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Microtubular basal bodies and epiplasm (membrane skeleton) are the main components of the cortical skeleton of Tetrahymena. The aim of this report was to study functional interactions of basal bodies and epiplasm during the cell cycle. The cortex of Tetrahymena cells was stained with anti-epiplasm antibody. This staining produced a bright epiplasmic layer with a dark pattern of unstained microtubular structures. The fluorescence of the anti-epiplasm antibody disappeared at sites of newly formed microtubular structures, so the new basal body domains and epiplasmic layer could be followed throughout the cell cycle. Different patterns of deployment of new basal bodies were observed in early and advanced dividers. In advanced dividers the fluorescence of the epiplasmic layer diminished locally within the forming fission line where the polymerization of new basal bodies largely extincted. In wild type Tetrahymena, the completion of the micronuclear metaphase/anaphase transition was associated with a transition from the pattern of new basal body deployment and epiplasm staining of the early divider to the pattern of the advanced dividers. The signal for the fission line formation in Tetrahymena (absent in cdaA1 Tetrahymena mutationally arrested in cytokinesis) brings about 1) transition of patterns of deployment of basal bodies and epiplasmic layer on both sides of the fission line; and 2) coordination of cortical divisional morphogenesis with the micronuclear mitotic cycle.  相似文献   
Hyolitha constitute an extinct group of class rank assigned to Molhsca. Two orders, Ortho-thecida and Hyolithida, are well established and most knowledge of morphologic detail is derived from the latter. Both orders had an operculum not hinged to the conch. Hyolithida also had paired, curved, whiskerlike appendages, requiring complex musculature to move them and the operculum. The Hyolithida were probably deposit feeders living in shallow water, and accordingly were tentaculate. A reconstruction of the soft parts of this sedentary organism is given — a shallow mantle cavity on the dorsal side, anterior tentacles, a long intestine, and a reduced ventral foot. Except for the more complex musculature associated with an elaborate operculum, Orthothecida are judged to have had a similar anatomy.  相似文献   
Red clover genotypes capable of regenerating plantletsin vitrofromnon-meristem-derived callus are rare. A previous study identifieda pair of near isogenic lines which were derived from a singleseed but differed in regenerative ability. The callus-derivedplants of this clone were highly regenerative when reintroducedto culture whereas the epicotyl-derived plants produced non-regenerativecallus cultures. The objective of the present study was to observemeiotic chromosome pairing and to compare isozyme profiles andferritin gene expression in regenerative and non-regenerativeplants and cultures from the clone. Meiotic cells exhibitednormal homologous chromosome pairing. Starch gel zymograms fromglasshouse-grown regenerative (F49R) and non-regenerative (F49M)plants failed to show somaclonal variation for alcohol dehydrogenase,glutamate dehydrogenase, esterase or peroxidase. Isoelectricfocusing of callus cultures from regenerative and non-regenerativeplants revealed that regeneration was accompanied by a reductionin staining intensity and numbers of peroxidase bands comparedto non-regenerative cultures. A unique cathodic peroxidase band(pI 7.6) was associated with non-regenerative cultures. Ferritinexpression was greater in callus than in fresh petiole tissue.Ferritin expression remained high in non-regenerative calluscultures but declined in regenerative cultures as regenerationprogressed.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Trifolium pratenseL., red clover, ferritin, isozymes, meiosis, peroxidase, somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   
We have established a simple soil-based experimental system that allows a small and sustained restriction of growth of Arabidopsis by low nitrogen (N). Plants were grown in a large volume of a peat–vermiculite mix that contained very low levels of inorganic N. As a control, inorganic N was added in solid form to the peat–vermiculite mix, or plants were grown in conventional nutrient-rich solids. The low N growth regime led to a sustained 20% decrease of the relative growth rate over a period of 2 weeks, resulting in a two- to threefold decrease in biomass in 35- to 40-day-old plants. Plants in the low N regime contained lower levels of nitrate, lower nitrate reductase activity, lower levels of malate, fumarate and other organic acids and slightly higher levels of starch, as expected from published studies of N-limited plants. However, their rosette protein content was unaltered, and total and many individual amino acid levels increased compared with N-replete plants. This metabolic phenotype reveals that Arabidopsis responds adaptively to low N by decreasing the rate of growth, while maintaining the overall protein content, and maintaining or even increasing the levels of many amino acids.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The RAB GTPases, which are involved in regulation of endomembrane trafficking, exhibit a complex but incompletely understood evolutionary history. We elucidated the evolution of the RAB1 subfamily ancestrally implicated in the endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi traffic. We found that RAB1 paralogs have been generated over the course of eukaryotic evolution, with some duplications coinciding with the advent of major eukaryotic lineages (e.g. Metazoa, haptophytes). We also identified a unique, derived RAB1 paralog, orthologous to the Plasmodium Rab1A, that occurs in stramenopiles, alveolates, and Rhizaria, represented by the chlorarachniophyte Gymnochlora stellata . This finding is consistent with the recently documented existence of a major eukaryotic clade ("SAR") comprising these three lineages. We further found a Rab1A-like protein in the cryptophyte Guillardia theta , but it exhibits unusual features among RAB proteins: absence of a C-terminal prenylation motif and an N-terminal extension with two MSP domains; and its phylogenetic relationships could not be established convincingly due to its divergent nature. Our results nevertheless point to a unique membrane trafficking pathway shared by at least some lineages of chromalveolates and Rhizaria, an insight that has implications towards interpreting the early evolution of eukaryotes and the endomembrane system.  相似文献   
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