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The chromosome complement of hybrid males from the cross between Drosophila miranda female and D. persimilis male provides an interesting chromosomal situation where an autosome, the 3rd chromosome of D. persimilis, coexists with a homologue that developed into a sex chromosome, the X2 in D. miranda. Except for certain inversions and a few minor translocations, these two chromosomes (X2 and the 3rd) still look alike as polytene elements. However, in hybrid males pairing of the two chromosomes, the X2 and 3rd, is rare, while in female hybrids it occurs frequently. — 3H-TdR labeling shows that while the X2 and 3rd chromosomes replicate synchronously in hybrid female, in the hybrid male the former completes its replication earlier than the 3rd chromosome, as do the two arms of the X1 (XL and XR). The frequency and relative intensity of 3H-TdR labeling of each site of the X2 and that of the 3rd chromosome in hybrid males closely agree with those of the corresponding sites in the X2 of the miranda male and the 3rd chromosome of the persimilis male (or female), respectively. The results suggest that timing and rate of replication of the X2 are determined autonomously and follow the pattern in the respective parental species.  相似文献   
Cys126 is a completely conserved residue in triosephosphate isomerase that is proximal to the active site but has been ascribed no specific role in catalysis. A previous study of the C126S and C126A mutants of yeast TIM reported substantial catalytic activity for the mutant enzymes, leading to the suggestion that this residue is implicated in folding and stability [Gonzalez-Mondragon E et al. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 3255-3263]. We re-examined the role of Cys126 with the Plasmodium falciparum enzyme as a model. Five mutants, C126S, C126A, C126V, C126M, and C126T, were characterized. Crystal structures of the 3-phosphoglycolate-bound C126S mutant and the unliganded forms of the C126S and C126A mutants were determined at a resolution of 1.7-2.1 ?. Kinetic studies revealed an approximately five-fold drop in k(cat) for the C126S and C126A mutants, whereas an approximately 10-fold drop was observed for the other three mutants. At ambient temperature, the wild-type enzyme and all five mutants showed no concentration dependence of activity. At higher temperatures (> 40 °C), the mutants showed a significant concentration dependence, with a dramatic loss in activity below 15 μM. The mutants also had diminished thermal stability at low concentration, as monitored by far-UV CD. These results suggest that Cys126 contributes to the stability of the dimer interface through a network of interactions involving His95, Glu97, and Arg98, which form direct contacts across the dimer interface.  相似文献   
Oral sub-mucous fibrosis (OSF) is a pathophysiological state of oral cavity or oropharynx having a high chance of conversion to oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). It involves fibrotic transformation of sub-epithelial matrix along with epithelial abnormalities. The present work aims to unveil the mechanistic domain regarding OSF to OSCC conversion exploring the scenario of hypoxia associated oxidative stress, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), metastasis and stemness acquisition. The study involves histopathological analysis of the diseased condition along with the exploration of oxidative stress status, assessment of mitochondrial condition, immunohistochemical analysis of HIF-1α, E-cadherin, vimentin, ERK, ALDH-1, CD133, Shh, Gli-1 and survivin expressions in the oral epithelial region together with the quantitative approach towards collagen deposition in the sub-epithelial matrix. Oxidative stress was found to be associated with type-II EMT in case of OSF attributing the development of sub-epithelial fibrosis and type-III EMT in case of OSCC favoring malignancy associated metastasis. Moreover, the acquisition of stemness during OSCC can also be correlated with EMT. Alteration of Shh and Gli-1 expression pattern revealed the mechanistic association of hypoxia with the phenotypic plasticity and disease manifestation in case of OSF as well as OSCC. Shh/ Gli-1 signaling can also be correlated with survivin mediated cytoprotective phenomenon under oxidative stress. Overall, the study established the correlative network of hypoxia associated oxidative stress, EMT and manifestation of oral pre-cancerous and cancerous condition in a holistic approach that may throw rays of hope in the therapeutic domain of the concerned diseases.  相似文献   
