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The AMmtDB database (http://bighost.area.ba.cnr.it/mitochondriome) has been updated by collecting the multi-aligned sequences of Chordata and Invertebrata mitochondrial genes coding for proteins and tRNAs. Links to the multi-aligned mtDNA intraspecies variants, collected in VarMmtDB at the Mitochondriome web site, have been introduced. The genes coding for proteins are multi-aligned based on the translated sequences and both the nucleotide and amino acid multi-alignments are provided. AMmtDB data selected through SRS can be viewed and managed using GeneDoc or other programs for the management of multi-aligned data depending on the user’s operative system. The multiple alignments have been produced with CLUSTALW and PILEUP programs and then carefully optimized manually.  相似文献   
One of the diagnostic hallmarks of the histological lesions associated with celiac disease is the extensive infiltration of the small intestinal epithelium by CD8(+) T cells of unknown Ag specificity. In this study, we report recognition of the gliadin-derived peptide (A-gliadin 123-132) by CD8(+) T lymphocytes from celiac patients. A-gliadin 123-132-specific IFN-gamma production and cytotoxic activity were detected in PBMCs derived from patients on gluten-free diet, but not from either celiac patients on gluten-containing diet or healthy controls. In contrast, A-gliadin 123-132-specific cells were isolated from small intestine biopsies of patients on either gluten-free or gluten-containing diets. Short-term T cell lines derived from the small intestinal mucosa and specific for the 123-132 epitope recognized human APC pulsed with either whole recombinant alpha-gliadin or a partial pepsin-trypsin gliadin digest. Finally, we speculate on a possible mechanism leading to processing and presentation of class I-restricted gliadin-derived epitopes in celiac disease patients.  相似文献   
The protein composition of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria consists of about 20 immunochemically distinct proteins, termed outer membrane proteins (OMPs). Apart from their structural role, OMPs have been shown to have other functions, particularly with regard to transport, and have been classified as permeases and porins. Porins, during their interaction with the host, are immunogenic and also directly stimulate several cellular functions. Porins work both as molecules present on the bacterial surface and as molecules released by bacteria. Lipopolysaccharide and OMPs, the major structural macromolecular constituents of the outer membrane, carry out a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of Gram-negative infections. This brief review describes the multiple facets of the biological activities of porins both in vitro and in vivo, particularly focusing on their ability to induce the expression of cytokines and other factors that modulate cellular activities with either pathological or adaptive consequences. This brief discussion will focus on the signal transmission mechanisms induced by bacterial porins.  相似文献   
KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 subunits belong to the six transmembrane domain K+ channel family and loss of function mutations are associated with benign familial neonatal convulsions. KCNE2 (MirP1) is a single transmembrane domain subunit first described to be a modulator of the HERG potassium channel in the heart. Here, we show that KCNE2 is present in brain, in areas which also express KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 channels. We demonstrate that KCNE2 associates with KCNQ2 and/or KCNQ3 subunits. In transiently transfected COS cells, KCNE2 expression produces an acceleration of deactivation kinetics of KCNQ2 and of the KCNQ2–KCNQ3 complex. Effects of two previously identified arrhythmogenic mutations of KCNE2 have also been analyzed.  相似文献   
This paper is the first report on the use of the electron microscopy autoradiography technique to detect metabolically tritium labeled sphingolipids in intact cells in culture.To label cell sphingolipids, human fibroblasts in culture were fed by a 24 hours pulse, repeated 5 times, of 3×10–7 M [1-3H]sphingosine. [1-3H]sphingosine was efficently taken up by the cells and very rapidly used for the biosynthesis of complex sphingolipids, including neutral glycolipids, gangliosides, ceramide and sphingomyelin. The treatment with [1-3H]sphingosine did not induce any morphological alteration of cell structures, and well preserved cells, plasma membranes, and intracellular organelles could be observed by microscopy.Ultrathin sections from metabolic radiolabeled cells were coated with autoradiographic emulsion. One to four weeks of exposition resulted in pictures where the location of radioactive sphingolipids was evidenced by the characteristic appearance of silver grains as irregular coiled ribbons of metallic silver. Radioactive sphingolipids were found at the level of the plasma membranes, on the endoplasmic reticulum and inside of cytoplasmic vesicles. Thus, electron microscopy autoradiography is a very useful technique to study sphingolipid-enriched membrane domain organization and biosynthesis.  相似文献   


Despite being the fastest growing and the most cognitively impaired age group, the oldest olds are under-represented in clinical research. The purpose of this study was to describe the design, methods, and baseline characteristics of the survey population and investigate possible differences in demographic, cognitive, functional, and behavioral characteristics between oldest old with and without any performance on cognitive tests and between oldest old alive and those deceased prior to the interview.


