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The photosystem II core complex purified from digitonin extractsof spinach chloroplasts was resolved into two chlorophyll-proteincomplexes by digitonin polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis aftertreatment with 1 M potassium thiocyanate. One of the chlorophyll-proteincomplexes resolved consisted of 47, 32, 30 and 9 kDa polypeptidesand the other was complementally composed of only the 43 kDapolypeptide. The former complex was highly active in the photoreductionof 2, 6-dichlorophenol indophenol by 1,5-diphenylcarbazide andretained all of the components responsible for the electrontransport from the secondary electron donor (Z) to the primaryelectron acceptor (QA). EPR signal IIfast and IIslow were alsopreserved in this complex although their hyperfine structureswere largely modified. The complex was estimated to contain1.8 molecules of plastoquinone A as well as 1.5, 3.7 and 3.9molecules of cytochrome b559, pheophytin and ß-carotene,respectively, per QA. These results indicate that potassiumthiocyanate specifically removes the 43 kDa polypeptide fromthe PS II core complex leaving the electron transport systemin an almost intact state. (Received June 17, 1987; Accepted October 23, 1987)  相似文献   
Cotyledons detached from light-grown radish (Raphanus sativusL. cv. Comet) seedlings were used as a model system to studythe changes in nuclear gene expression during dark-induced senescenceof green leaves. Polyadenylated RNA was prepared from the cotyledonsat different times and then translated in a wheat germ system.Approximately 1,000 different polypeptides of the translationproducts were separated from each other by two-dimensional gelelectrophoresis. As judged from the density of autoradiographicspots of the translation products, the induction of senescenceby dark treatment involved an increase in 26 species, a decreasein 11 species, and a temporary increase and subsequent decreasein 8 species of translatable mRNA. A similar pattern of changein protein synthesis was also observed in the dark-treated cotyledonswhen the cotyledons were pulse-labeled with 35S-methionine andthe soluble proteins separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis,though the polypeptide pattern on the gel did not coincide exactlywith those of the cell-free translation products. These findingsstrongly suggest that the process of leaf senescence is notsimply a passive and gradual death of the tissue, but involvesa drastic and sequential response of the cells to environmentalstimuli with respect to the gene expression of the cells. (Received July 21, 1987; Accepted September 30, 1987)  相似文献   
The effects of ricin and alpha-sarcin separately or in combination on the conformation of rat liver ribosomes were investigated by measuring the relative accessibility of individual ribosomal proteins to N-ethylmaleimide after 80S ribosomes were treated with these toxins. By using a double-labelling technique in which ribosomes were incubated with the toxins and then treated with 3H-labelled or 14C-labelled N-ethylmaleimide, it was found that labelling of protein L14 was specifically reduced by treatment with ricin, and that of proteins L3 and L4 by treatment with alpha-sarcin, suggesting that the toxins alter the conformation of ribosomes in the vicinity of these proteins. When ribosomes were treated with both ricin and alpha-sarcin, the extent of labelling of protein L3 was reduced compared to that observed after treatment with alpha-sarcin alone. These results are discussed in relation to previous observations showing that these three proteins are neighbours in the 60S ribosomal subunit and probably play important roles in protein biosynthesis, and in the actions of ricin and alpha-sarcin on 28S rRNA.  相似文献   
To clarify the regulation of central histaminergic (HAergic) activity by cholinergic receptors, the effects of drugs that stimulate the cholinergic system on brain histamine (HA) turnover were examined, in vivo, in mice and rats. The HA turnover was estimated from the accumulation of tele-methylhistamine (t-MH) during the 90-min period after administration of pargyline (65 mg/kg, i.p.). In the whole brain of mice, oxotremorine, at doses higher than 0.05 mg/kg, s.c., significantly inhibited the HA turnover, this effect being completely antagonized by atropine but not by methylatropine. A large dose of nicotine (10 mg/kg, s.c.) also significantly inhibited the HA turnover. This inhibitory effect was antagonized by mecamylamine but not by atropine or hexamethonium. A cholinesterase inhibitor, physostigmine, at doses higher than 0.1 mg/kg, s.c., significantly inhibited the HA turnover. This effect was antagonized by atropine but not at all by mecamylamine. None of these cholinergic antagonists used affected the steady-state t-MH level or HA turnover by themselves. In the rat brain, physostigmine (0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg, s.c.) also decreased the HA turnover. This inhibitory effect of physostigmine was especially marked in the striatum and cerebral cortex where muscarinic receptors are present in high density. Oxotremorine (0.2 mg/kg, s.c.) and nicotine (1 mg/kg, s.c.) also decreased the HA turnover in the rat brain. However, these effects showed no marked regional differences. These results suggest that the stimulation of central muscarinic receptors potently inhibits the HAergic activity in the brain and that strong stimulation of central nicotinic receptors can also induce a similar effect.  相似文献   
