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We improved our previous analytical method to measure phthalate metabolites in urine as biomarkers for phthalate exposure by automating the solid-phase extraction (SPE) procedure and expanding the analytical capability to quantify four additional metabolites: phthalic acid, mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate, mono-isobutyl phthalate (miBP), and monomethyl isophthalate. The method, which involves automated SPE followed by isotope dilution-high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray ionization (ESI)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS), allows for the quantitative measurement of 15 phthalate metabolites in urine with detection limits in the low ng/ml range. SPE automation allowed for the unattended sequential extraction of up to 100 samples at a time, and resulted in an increased sample throughput, lower solvent use, and better reproducibility than the manual SPE. Furthermore, the modified method permitted for the first time, the separation and quantification of mono-n-butyl phthalate (mBP) and its structural isomer miBP. The method was validated on spiked pooled urine samples and on pooled urine samples from persons with no known exposure to phthalates.  相似文献   
Chaperonins are molecular machines that use ATP-driven cycles to assist misfolded substrate proteins to reach the native state. During the functional cycle, these machines adopt distinct nucleotide-dependent conformational states, which reflect large-scale allosteric changes in individual subunits. Distinct allosteric kinetics has been described for the two chaperonin classes. Bacterial (group I) chaperonins, such as GroEL, undergo concerted subunit motions within each ring, whereas archaeal and eukaryotic chaperonins (group II) undergo sequential subunit motions. We study these distinct mechanisms through a comparative normal mode analysis of monomer and double-ring structures of the archaeal chaperonin thermosome and GroEL. We find that thermosome monomers of each type exhibit common low-frequency behavior of normal modes. The observed distinct higher-frequency modes are attributed to functional specialization of these subunit types. The thermosome double-ring structure has larger contribution from higher-frequency modes, as it is found in the GroEL case. We find that long-range intersubunit correlation of amino-acid pairs is weaker in the thermosome ring than in GroEL. Overall, our results indicate that distinct allosteric behavior of the two chaperonin classes originates from different wiring of individual subunits as well as of the intersubunit communications.  相似文献   
Quantification of 22 phthalate metabolites in human urine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phthalates are ubiquitous industrial chemicals with high potential for human exposure. Validated analytical methods to measure trace concentrations of phthalate metabolites in humans are essential for assessing exposure to phthalates. Previously, we developed a sensitive and accurate automated analytical method for measuring up to 16 phthalate metabolites in human urine by using on-line solid phase extraction coupled with isotope dilution-high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. To include the measurement of seven additional analytes, including oxidative metabolites of diisononyl and diisodecyl phthalates, two chemicals used extensively in numerous consumer products, we used a novel nontraditional HPLC solvent gradient program. With this approach, we achieved adequate resolution and sensitivity for all 22 analytes with limits of detection in the low ng/mL range, without increasing the analytical run time. The method also has high accuracy with automatic recovery correction, high precision, and excellent sample throughput with minimal matrix effects. Although it is possible to measure these 22 phthalate metabolites with adequate precision and accuracy at sub-parts-per-billion levels, additional information, including toxicokinetic data, is needed to demonstrate the usefulness of these phthalate metabolites for exposure assessment purposes.  相似文献   
