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The potential nitrogen sources for the primary production in the intertidal area are nitrogen compounds obtained from mineralization in the sediment and the water column, nitrogen fixation, outflow from rivers and groundwater seeping from the mainland. The available inorganic nitrogen in the adjacent coastal waters decreases from 50–80 μmol NO3 -/l and 6–15 μmol NH4 +/l in early spring to ca one tenth during the growing season. In the sediment of the tidal flats available ammonia and nitrate vary between 50 and 100 μmol/1 pw. In the salt marsh available ammonia increases from 200–300 nmol NH4 +/g fwt to approximately double the amount, and the available nitrate varies from 100–300 nmol NO3 -/g fwt (250–750 μmol NO3 -/l pw) to ca one third during the growing season. The exchange of NH4 +, NO2 - and NO3 - across the sediment water interface has been estimated during tidal cycles under light and dark conditions on the tidal flats. The flux of nitrogen was dependent on the flora and fauna as well as the time of the year. The tidal activity, frequency and length of inundation are considered the driving force in a two-way process between salt marshes and adjacent coastal waters. The role of marsh sediment, tidal water and sediments of the tidal flats as sites of accumulation, consumption and remineralization of organic matter is emphasized. The possible exchange of ammonia and nitrate between the salt marsh and the different compartments of the tidal water is discussed.  相似文献   
In the present study an extensive amount of data, comprising more than 30,000 offspring in total, was analyzed to evaluate the influence of age and sex on the recombination frequency in the K-PGD segment of the equine linkage group (LG) I and the influence of age, breed and sex on recombination in the Al-Es segment of LG II. A highly significant sex difference is reported for both segments. Male and female recombination values in the K-PGD segment were estimated at 25.8 ± 0.8 and 33.3 ± 2.5%, respectively. Similarly, recombination was less frequent in the male (36.6 ± 0.7%) than in the female (46.6 ± 1.2%) in the Al-Es segment. Comparison of data from two Swedish horse breeds revealed no significant breed differences in either sex for recombination in the Al-Es segment. No evidence of an age effect was found in any segment or sex. The distribution of individual male recombination estimates was also investigated, and a significant heterogeneity among stallions was revealed in the K-PGD segment. The results are discussed in relation to previous studies on factors affecting recombination in mammals.  相似文献   
Summary Transmission electron microscopic analysis of serial sections showed that the receptor cells are innervated by only one neuron and not two as previously believed. The neuron's two dendrites constitute the afferent sensory nerves to the caudal ganglion where the neuron's cell body is located. Its neurite was traced a few micrometers, but the synaptic terminals were not identified. This sensory system in Oikopleura is compared with a similar caudal sensory system in the tadpole larva of Diplosoma macdonaldi investigated by Torrence and Cloney. Wiring diagrams are proposed for the two systems. The ganglia, which receive the afferent sensory neurons, are discussed in terms of models for further research on simple integration systems.  相似文献   
Biological Trace Element Research - The analytical method used for the determination of traces of platinum and gold in different tissues of Wistar rats is based on neutron activation analysis with...  相似文献   
Nutrient distribution in a Swedish tree species experiment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The influence of four tree species on the distribution of nutrients between different compartments of the ecosystem was examined. In a randomized block (n=3) experiment in south-western Sweden, Ca, Mg and K were determined as exchangeable amounts in the mineral soil and as total amounts in the O+A1 horizons (topsoil) and in the aboveground tree biomass. N contents were determined in all compartments as well as P contents of the aboveground tree biomass and the topsoil. The four tree species planted were: silver fir [Abies alba Mill.] (AA), grand fir [Abies grandis Lindl.] (AG), Norway spruce [Picea abies L. Karst.] (PA) and Japanese larch [Larix leptolepis (Sieb. och Zucc.) Endl.] (LL). At the age of 35–36 years, the total stemwood production of the most productive species, AG, was estimated at 471 m3 ha−1. In relation to AG, LL had produced 80%, PA 73% and AA 37%. The system totals [aboveground tree biomass total + topsoil total + exchangeable (Ca, Mg, K) or total (N) in the mineral soil] of Ca, K and N did not differ significantly at the 5% level between the investigated species. For Mg, the system total in LL was significantly higher than for the other species. There was an indication that LL and AA contained higher amounts of Ca, Mg, K and N in the topsoil but less in the biomass than did AG and PA (partly significant). In the mineral soil, there were no significant differences in the exchangeable pools of Ca and K, nor in the total amounts of N. The biomass nutrient concentrations generally decreased in the order: AA > PA > AG > LL. At stem or whole-tree harvest, the Ca export per biomass unit would more than double in the case of PA compared to LL. LL also contained less N in the biomass than the other species. However, the N content in the biomass did not differ between the most (AG) and the least (AA) productive species, although the production of dry weight biomass (standing + harvested) of AG had been twice that of AA. It is concluded that the nutrient budget of a managed forest may vary considerably depending on the choice of tree species.  相似文献   