Thewm7 haplotype of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), derived from the Japanese wild mouseMus musculus molossinus, enhances recombination specific to female meiosis in theK/A interval of the MHC. We have mapped crossover points of fifteen independent recombinants from genetic crosses of thewm7 and laboratory haplotypes. Most of them were confined to a short segment of approximately 1 kilobase (kb) of DNA between theA 3 andA 2 genes, indicating the presence of a female-specific recombinational hotspot. Its location overlaps with a sex-independent hotspot previously identified in theMus musculus castaneus CAS3 haplotype. We have cloned and sequenced DNA fragments surrounding the hotspot from thewm7 haplotype and the corresponding regions from the hotspot-negative B10.A and C57BL/10 strains. There is no significant difference between the sequences of these three strains, or between these and the published sequences of the CAS3 and C57BL/6 strains. However, a comparison of this A3/A2 hotspot with a previously characterized hotspot in theE gene revealed that they have a very similar molecular organization. Each hotspot consists of two elements, the consensus sequence of the mouse middle repetitive MT family and the tetrameric repeated sequences, which are separated by 1 kb of DNA.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the DNA Data Bank of Japan nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers d90007-9. Offprint requests to: T. Shiroishi.  相似文献   
The susceptibility of 101 pneumococcal isolates from the respiratory tract during 1991–1994 was examined and compared with the susceptibility of isolates over the period of 1975–1990. A rapid increase of resistance was seen not only to penicillin but also other antimicrobial agents. During 1991–1994, 38% of all the isolates were resistant to penicillin. The rates of resistance during this period were 16–23% for three newer cephalosporins, 18% for imipenem, 69% for tetracycline, 31% for erythromycin, 20% for chloramphenicol and 9% for clindamycin. The use of antibiotics within one month prior to pneumococcal isolation was correlated with penicillin resistance (P < 0.05). Serotyping of the isolates by antiserum revealed differences in predominant types between penicillin-resistant (19F, 23F, 4) and -susceptible isolates (15, 4, 11A). Our data suggests that anti-pneumococcal antibiotics should be carefully chosen on the basis of susceptibility tests.  相似文献   
The behavior of visitors to the flowers of the orchidEpipactis thunbergii was studied, with special attention to the role of the epichile in the pollination process. Only four species of syrphid flies legitimately pollinated the flower, among whichSphaerophoria macrogaster was regarded as the most effective pollinator. The movable epichile, possessing a furrow at its base, played a critical role in the pollination process: it threw the syrphid fly onto the stigmatic surface when both sides of the basal slanting surface of the furrow were presumably pressed in the direction of the hypochile by the fore (and middle) legs of the retreating syrphid fly. At this moment, the fly received a set of pollinia on the thorax.  相似文献   
Anthidium septemspinosum is a solitary, tube-nesting bee. Studies onA. septemspinosum were made to investigate how offspring sex ratios were influenced by maternal conditions. Males were generally larger than females, indicating that parental investment between sexes differed. Body size was related to male mating success, but was not related to nesting success of females. Large and young mother bees, who had more ability to invest, invested more in male offspring while small and old mothers invested more in female offspring. These results indicate that mother bees of this species are able to adaptively manipulate offspring sex ratio in relation to their ability to invest in offspring, as predicted in mammals by Trivers & Willard (1973).  相似文献   
Postnatal change in the distribution of actin filaments in endothelial cells was studied in the rat aorta by use of rhodamine-phalloidin staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Endothelial cells of the rat aorta possessed two populations of actin filament bundles, namely, peripheral bands at the cell border and stress fibers running longitudinally in the cytoplasm. Aortic endothelial cells of the neonatal rat contained only stress fibers, whereas those of the 10-day-old rat developed both peripheral bands and stress fibers. After 20 days of age, aortic endothelial cells had predominantly peripheral bands with occasional stress fibers around the branch orifices. During postnatal development the length density of stress fibers in aortic endothelial cells decreased, whereas individual stress fibers in endothelial cells were shortened. Electron-microscopic observation revealed that the high intercellular boundaries of aortic endothelial cells at birth decreased in height and developed cytoplasmic interdigitations after 20 days of age. The occurrence of peripheral bands at the cell border is thought to be closely related to formation of cytoplasmic interdigitation which strengthens the mechanical connection between endothelial cells against increasing transmural pressure. Expression of stress fibers in aortic endothelial cells of the neonatal rat is supposed to be affected by longitudinal elongation of the developing aorta, whereas their postnatal decrease is though to be correlated with the change of fluid shear stress loaded in the aortic endothelium.  相似文献   
Mutualism is thought to face a threat of coextinction cascade because the loss of a member species could lead to the extinction of the other member. Despite this common emphasis on the perils of such knock-on effect, hitherto, the evolutionary causes leading to extinction have been less emphasised. Here, we examine how extinction could be triggered in mutualism and whether an evolutionary response to partner loss could prevent collateral extinctions, by theoretically examining the coevolution of the host exploitation by symbionts and host dependence on symbiosis. Our model reveals that mutualism is more vulnerable to co-extinction through adaptive evolution (evolutionary double suicide) than parasitism. Additionally, it shows that the risk of evolutionary double suicide rarely promotes the backward evolution to an autonomous (non-symbiotic) state. Our results provide a new perspective on the evolutionary fragility of mutualism and the rarity of observed evolutionary transitions from mutualism to parasitism.  相似文献   
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