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When Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Pol I) replicates a homopolymer, the excision/polymerization (exo/pol) ratio varies with enzyme and initiator concentration. The study of this effect in the case of poly(dA).oligo(dT) replication led us to propose a mnemonic model for Pol I, in which the 3' to 5' excision activity warms up when the enzyme is actively polymerizing, and cools down when it dissociates from the template. The model predicts that the exo/pol ratio must increase with processivity length and initiator concentration and decrease with enzyme concentration. It predicts also that contact of the enzyme with one template alters its excision efficiency towards another template. The exo/pol ratio and processivities of Pol I and its Klenow fragment were studied on four templates: poly(dA).(dT)10, poly(dT).(dA)10, poly(dC).(dG)10 and poly(dI).(dC)10. We show that the Klenow fragment is usually much less processive than Pol I and when this is the case it has a much lower exo/pol ratio. At equal processivity, the exo/pol ratios are nearly equal. Furthermore, many factors that influence processivity length (e.g. manganese versus magnesium, inorganic pyrophosphate, ionic strength) influence the exo/pol ratio in the same direction. The study of deaminated poly(dC) replication, where we followed incorporation and excision of both G and A residues, allowed us to assign the origin of the dNMP variations to changes in the 3' to 5' proof-reading activity of Pol I. Similarly, the lower dNMP turnover of the Klenow fragment observed with deaminated poly(dC) was specifically assigned to a decreased 3' to 5' exonuclease activity. The exo/pol ratio generally increased with initiator and decreased with enzyme concentration, in agreement with the model, except for poly(dI).oligo(dC), where it decreased with initiator concentration. However, by terminating chain elongation with dideoxy CTP, we showed directly that, even in this system, excision is relatively inefficient at the beginning of synthesis. Interaction of Pol I with poly(dA).(dT) or with poly(dC).(dG) modifies its exo/pol characteristics in the replication of poly(dI).(dC) and poly(dA).(dT), respectively. The Klenow enzyme is not sensitive to such influences and this correlates with its reduced processivity on the influencing templates. Our results reveal the existence of differences between Pol I and its Klenow fragment that are more profound than has been thought previously.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Isatis vermia Papanicolaou sp. nov. is described from Mt Vermion in north central Greece. It is an autumn–flowering species related to J. tinctoria L. The chromosome number is 2n = 28.  相似文献   
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) is a highly conserved vertebrate enzyme that possesses the unique ability to catalyze the random addition of deoxynucleoside 5′-triphosphates onto the 3′-hydroxyl group of a single-stranded DNA. It plays an important role in the generation of immunoglobin and T-cell receptor diversity. TdT is usually obtained from animal thymus gland or produced in a baculovirus system, but both procedures are rather tedious, and proteolysis occurs during purification. Attempts to overexpress TdT in bacteria have been unsuccessful or have yielded an enzyme with a lower specific activity. A dearth of TdT has thus hampered detailed structural and functional studies. In the present study, we report that by lowering growth temperature and overexpressing a rare arginyl tRNA, it is possible to boost the production inEscherichia coli of murine TdT with minimal proteolysis and high specific activity.  相似文献   
Asthma originates from genetic and environmental factors with about half the risk of disease attributable to heritable causes. Genome-wide association studies, mostly in populations of European ancestry, have identified numerous asthma-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Studies in populations with diverse ancestries allow both for identification of robust associations that replicate across ethnic groups and for improved resolution of associated loci due to different patterns of linkage disequilibrium between ethnic groups. Here we report on an analysis of 745 African-American subjects with asthma and 3,238 African-American control subjects from the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) Consortium, including analysis of SNPs imputed using 1,000 Genomes reference panels and adjustment for local ancestry. We show strong evidence that variation near RAD50/IL13, implicated in studies of European ancestry individuals, replicates in individuals largely of African ancestry. Fine mapping in African ancestry populations also refined the variants of interest for this association. We also provide strong or nominal evidence of replication at loci near ORMDL3/GSDMB, IL1RL1/IL18R1, and 10p14, all previously associated with asthma in European or Japanese populations, but not at the PYHIN1 locus previously reported in studies of African-American samples. These results improve the understanding of asthma genetics and further demonstrate the utility of genetic studies in populations other than those of largely European ancestry.  相似文献   