Group II chaperonins, found in eukaryotic and archaeal organisms, recognize substrate proteins through diverse mechanisms that involve either hydrophobic‐ or electrostatic‐dominated interactions. This action is distinct from the universal substrate recognition mechanism of group I chaperonins, which bind a wide spectrum of non‐native proteins primarily through hydrophobic interactions. We use computational approaches to pinpoint the substrate protein binding sites of the γ‐subunit of the eukaryotic chaperonin CCT and to identify its interactions with the stringent substrate β‐tubulin. Protein–protein docking methods reveal intrinsic binding sites of CCT comprising a helical (HL) region, homologous to the GroEL‐binding site, and the helical protrusion (HP) region. We performed molecular dynamics simulations of the solvated CCTγ apical domain, β‐tubulin peptide‐CCTγ complexes, and isolated β‐tubulin peptides. We find that tubulin binds to CCTγ through an extensive interface that spans both the HL region and the HP region. HL interactions involve both hydrophobic and electrostatic contacts, while binding to the HP region is stabilized almost exclusively by a salt bridge network. On the basis of additional simulations of a β‐tubulin‐CCTγ complex that involves a reduced interface, centered onto the HP region, we conclude that this salt bridge network is the minimal stabilizing interaction required. Strong conservation of the charged amino acids that participate in the salt bridge network, Arg306 and Glu271, indicates a general mechanism across the nonidentical CCT subunits and group II chaperonins. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Phthalates are widely used as industrial solvents and plasticizers, with global use exceeding four million tons per year. We improved our previously developed high-performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometric (HPLC-APCI-MS/MS) method to measure urinary phthalate metabolites by increasing the selectivity and the sensitivity by better resolving them from the solvent front, adding three more phthalate metabolites, monomethyl phthalate (mMP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl)phthalate (mEOHP) and mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl)phthalate (mEHHP); increasing the sample throughput; and reducing the solvent usage. Furthermore, this improved method enabled us to analyze free un-conjugated mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (mEHP) by eliminating interferences derived from coelution of the glucuronide-bound, or conjugated form, of the mEHP on measurements of the free mEHP. This method for measuring phthalate metabolites in urine involves solid-phase extraction followed by reversed-phase HPLC-APCI-MS/MS using isotope dilution with (13)C(4) internal standards. We further evaluated the ruggedness and the reliability of the method by comparing measurements made by multiple analysts at different extraction settings on multiple instruments. We observed mMP, monoethyl phthalate (mEP), mono-n-butyl phthalate (mBP), monobenzyl phthalate (mBzP), mEHP, mEHHP and mEOHP in the majority of urine specimens analyzed with DEHP-metabolites mEHHP and mEOHP present in significantly higher amounts than mEHP.  相似文献   
Diesters of 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid are a family of industrial compounds called "phthalates." The physical and chemical properties of these diesters, and therefore their potential uses, depend on the structure of the dialkyl or alkyl/aryl side chain. The urinary concentrations of phthalate monoesters, which are metabolites, have been used as biomarkers of human exposure to specific phthalates. However, several phthalates, particularly those with side chains of eight or more carbon atoms, are complex mixtures of isomers. For these, the phthalate metabolites to be used as biomarkers of exposure have not been unequivocally identified. We developed a method for assessing total exposure to phthalates, including the isomeric mixtures of high molecular weight phthalates, by measuring the concentration of phthalic acid (PA) in human urine after acid hydrolysis of the phthalate metabolites to PA. The present method accurately assesses total exposure to phthalates without noticeable contamination from the ubiquitous phthalates in the environment, but it gives no information about the parent phthalate.  相似文献   
Using molecular data and morphological features, we investigated the species limits and genetic diversity among populations of the Asian palm civets of the genus Paradoxurus. Our main objectives were to determine the number of species within Paradoxurus hermaphroditus and to test the validity of the newly proposed species within Paradoxurus zeylonensis. Fragments of two mitochondrial (Cytochrome b, Control Region) and one nuclear (intron 7 of the beta fibrinogen) markers were sequenced from 128 individuals of P. hermaphroditus, P. zeylonensis and Paradoxurus jerdoni. DNA sequences were analysed using phylogenetic and haplotype network methods. Our analyses confirmed that P. hermaphroditus comprises three major clades, which should be recognized as separate species: P. hermaphroditus (Indian and Indochinese regions), Paradoxurus musangus (mainland Southeast Asia, Sumatra, Java and other small Indonesian islands) and Paradoxurus philippinensis (Mentawai Islands, Borneo and the Philippines). Furthermore, we have proposed that there are two subspecies within both P. musangus and P. philippinensis, and there might be at least two or three subspecies within P. hermaphroditus. We found a very low genetic diversity and no geographical structure within P. zeylonensis and did not find any support for splitting P. zeylonensis into several species nor subspecies. Finally, we confirmed that P. jerdoni and P. zeylonensis are sister species.  相似文献   
