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Analysis of published sequences for Ri TL-DNA (root-inducing left-hand transferred DNA) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes revealed several unsuspected structural features. First, Ri TL-DNA genes are redundant. Using redundancy as a criterion, three regions (left, middle and right) were discerned. The left one, ORFs (open reading frames) 1–7, contains no detectable redundancy. In the middle region a highly diverged gene family was detected in ORFs 8, 11, 12, 13 and 14. The right region contains an apparently recent duplication (ORF 15 =18+17). We interpret the phenomenon of redundancy, particularly in the central region that encodes the transformed phenotype, to be an adaptation that ensures function in a variety of host species. Comparison of Ri TL-DNA and Ti T-DNAs from Agrobacterium tumefaciens revealed common structures, unpredicted by previous nucleic acid hybridization studies. Ri TL-DNA ORF 8 is a diverged Ti T-DNA tms1. Both Agrobacterium genes consist of a member of the diverged gene family detected in the central part of the Ri TL-DNA, but fused to a sequence similar to iaaM of Pseudomonas savastonoi. Other members of this gene family were found scattered throughout Ti T-DNA. We argue that the central region of Ri and the part of Ti T-DNA including ORFs 5–10 evolved from a common ancestor. We present the hypothesis that the gene family encodes functions that alter developmental plasticity in higher plants.  相似文献   
Single batrachotoxin-activated sodium channels from rat brain were modified by trimethyloxonium (TMO) after incorporation in planar lipid bilayers. TMO modification eliminated saxitoxin (STX) sensitivity, reduced the single channel conductance by 37%, and reduced calcium block of inward sodium currents. These effects always occurred concomitantly, in an all-or-none fashion. Calcium and STX protected sodium channels from TMO modification with potencies similar to their affinities for block. Calcium inhibited STX binding to rat brain membrane vesicles and relieved toxin block of channels in bilayers, apparently by competing with STX for the toxin binding site. These results suggest that toxins, permeant cations, and blocking cations can interact with a common site on the sodium channel near the extracellular surface. It is likely that permeant cations transiently bind to this superficial site, as the first of several steps in passing inward through the channel.  相似文献   
The effects of inhalation of air and 3 concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) on plasma levels of the norepinephrine metabolite, MHPG, plasma hormones, and behavioral activation were assessed in eight chair-adapted Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). In comparison to air, inhalation of 5%, 7.5% and 10% CO2 for 180 minutes produced significant dose-dependent increases in respiratory rate, plasma MHPG, cortisol, growth hormone and prolactin. CO2 at the 7.5% concentration produced peak changes in behavior at 15, growth hormone at 30, and cortisol and MHPG at 180 minutes without producing changes in prolactin. The lack of previously reported CO2 induced changes in MHPG, growth hormone and prolactin in humans exposed to 7.5% CO2 for only 15 minutes, may therefore relate to the relatively short duration of CO2 exposure.  相似文献   
Volume 61, no. 4, p. 1624, column 2, lines 38-41: The sentence should read "For example, at position 21, the G nucleotide (Fig. 1) was present in all the ISR B. thuringiensis subspecies except for B. thuringiensis subsp. tenebrionis (Te4), which contained an A." Page 1624, column 2, line 45: "Position 62" should read "position 11." Page 1624, column 2, line 47: "Position 90" should read "position 39." Page 1624, column 2, line 49: "Position 83" should read "position 32." Page 1625, column 1, line 3: "Position 83" should read "position 32." Page 1626, column 1, line 1: "Positions 62, 90, and 165, and one deletion at position 83" should read "positions 11, 39, and 114, and one deletion at position 32." [This corrects the article on p. 1623 in vol. 61.].  相似文献   
For regulatory purposes, the name ‘Asian gypsy moth’ refers to a group of closely related Asian Lymantria species and subspecies whose female moths display flight capability, a trait believed to confer enhanced invasiveness relative to the European gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar dispar, whose females are flightless. Lymantria albescens and Lymantria postalba are Asian gypsy moths occurring in the southern Ryukyu Islands and in the northern Ryukyu and adjacent Kyushu and Shikoku Islands of Japan, respectively. Although once considered subspecies of L. dispar, their status as distinct species, relative to the latter, is now well established. While postalba was subsequently considered a subspecies of L. albescens, largely on the basis of differences in forewing ground colour in males, both taxa were later given distinct species status by Pogue & Schaefer (2007) following their revision of the genus Lymantria. Here, we re-examined the validity of this revised status through the sequencing of a large portion of the mitochondrial genome (c. 60%) and multiple nuclear marker genes [elongation factor 1-alpha (Ef-1α), wingless (Wgl), internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2), ribosomal protein S5 (RpS5)] in representative specimens of both taxa and other Lymantria species, including L. monacha, L. xylina, L. mathura and members of the L. dispar + L. umbrosa clade. A comparison of the number of substitutions in these genomic regions among the taxa we considered showed lower or equivalent variation between L. albescens and L. postalba compared with subspecies of L. dispar, for mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, respectively. This finding was reflected in the maximum likelihood trees generated independently for mitochondrial and nuclear data, where L. albescens and L. postalba formed, in both analyses, a short-branch sister clade basal to the L. dispar + L. umbrosa clade. We further sequenced three markers [cytochrome c oxydase 1 (COI), EF-1α, Wgl] in multiple L. albescensL. postalba specimens collected along a south-to-north transect across the Ryukyu Arc and observed no clear distinction among the sampled specimens as a function of taxonomic designation. We conclude that L. albescens and L. postalba form a single species, with postalba representing a darker-winged morph along an apparent south-to-north wing colour cline. Accordingly, L. postalba is relegated to synonymy under L. albescens ( syn.n. ).  相似文献   
