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Lysostaphin is an extracellular glycylglycine endopep-tidase produced by Staphylococcus simulans biovar staphylolyticus ATCC1362 that lyses staphylococcal cells by hydrolysing the polyglycine interpeptide bridges of the peptidoglycan. Renewed analysis of the sequence of the lysostaphin gene (Iss), and the sequencing of the amino-terminus of purified prolysostaphin and of mature lysostaphin revealed that lysostaphin is organized as a preproprotein of 493 amino acids (aa), with a signal peptide consisting of 36 aa, a propeptide of 211 aa from which 195 aa are organized in 15 tandem repeats of 13 aa length, and a mature protein of 246 aa. Prolysostaphin is processed in the culture supernatant of S. simulans biovar staphylolyticus by an extracellular cysteine protease. Although prolysostaphin was staphylolytically active, the mature lysostaphin was about 4.5-fold more active. The controlled expression in Staphylococcus carnosus of Iss and Iss with deletions in the prepropeptide region indicated that the tandem repeats of the propeptide are not necessary for protein export or activation of Lss, but keep Lss in a less active state. Intracellular expressed pro- and mature lysostaphin exert staphy-lolytic activity in cell-free extracts, but do not affect growth of the corresponding clones. We characterized a lysostaphin immunity factor gene (lif) which is located in the opposite direction to Iss. The expression of lif in S. carnosus led to an increase in the serine/glycine ratio of the interpeptide bridges of peptidoglycan from 2 to 35%, suggesting that lysostaphin immunity depends on serine incorporation into the interpeptide bridge. If, in addition to lif, Iss is co-expressed the serine/glycine ratio is further increased to 58%, suggesting that Lss selects for optimal serine incorporation. Lif shows similarity to FemA and FemB  相似文献   
Axillary shoot producing cultures were obtained from microcuttings and shoot tips of Calluna vulgaris cv. H.E. Beale. For cultures derived from microcuttings the highest multiplication rate of 38 shoots (5 mm or longer) was obtained on a reduced salt medium with the addition of 0.5 mgl-1 2-isopentenyladenine (2iP) during an 8 week subculture. For shoot tip derived cultures 0.2 mgl-1 6-benzyladenine (BA) was the best cytokinin and led to a multiplication rate of 26 for a 6 week subculture. The addition of 1 g/l casein hydrolysate to a multiplication medium enhanced shoot proliferation in presence of 0.5 mgl-1 BA.Despite various auxin treatments shoots formed no roots in vitro but rooted readily if transferred to a peat substrate ex vitro. A high rooting percentage (80%) was also obtained with shoots taken from the end of a multiplication phase and rooted directly. An additional subculture on low auxin containing media before transfer to peat substrate is recommended because the shoot condition can be improved in this way. A high number of rooted plantlets was produced, so the methods described will allow mass propagation.  相似文献   
In Alcaligenes eutrophus, the formation of the hydrogenases and of five new peptides is subject to the hydrogenase control system. Of these, the B peptide was purified to homogeneity. This protein (Mr, 37,500) was composed of two identical subunits (Mr, 18,800). Antibodies against the B protein were used for its quantification by rocket immunoelectrophoresis. About 4% of the total protein consisted of the B protein; its molar ratio to the NAD-linked hydrogenase was about 4:1. The B protein appeared to be associated with the NAD-linked hydrogenase, as shown by gel filtration analysis with Sephadex G-200. The B protein was not detected in cells that had not expressed the hydrogenase proteins or that lacked the genetic information of the hydrogen-oxidizing character; it was also not detected in Tn5 insertional mutants that were unable to form soluble hydrogenase antigens. Immunochemical analysis of other species and genera than A. eutrophus revealed that only strains able to form a NAD-linked hydrogenase also formed B-protein antigens. The B protein is not required for the catalytic activity of soluble hydrogenase in vitro; its function is at present unknown.  相似文献   
A procedure is reported that allows the purification and amino terminal sequencing of pig brain choline acetyltransferase. The enzyme (present in extremely low amounts in this tissue) is eluted together with its antibody from an affinity column by a mild pH shift and the resulting enzyme-antibody complex separated by gel electrophoresis. The band corresponding to the enzyme is electroeluted from the gel using volatile solutions allowing the direct determination of the amino acid composition and partial sequence. The first 11 residues are: Pro-Ile-Leu-Glu-Lys-Thr-Pro-Pro-Lys-Met-Ala.  相似文献   
