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 Analyses of ITS sequences for 49 species of Olearia, including representatives from all currently recognised intergeneric sections, and 43 species from 23 other genera of Astereae, rooted on eight sequences from Anthemideae, provide no support for the monophyly of this large and morphologically diverse Australasian genus. Eighteen separate lineages of Olearia are recognised, including seven robust groups. Three of these groups and another eight species are placed within a primary clade incorporating representatives of Achnophora, Aster, Brachyscome, Calotis, Camptacra, Erigeron, Felicia, Grangea, Kippistia, Lagenifera, Minuria, Oritrophium, Peripleura, Podocoma, Remya, Solidago, Tetramolopium and Vittadinia. The remaining four groups and three individual species lie within a sister clade that also includes Celmisia, Chiliotrichum, Damnamenia, Pleurophyllum and Pachystegia. Relationships within each primary clade are poorly resolved. There is some congruence between this molecular estimate of the phylogeny and the distribution of types of abaxial leaf-hair, which is the basis of the present sectional classification of Olearia, but all states appear to have arisen more than once within the tribe. It is concluded that those species placed within the second primary clade should be removed from the genus, but the extent to which species placed within the first primary clade constitute a monophyletic group can only be resolved with further sequence data. Received November 12, 2001; accepted April 29, 2002 Published online: November 22, 2002 Addresses of authors: Edward W. Cross, Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, CSIRO, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia (E-mail: ed.cross@csiro.au); Christopher J . Quinn, Royal Botanic Gardens, Mrs Macquaries Rd., Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia; Steven J. Wagstaff, Landcare Research, PO Box 69, Lincoln 8152, New Zealand.  相似文献   
In the preceding paper (Ellens et al., 1989), it was shown that liposome fusion rates are substantially enhanced under the same conditions which induce isotropic 31P NMR resonances in multilamellar dispersions of the same lipid. Both of these phenomena occur within the same temperature interval, delta TI, below the L alpha/HII phase transition temperature, TH. TH and delta TI can be extremely sensitive to the lipid composition. The present work shows that 2 mol% of diacylglycerols like those produced by the phosphatidylinositol cycle in vivo can lower TH, delta TI, and the temperature for fast membrane fusion by 15-20 degrees C. N-Monomethylated dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine is used as a model system. These results show that physiological levels of diacylglycerols can substantially increase the susceptibility of phospholipid membranes to fusion. This suggests that, in addition to their role in protein kinase C activation, diacylglycerols could play a more direct role in the fusion event during stimulus-exocytosis coupling in vivo.  相似文献   
We report the first study of the effect of NaCl on the double-bond isomeric composition of fatty acids and theirsn-1/sn-2 positional distribution in the membrane phospholipids of a moderately halophilic eubacterium. The major phospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol, ofVibrio costicola grown in 1M or 3M NaCl both have ansn-1 saturated,sn-2 unsaturated distribution of fatty acids. There is a greater effect of salinity on the fatty acid composition of phosphatidylglycerol compared with phosphatidylethanolamine. The fatty acids in phosphatidylethanolamine of cultures grown in 1M compared with 3M NaCl have the same unsaturation index and average chain length, but different double-bond isomeric compositions. In comparison, the fatty acid composition of phosphatidylglycerol is more unsaturated, with a different double-bond isomeric distribution, and has a shorter average chain length in cultures grown in 3M compared with 1M NaCl. The pattern of fatty acid isomers of 16:1 and 18:1 shows thatV. costicola uses the anaerobic pathway of fatty acid biosynthesis. The presence of the isomers 16:1c11 and 18:1c13 in the phospholipids of cultures grown in 3M but not in 1M NaCl indicates that external salinity affects the specificity of fatty acid synthetase in this moderately halophilic bacterium.  相似文献   
Chicken myogenic stem cells can undergo symmetric and asymmetric cell divisions. Symmetric divisions produce two stem cells or two cells committed to terminal muscle differentiation. Asymmetric divisions produce one stem cell and one committed cell. Committed cells undergo four divisions, and their progeny differentiate into postmitotic, biochemically distinct muscle cells, which can be identified immunocytochemically. The control of stem cell commitment was investigated in vitro by means of cell cloning and subcloning experiments, and computer modeling. We found that stem cell commitment is a process which can be modeled as a stochastic event, with a central tendency or probability of 0.2 +/- 0.1. This value is independent of organismal or mitotic age of the stem cells, cell density, or growth in a mitogen-poor environment. Myogenic stem cells stop dividing after approximately 30 divisions in vitro. Since the probability of commitment to terminal differentiation remains below 0.5, clonal senescence and terminal differentiation are separate processes in this system.  相似文献   
Carbon-phosphorus bond cleavage activity was investigated in cell-free extracts of Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 15038 (IFO 12010) and Pseudomonas sp. 4ASW, strains known to utilize a range of phosphonates as sole phosphorus source. In vitro phosphonatase activity was detected in extracts of both organisms; however extensive analysis failed to detect any organic product from phosphonates other than phosphonoacetal dehyde. Non-specific liberation of phosphate was observed in Pseudomonas sp. 4ASW, associated with a single fraction of FPLC-purified extract, and is believed to result from the activity of cellular phosphatases.  相似文献   
The fatty acyl (lipid) p-nitrophenyl esters p-nitrophenyl caprylate, p-nitrophenyl laurate and p-nitrophenyl palmitate that are incorporated at a few mol % into mixed micelles with Triton X-100 are substrates for bovine milk lipoprotein lipase. When the concentration of components of the mixed micelles is approximately equal to or greater than the critical micelle concentration, time courses for lipoprotein lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of the esters are described by the integrated form of the Michaelis-Menten equation. Least square fitting to the integrated equation therefore allows calculation of the interfacial kinetic parameters Km and Vmax from single runs. The computational methodology used to determine the interfacial kinetic parameters is described in this paper and is used to determine the intrinsic substrate fatty acyl specificity of lipoprotein lipase catalysis, which is reflected in the magnitude of kcat/Km and kcat. The results for interfacial lipoprotein lipase catalysis, along with previously determined kinetic parameters for the water-soluble esters p-nitrophenyl acetate and p-nitrophenyl butyrate, indicate that lipoprotein lipase has highest specificity for the substrates that have fatty acyl chains of intermediate length (i.e. p-nitrophenyl butyrate and p-nitrophenyl caprylate). The fatty acid products do not cause product inhibition during lipoprotein lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of lipid p-nitrophenyl esters that are contained in Triton X-100 micelles. The effects of the nucleophiles hydroxylamine, hydrazine, and ethylenediamine on Km and Vmax for lipoprotein lipase catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl laurate are consistent with trapping of a lauryl-lipoprotein lipase intermediate. This mechanism is confirmed by analysis of the product lauryl hydroxamate when hydroxylamine is the nucleophile. Hence, lipoprotein lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of lipid p-nitrophenyl esters that are contained in Triton X-100 micelles occurs via an interfacial acyl-lipoprotein lipase mechanism that is rate-limited by hydrolysis of the acyl-enzyme intermediate.  相似文献   
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