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Abstract. The authors have previously shown that cell treatments causing intra-cellular alkalinization stimulate the in vivo phosphorylation of a 33-K Dalton polypeptide (33 KP) (Tognoli & Basso, 1987). Here, the authors report that this polypeptide belongs to a protein associated with the microsomal membranes. They show that treatment of cells which induce intracellular alkalinization stimulate 33-KP phosphorylation, whether the phosphorylation is performed in vivo (cells loaded with 32Pi before treatments) or in vitro (microsomes from control and treated cells, incubated with γ32P ATP). In both cases, 33 KP is phosphorylated on a serine residue. Microsomes do not show any phosphatase activity towards this phosphorylated protein, indicating involvement of a protein kinase reaction as an effector of changes induced by intracellular alkalinization. The number of phosphorylated sites or molecules of this protein increases as a result of intracellular alkalinization, suggesting that intracellular alkalinization causes topological or conformational modifications to a protein kinase or its substrate protein. The in vitro phosphorylation is not specifically influenced by the pH of the in vitro phosphorylation medium, suggesting that protein phosphorylation is not directly controlled by cytoplasmic pH.  相似文献   
PCR detection of MLOs in quick decline-affected pear trees in Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, using primers derived from the 16S rRNA gene, followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis with Alu I restriction endonuclease was used to detect myc-oplasma-like organisms (MLOs) associated with pear decline. MLOs were consistently detected in pear trees that suddenly wilted and died within a few days during summer, as well as in pears of the same orchards with symptoms similar to the slow form of pear decline. In both cases the same RFLP pattern was obtained. Declining pear trees were 5 to 8-yr-old cvs Williams, Kaiser and Max Red Bartlett grafted on to Pyrus communis seedling rootstocks. All the orchards affected by quick decline had severe attacks of pear psyllid (Cacopsylla pyri) during the year this study was performed and during the previous year. The results showed the suitability of DNA amplification by the polymerase chain reaction for the detection of pear decline MLOs and established that MLOs can be detected in infected tissues of dead trees.  相似文献   
孟艳芬  郭宪国  门兴元  吴滇 《昆虫学报》2007,50(11):1140-1145
以云南省16种主要小兽宿主体表吸虱群落为分类单元,以基于共54个群落特征变量的各群落优势虱种的相对优势度Dr、染虱率RL、虱指数IL、总染虱率RLT和总虱指数ILT及各群落的结构参数(平均丰富度 、平均均匀度 、平均多样性指数 及平均优势度指数 )来探讨云南省吸虱昆虫与其宿主协同进化的关系。运用SPSS12.0统计软件中的系统聚类分析,对16种主要小兽宿主体表吸虱群落进行数量分析。结果将16种小兽宿主体表吸虱群落分为8个类群。隶属同一个属的小兽,其体表吸虱群落相似程度高,在系统聚类分析中聚为一类; 大多数吸虱群落相似性大小与相应小兽宿主在动物分类上的近缘性高低呈高度一致。结果提示: 吸虱昆虫与其所寄生的小兽宿主存在同步进化的关系,特定的小兽宿主,其体表吸虱群落的构成比较稳定,宿主动物的近缘关系越近,其体表吸虱群落的相似性越高,这是吸虱昆虫与小兽宿主协同进化的一个重要生态学证据。  相似文献   
刘伟  门丽娜  刘新民 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4724-4736
2006年5-9月,诱捕法采集粪金龟子,以农田为对照,选择内蒙古武川县不同农田退耕管理方式为研究样地,分析了农田退耕后采取不同管理方式对粪金龟子群落的影响,以为农田退耕还草管理措施生态效应的评价和完善提供依据.共捕获粪金龟子21671头,隶属于3科5属25种.优势种为直蜉金龟(Aphodius rectus)和蜉金龟属(Aphodius sp.7),占总捕获量的比例分别为59.34%和11.71%.几种退耕管理方式都导致粪金龟子群落物种丰富度、生物量和多度提高,且具有显著的季节特征.Pearson相关分析表明,粪金龟子群落的物种丰富度、生物量和种数以及不同功能群和主要种的个体数与退耕年限、平均草高和植物群落盖度的变化存在显著正相关关系(P<0.01或P<0.05).由于长期农业耕作以及缺少大型食草动物和较大面积放牧草地,研究地区的粪金龟子群落组成以功能群Ⅱ和Ⅲ为主,功能群Ⅰ的多度和物种丰度较低.可以认为,在研究地区以农田景观为主要基质的区域,采取多样化的农田退耕管理方式,提高了生境的空间异质性,在减少人为耕作活动对粪金龟子影响的基础上,对粪金龟子物种丰度和多度的维持起到了促进作用.农田退耕、保留适当面积放牧草地或适当数量大型放牧家畜将有利于功能群Ⅰ物种丰度和多度的提高,有益于粪金龟子群落物种多样性和整体生态功能的维持.  相似文献   
