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Primosome assembly sites are complex DNA structures that share common functions (they elicit the DNA-dependent ATPase of replication factor Y from Escherichia coli and serve as origins of complementary strand DNA synthesis), but display little sequence homology. In order to ascertain a common basis for factor Y-DNA recognition, a primosome assembly site and its mutated derivatives have been functionally and structurally analyzed. Under conditions in which they lose the capacity to function as ATPase effectors these DNA templates have been (i) assayed for their ability to bind factor Y, and (ii) probed, with pancreatic DNase, for structural alterations. In this ATPase-inactivating environment (suboptimal concentrations of MgCl2 and NaCl, and high levels of the E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein), factor Y does not bind to its cognate DNA and the DNase cleavage pattern characteristic of this site is perceptibly changed: compared to the DNase digest obtained under activating conditions, cleavage is notably decreased in the 5' half of the site and enhanced at the 3' end. The results of this study strongly indicate that the structure of the primosome assembly site under analysis consists of two hairpins which interact with each other. When the sites of pancreatic DNase attack are plotted on the proposed double hairpin structure, the 5' cleavage sites all map to one duplex while the 3' sites map to the other. The observation that, under factor Y ATPase-activating conditions, the 3' hairpin is largely refractory to the action of pancreatic DNase indicates that tertiary interactions between the two duplexes render a portion of the DNA structure inaccessible to the nuclease.  相似文献   
Many of the proteins that operate at the replication fork in Escherichia coli have been defined genetically. These include some of the subunits of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, the DnaB replication fork helicase, and the DnaG primase. The multiprotein primosome (which includes the DnaB and DnaG proteins), defined biochemically on the basis of its requirement during bacteriophage phi X174 complementary-strand synthesis, could serve as the helicase-primase replication machine on the lagging-strand template. In order to determine if this is the case, we have begun an investigation of the phenotypes of mutants with mutations priA, priB, and priC, which encode the primosomal proteins factor Y (protein n'), n, and n", respectively. Inactivation of priA by insertional mutagenesis resulted in the induction of the SOS response, as evinced by induction of a resident lambda prophage, extreme filamentation, and derepression of an indicator operon in which beta-galactosidase production was controlled by the dinD1 promoter. In addition, the copy numbers of resident pBR322 plasmids were reduced four- to fivefold in these strains, and production of phi X174 phage was delayed considerably. These results are discussed in the context of existing models for SOS induction and possible roles for the PriA protein at the replication fork in vivo.  相似文献   
Studies with a rolling-circle DNA replication system reconstituted in vitro with a tailed form II DNA template, the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (Pol III HE), the Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein, and the primosome, showed that within the context of a replication fork, the oligoribonucleotide primers that were formed were limited to a length in the range of 9 to 14 nucleotides, regardless of whether they were subsequently elongated by the lagging-strand DNA polymerase. This is in contrast to the 8-60-nucleotide-long primers synthesized by the primosome in the absence of DNA replication on a bacteriophage phi X174 DNA template, although when primer synthesis and DNA replication were catalyzed concurrently in this system, the extent of RNA polymerization decreased. As described in this report, we therefore examined the effect of the DNA Pol III HE on the length of primers synthesized by primase in vitro in the absence of DNA replication. When primer synthesis was catalyzed either: i) by the primosome on a phi X174 DNA template, ii) by primase on naked DNA with the aid of the DnaB protein (general priming), or iii) by primase alone at the bacteriophage G4 origin, the presence of the DNA Pol III HE in the reaction mixtures resulted in a universal reduction in the length of the heterogeneous RNA products to a uniform size of approximately 10 nucleotides. dNTPs were not required, and the addition of dGMP, an inhibitor of the 3'----5' exonuclease of the DNA Pol III HE, did not alter the effect; therefore, neither the 5'----3' DNA polymerase activity nor the 3'----5' exonuclease activity of the DNA Pol III HE was involved. E. coli DNA polymerase I, and the DNA polymerases of bacteriophages T4 and T7 could not substitute for the DNA Pol III HE. The Pol III core plays a crucial role in mediating this effect, although other subunits of the DNA Pol III HE are also required. These observations suggest that the association of primase with the DNA Pol III HE during primer synthesis regulates its catalytic activity and that this regulatory interaction occurs independently of, and prior to, formation of a preinitiation complex of the DNA Pol III HE on the primer terminus.  相似文献   
