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Arctic plants and herbivores are subject to ongoing climatic changes that are more rapid and extreme than elsewhere on the planet, and thus it is pivotal to understand the arctic plant-herbivore interactions in a global change context. We examined how infestation by an eriophyoid gall mite affects the circumpolar shrub Salix arctica, and how the effects vary across vegetation types. Specifically, we compared multiple leaf characteristics (leaf area, biomass, nutrient levels, δ15N and δ13C, and stress and performance of the photosynthetic apparatus) of infested leaves to those of un-infested leaves. Furthermore, we examined how altered environmental conditions, here experimentally manipulated levels of temperature, water and nutrients, shading, and UV-B radiation, affect the prevalence, density, and intensity of gall mite infestation and its impacts on S. arctica. Infested leaves were smaller in area and biomass and had lower nitrogen and carbon pools. However, their carbon concentration was higher, possibly because the galls acted as carbon sinks. The smaller photosynthetic area and lower nutrient content caused increased stress on the photosynthetic apparatus in infested leaves. The remaining leaf tissue responded with a higher photosynthetic performance, although there were indications of a general reduction in photosynthesis. Female leaves were more affected than male leaves. The experimental manipulations of environmental conditions did not affect the gall prevalence, density, or intensity on S. arctica leaves. Rather, plants responded positively to the treatments, reducing the effects of the galls to in-significance. This suggests a higher tolerance and defense against gall mites under future climate conditions.  相似文献   
Ecosystems - Herbivores are key drivers of vegetation dynamics in most ecosystems. However, the effect of high arctic herbivores on vegetation dynamics throughout a growing season is not well...  相似文献   
The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains is a widespread problem in contemporary medical practice and drug design. It is therefore important to elucidate the underlying mechanism in each case. The methyltransferase AviRa from Streptomyces viridochromogenes mediates resistance to the antibiotic avilamycin, which is closely related to evernimicin, an oligosaccharide antibiotic that has been used in medical studies. The structure of AviRa was determined by X-ray diffraction at 1.5A resolution. Phases were obtained from one selenomethionine residue introduced by site-directed mutagenesis. The chain-fold is similar to that of most methyltransferases, although AviRa contains two additional helices as a specific feature. A putative-binding site for the cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine was derived from homologous structures. It agrees with the conserved pattern of interacting amino acid residues. AviRa methylates a specific guanine base within the peptidyltransferase loop of the 23S ribosomal RNA. Guided by the target, the enzyme was docked to the cognate ribosomal surface, where it fit well into a deep cleft without contacting any ribosomal protein. The two additional alpha-helices of AviRa filled a depression in the surface. Since the transferred methyl group of the cofactor is in a pocket beneath the enzyme surface, the targeted guanine base has to flip out for methylation.  相似文献   


The bacterial biothreat agents Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei are the cause of glanders and melioidosis, respectively. Genomic and epidemiological studies have shown that B. mallei is a recently emerged, host restricted clone of B. pseudomallei.  相似文献   
BackgroundA surgical safety checklist (SSC) was implemented and routinely evaluated within our hospital. The purpose of this study was to analyze compliance, knowledge of and satisfaction with the SSC to determine further improvements.MethodsThe implementation of the SSC was observed in a pilot unit. After roll-out into each operating theater, compliance with the SSC was routinely measured. To assess subjective and objective knowledge, as well as satisfaction with the SSC implementation, an online survey (N = 891) was performed.ResultsDuring two test runs in a piloting unit, 305 operations were observed, 175 in test run 1 and 130 in test run 2. The SSC was used in 77.1% of all operations in test run 1 and in 99.2% in test run 2. Within used SSCs, completion rates were 36.3% in test run 1 and 1.6% in test run 2. After roll-out, three unannounced audits took place and showed that the SSC was used in 95.3%, 91.9% and 89.9%. Within used SSCs, completion rates decreased from 81.7% to 60.6% and 53.2%. In 2014, 164 (18.4%) operating team members responded to the online survey, 160 of which were included in the analysis. 146 (91.3%) consultants and nursing staff reported to use the SSC regularly in daily routine.ConclusionThese data show that the implementation of new tools such as the adapted WHO SSC needs constant supervision and instruction until it becomes self-evident and accepted. Further efforts, consisting mainly of hands-on leadership and training are necessary.  相似文献   


Positron Emission Tomography - Computer Tomography (PET-CT) is an interesting imaging technique to visualize Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) activity using specific PET tracers. Previous studies have shown that the PET tracers [18F]FDG and [11C](R)PK11195 can target inflammation (synovitis) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and may therefore be useful in AS. Another interesting tracer for AS is [18F]Fluoride, which targets bone formation. In a pilot setting, the potential of PET-CT in imaging AS activity was tested using different tracers, with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and conventional radiographs as reference.


In a stepwise approach different PET tracers were investigated. First, whole body [18F]FDG and [11C](R)PK11195 PET-CT scans were obtained of ten AS patients fulfilling the modified New York criteria. According to the BASDAI five of these patients had low and five had high disease activity. Secondly, an extra PET-CT scan using [18F]Fluoride was made of two additional AS patients with high disease activity. MRI scans of the total spine and sacroiliac joints were performed, and conventional radiographs of the total spine and sacroiliac joints were available for all patients. Scans and radiographs were visually scored by two observers blinded for clinical data.


