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Identification and characterization of the nuclear proteome is important for detailed understanding of multiple signaling events in eukaryotic cells. Toward this goal, we extensively characterized the nuclear proteome of human T leukemia cells by sequential extraction of nuclear proteins with different physicochemical properties using three buffer conditions. This large scale proteomic study also tested the feasibility and technical challenges associated with stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) to uncover quantitative changes during apoptosis. Analyzing proteins from three nuclear fractions extracted from naive and apoptotic cells generated 780,530 MS/MS spectra that were used for database searching using the SEQUEST algorithm. This analysis resulted in the identification and quantification of 1,174 putative nuclear proteins. A number of known nuclear proteins involved in apoptosis as well as novel proteins not known to be part of the nuclear apoptotic machinery were identified and quantified. Consistent with SILAC-based quantifications, immunofluorescence staining of nucleus, mitochondria, and some associated proteins from both organelles revealed a dynamic recruitment of mitochondria into nuclear invaginations during apoptosis.  相似文献   


Tissue-specific gene deletion has proved informative in the analysis of pain pathways. Advillin has been shown to be a pan-neuronal marker of spinal and cranial sensory ganglia. We generated BAC transgenic mice using the Advillin promoter to drive a tamoxifen-inducible CreERT2 recombinase construct in order to be able to delete genes in adult animals. We used a floxed stop ROSA26LacZ reporter mouse to examine functional Cre expression, and analysed the behaviour of mice expressing Cre recombinase.


We used recombineering to introduce a CreERT2 cassette in place of exon 2 of the Advillin gene into a BAC clone (RPCI23-424F19) containing the 5' region of the Advillin gene. Transgenic mice were generated using pronuclear injection. The resulting AvCreERT2 transgenic mice showed a highly specific expression pattern of Cre activity after tamoxifen induction. Recombinase activity was confined to sensory neurons and no expression was found in other organs. Less than 1% of neurons showed Cre expression in the absence of tamoxifen treatment. Five-day intraperitoneal treatment with tamoxifen (2 mg per day) induced Cre recombination events in ≈90% of neurons in dorsal root and cranial ganglia. Cell counts of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) from transgenic animals with or without tamoxifen treatment showed no neuronal cell loss. Sensory neurons in culture showed ≈70% induction after 3 days treatment with tamoxifen. Behavioural tests showed no differences between wildtype, AvCreERT2 and tamoxifen-treated animals in terms of motor function, responses to light touch and noxious pressure, thermal thresholds as well as responses to inflammatory agents.