The coordinated action of many enzymatic activities is required at the DNA replication fork to ensure the error-free, efficient, and simultaneous synthesis of the leading and lagging strands of DNA. In order to define the essential protein-protein interactions and model the regulatory pathways that control Okazaki fragment synthesis, we have reconstituted the replication fork of Escherichia coli in vitro in a rolling circle-type DNA replication system. In this system, in the presence of the single-stranded DNA binding protein, the helicase/primase function on the lagging-strand template is provided by the primosome, and the synthesis of DNA strands is catalyzed by the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. These reconstituted replication forks synthesize equivalent amounts of leading- and lagging-strand DNA, move at rates comparable to those measured in vivo (600-800 nucleotides/s at 30 degrees C), and can synthesize leading strands in the range of 150-500 kilobases in length. Using this system, we have studied the cycle of Okazaki fragment synthesis at the replication fork. This cycle is likely to have several well defined decision points, steps in the cycle where incorrect execution by the enzymatic machinery will result in an alteration in the product of the reaction, i.e. in the size of the Okazaki fragments. Since identification of these decision points should aid in the determination of which of the enzymes acting at the replication fork control the cycle, we have endeavored to identify those reaction parameters that, when varied, alter the size of the Okazaki fragments synthesized. Here we demonstrate that some enzymes, such as the DnaB helicase, remain associated continuously with the fork while others, such as the primase, must be recruited from solution each time synthesis of an Okazaki fragment is initiated. We also show that variation of the concentration of the ribonucleoside triphosphates and the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates affects Okazaki fragment size, that the control mechanisms acting at the fork to control Okazaki fragment size are not fixed at the time the fork is assembled but can be varied during the lifetime of the fork, and that alteration in the rate of the leading-strand DNA polymerase cannot account for the effect of the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates.  相似文献   
Probabilities of occurrence for a number of the symmetries and other sequence regularities found in DNA-protein interaction site sequences have been calculated for segments of random DNA sequence. Results show that many of the symmetrical and repetitive features seen in these interaction sites are likely to have occurred by chance. Other features are so unlikely to have occurred by chance that they are probably involved in the DNA-protein interaction processes.  相似文献   
The actin homolog MreB is required in rod-shaped bacteria for maintenance of cell shape and is intimately connected to the holoenzyme that synthesizes the peptidoglycan layer. The protein has been reported variously to exist in helical loops under the cell surface, to rotate, and to move in patches in both directions around the cell surface. Studies of the Escherichia coli protein in vitro have been hampered by its tendency to aggregate. Here we report the purification and characterization of native E. coli MreB. The protein requires ATP hydrolysis for polymerization, forms bundles with a left-hand twist that can be as long as 4 μm, forms sheets in the presence of calcium, and has a critical concentration for polymerization of 1.5 μm.  相似文献   
topB, encoding topoisomerase III, was identified as a high copy suppressor of the temperature-sensitive parC1215 allele, encoding one of the subunits of topoisomerase IV. Overexpression of topoisomerase III at the nonpermissive temperature was shown subsequently to restore timely chromosome decatenation and suppress lethality in strains carrying either temperature-sensitive parE or parC alleles. By developing an assay in vitro for precatenane unlinking, we demonstrated directly that both topoisomerase III and topoisomerase IV were efficient at this task, whereas DNA gyrase was very inefficient at precatenane removal. These observations suggest that precatenane unlinking is sufficient to sustain decatenation of replicating daughter chromosomes in the cell.  相似文献   
SetB was identified as a high-copy suppressor of the partition defect of a mutation in parC, encoding one of the subunits of topoisomerase IV. Deletion of this integral inner membrane protein causes a delay in chromosome segregation, whereas its overproduction causes nucleoid disintegration and stretching, leading to a cell division defect. setB deletion mutants also exhibit a synthetic phenotype when combined with mutations that delete the C-terminal motor domain of the septal ring protein FtsK. SetB localizes in the cell as a helix and interacts with MreB, the bacterial actin homologue, which also forms a helix. These observations suggest that there may be a link between chromosome segregation and cellular infrastructure.  相似文献   
The fundamental activities of the replicative primosomes of Escherichia coli are provided by DnaB, the replication fork DNA helicase, and DnaG, the Okazaki fragment primase. As we have demonstrated previously, DnaG is recruited to the replication fork via a transient protein-protein interaction with DnaB. Here, using site-directed amino acid mutagenesis, we have defined the region on DnaB required for this protein-protein interaction. Mutations in this region of DnaB affect the DnaB-DnaG interaction during both general priming-directed and phiX174 complementary strand DNA synthesis, as well as at replication forks reconstituted in rolling circle DNA replication reactions. The behavior of the purified mutant DnaB proteins in the various replication systems suggests that access to the DnaG binding pocket on DnaB may be restricted at the replication fork.  相似文献   
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