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Signalling self‐ability to maintain vigilance may help in securing a mate, while providing accurate information about vigilance status may result in conspecifics adjusting their own scanning rate of the environment, potentially to the individual's benefit. In birds, vigilance is often associated with head‐up postures adopted within a bout of head‐down activity, and this can be used by conspecifics to assess the vigilance of their flock mates. However, vigilance behaviour is not always obvious and other cues may then be used to assess vigilance rates of conspecifics. Here we assess whether iris/eyelid/face patterns from 43 duck species are consistent with the hypothesis that eyelid brightness has evolved so as to contrast with iris brightness, which may then help in signalling individual vigilance status. Ducks generally flock when resting during the day, and because of their wide visual fields, individuals can monitor their environment while remaining in a resting head‐down position. Ducks also show a wide variety of plumage and iris patterns, with both light‐headed and dark‐headed species. Matching our prediction, most ducks with dark irises had pale eyelids, irrespective of head colour. Furthermore, the smaller number of species with a pale iris generally have darker eyelids. A phylogenetic analysis shows a clear and significant association in the evolution of eyelid and iris brightness patterns in both males and females. These data therefore provide support for the hypothesis that eyelid brightness has evolved to act as a contrast with iris brightness. Further studies are now needed to examine the extent to which and the way this is used in vigilance information transfer between individuals.  相似文献   
In the last decade, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) have become one of the most widely used molecular markers to study the genetic structure of natural populations. Most of the statistical methods available to study the genetic structure of populations using AFLPs consider these markers as dominant and are thus unable to distinguish between individuals being heterozygous or homozygous for the dominant allele. Some attempts have been made to treat AFLPs as codominant markers by using AFLP band intensities to infer the most likely genotype of each individual. These two approaches have some drawbacks, the former discarding potentially valuable information and the latter being sometimes unable to correctly assign genotypes to individuals. In this study, we propose an alternative likelihood‐based approach, which does not attempt at inferring the genotype of each individual, but rather incorporate the uncertainty about genotypes into a Bayesian framework leading to the estimation of population‐specific FIS and FST coefficients. We show with simulations that the accuracy of our method is much higher than one using AFLP as dominant markers and is generally close to what would be obtained by using the same number of Single‐Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers. The method is applied to a data set of four populations of the common vole (Microtus arvalis) from Grisons in Switzerland, for which we obtained 562 polymorphic AFLP markers. Our approach is very general and has the potential to make AFLP markers as useful as SNP data for nonmodel species.  相似文献   
Sexually dimorphic traits are likely to have evolved through sexually antagonistic selection. However, recent empirical data suggest that intralocus sexual conflict often persists, even when traits have diverged between males and females. This implies that evolved dimorphism is often incomplete in resolving intralocus conflict, providing a mechanism for the maintenance of genetic variance in fitness-related traits. We used experimental evolution in Drosophila melanogaster to directly test for ongoing conflict over a suite of sexually dimorphic cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) that are likely targets of sex-specific selection. Using a set of experimental populations in which the transmission of genetic material had been restricted to males for 82 generations, we show that CHCs did not evolve, providing experimental evidence for the absence of current intralocus sexual conflict over these traits. The absence of ongoing conflict could indicate that CHCs have never been the target of sexually antagonistic selection, although this would require the existing dimorphism to have evolved via completely sexlinked mutations or as a result of former, but now absent, pleiotropic effects of the underlying loci on another trait under sexually antagonistic selection. An alternative interpretation, and which we believe to be more likely, is that the extensive CHC sexual dimorphism is the result of past intralocus sexual conflict that has been fully resolved, implying that these traits have evolved genetic independence between the sexes and that genetic variation in them is therefore maintained by alternative mechanisms. This latter interpretation is consistent with the known roles of CHCs in sexual communication in this species and with previous studies suggesting the genetic independence of CHCs between males and females. Nevertheless, direct estimates of sexually antagonistic selection will be important to fully resolve these alternatives.  相似文献   
1. In Lake Geneva (Switzerland), total phosphorus concentrations have decreased from 90 mg m?3 in 1979 to 55 mg m?3 in 1990. 2. To assess the effects of this improvement, tubificid and lumbriculid communities were sampled in 1982 and in 1991 in the same areas, at a depth of 40 m. 3. Abundance of mesotrophic species (mostly Potamothrix vejdovskyi) and of eutrophic species (mostly Potamothrix hammoniensis) was lower in 1991 than in 1982; in contrast, oligotrophic species (mostly Peloscolex velutinus) were more abundant in 1991 than in 1982. 4. The changes recorded in 1991 were the same as those associated with a decrease of organic sedimentation. 5. Mean relative abundance of oligotrophic species increased from 17% in 1982 to 41% in 1991. According to these values, Lake Geneva was mesoeutrophic in 1982, but mesotrophic in 1991.  相似文献   