The cultivation of shiitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes) is increasing rapidly in Bangladesh due to its nutritional and medicinal importance with excellent flavor and longer shelf life. With the aim of increased production, we have cultivated L. edodes on saw dust (SD) supplemented with different levels (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%) of wheat bran (WB), rice bran (RB), maize powder (MP) and their combination (WB+RB+MP = 1:1:1) to investigate the growth, yield and quality of this mushroom. Most of the growth, yield and quality parameters varied significantly when mushrooms were cultivated with different levels of supplementation. The yield of mushroom was increased with the level of each supplementation upto a certain level, and then decreased. SD supplemented with 25% WB produced the highest number of fruiting bodies (34.8/500 g packet), highest biological yield (153.3/500 g packet), and biological efficiency (76.6%) of L. edodes. But the yield of the best quality mushroom was observed on SD with 40% WB supplementation; however, the qualities were not always supplementation dose dependent. In this study, we report that 25% WB supplementation with SD may be very effective for higher yield and 40% WB supplementation for better quality of L. edodes.  相似文献   
We previously developed peptides that bind to G protein betagamma subunits and selectively block interactions between betagamma subunits and a subset of effectors in vitro (Scott, J. K., Huang, S. F., Gangadhar, B. P., Samoriski, G. M., Clapp, P., Gross, R. A., Taussig, R., and Smrcka, A. V. (2001) EMBO J. 20, 767-776). Here, we created cell-permeating versions of some of these peptides by N-terminal modification with either myristate or the cell permeation sequence from human immunodeficiency virus TAT protein. The myristoylated betagamma-binding peptide (mSIRK) applied to primary rat arterial smooth muscle cells caused rapid activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 in the absence of an agonist. This activation did not occur if the peptide lacked a myristate at the N terminus, if the peptide had a single point mutation to eliminate betagamma subunit binding, or if the cells stably expressed the C terminus of betaARK1. A human immunodeficiency virus TAT-modified peptide (TAT-SIRK) and a myristoylated version of a second peptide (mSCAR) that binds to the same site on betagamma subunits as mSIRK, also caused extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. mSIRK also stimulated Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, and phospholipase C activity and caused Ca2+ release from internal stores. When tested with purified G protein subunits in vitro, SIRK promoted alpha subunit dissociation from betagamma subunits without stimulating nucleotide exchange. These data suggest a novel mechanism by which selective betagamma-binding peptides can release G protein betagamma subunits from heterotrimers to stimulate G protein pathways in cells.  相似文献   
Mechanisms for heterotrimeric G protein activation that do not rely on G protein coupled receptor activation are becoming increasingly apparent. We recently identified beta gamma subunit-binding peptides that we proposed bound to a "hot spot" on beta gamma subunits, stimulating G protein dissociation without stimulating nucleotide exchange and activating G protein signaling in intact cells. AGS3, a member of the activators of G protein signaling family of proteins, also activates G protein signaling in a nucleotide exchange-independent manner, and AGS3 homologues are involved in asymmetric cell division during development. Here we demonstrate that a consensus G protein regulatory (GPR) peptide from AGS3 and related proteins is sufficient to induce G protein subunit dissociation and that both the GPR and hot spot-binding peptides promote dissociation to extents comparable with a known G protein activator, AMF. Peptides derived from adenylyl cyclase 2 and GRK2 prevented formation of the heterotrimeric complex but did not alter the rate of alpha subunit dissociation from beta gamma subunits. These data indicate that these nucleotide exchange-independent G protein activator peptides do not simply compete for alpha interactions with beta gamma subunits, but actively promote subunit dissociation. Thus, we propose two novel mechanisms for nucleotide exchange independent activation of G protein signaling, one that involves conformational changes in the alpha subunit and one that involves conformational changes in the beta gamma subunits.  相似文献   
Autotaxin (ATX) is a catalytic protein, which possesses lysophospholipase D activity, and thus involved in cellular membrane lipid metabolism and remodeling. Primarily, ATX was thought as a culprit protein for cancer, which potently stimulates cancer cell proliferation and tumor cell motility, augments the tumorigenicity and induces angiogenic responses. The product of ATX catalyzed reaction, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a potent mitogen, which facilitates cell proliferation and migration, neurite retraction, platelet aggregation, smooth muscle contraction, actin stress formation and cytokine and chemokine secretion. In addition to LPA formation, later ATX has been found to catalyze the formation of cyclic phosphatidic acid (cPA), which have antitumor role by antimitogenic regulation of cell cycle, inhibition of cancer invasion and metastasis. Furthermore, the very attractive information to the scientists is that the LPA/cPA formation can be altered at different physiological conditions. Thus the dual role of ATX with the scope of product manipulation has made ATX a novel target for cancer treatment.  相似文献   
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