the cytoplasm. The membrane vesiculates into small units which can no longer be distinguished from vesicles of the same dimensions that exist normally within the cell's cytoplasm. the entire process is completed within 5-10 min. These results differ from the incorporation of mucocyst membranes into the plasma membrane as proposed for tetrahymena.  相似文献   


Sweat gland adenocarcinoma is a rare malignancy with high metastatic potential seen more commonly in later years of life. Scalp is the most common site of occurrence and it usually spreads to lymph nodes. Liver, lung and bones are the distant sites of metastasis with fatal results. The differentiation between apocrine and eccrine metastatic sweat gland carcinoma is often difficult. The criteria's are inadequate to be of any practical utility.  相似文献   
Abstract Experiments were conducted to determine the limiting nutrient and the effect of pulp mill effluent (PME) on heterotrophic biofilms in the Fraser River, a northern, temperate river in British Columbia, Canada. Biofilms were cultured by irrigating flow cells with Fraser River water alone (control), or river water amended with glucose; ammonium; phosphate; glucose, ammonium, and phosphate combined; or 3% PME. Phosphorus increased bacterial growth in the biofilm, which was rapidly transferred to protists, and reduced the amount of extracellular polymeric substances accumulated by biofilm bacteria. This work demonstrates phosphorus limitation of biofilm bacteria in a major river system and emphasizes the importance of nutrients in industrial discharges. Received: 7 October 1997; Accepted: 8 January 1998  相似文献   
The incorporation of [methyl-H]thymidine into three macromolecular fractions, designated as DNA, RNA, and protein, by bacteria from Hartbeespoort Dam, South Africa, was measured over 1 year by acid-base hydrolysis procedures. Samples were collected at 10 m, which was at least 5 m beneath the euphotic zone. On four occasions, samples were concurrently collected at the surface. Approximately 80% of the label was incorporated into bacterial DNA in surface samples. At 10 m, total incorporation of label into bacterial macromolecules was correlated to bacterial utilization of glucose (r = 0.913, n = 13, P < 0.001). The labeling of DNA, which ranged between 0 and 78% of total macromolecule incorporation, was inversely related to glucose uptake (r = -0.823), total thymidine incorporation (r = -0.737), and euphotic zone algal production (r = -0.732, n = 13, P < 0.005). With decreased DNA labeling, increasing proportions of label were found in the RNA fraction and proteins. Enzymatic digestion followed by chromatographic separation of macromolecule fragments indicated that DNA and proteins were labeled while RNA was not. The RNA fraction may represent labeled lipids or other macromolecules or both. The data demonstrated a close coupling between phytoplankton production and heterotrophic bacterial activity in this hypertrophic lake but also confirmed the need for the routine extraction and purification of DNA during [methyl-H]thymidine studies of aquatic bacterial production.  相似文献   
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