Long‐term demographic studies have recently shown that global climate change together with increasing direct impacts of human activities, such as fisheries, are affecting the population dynamics of marine top predators. However, the effects of these factors on species distribution and abundance at sea are still poorly understood, particularly in marine ecosystems of the southern hemisphere. Using a unique long‐term data set of at‐sea observations, we tested for interdecadal (1980s vs. 2000s) changes in summer abundance and distribution of 12 species of Albatrosses and Petrels along a 30° latitudinal gradient between tropical and Antarctic waters of the southern Indian Ocean. There were contrasting effects of climate change on subantarctic seabird distribution and abundance at sea. While subtropical waters showed the highest rate of warming, the species that visited this water mass showed the greatest changes in distribution and abundance. The abundance of Wandering Albatrosses (Diomedea exulans), White‐chinned Petrels (Procellaria aequinoctialis) and Giant Petrels (Macronectes sp.) declined markedly, whereas the other species showed contrasting trends or did not change. With the exception of the White‐chinned Petrel, these decreases were at least partly related to regional increase in sea surface temperature. The southward shift of Wandering Albatross and Prions (Pachyptila spp.) distributions could be ascribed to species redistribution or decrease in abundance due to warming of the subtropical waters. Surprisingly, White‐chinned Petrel distribution shifted northward, suggesting more complex mechanisms. This study is the first to document a shift in species range in the Southern Ocean related to climate change and contrasting abundance changes. It suggests that some species might experience more severe impacts from climate change depending on the water masses they visit. As climate changes are predicted to continue in the next decades, understanding species responses to climate change is crucial for conservation management, especially when their conservation status is critical or unknown.  相似文献   
White Terns Gygis alba breed throughout the year on Aride Island but show a marked preference to nest during the northwest monsoon (November–March), when interspecific competition and also marine productivity are considered to be lower. In this study we investigated and compared breeding and foraging parameters of White Terns between the northwest and southeast (May–September) monsoons to assess whether interspecific competition affected foraging activity and explained the timing of breeding of White Terns. Goatfish (Mullidae) dominated the diet of White Terns and no significant differences were found in diet composition between the northwest and southeast monsoons. Similar diets and patterns of food provisioning of White Terns between the two monsoons do not support the hypothesis of strong exploitation competition during the southeast monsoon. On the other hand, foraging behaviour and frequency of capture attempts of White Terns differed between the two monsoons. The percentages of multi‐species flocks with White Terns and of large flocks with more than 25 noddies Anous and terns Onychoprion were significantly higher during the southeast monsoon. Moreover, capture attempt frequencies of White Terns foraging in multi‐species flocks were lower than those of solitary individuals, and both solitary and flocking White Terns had significantly lower capture attempt frequencies during the southeast monsoon in comparison with the northwest monsoon. These results suggest that interference competition depresses foraging activity of flock‐foraging White Terns, particularly during the southeast monsoon, which could potentially explain why White Terns breed preferentially during the northwest monsoon. However, and despite avoiding interference competition, White Terns nesting during the northwest monsoon did not show higher breeding success than those nesting during the southeast monsoon. Other hypotheses that might explain the preference of White Terns for breeding during the northwest monsoon, such as avoidance of agonistic interactions with Lesser Noddies Anous tenuirostris at nest sites, should also be investigated.  相似文献   
colonise is a user‐friendly Microsoft® Windows software for the study of colonization events in natural populations. It determines the composition of the newly colonized population and makes inferences about the factors that influenced individuals to establish a new population. colonise uses a hierarchical Bayesian model to combine multilocus genotype data with demographic and environmental data, and a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to perform posterior density estimations. The software is written in C and C + + for the graphical user interface and is available at http://www2.ujf‐grenoble.fr/leca/presentation.html . The software integrates a tool to draw posterior density functions (histogram, running mean, traces, etc.) and to estimate parameters from them (mean, mode, variance, HPDI, etc.).  相似文献   
Abmigration, the switch between flyways, is thought to be frequent in dabbling ducks, and supposedly results from high female philopatry combined with winter pairing: a male pairing in winter with a female from another flyway may follow her to her breeding area and thus abmigrate. On this basis, the frequency of abmigration should be much higher amongst males than amongst females, should increase with time since ringing, and be higher if environmental conditions force birds from different flyways into the same geographical area in winter (in this case the Iberian peninsula in the case of cold spells). Analysing more than 9000 recoveries of Teal ringed in the Camargue, southern France, showed that even with the most conservative flyway definition, 15% of Camargue (Mediterranean flyway) individuals (both males and females) were subsequently recovered in the North-west European flyway. Moving a flyway boundary closer to the Camargue (i.e. to the south-east) increased this percentage to c . 32%. None of the predicted patterns were supported by the data: there was no systematic sex difference in abmigration rate; abmigration showed no consistent increase with time from ringing, and was not significantly more frequent after cold spells. These results suggest that there is permeability between these two flyways for all classes of individuals, which might better be considered as a continuum. This should be taken into account in the development of management and conservation policies for Teal in Europe.  相似文献   
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