Cancer can be viewed in 2 rather distinct ways, namely (i) as a cell-autonomous disease in which malignant cells have escaped control from cell-intrinsic barriers against proliferation and dissemination or (ii) as a systemic disease that involves failing immune control of aberrant cells. Since macroautophagy/autophagy generally increases the fitness of cells as well as their resistance against endogenous or iatrogenic (i.e., relating to illness due to medical intervention) stress, it has been widely proposed that inhibition of autophagy would constitute a valid strategy for sensitizing cancer cells to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Colliding with this cell-autonomous vision, however, we found that immunosurveillance against transplantable, carcinogen-induced or genetically engineered cancers can be improved by pharmacologically inducing autophagy with caloric restriction mimetics. This positive effect depends on autophagy induction in cancer cells and is mediated by alterations in extracellular ATP metabolism, namely increased release of immunostimulatory ATP and reduced adenosine-dependent recruitment of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells into the tumor bed. The combination of autophagy inducers and chemotherapeutic agents is particularly efficient in reducing cancer growth through the stimulation of CD8+ T lymphocyte-dependent anticancer immune responses.  相似文献   
PSE-4 is a class A beta-lactamase produced by strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is highly active for the penicillin derivative carbenicillin. The crystal structure of the wild-type PSE-4 carbenicillinase has been determined to 1.95 A resolution by molecular replacement and represents the first structure of a carbenicillinase published to date. A superposition of the PSE-4 structure with that of TEM-1 shows a rms deviation of 1.3 A for 263 Calpha atoms. Most carbenicillinases are unique among class A beta-lactamases in that residue 234 is an arginine (ABL standard numbering scheme), while in all other class A enzymes this residue is a lysine. Kinetic characterization of a R234K PSE-4 mutant reveals a 50-fold reduction in k(cat)/K(m) and confirms the importance of Arg 234 for carbenicillinase activity. A comparison of the structure of the R234K mutant refined to 1.75 A resolution with the wild-type structure shows that Arg 234 stabilizes an alternate conformation of the Ser 130 side chain, not seen in other class A beta-lactamase structures. Our molecular modeling studies suggest that the position of a bound carbenicillin would be shifted relative to that of a bound benzylpenicillin in order to avoid a steric clash between the carbenicillin alpha-carboxylate group and the conserved side chain of Asn 170. The alternate conformation of the catalytic Ser 130 in wild-type PSE-4 may be involved in accommodating this shift in the bound substrate position.  相似文献   
We extracted maximum information for structure-function analysis of the PSE-4 class A beta-lactamase by random replacement mutagenesis of three contiguous codons in the H4 alpha-helix at amino acid positions Ala125, Thr126, Met127, Thr128 and Thr129. These positions were predicted to interact with suicide mechanism-based inhibitors when examining the PSE-4 three-dimensional model. Structure-function studies on positions 125-129 indicated that in PSE-4 these amino acids have a role distinct from those in TEM-1, in tolerating substitutions at Ala125 and being invariant at Met127. The importance of Met127 was suspected to be implicated in a structural role in maintaining the integrity of the H4 alpha-helix structure together, thus maintaining the important Ser130-Asp131-Asn132 motif positioned towards the active site. At the structural level, the H4 region was analyzed using energy minimization of the H4 regions of the PSE-4 YAM mutant and compared with wild-type PSE-4. The Tyr 125 of the mutant YAM formed an edge to face pi-pi interaction with Phe 124 which also interacts with the Trp 210 with the same interactions. Antibiotic susceptibilities showed that amino acid changes in the the H4 alpha-helix region of PSE-4 are particularly sensitive to mechanism based-inhibitors. However, kinetic analysis of PSE-4 showed that the two suicide inhibitors belonging to the penicillanic acid sulfone class, sulbactam and tazobactam, were less affected by changes in the H4 alpha-helix region than clavulanic acid, an inhibitor of the oxypenam class. The analysis of H4 alpha-helix in PSE-4 suggests its importance in interactions with the three clinically useful inhibitors and in general to all class A enzymes.  相似文献   
Thyroid hormone (T3) stimulates various metabolic pathways and the hepatic actions of T3 are mediated primarily through the thyroid hormone receptor beta (TRβ). Hypothyroidism has been linked with low grade inflammation, elevated risk of hepatic steatosis and atherosclerosis. Secretory phospholipases (sPLA2) are associated with inflammation, hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis. Due to potential linkage between thyroid hormone and sPLA2, we investigated the effect of thyroid hormone status on the regulation of secretory phospholipases in mice, rats and human liver. T3 suppressed the expression of the sPLA2 group IIa (PLA2g2a) gene in the liver of BALB/c mice and C57BL/6 transgenic mice expressing the human PLA2g2a. PLA2g2a was elevated with hypothyroidism and high fat diets which may contribute to the low grade inflammation associated with hypothyroidism and diet induced obesity. We also examined the effects of the TRβ agonist eprotirome on hepatic gene regulation. We observed that eprotirome inhibited the expression of selected sPLA2 genes and furthermore the cytokine mediated induction PLA2g2a was suppressed. In addition, eprotirome induced genes involved in fatty acid oxidation and cholesterol clearance while inhibiting lipogenic genes. Our results indicate that in vivo thyroid hormone status regulates the abundance of sPLA2 and the inhibition of PLA2g2a by T3 is conserved across species. By regulating sPLA2 genes, T3 may impact processes associated with atherosclerosis and inflammation and TRβ agonists may ameliorate inflammation and hyperlipidemia.  相似文献   
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