Summary Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) patients in chronic phase display compromised lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell induction, which is partly restored after therapy with interferon . However, the relative resistance of the leukemic cells from these patients to autologous or allogeneic LAK lysis is not affected by this treatment. In an attempt to render CML cells more susceptible to lysis or cytostasis, they were precultured in serum-free medium with or without recombinant growth factors. In eight patients studied, interleukin-3 (IL-3) significantly enhanced the spontaneous short-term (6-day) proliferation of CML cells, with retention of ability to form colonies in methylcellulose. Culture in either medium alone or IL-3 led to a significant enrichment of CD14+ and CD33+ cells but to a reduction in CD34+ cells. In contrast, culture of the same cells in IL-2 (to generate autologous LAK activity) resulted in a loss of CD14+ and CD33+ as well as CD34+ cells but in a significant increase in CD3+ and CD56+ cells. Despite similarities in their phenotypes, IL-3 cultured cells but not those cultured in medium alone acquired susceptibility to lysis by the IL-2-cultured autologous LAK cells. These results may have significance for the design of novel combination immunotherapy in CML.This work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 120)  相似文献   
Summary A reproducible Romanowsky-Giemsa staining (RGS) can be carried out with standardized staining solutions containing the two dyes azure B (AB) and eosin Y (EY). After staining, cell nuclei have a purple coloration generated by DNA-AB-EY complexes. The microspectra of cell nuclei have a sharp and intense absorption band at 18 100 cm–1 (552 nm), the so called Romanowsky band (RB), which is due to the EY chromophore of the dye complexes. Other absorption bands can be assigned to the DNA-bound AB cations.Artificial DNA-AB-EY complexes can be prepared outside the cell by subsequent staining of DNA with AB and EY. In the first step of our staining experiments we prepared thin films of blue DNA-AB complexes on microslides with 1:1 composition: each anionic phosphodiester residue of the nucleic acid was occupied by one AB cation. Microspectrophotometric investigations of the dye preparations demonstrated that, besides monomers and dimers, mainly higher AB aggregates are bound to DNA by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. These DNA-AB complexes are insoluble in water. Therefore it was possible to stain the DNA-AB films with aqueous EY solutions and also to prepare insoluble DNA-AB-EY films in the second step of the staining experiments. After the reaction with EY, thin sites within the dye preparations were purple. The microspectra of the purple spots show a strong Romanowsky band at 18 100 cm–1. Using a special technique it was possible to estimate the composition of the purple dye complexes. The ratio of the two dyes was approximately EY:AB1:3. The EY anions are mainly bound by hydrophobic interaction to the AB framework of the electrical neutral DNA-AB complexes. The EY absorption is red shifted by the interaction of EY with the AB framework of DNA-AB-EY. We suppose that this red shift is caused by a dielectric polarization of the bound EY dianions.The DNA chains in the DNA-AB complexes can mechanically be aligned in a preferred direction k. Highly orientated dye complexes prepared on microslides were birefringent and dichroic. The orientation is maintained during subsequent staining with aqueous EY solutions. In this way we also prepared highly orientated purple DNA-AB-EY complexes on microslides. The light absorption of both types of dye complexes was studied by means of a microspectrophotometer equipped with a polarizer and an analyser. The sites of best orientation within the dye preparations were selected under crossed nicols according to the quality of birefringence. Subsequently, the absorption spectra of the highly orientated dye complexes were measured with plane polarized light. We found that the transition moments, m AB, of the bound AB cations in DNA-AB and DNA-AB-EY are orientated almost perpendicular to k, i.e. m ABk. On the contrary, the transition moments, m EY, of the bound EY anions in DNA-AB-EY are polarized parallel to k, i.e. m EY k. The transition moments m AB and m EY lay in the direction of the long axes of the AB and EY chromophores. For that reason, in both DNA-AB and DNA-AB-EY the long molecular axes of the AB cations are orientated approximately perpendicular to the DNA chains, while the long molecular axes of the EY chromophores are polarized in the direction of the DNA chains. Therefore, in DNA-AB-EY the long axes of AB and EY are perpendicular to each other, m ABm EY. This molecular arrangement fully agrees with our quantitative measurements and with the theory of the absorption of plane polarized light by orientated dye complexes, which has been developed and discussed in detail.  相似文献   
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