Animal bioerosion trace fossils upon mineral substrates are analyzed from the point of view of the Seilacherian ethological classification. Several of the currently accepted ethological classes: cubichnia, fugichnia, repichnia, fodinichnia, agrichnia, calichnia and aedificichnia are not represented in these substrates. This fact points out a lower behavioral diversity of hard substrate trace fossils when compared with soft sediment trace fossils. Bioerosion traces can be classified in just five classes: domichnia, pascichnia, equilibrichnia, praedichnia and fixichnia. Fixichnia is here erected to gather superficial etching scars resulting from the anchoring of fixation of sessile epiliths by means of a soft or skeletal body part. Praedichnia and fixichnia are exclusive of the bioerosion realm.  相似文献   
利用木质纤维素生产燃料乙醇的过程中,前期预处理所产生的抑制剂会影响酵母的正常生长和后续的发酵过程。为减小抑制剂的影响所采取的一些脱毒策略往往造成糖的损失和生产成本的增加,这在实际生产与经济上是不可行的。因此,具有强的抑制剂耐受性的酿酒酵母菌株对于提高纤维素乙醇产率是十分重要的。近十年来,对于酿酒酵母胁迫耐受机制的研究取得了一些重要的进展,着重介绍目前酿酒酵母对抑制剂耐受机制的研究现状,包括一些关键性基因的表达及代谢通路过程分析等。同时也介绍一些应对抑制剂提高酵母发酵能力的措施。  相似文献   
张利  陈影  王树涛 《生态学杂志》2015,26(8):2445-2454
对滨海快速城市化地区进行土地生态安全评价和预警是保障土地可持续利用和有效维护土地生态安全的重要内容.基于“压力-状态-响应”(P-S-R)模型,构建了滨海快速城市化地区土地生态安全评价指标体系.借助遥感数据和GIS方法,以1 km×1 km网格为评价单元并通过空间插值,获取了基于像元大小30 m×30 m的曹妃甸新区2005和2013年土地生态安全评价结果.并采用分类树方法对未来曹妃甸新区土地生态安全(LES)进行预警,共分为4种预警类型:安全但有退化趋势预警、亚安全且缓慢退化预警、亚安全且快速退化预警、不安全预警.结果表明:曹妃甸新区2005年土地生态安全平均值为0.55,处于中等安全水平,而2013年为0.52,处于中下安全水平,区域土地生态安全呈下降趋势.曹妃甸新区不安全预警及亚安全且快速退化预警区域主要分布在城市建设用地快速扩展区域,说明城市建设用地的快速扩张是导致区域土地生态安全恶化的最主要因素.工业区、十里海和南堡盐场3个乡镇处于高度危险预警状态,其不安全预警、亚安全且快速退化预警及亚安全且缓慢退化预警3者之和分别占其总面积的58.3%、98.9%和81.2%,未来应加强这些区域的土地生态管理调控.研究结果可为曹妃甸新区土地规划和生态保护提供一定参考.  相似文献   
作者测定并分析了43只雄貉睾丸宽度、血清睾酮水平的季节性变化。结果表明:睾丸宽度和血清睾酮水平呈明显的年周期季节性变化(p<0.01)。秋分(9月)时,睾丸宽度开始增大(p<0.05 );血清睾酮水平在10月开始升高(p<0.05)。各月雄貉的平均睾酮水平与平均睾丸宽度是极显著的正相关(r=0.83,p<0.01 n=11)。雄貉繁殖季节初期,血清睾酮水平与其首、末次的交配日期呈显著负相关(r=-0.525和r=-0.476,p<0.05,n=19)。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework effort to allow the experimentation of various devices in order to automatically record, detect and classify marine mammal vocalizations in the open sea. Some tools for the protection of Killer Whales and other cetaceans are founded in the analysis of their recorded vocalizations. With this framework we are able to test every part under controlled conditions before open sea experiments. Some of these devices have been designed to localize and track open sea populations in order to facilitate data collection for conservation management.

At this moment the framework consists of the basic necessary instruments and IT resources for continuously multichannel recording of vocalizations from four specimens of Killer Whale. The enormous raw data stream forces the implementation of a data reduction strategy. As a result, the present research is focused in the development of techniques for this purpose that will allow the automatic classification of events and obtain statistical data. Complementarily, our research goals are also focused on the design of prototypes for source localization using time tags of events on multiple channels for continuous real time logging of behaviour and position of specimens. This paper presents some preliminary results of automatically detected calls.  相似文献   
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