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Summary Pollen dispersal by male and female Heliconius butterflies and hermit hummingbirds was examined in a natural population of the tropical vine Psiguria warscewiczii. Fluorescent dyes were used to track flowers visited by individual pollinators. Mean distance of pollen dispersal was significantly higher by males than by female Heliconius. Butterflies dispersed pollen greater distances than did hummingbirds. There were no significant differences in dispersal distance among species of Heliconius. The number of flowers or plants to which dye was dispersed was greater for Heliconius than for hummingbirds.The home range behavior and site specificity exhibited by Heliconius, together with the preference by most Heliconius species in the study site for Psiguria led us to examine the relationship between the butterflies' home range and its daily foraging among Psiguria. A Heliconius mark-recapture program was conducted simultaneously with the dye program. This study showed that individual butterflies, for which extensive recaptures were made, visited an area of Psiguria plants on any one day that corresponded to the area in which those butterflies were caught or observed. The area over which a butterfly moved was termed its home range; within home ranges relative movement by butterflies was estimated as the mean distance between sequential captures. This estimate differed significantly among species of Heliconius; males of all species moving greater distances than females.  相似文献   
Folliculogenesis was studied daily in the 18 oestrous cycles in six prolific Olkuska ewes from October to December using transrectal ultrasonography to record the number and size of all ovarian follicles > or =2 mm in diameter. Blood samples were taken once a day and were analyzed for concentrations of FSH, LH, estradiol and progesterone. Follicular and hormonal data were analyzed for associations between different stages of development of the follicular waves and concentrations of FSH and estradiol. The first wave during which at least one follicle reached maximum diameter of > or =4 mm after ovulation, was defined as a wave 1, and the following waves were numbered sequentially. Waves 1, 2, 3, 4 and the ovulatory one emerged on days: -2 to 4, 4 to 8, 6 to 11, 10 to 12 and 11 to 15, respectively. The mean number of follicles per wave that reached diameter of > or =4 mm was 4.15 +/- 1.1 and 16.62 +/- 8.6 follicles per estrous cycle of a total 299 follicles were observed. Significantly more follicles (p> or =0.05) emerged on days 2, 8 and 13 than in other days. Serum FSH concentrations fluctuated from 0.11 ngml(-1) on day 2 to preovulatory maximum 1.81 ngml(-1) on day 17 of the estrous cycle. The emergence of follicular waves was associated with elevations of FSH concentrations in blood serum. The mean increase in FSH concentration was followed by the recruitment of follicles of the next wave. The mean daily FSH concentration and the mean number of follicles emerging each day were negatively correlated. The length of the interwave interval (4.4 +/- 1.6 days) did not differ significantly from the interval between pulses of FSH (4.8 +/- 0.3 days). The mean serum estradiol concentrations showed fluctuations until day 14 and then gradually increased from 5.47 +/- 0.3 pgml(-1) to reach a peak 13.14 +/- 0.2 pgml(-1) on the day before ovulation. To summarize, the growth of ovarian follicles during the estrous cycle in high fecundity Olkuska sheep exhibited a distinct wave-like pattern. Ovarian follicles emerged from the pool of 2 mm follicles. The preovulatory follicles originated from the large follicle population were present in the ovary at the time of luteal regression. The initial stages of the growth of the largest follicles appears to be controlled primarily by increases in FSH secretion.  相似文献   
Using immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis we attempted to identify the estrogen receptors in ovine luteal cells at different stages of the estrous cycle. Monoclonal antibody against estrogen receptors was used for immunolocalization of estrogen receptor-alpha in corpora lutea sections. Generally, the most intense cytoplasm staining was present in large luteal cells. On the 6th day of the estrous cycle, weak immunostaining of estrogen receptors was observed in large luteal cells as well as in the connective tissue. Luteal cells from regressing corpora lutea expressed the weakest immunostaining. The most intense immunoreactivity for estrogen receptors was found in sections of corpora lutea collected on the 9th day of the cycle. Both, cytoplasmic and nuclear localization was observed depending on cell types in the ovine corpus luteum. Our studies demonstrated the presence of the estrogen receptor-alpha in the luteal cells and suggested an autocrine/paracrine role of estrogen in the regulation of estrous cycle in sheep.  相似文献   
