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Here we describe an advanced polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, the compatible ends ligation inverse PCR (CELI-PCR) for chromosome walking. In CELI-PCR, several restriction enzymes, which produce compatible cohesive ends, were used to digest target DNA simultaneously or sequentially to produce DNA fragments of suitable size. DNA fragments were then easily circularized and PCR amplification could be carried out efficiently. The previous limitations of inverse PCR were overcome, such as unavailable restriction sites, poor template DNA circularization, and low amplification efficiency. Therefore, successive chromosome walking was performed successfully. Our work, isolating a 11,395-bp fragment from Gossypium hirsutum, was presented as an example to describe how CELI-PCR was carried out.  相似文献   
吉林桦甸寿山仙人洞旧石器遗址试掘报告   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
本文记述了吉林烨甸寿山仙人洞遗址试掘所发现的47件石制品及伴生动物化石12种.依动物化石和石器特征分析,将其地质时代暂定为晚更新世后段,考古年代为旧石器时代晚期.1991年5—6月间.吉林大学考古学系在吉林地区进行旧石器野外考古调查时,在桦甸市榆木桥子镇发现了寿山仙人洞旧石器时代遗址,并进行了试掘,在距洞口7米处开了一个横向1×3米深沟,出土了较丰富的文化遗物:47件石制品,少量的骨制品,以及大量的哺乳动物化石和一些鸟类化石.  相似文献   
以海岛棉‘新海21号’为试验材料,根据陆地棉GhTCP14基因序列,设计1对引物,通过RT-PCR技术获得海岛棉GbTCP14核苷酸序列,开放阅读框长1 221bp,编码406个氨基酸,分子式C1892H2950N572O620S16,预测分子量为44.134 6kD,等电点为6.88,氨基酸序列包含1个高度保守的TCP结构域及4个低丰度复杂区。GbTCP14蛋白氨基酸序列与其他物种TCP14氨基酸序列比对表明,海岛棉GbTCP14蛋白与其他植物中的TCP14蛋白共同具有一个高度保守的TCP结构域,序列之间的一致性较高。进化树分析表明,海岛棉GbTCP14基因与木本棉GaTCP14基因分布在同一分支上。实时荧光定量PCR表明,海岛棉GbTCP14基因在开花后第15天时表达量最高,在第5~20天时相对表达量比其他时期较高,第25天时相对表达量最低。在不同组织中花瓣和花萼中表达量较高,根和茎中表达量一般,叶组织中表达量最低。通过酵母系统转录激活分析显示,GbTCP14蛋白不具有转录活性。  相似文献   
水牛洼遗址位于湖北省丹江口市均县镇关门岩村,是汉水流域一处同时具有旧石器早期与晚期文化层的重要遗址。2010年3~4月间,吉林大学边疆考古研究中心对该遗址进行了发掘,揭露面积675m2,共获石制品301件,类型包括石核、石片、断块及工具等。地貌和地层对比显示,遗址年代大致为中更新世至晚更新世晚期。遗址可分为上、下两个文化层。上文化层出土石制品246件,属晚更新世;下文化层出土石制品55件,处于中更新世。下文化层石制品特点显示了中国南方砾石石器工业的特点,而上文化层却出现了中国北方石片石器工业的文化因素。  相似文献   
The 2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase (RF) family of enzyme proteins can affect bulliform cells and cause leaf curling. However, there are few studies related to this family in cotton, and there has been no systematic analysis of RF genes. Here, we determined 25 RF genes in the complete genome sequence of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and 11 RF genes in the complete genome sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana. Cotton RF proteins can be divided into three categories. Whole genome/fragment and scattered replication events played an important role in the expansion of the RF gene family. qRT-PCR analysis results showed that RF genes respond to drought stress Pairwise comparison results showed that the expression of RF genes in Shi yuan 321 was higher than that in Kui 85–174. Overall, genome-wide identification approach was used to further analyze the related functions of the RF gene family, which may include the response to drought stress, in cotton.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12298-021-01065-4.  相似文献   
Association mapping based on linkage disequilibrium provides a promising tool for dissecting the genetic basis underlying complex traits. To reveal the genetic variations of yield and yield components traits in upland cotton, 403 upland cotton accessions were collected and analyzed by 560 genome-wide simple sequence repeats (SSRs). A diverse panel consisting of 403 upland cotton accessions was grown in six different environments, and the yield and yield component traits were measured, and 560 SSR markers covering the whole genome were mapped. Association studies were performed to uncover the genotypic and phenotypic variations using a mixed linear model. Favorable alleles and typical accessions for yield traits were identified. A total of 201 markers were polymorphic, revealing 394 alleles. The average gene diversity and polymorphism information content were 0.556 and 0.483, respectively. Based on a population structure analysis, 403 accessions were divided into two subgroups. A mixed linear model analysis of the association mapping detected 43 marker loci according to the best linear unbiased prediction and in at least three of the six environments(??lgP?>?1.30, P?<?0.05). Among the 43 associated markers, five were associated with more than two traits simultaneously and nine were coincident with those identified previously. Based on phenotypic effects, favorable alleles and typical accessions that contained the elite allele loci related to yield traits were identified and are widely used in practical breeding. This study detected favorable quantitative trait loci’s alleles and typical accessions for yield traits, these are excellent genetic resources for future high-yield breeding by marker-assisted selection in upland cotton in China.  相似文献   
余坪地点位于河南省南召县汉水中游支流松河南岸第二级阶地前缘,于2021年3月由吉林大学考古学院、南阳市文物考古研究所调查发现。地表采集石制品38件,包括石核4件、石片3件、断块4件、使用石片5件、石器22件。个体多为小型与中型。原料皆河漫滩砾石,岩性以石英为主。石核剥片采用硬锤锤击,偶见砸击法。剥片方法属普通石核石片技术。使用石片分为刮削刃、尖刃者两类。石器包括刮削器、尖刃器、钻器、砍砸器、砍伐器和手锛。毛坯多为石片与断块,未见砾石毛坯。根据地貌与石制品特征,时代应属旧石器时代晚期。文化属性为石片石器技术系统。该地点对于探讨南北方过渡地区旧石器时代晚期的文化特点具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The successful development and application of transgenic Bt cotton is a milestone of cotton produc-tion in China[1]. However, the CaMV35s promoter is commonly used for driving Bt gene expression in transgenic cotton plants. During infection, the CaMV35S promoter can direct the synthesis of 35RNA [2]. From the aspect of bio-security, it would be more secure and compatible if the promoter of cot-ton plants could be utilized for transgene expression[3]. In addition, studies showed that unde…  相似文献   
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