Adaptation to human‐induced environmental change has the potential to profoundly influence the genomic architecture of affected species. This is particularly true in agricultural ecosystems, where anthropogenic selection pressure is strong. Heliothis virescens primarily feeds on cotton in its larval stages, and US populations have been declining since the widespread planting of transgenic cotton, which endogenously expresses proteins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). No physiological adaptation to Bt toxin has been found in the field, so adaptation in this altered environment could involve (i) shifts in host plant selection mechanisms to avoid cotton, (ii) changes in detoxification mechanisms required for cotton‐feeding vs. feeding on other hosts or (iii) loss of resistance to previously used management practices including insecticides. Here, we begin to address whether such changes occurred in H. virescens populations between 1997 and 2012, as Bt‐cotton cultivation spread through the agricultural landscape. For our study, we produced an H. virescens genome assembly and used this in concert with a ddRAD‐seq‐enabled genome scan to identify loci with significant allele frequency changes over the 15‐year period. Genetic changes at a previously described H. virescens insecticide target of selection were detectable in our genome scan and increased our confidence in this methodology. Additional loci were also detected as being under selection, and we quantified the selection strength required to elicit observed allele frequency changes at each locus. Potential contributions of genes near loci under selection to adaptive phenotypes in the H. virescens cotton system are discussed.  相似文献   
Several different approaches can be used to examine generational and temporal trends in family studies. The measurement of offspring and parents can be made over a short period of time with parents and offspring having quite different ages, or measurements can be made at the same ages but with decades between parent and offspring measures. A third approach, used in the Framingham Heart Study, has repeated examinations across a broad range of age and time, and provides a unique opportunity to compare these approaches. Parents and offspring were matched both on (year of exam) and on age. Heritability estimates for systolic blood pressure, body mass index, height, weight, cholesterol, and glucose were obtained by regressing offspring on midparent values with and without adjustment for age. Higher estimates of heritability were obtained for age-matched than for year-of-exam-matched data for all traits considered. For most traits, estimates of the heritability of the change over time (slope) of the trait were near zero. These results suggest that the optimal design to identify genetic effects in traits with large age-related effects may be to measure parents and offspring at similar ages and not to rely on age-adjustment or longitudinal measures to account for these temporal effects.  相似文献   
The authors present an annotated list of rare or otherwise interesting vascular plants collected in the mountains of northern Greece by themselves in 1979 and by Strid and Georgiadou in 1977. The following are apparently new to Greece: Thesium linophyllon L. ssp. montanum (Ehrh. ex. Hoffm.) Čelak., Moehringia pendulo (Waldst. & Kit.) Fenzl, Gypsophila glomerata Pallas ex. Bieb., Dianthus peiraeus Waldst. & Kit. ssp. noeanus (Boiss.) Tutin, Dianthus superbus L., Ranunculus fon–tanus C. Presl, Thlaspi arvense L., Potentilla apennina Ten. ssp. stoianovii Urum. & Jav., Trifolium badium Schreber, Rhamnus pumila Turra, Viola palustris L., Athamanta albanica Alston & Sandwith, Peucedanum oligophyllum ssp. aequiradium (Vandas) Tutin, Vaccinium gaultherioides Bigelow, Galeopsis speciosa Miller, G. bifida Boenn., Melampyrum sylvaticum L., Odontites lutea (L.) Clairv., Sambucus racemosa L., Symphyandra wanneri (Rochel) Heuffel, Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Achillea distans Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd., Centaurea grbavacensis (Rohlena) Stoj. & Acht., C. indurata Janka, Lactuca aurea (Schultz Bip. ex PanČić) Stebbins, Festuca gigantea (L.) Vill., F. pirinica Horvat ex Markgr.–Dannenb., Sparganium minimum (Hartm.) Fries, and Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl.  相似文献   
Ultraconserved elements in the human genome likely harbor important biological functions as they are dosage sensitive and are able to direct tissue-specific expression. Because they are under purifying selection, variants in these elements may have a lower frequency in the population but a higher likelihood of association with complex traits. We tested a set of highly constrained SNPs (hcSNPs) distributed genome-wide among ultraconserved and nearly ultraconserved elements for association with seven traits related to reproductive (age at natural menopause, number of children, age at first child, and age at last child) and overall [longevity, body mass index (BMI), and height] fitness. Using up to 24,047 European-American samples from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe), we observed an excess of associations with BMI and height. In an independent replication panel the most strongly associated SNPs showed an 8.4-fold enrichment of associations at the nominal level, including three variants in previously identified loci and one in a locus (DENND1A) previously shown to be associated with polycystic ovary syndrome. Finally, using 1430 family trios, we showed that the transmissions from heterozygous parents to offspring of the derived alleles of rare (frequency ≤0.5%) hcSNPs are not biased, particularly after adjusting for the rates of genotype missingness and error in the data. The lack of transmission bias ruled out an immediately and strongly deleterious effect due to the rare derived alleles, consistent with the observation that mice homozygous for the deletion of ultraconserved elements showed no overt phenotype. Our study also illustrated the importance of carefully modeling potential technical confounders when analyzing genotype data of rare variants.  相似文献   
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