The luteotropic activity of ovine placental lactogen (oPL) on different days of gestation in ewes was assessed using in vitro methods. Corpora lutea (CL) harvested on Days 45, 70, 95, 120 and 135 of gestation and during parturition were enzymatically dispersed and plated on multiwell plates. After 48 h of incubation, all cultures were terminated and media were frozen for further steroid analysis. Cells were cultured in control medium, with addition of oPL alone, or in combination with PGE2 or PGF2alpha. Supplementation of culture media with oPL increased basal progesterone secretion by cells isolated on Days 45 and 70 of gestation. There was no effect on progesterone secretion by cells isolated on other days of gestation; PGE2 added to the culture media increased progesterone production only by cells isolated on Day 70 of pregnancy. Simultaneous oPL treatment with PGE2 had a statistically significant and stimulatory effect on progesterone production by luteal cells collected on Days 70 and 95 of pregnancy. In contrast, PGF2alpha alone in culture media decreased progesterone secretion by cells isolated on Days 45, 70 and 95 of gestation, while oPL plus PGF2alpha on Days 70 and 95 of gestation protected against luteolytic action of PGF2alpha. The results showed 1) a direct effect of the oPL on luteal cells isolated on Days 45 and 70 of gestation; 2) synergism between PL and PGE2 in progesterone production; by cells isolated on Day 70; 3) and a luteoprotective effect of oPL against the luteolytic action of prostaglandin F (PGF2alpha) observed on Days 70 and 95 of gestation.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to determine if correlations exist between the numbers of microscopic follicles comprising ovarian follicular reserve (OFR) and antral follicle counts (AFCs), and to assess the usefulness of computerized analyses of ovarian ultrasonograms and magnetic resonance (MR) images for estimating OFR in excised porcine, ovine and bovine ovaries. As a pre-requisite to these analyses, we characterized and compared ovarian cortical histomorhpology and follicle populations in the three species varying in prolificacy and overall reproductive longevity, and hence the total number of microscopic and antral follicles. Ultrasonographic and MR images were obtained at the scanner settings optimized to provide opposing contrasts between antral follicles and the ovarian stroma. Commercially available ImageProPlus® analytical software was used to calculate numerical pixel values (NPVs) and pixel heterogeneity (standard deviation of the pixel values) along the computer-generated lines (4–6) placed in the area corresponding to the ovarian cortex. The numbers of primordial (r = 0.38, P < 0.01) and intermediate follicles (r = 0.37, P < 0.01) were correlated with the numbers of antral follicles in bovine ovarian sections. The numbers of primordial (r = 0.28, P < 0.05), intermediate (r = 0.31, P < 0.01) and primary follicles (r = 0.27, P < 0.05) correlated directly with mean NPVs of the ultrasonographic ovarian images in cattle. There was a negative correlation between primary follicle numbers and NPVs of MR images (3D FAST-SPOILED GRADIENT ECHO) of the porcine ovarian cortex (r = −0.31, P < 0.05). To summarize, the numbers of primordial and intermediate follicles could only be estimated from AFCs in cows. Using ultrasound NPVs, the numbers of primordial, intermediate and primary follicles could be directly estimated in bovine ovaries and the quantitative image attributes of MR images were useful for quantifying porcine primary follicles. The bovine ovarian model is compatible with human situation and hence future studies should be undertaken to ascertain the usefulness of AFCs and ultrasonographic image analyses for estimating OFR in women.  相似文献   
Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) are the most common cause of chronic kidney disease in children. This disease group includes a spectrum of urinary tract defects including vesicoureteral reflux, duplex kidneys and other developmental defects that can be found alone or in combination. To identify new regulators of CAKUT, we tested the genetic cooperativity between several key regulators of urogenital system development in mice. We found a high incidence of urinary tract anomalies in Pax2;Emx2 compound heterozygous mice that are not found in single heterozygous mice. Pax2+/−;Emx2+/− mice harbor duplex systems associated with urinary tract obstruction, bifid ureter and a high penetrance of vesicoureteral reflux. Remarkably, most compound heterozygous mice refluxed at low intravesical pressure. Early analysis of Pax2+/−;Emx2+/− embryos point to ureter budding defects as the primary cause of urinary tract anomalies. We additionally establish Pax2 as a direct regulator of Emx2 expression in the Wolffian duct. Together, these results identify a haploinsufficient genetic combination resulting in CAKUT-like phenotype, including a high sensitivity to vesicoureteral reflux. As both genes are located on human chromosome 10q, which is lost in a proportion of VUR patients, these findings may help understand VUR and CAKUT in humans.  相似文献   
Stem cell differentiation is controlled intrinsically by dynamic networks of interacting lineage-specifying and multipotency genes. However, the relationship between internal genetic dynamics and extrinsic regulation of internal dynamics is complex and, in the case of skeletal progenitor cell differentiation, incompletely understood. In this study we elucidate a set of candidate markers of multipotency in human skeletal progenitor cells by systematic study of the relationships between gene expression and environmental stimulus. We used full genome cDNA microarrays to explore gene expression profiles in skeletal progenitor enriched populations derived from adult human bone marrow, minimally cultured in basal, osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic lineage-specifying culture conditions. We then used a variety of statistical clustering procedures to identify a small subset of genes which are related to these stromal lineages but are specific to none. For a selection of 11 key genes, conclusions of the microarray study were confirmed using quantitative real-time PCR.  相似文献   
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