Our results suggest that the inducible pan-DRG AvCreERT2 deleter mouse strain is a useful tool for studying the role of individual genes in adult sensory neuron function. The pain phenotype of the Cre-induced animal is normal; therefore any alterations in pain processing can be unambiguously attributed to loss of the targeted gene.  相似文献   
Multisite phosphorylation is an important mechanism for achieving intricate regulation of protein function. Here we extended the absolute quantification of abundance (AQUA) methodology and validated its applicability to quantitatively study multisite phosphorylation. As a test case, we chose the conserved inhibitory site of the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), Cdk1, Cdk2, and Cdk3, which are important regulators of cell cycle transitions and apoptosis. Inhibitory phosphorylation at Thr(14) and Tyr(15) of the CDKs is modulated by complex regulatory mechanisms involving multiple kinases and phosphatases. Yet the resulting quantitative dynamics among the four possible phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated versions of CDKs (T14p-Y15p, T14p-Y15, T14-Y15p, and T14-Y15) has not been investigated to date. Hence we used the heavy isotope-labeled tryptic peptides spanning the inhibitory site as internal standards and quantified all four versions by LC-selected reaction monitoring. Quantification of the phosphorylation status of the inhibitory site in the cell extracts provided novel quantitative insights. 1) The transition to mitotic phase was dominated by the conversion of "T14p-Y15p" to the "T14-Y15" form, whereas the two monophosphorylated forms were considerably lower in abundance. 2) The amount of all four forms decreased during the progression of apoptosis but with differing kinetics. Analysis of immunoprecipitated Cdk1 and Cdk2 revealed that the inhibitory site phosphorylation state of both kinases at different stages of the cell cycle followed the same trend. Quantitative immunoblotting using antibodies to Cdk1 and Cdk2 and to the T14-Y15p form suggested that quantification by AQUA was reliable and accurate. These results highlight the utility of internal standard peptides to achieve accurate quantification of multisite phosphorylation status.  相似文献   
ATP-activated P2X3 receptors of sensory ganglion neurons contribute to pain transduction and are involved in chronic pain signaling. Although highly homologous (97%) in rat and human species, it is unclear whether P2X3 receptors have identical function. Studying human and rat P2X3 receptors expressed in patch-clamped human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells, we investigated the role of non-conserved tyrosine residues in the C-terminal domain (rat tyrosine-393 and human tyrosine-376) as key determinants of receptor function. In comparison with rat P2X3 receptors, human P2X3 receptors were more expressed and produced larger responses with slower desensitization and faster recovery. In general, desensitization was closely related to peak current amplitude for rat and human receptors. Downsizing human receptor expression to the same level of the rat one still yielded larger responses retaining slower desensitization and faster recovery. Mutating phenylalanine-376 into tyrosine in the rat receptor did not change current amplitude; yet, it retarded desensitization onset, demonstrating how this residue was important to functionally link these two receptor states. Conversely, removing tyrosine from position 376 strongly down-regulated human receptor function. The different topology of tyrosine residues in the C-terminal domain has contrasting functional consequences and is sufficient to account for species-specific properties of this pain-transducing channel.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis is tightly controlled by assembly of an intricate ribonucleoprotein complex at the m7GTP-cap on eukaryotic mRNAs. Ensuing linear scanning of the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) is believed to transfer the preinitiation complex to the initiation codon. Eukaryotic mRNAs are characterized by significant 5′ UTR heterogeneity, raising the possibility of differential control of translation initiation rate at individual mRNAs. Curiously, many mRNAs with unconventional, highly structured 5′ UTRs encode proteins with central biological roles in growth control, metabolism, or stress response. The 5′ UTRs of such mRNAs may influence protein synthesis rate in multiple ways, but most significantly they have been implicated in mediating alternative means of translation initiation. Cap-independent initiation bypasses strict control over the formation of initiation intermediates at the m7GTP cap. However, the molecular mechanisms that favor alternative means of ribosome recruitment are not understood. Here we provide evidence that eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4G controls cap-independent translation initiation at the c-myc and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) 5′ UTRs in vivo. Cap-independent translation was investigated in tetracycline-inducible cell lines expressing either full-length eIF4G or a C-terminal fragment (Ct) lacking interaction with eIF4E and poly(A) binding protein. Expression of Ct, but not intact eIF4G, potently stimulated cap-independent initiation at the c-myc/VEGF 5′ UTRs. In vitro RNA-binding assays suggest that stimulation of cap-independent translation initiation by Ct is due to direct association with the c-myc/VEGF 5′ UTR, enabling 43S preinitiation complex recruitment. Our work demonstrates that variant translation initiation factors enable unconventional translation initiation at mRNA subsets with distinct structural features.  相似文献   
During mitosis, global translation is suppressed, while synthesis of proteins with vital mitotic roles must go on. Prior evidence suggests that the mitotic translation shift involves control of initiation. Yet, no signals specifically targeting translation initiation factors during mitosis have been identified. We used phosphoproteomics to investigate the central translation initiation scaffold and “ribosome adaptor,” eukaryotic initiation factor 4G1 (eIF4G1) in interphase or nocodazole-arrested mitotic cells. This approach and kinase inhibition assays, in vitro phosphorylation with recombinant kinase, and kinase depletion-reconstitution experiments revealed that Ser1232 in eIF4G1 is phosphorylated by cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1):cyclin B during mitosis. Ser1232 is located in an unstructured region of the C-terminal portion of eIF4G1 that coordinates assembly of the eIF4G/-4A/-4B helicase complex and binding of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal-integrating kinase, Mnk. Intense phosphorylation of Ser1232 in mitosis strongly enhanced the interactions of eIF4A with HEAT domain 2 of eIF4G and decreased association of eIF4G/-4A with RNA. Our findings implicate phosphorylation of eIF4G1(Ser1232) by Cdk1:cyclin B and its inhibitory effects on eIF4A helicase activity in the mitotic translation initiation shift.  相似文献   
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