The Monzino 80-plus Study is a prospective door-to-door population-based survey among 80 years or older residents in the municipalities in the province of Varese, Italy. Dementia cases were identified with a one-phase design. Trained psychologists interviewed both the subject and a proxy informant. The interview included a comprehensive standardized questionnaire together with an array of rating scales and a multidomain cognitive battery to assess cognitive and functional ability, behavioral disturbances and mood.


Information was available for 2,139 of the 2,428 registered individuals aged 80 years or older. Main baseline characteristics of the population are reported and discussed. In comparison with those living, elderly persons who had died before the first visit were older, had twice the rate of institutionalization, poorer cognitive performance and competence, and significantly greater instrumental and basic functional disability. The percentage of elderly persons, alive at baseline, without Mini-Mental State Examination rose rather evenly with age. Moreover, they had significantly worse cognitive competence and functional ability, and reported higher prevalences of depressive symptoms and problem behaviors than those with Mini-Mental State Examination.


Prospective investigation of a large population of oldest old can contribute significantly to understanding the relations between age, cognitive decline, and dementia occurrence. Use of informant-based instruments in surveys in the oldest old is crucial in assessing everyday functioning and changes, especially in participants with no cognitive test performance available. Failure to include information on deceased elderly would underestimate, increasingly with age, the prevalence of cognitive and functional disability in the elderly population.  相似文献   
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) has been reported to be involved in the etiology of pathological features of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Cannabidiol (CBD), a Cannabis derivative devoid of psychomimetic effects, has attracted much attention because of its promising neuroprotective properties in rat AD models, even though the mechanism responsible for such actions remains unknown. This study was aimed at exploring whether CBD effects could be subordinate to its activity at PPARγ, which has been recently indicated as its putative binding site. CBD actions on β-amyloid-induced neurotoxicity in rat AD models, either in presence or absence of PPAR antagonists were investigated. Results showed that the blockade of PPARγ was able to significantly blunt CBD effects on reactive gliosis and subsequently on neuronal damage. Moreover, due to its interaction at PPARγ, CBD was observed to stimulate hippocampal neurogenesis. All these findings report the inescapable role of this receptor in mediating CBD actions, here reported.  相似文献   
Human fibroblasts, rat neurons, and murine neuroblastoma cells, cultured in the presence of fetal calf serum, were fed with [1-(3)H]sphingosine to radiolabel sphingolipids. The fate of cell sphingolipids, the release of sphingolipids in the culture medium, the interaction of sphingolipids with the proteins and lipoproteins of fetal calf serum, and the fate of sphingolipids taken up by the cells were investigated. For this latter purpose, the culture medium containing radioactive sphingolipids was delivered to nonlabeled cells. The presence of tritium at position 1 of sphingosine allowed us to follow the extent of sphingolipid catabolism by measuring the production of radioactive phosphatidylethanolamine and proteins by recycling the radioactive ethanolamine formed during sphingosine catabolism and the production of tritiated water. We confirmed that in cells the recycling of sphingosine occurred to a high extent and that only a minor portion of cell sphingolipids was catabolized to the small fragments of ethanolamine and water. Cell sphingolipids were released in the culture medium, where they formed large lipoproteic aggregates at a rate of about 12% per day. Released sphingolipids were taken up by the cells and catabolized to the sphingosine and then to ethanolamine, and recycling of sphingosine was not observed. This suggests that in the presence of fetal calf serum in the culture medium, exogenous sphingolipids directly reach the lysosomes, were they are entirely catabolized. Thus, the trafficking of sphingolipids from cells to the extracellular environment and from this to other cells does not allow the modification of the plasma membrane composition.  相似文献   
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