We present genetic and morphological evidence supporting the recognition of a previously synonymized species of Mesoplodon beaked whale in the tropical Indo‐Pacific, Mesoplodon hotaula. Although the new species is closely‐related to the rare ginkgo‐toothed beaked whale M. ginkgodens, we show that these two lineages can be differentiated by maternally (mitochondrial DNA), biparentally (autosomal), and paternally (Y chromosome) inherited DNA sequences, as well as by morphological features. The reciprocal monophyly of the mtDNA genealogies and the largely parapatric distribution of these lineages is consistent with reproductive isolation. The new lineage is currently known from at least seven specimens: Sri Lanka (1), Gilbert Islands, Republic of Kiribati (1+), Palmyra Atoll, Northern Line Islands, U.S.A. (3), Maldives (1), and Seychelles (1). The type specimen (Sri Lanka) was described as a new species, M. hotaula, in 1963, but later synonymized with M. ginkgodens. This discovery brings the total number of Mesoplodon species to 15, making it, by far, the most speciose yet least known genus of cetaceans.  相似文献   
Supplementation of fish oil rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) during pregnancy has been shown to confer favorable health outcomes in the offspring. In a randomized controlled trial, we have previously shown that n-3 PUFA supplementation in pregnancy was associated with modified immune responses and some markers of immune maturation. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these heritable effects are unclear. To determine whether the biological effects of maternal n-3 PUFA supplementation are mediated through DNA methylation, we analyzed CD4+ T-cells purified from cryo-banked cord blood samples from a previously conducted clinical trial. Of the 80 mother-infant pairs that completed the initial trial, cord blood samples of 70 neonates were available for genome-wide DNA methylation profiling. Comparison of purified total CD4+ T-cell DNA methylation profiles between the supplement and control groups did not reveal any statistically significant differences in CpG methylation, at the single-CpG or regional level. Effect sizes among top-ranked probes were lower than 5% and did not warrant further validation. Tests for association between methylation levels and key n-3 PUFA parameters, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), or total n-3 PUFAs were suggestive of dose-dependent effects, but these did not reach genome-wide significance. Our analysis of the microarray data did not suggest strong modifying effects of in utero n-3 PUFA exposure on CD4+ T-cell methylation profiles, and no probes on the array met our criteria for further validation. Other epigenetic mechanisms may be more relevant mediators of functional effects induced by n-3 PUFA in early life.  相似文献   
While the demonstrated benefits associated with breastfeeding are well recognized, breast milk is one possible route of exposure to environmental chemicals, including phthalates, by breastfeeding infants. Because of the potential health impact of phthalates to nursing children, determining whether phthalates are present in breast milk is important. We developed a sensitive method for measuring 13 phthalate metabolites in breast milk using automated solid phase extraction (SPE) coupled to isotope dilution-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-negative ion electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. We used D(4)-phthalate diesters to unequivocally establish the presence in human breast milk of enzymes capable of hydrolyzing the ubiquitous phthalate diesters to their respective monoesters. The analytical method involves acid-denaturation of the enzymes after collection of the milk to avoid hydrolysis of contaminant phthalate diesters introduced during sampling, storage, and analysis. The method shows good reproducibility (average coefficient of variations range between 4 and 27%) and accuracy (spiked recoveries are approximately 100%). The detection limits are in the low ng/ml range in 1ml of breast milk. We detected several phthalate metabolites in pooled human breast milk samples, suggesting that phthalates can be incorporated into breast milk and transferred to the nursing child.  相似文献   
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