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Phenology, morphology, life history and responses to different temperature and photoperiod conditions were studied in Japanese Stypocaulon durum (Ruprecht) Okamura. Erect thalli of the species were collected year-round, but the mature thalli forming either uniloc-ular sporangia or two different types of plurilocular structures (evidently gametangia) on separate thalli were found only in winter. ln culture, an isomorphic life history is suggested for the species, alternating between a sporophyte forming unilocular sporangia and gam-etophytes forming plurilocular macro- (female) and micro- (male) gametangia. Contents of unilocular sporangia were not released, but germinated in situ, developing into erect thalli forming plurilocular gametangia. Macrogametangia released aplanogametes (oospores), but male gametangia appeared to be non-functional, although flagellated cells were once formed in the loc-uli. This is the first report of plurilocular gametangia in the species. Although the species grew well and matured under considerably lower temperature conditions than European Stypocaulon scoparium (L.) Sauvageau, its temperature requirements showed similarity to northwestern Atlantic Stypocaulon species. This supports the notion that northwestern Atlantic Stypocaulon is conspecific with S. durum.  相似文献   
Although semi-free-ranging Barbary macaque females are able to outrank older females from lower-ranking matrilines (matrilineal rank acquisition), they do not systematically outrank their older sisters, as is known to be the case for semi-free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). We test the hypothesis that differences in the support received by younger sisters against their older sisters and against older lower-ranking females might account for this interspecific difference. Thirty-one sister dyads, members of a group of 109 Barbary macaques living at La Montagne des Singes, France, were observed during 16 months. The results indicate that (1) all females were dominant to their younger sisters, and the latter were never observed to challenge their older sisters; (2) younger sisters received as much kin support against their older sisters as against older lower-ranking females; (3) only very young females received support from their kin against their older sisters; (4) younger sisters received much more support from nonkin females against lower-ranking females than against their older sisters; and (5) Barbary macaque females appear to be supported against their older sisters less frequently than rhesus macaque females are. We conclude that the lack of nonkin support is the main factor accounting for the failure of younger sisters to outrank their older sisters in Barbary macaques. Initially this might result from kin support not being sufficient to induce younger sisters to challenge and to solicit support against their older sisters.  相似文献   
Due to the geographical location and paleobiogeography of the Canary Islands, the seaweed flora contains macroalgae with different distributional patterns. In this contribution, the biogeographical relations of several new records of deep-water macroalgae recently collected around the Canarian archipelago are discussed. These areBryopsidella neglecta (Berthold) Rietema,Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Meneghini) Hauck,Hincksia onslowensis (Amsler et Kapraun) P. C. Silva,Syringoderma floridana Henry,Peyssonnelia harveyana J. Agardh,Cryptonemia seminervis (C. Agardh) J. Agardh,Botryocladia wynnei Ballantine,Gloiocladia blomquistii (Searles) R. E. Norris,Halichrysis peltata (W. R. Taylor) P. Huvé et H. Huvé,Leptofauchea brasiliensis Joly, andSarcodiotheca divaricata W. R. Taylor. These new records, especially those in the Florideophyceae, support the strong affinity of the Canary Islands seaweed flora with the warm-temperate Mediterranean-Atlantic region. Some species are recorded for the first time from the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, enhancing the biogeographic relations of the Canarian marine flora with that of the western Atlantic regions.  相似文献   
In the present study, we used osteoprotegerin (OPG), which blocks osteoclastogenesis, to correct and thus explain the hypercalcemia that is seen during dietary Mg deficiency in the mouse. Control and Mg-deficient mice received injections for 12 days of either OPG or vehicle only. Serum Ca was similar in Mg-deficient mice treated with OPG and in control mice receiving OPG (9.2±0.3 mg/dl vs. 9.2±0.5). Both groups had significantly higher serum Ca than controls or Mg-deficient animals receiving vehicle alone. Surprisingly, Mg-depleted mice that received OPG in doses that inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption remained hypercalcemic. Because mature osteoclasts still present in the marrow might be hyperactive, we examined osteoclast morphology at the light microscopic and ultrastructural level. Light microscopic examination of trabecular bone showed few osteoclasts in OPG-treated mice. Ultrastructural examination revealed that osteoclasts in OPG-treated mice have decreased contact with the endosteal bone surface and absence of a ruffled border. Because the morphology of the existing pool of mature osteoclasts did not enhance resorption, another mechanism, such as increased intestinal absorption of Ca in Mg-deficient mice, likely contributes to the hypercalcemia observed during Mg deficiency.  相似文献   
Pakistan, the second most populous Muslim nation in the world, has started to finally experience and confront the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The country had been relatively safe from any indigenous HIV cases for around two decades, with most of the infections being attributable to deported HIV positive migrants from the Gulf States. However, the virus finally seems to have found a home-base, as evidenced by the recent HIV outbreaks among the injection drug user community. Extremely high-risk behavior has also been documented among Hijras (sex workers) and long-distance truck drivers. The weak government response coupled with the extremely distressing social demographics of this South-Asian republic also helps to compound the problem. The time is ripe now to prepare in advance, to take the appropriate measures to curtail further spread of the disease. If this opportunity is not utilized right now, little if at all could be done later.  相似文献   
The natural habitats of microbes are typically spatially structured with limited resources, so opportunities for unconstrained, balanced growth are rare. In these habitats, selection should favor microbes that are able to use resources most efficiently, that is, microbes that produce the most progeny per unit of resource consumed. On the basis of this assertion, we propose that selection for efficiency is a primary driver of the composition of microbial communities. In this article, we review how the quality and quantity of resources influence the efficiency of heterotrophic growth. A conceptual model proposing innate differences in growth efficiency between oligotrophic and copiotrophic microbes is also provided. We conclude that elucidation of the mechanisms underlying efficient growth will enhance our understanding of the selective pressures shaping microbes and will improve our capacity to manage microbial communities effectively.  相似文献   
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