We have examined actin cDNA of the flatworm Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Cestoda). Actin is a contractile protein that has been implicated in a variety of developmental and cellular processes. It is highly conserved and present in all eukaryotic cells. It is of particular interest to analyze evolutionary preserved genes in flatworms, because ancestral flatworms are regarded to play a central role in the evolution of the metazoans (Barnes et al., 1998). Screening a cDNA library of D. dendriticum (UniZap XR, Stratagene) with a human -actin probe resulted in several positive clones. One of the cDNA inserts, Didactl, consisting of 1392 bp was completely sequenced. The established nucleotide sequence revealed a 5 untranslated region of 33 bp, the entire open reading frame of 1128 bp and a 3 untranslated region of 231 bp which ends in a stretch of 21 A residues. The potential polyadenylation signal (AATAAA) is located 14 bp upstream of the poly (A) tail. The deduced amino acid sequence of Didactl is 376 amino acids long. It is a typical invertebrate actin (Fyrberg et al., 1981) resembling more the cytoplasmic than the muscular isoforms of vertebrate actins. Didactl is for example 96% homologous to human cytoplasmic -actin but only 92.6% identical with human smooth muscle -actin. The actin proteins are generally encoded by a multigene family which differs in size from species to species. Most organisms have four to eight genes coding for actin in their genome, but the number of actin genes can also be over 20 (Hamelin et al., 1988). Sequence comparisons of Didactl and the partly sequenced cDNA clones indicate that D. dendriticum has at least four different genes coding for actin in its genome.  相似文献   
Twenty equine microsatellites were isolated from a genomic phage library, and their genetical and physical localization was sought by linkage mapping and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Nineteen of the markers were found to be polymorphic with, in most cases, heterozygosities exceeding 50%. The markers were mapped in a Swedish reference family for gene mapping, comprising eight half-sib families from Standardbred and Icelandic horse sires. Segregation was analyzed against a set of 35 other markers typed in the pedigree. Thirteen of the microsatellites showed linkage to at least one other marker, with a total of 21 markers being involved in these linkages. In parallel, 18 of the microsatellites could be assigned to their chromosomal region by FISH. These assignments involved eight equine autosomes: ECA1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15, and 16. The genetical and physical mappings revealed by this study represent a significant extension of the current knowledge of the equine genome map. Received: 24 September 1996 / Accepted: 1 December 1996  相似文献   
A new genus and species of fossil angiosperm (Appomattoxia ancistrophora) is established based on well-preserved fruiting units and associated pollen from the Early Cretaceous (Early or Middle Albian) Puddledock locality in the Potomac Group sequence of Virginia, eastern North America. Fruiting units are small, unilocular, and with a single, pendulous, orthotropous seed. The fruit surface is characterized by densely spaced unicellular spines with hooklike tips, which probably functioned in biotic dispersal. Pollen grains adhering to the stigmatic area of many specimens are monocolpate and tectate with granular to columellate infratectal structure, and are similar to dispersed grains assigned to Tucanopollis and Transitoripollis. Comparison of fossil Appomattoxia ancistrophora with extant plants reveals an unusual combination of characters that includes similarities with some magnoliid taxa, particularly Piperales (Piperaceae, Saururaceae) and Laurales (Chloranthaceae), as well as the monotypic ranunculid family Circaeasteraceae. Appomattoxia ancistrophora differs from extant Piperales in having a pendulous rather than erect ovule, and differs from extant Circaeaster in details of the fruit wall, as well as the presence of monosulcate rather than tricolpate pollen.  相似文献   
A Danish mire influenced by culture until ca. 100 years ago and since then with incipient growth of Betula pubescens , was analyzed in 1957 and 1981 with regard to height of the Betula trees and cover percentage of plant species in the field layer. In 1957, every m2 along a 110 m transect was examined; in 1981 only 56 m2 representatively selected from the transect were examined. Betula showed considerable changes with a net intake of 10 trees (23%) and a net loss of 23 trees (52%), i.e. a net loss of 13 trees (30%). The mean height of the trees has, however, increased by 80 cm and the sum of the height of the trees per m2 by 29 cm. An increased total cover was found for Em–petrum nigrum, Molinia coerulea , and Erica tetralix , and a decreased total cover for Calluna, Sphagnum magellanicum, S. nemoreum, S. rubellum, Hypnum cupressi–forme, Pleurozium schreberi , and Aulacomnium palustre. An almost unchanged total cover was found for Eriophorum vaginatum, E. angustifolium, Sphagnum recurvum, Andromeda polifolia, Drosera rotundifolia , and Oxycoccus palustris. On the basis of quantitative changes in the individual plots, a specific index of change is calculated, decreasing in the order Empetrum > Sphagnum magellanicum > S. recurvum = Molinia > Calluna > Hypnum cupressiforme > Pleurozium schreberi> Oxycoccus palustre> Sphagnum nemoreum = S. rubellum = Eriophorum vaginatum = E. angustifolium > Aulacomnium palustre > Erica> Drosera > Andromeda. Analyses from 1981 demonstrate that usually the light conditions and/or the water content and rarely the bulk density of the soil is correlated with the change in cover of the individual species. For some species it is also shown that the change is correlated with the strongly increased cover of Empetrum in particular. The changes are finally illustrated by showing the position of the species along ecological gradients in 1981.  相似文献   
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