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The Emsian? through early Eifelian Onondaga Limestone of the Appalachian Basin was deposited in a topographic basin and on the carbonate platform which surrounded the basin on the west, north, and northeast. Onondaga strata thin from the platform into the basin. Two sedimentary cycles are present in the sub-Tioga Onondaga of eastern North America. The Edgecliff-Amherstburg represents an interval of transgression, in which epeiric seas spread over much of eastern North America. During the Nedrow-Lucas regression, the interior of the carbonate platform became restricted, resulting in the deposition of evaporites. The Moorehouse-Anderdon transgression continued through the deposition of the Tioga Bentonite, followed by the pre-Speeds-Dundee regression from the craton. Early Eifelian Appalachian Basin Onondaga brachiopod communities, arranged from nearshore to offshore, include the Atrypid-Megakozlowskiella, Atrypid-Levenea, Chonetid, Atlanticocoelia, Ambocoeliid, and Truncalosia Communities. The Onondaga-age Eastern Americas Realm is divided into the Appohimchi Province in the Appalachian Basin and the Michigan Basin-Hudson Bay Lowland Province in the Midwest. The provincial assignment of the James Bay region of Ontario is uncertain; the Eastern Townships of Quebec are near the boundaries both of the two provinces of the Eastern Americas Realm, and of the Eastern Americas Realm and the Old World Realm, the latter realm being probably in the Canadian Maritime Provinces.  相似文献   
Abstract Growth-chamber cultivated Raphanus plants accumulate nitrate during their vegetative growth. After 25 days of growth at a constant supply to the roots of 1 mol m?3 (NO?3) in a balanced nutrient solution, the oldest leaves (eight-leaf stage) accumulated 2.5% NO?3-nitrogen (NO3-N) in their lamina, and almost 5% NO3-N in their petioles on a dry weight basis. This is equivalent to approximately 190 and 400 mol?3 m?3 concentration of NO?3 in the lamina and the petiole, respectively, as calculated on a total tissue water content basis. Measurements were made of root NO?3 uptake, NO?3 fluxes in the xylem, nitrate uptake by the mesophyll cells, and nitrate reduction as measured by an in vivo test. NO?3 uptake by roots and mesophyll cells was greater in the light than in the dark. The NO?3 concentration in the xylem fluid was constant with leaf age, but showed a distinct daily variation as a result of the independent fluxes of root uptake, transpiration and mesophyll uptake. NO?3 was reduced in the leaf at a higher rate in the light than in the dark. The reduction was inhibited at the high concentrations calculated to exist in the mesophyll vacuoles, but reduction continued at a low rate, even when there was no supply from the incubation medium. Sixty-four per cent of the NO?3 influx was turned into organic nitrogen, with the remaining NO?3 accumulating in both the light and the dark.  相似文献   
1. Possible impacts of water‐resource development on assemblages of freshwater macroinvertebrates were investigated in the upper Darling River and some of its tributaries in north‐western New South Wales (Australia), an arid and semi‐arid region of low relief where alteration of river flows has intensified through expansion of irrigated agriculture. 2. Study sites were grouped into four hydrological regimes resulting from impoundment, flow regulation, water abstraction and natural variation, namely (i) intermittent flow with relatively little hydrological alteration from water‐resource development, (ii) intermittent flow with substantial alteration, (iii) near‐perennial flow with substantial alteration but unimpounded and (iv) near‐perennial flow with substantial alteration plus impoundment by weirs that stabilise water levels. 3. Macroinvertebrates were sampled with three methods (a quantitative cylinder sampler, handnet sampling and baited traps) in three periods with differing hydrology (recessional low flow in June 2003, high flow in March 2004 and increasing flow after drought in December 2004). 4. Taxonomic richness, assemblage composition and catch per unit effort of the crayfish Cherax destructor differed significantly among the site groups, but total macroinvertebrate density and the AUSRIVAS O/E (Australian River Assessment System observed‐over‐expected) index did not. The principal spatial differences were between the intermittent and near‐perennial rivers, and apparent effects of water‐resource development and impoundment were more subtle. Temporal differences in richness, abundance and composition were substantial and appeared to be related mainly to variations in discharge and temperature. 5. Current macroinvertebrate‐based methods for assessing the ‘condition’ or ‘health’ of Australian dryland rivers are inadequate. Such assessments might be improved with (i) reference data that take adequate account of antecedent hydrological conditions, (ii) consideration of long‐term taxonomic richness as well as richness on individual sampling occasions, (iii) evaluation of invertebrate population sizes, (iv) analysis of assemblage data by trait composition and (v) adoption of the genus as the default level of taxonomic resolution.  相似文献   
A method was developed to produce radiolabeled 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine by injection of [14C]-L-tryptophan into pupae of the heliconid butterfly, Heliconius charitonia, which was converted into [14C]-3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine and deposited as a wing pigment. Extractions of 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-OHK) with 60% methanol from wings yielded in 14.4 μg per mg dry weight. In extracts from yellow wing areas, 3-OHK represented 100% of detectable amino acids. Resulting specific radioactivity of [14C]-3-OHK was between 0.05 and 0.07 mCi/mmol when 0.5 μCi [14C]-tryptophan was injected into pupae 1 or 2 days before emergence of the butterfly. Incorporation of [14C]-3-OHK into wing ommochromes was studied in nymphalid butterflies, Araschnia levana and Precis coenia. After injection into pupae [I4C]-3-OHK as well as [14C]-tryptophan were specifically incorporated into red and red-brown wing scales as shown by autoradiography. The same incorporation occurred in isolated wings after incubation in Grace's medium containing [14C]-3-OHK. In Araschnia levana, [14C]-3-OHK offered to left wing pairs was incorporated into dihydroxanthommatin six times more effectively than [14C]-tryptophan offered to right wing pairs from the same specimen. Therefore, 3-OHK seems to be the ultimate precursor of wing ommatins.  相似文献   
The European Starling Sturnus vulgaris is an introduced species in North America and is an aggressive competitor for tree cavity nest‐sites. Starlings are commonly considered to influence nest‐site selection and reproductive success of native cavity‐nesting species negatively. We examined the relationship between Starling nest density and the fecundity of two native secondary cavity‐using passerines, Mountain Bluebird Sialia currucoides and Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor. We monitored a total of 622 nests (approximately equal numbers for each of the three species) in woodpecker‐excavated and naturally occurring cavities in 29 small forest groves in central British Columbia, Canada, between 2000 and 2009. The dimensions of cavities used and the timing of nest initiation overlapped for all species, although Starlings initiated clutches earliest. Mixed‐effects models were used to assess whether nest abundance, clutch size or nest success were affected directly by Starling nest abundance, or indirectly via a shift in cavity selection or timing of breeding. Starlings and Mountain Bluebirds showed inverse trends in nest abundance. Mountain Bluebird clutch sizes were smaller if they were initiated later in the breeding season. There was weak evidence that Tree Swallow clutch size decreased with cavity depth when Starling nests were abundant, and increased with cavity depth where there were few Starling nests. We conclude that despite the aggressive nature of this exotic cavity‐nester, the influence of Starlings on native secondary cavity‐nesting passerines is modest where cavities are abundant.  相似文献   
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