No increased [18F]FDG and [11C](R)PK11195 uptake was noticed on PET-CT scans of the first 10 patients. In contrast, MRI demonstrated a total of five bone edema lesions in three out of 10 patients. In the two additional AS patients scanned with [18F]Fluoride PET-CT, [18F]Fluoride depicted 17 regions with increased uptake in both vertebral column and sacroiliac joints. In contrast, [18F]FDG depicted only three lesions, with an uptake of five times lower compared to [18F]Fluoride, and again no [11C](R)PK11195 positive lesions were found. In these two patients, MRI detected nine lesions and six out of nine matched with the anatomical position of [18F]Fluoride uptake. Conventional radiographs showed structural bony changes in 11 out of 17 [18F]Fluoride PET positive lesions.


Our PET-CT data suggest that AS activity is reflected by bone activity (formation) rather than inflammation. The results also show the potential value of PET-CT for imaging AS activity using the bone tracer [18F]Fluoride. In contrast to active RA, inflammation tracers [18F]FDG and [11C](R)PK11195 appeared to be less useful for AS imaging.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas fluorescens is able to grow on R-benzoin as the sole carbon and energy source because it harbours the enzyme benzaldehyde lyase that cleaves the acyloin linkage using thiamine diphosphate (ThDP) as a cofactor. In the reverse reaction, this lyase catalyses the carboligation of two aldehydes with high substrate and stereospecificity. The enzyme structure was determined by X-ray diffraction at 2.6 A resolution. A structure-based comparison with other proteins showed that benzaldehyde lyase belongs to a group of closely related ThDP-dependent enzymes. The ThDP cofactors of these enzymes are fixed at their two ends in separate domains, suspending a comparatively mobile thiazolium ring between them. While the residues binding the two ends of ThDP are well conserved, the lining of the active centre pocket around the thiazolium moiety varies greatly within the group. Accounting for the known reaction chemistry, the natural substrate R-benzoin was modelled unambiguously into the active centre of the reported benzaldehyde lyase. Due to its substrate spectrum and stereospecificity, the enzyme extends the synthetic potential for carboligations appreciably.  相似文献   
The mutantIncisiva (Ic) found in a German population ofLymaniria dispar L. is characterized by a semicircular to parabolic incision on the tips of the hind-wings (occasionally on the forewing also). The inheritance of this character is dominant, autosomal, and presumably monofactorial. Penetrance and expressivity of theIncisiva-allele are strongly temperature dependent. As a rule the penetrance increases with decreasing temperatures from 0% in 27°C-cultures to 100% in 16°C-cultures. Modifying genes which are partly sex-linked can considerably decrease the penetrance of the gene in cold-cultured individuals. At low temperatures incisions are often observed even on the tips of the fore-wings. In this case the hind-wings are split up to the base, thus displacing or even suppressing the radial and median veins. The size of incisions and their occurrence in fore-wings are influenced by the genetic background. The temperature sensitive period forIc mutant manifestation was determined to be lying in the last but two instar before pupation i.e. in the 4th in ♂♂, and in the 5th in ♀♀. This temperature sensitive phase coincides with the initial stages of development of the presumptive wing-blade in the imaginal disc. The wing incision is recognizable as a split already before the main growth period of the wing-blade at the beginning of the last larval instar.   相似文献   
The ecdysteroid titre and the body weight during the last-larval instar of Ephestia kuehniella were determined. Slightly elevated ecdysteroid titres occur during the first 12 h following the last larval-larval ecdysis (38 ng/g) and again some 120 h later, lasting about 48 h (33 ng/g). A high ecdysteroid peak (750 ng/g) with a maximum in prepupae of the eye-class A4 precedes the larval-pupal ecdysis. The basal levels between these increased ecdysteroid titres are between 13 ng/g and 15 ng/g. Compared with the body weight, the first sligtly increased ecdysteroid titre 12 h after ecdysis is associated with the beginning of food intake, the second increase at 144 h after ecdysis with reduced gain in body weight. The prepupal ecdysteroid peak occurs whilst the body weight remains constant. Correlations between the varying ecdysteroid titre and morphological and physiological events accompanying the progress in larval-pupal development are discussed.  相似文献   
Mammals detect temperature with specialized neurons in the peripheral nervous system. Four TRPV-class channels have been implicated in sensing heat, and one TRPM-class channel in sensing cold. The combined range of temperatures that activate these channels covers a majority of the relevant physiological spectrum sensed by most mammals, with a significant gap in the noxious cold range. Here, we describe the characterization of ANKTM1, a cold-activated channel with a lower activation temperature compared to the cold and menthol receptor, TRPM8. ANKTM1 is a distant family member of TRP channels with very little amino acid similarity to TRPM8. It is found in a subset of nociceptive sensory neurons where it is coexpressed with TRPV1/VR1 (the capsaicin/heat receptor) but not TRPM8. Consistent with the expression of ANKTM1, we identify noxious cold-sensitive sensory neurons that also respond to capsaicin but not to menthol.  相似文献   
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