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DAVE CURRIE  JARI VALKAMA 《Ibis》2000,142(3):372-381
We compared paternity assurance behaviour and related displays in high (1.6 pairs perkm2) and low (6.7 pairs per km2) density populations of the Curlew Numenius arquata breeding on arable farmland in western Finland. There was little evidence of individuals pursuing extra-pair copulations or males exhibiting paternity assurance behaviour. Furthermore, there was no variation in the frequency of intrusions or in the intensity of paternity assurance behaviour relative to lay date. However, intrusions and approaches to the pair female by extra-pair males were more frequent at high breeding density, and pair males remained closer to their female, followed her more and exhibited a higher frequency of copulatory behaviours in the high-density population. Therefore, high breeding density appeared to increase opportunities for individuals to copulate outside the pair-bond and resulted in more intense male paternity guards. Male song flight displays were also more frequent in the high-density population. Territorial absences by males were infrequent in both areas. The increased frequency of intrusions and interactions between non-pair individuals (male-male and male-female) at high density were probably the major factors in explaining area differences in the intensity of paternity assurance and territorial behaviour.  相似文献   

In this paper a new method for the automatic classification of bird sounds is presented. Our method is based on acoustic parameters (features) taken from the first harmonic component computed from the sound spectrogram. The features are based on a line segment approximation of the first harmonic component. The final feature vectors, consisting of 16 real numbers, are then classified using a self-organizing map (SOM) neural network. Flight calls of four crossbill species (Loxia spp.) are used as a test example. In the first phase, an unsupervised network was trained and tested using common crossbill L. curvirostra flight calls recorded mainly in the Netherlands. The network was tested using two-barred L. leucoptera, Scottish L. scotica and parrot L. pytyopsittacus crossbill flight calls in the second phase. Finally, the results were validated applying the same network to flight calls of common crossbills and parrot crossbills recorded in Finland. The method automatically separated common crossbill flight calls from those of parrot crossbills. The classification accuracy of the Dutch recordings was 58% in the first phase and 54% in the second phase. The Finnish recordings were classified with 54% accuracy.  相似文献   
Screening of 55 different cyanobacterial strains revealed that an extract from Nostoc XPORK14A drastically modifies the amplitude and kinetics of chlorophyll a fluorescence induction of Synechocystis PCC 6803 cells. After 2 d exposure to the Nostoc XPORK14A extract, Synechocystis PCC 6803 cells displayed reduced net photosynthetic activity and significantly modified electron transport properties of photosystem II under both light and dark conditions. However, the maximum oxidizable amount of P700 was not strongly affected. The extract also induced strong oxidative stress in Synechocystis PCC 6803 cells in both light and darkness. We identified the secondary metabolite of Nostoc XPORK14A causing these pronounced effects on Synechocystis cells. Mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses revealed that this compound, designated as M22, has a non‐peptide structure. We propose that M22 possesses a dual‐action mechanism: firstly, by photogeneration of reactive oxygen species in the presence of light, which in turn affects the photosynthetic machinery of Synechocystis PCC 6803; and secondly, by altering the in vivo redox status of cells, possibly through inhibition of protein kinases.  相似文献   
Forest harvest residues are important raw materials for bioenergy in regions practicing forestry. Removing these residues from a harvest site reduces the carbon stock of the forest compared with conventional stem‐only harvest because less litter in left on the site. The indirect carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from producing bioenergy occur when carbon in the logging residues is emitted into the atmosphere at once through combustion, instead of being released little by little as a result of decomposition at the harvest sites. In this study (1) we introduce an approach to calculate this indirect emission from using logging residues for bioenergy production, and (2) estimate this emission at a typical target of harvest residue removal, i.e. boreal Norway spruce forest in Finland. The removal of stumps caused a larger indirect emission per unit of energy produced than the removal of branches because of a lower decomposition rate of the stumps. The indirect emission per unit of energy produced decreased with time since starting to collect the harvest residues as a result of decomposition at older harvest sites. During the 100 years of conducting this practice, the indirect emission from average‐sized branches (diameter 2 cm) decreased from 340 to 70 kg CO2 eq. MWh?1 and that from stumps (diameter 26 cm) from 340 to 160 kg CO2 eq. MWh?1. These emissions are an order of magnitude larger than the other emissions (collecting, transporting, etc.) from the bioenergy production chain. When the bioenergy production was started, the total emissions were comparable to fossil fuels. The practice had to be carried out for 22 (stumps) or four (branches) years until the total emissions dropped below the emissions of natural gas. Our results emphasize the importance of accounting for land‐use‐related indirect emissions to correctly estimate the efficiency of bioenergy in reducing CO2 emission into the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The photobiont ultrastructure of the epiphytic lichens Bryoria fuscescens and Bryoria fremontii was studied along the pollution gradient from two Cu-Ni smelters in Nikel and Monchegorsk in northern Finland and north-western Russia. The relationship between ultrastructural characteristics of B. fuscescens and environmental factors (i.e. climate, atmospheric SO2 and bark element concentrations) was studied by using a principal component analysis (PCA) aiming to assess the air quality in a northern environment. Based on PCA, increased plasmolysis and mitochondrial changes in the Trebouxia photobiont were significantly correlated with elevated pollutant concentrations. Degenerated cells, showing altered chloroplasts and electron-translucent pyrenoglobuli, occurred in lichens growing 35–50 km from the Monchegorsk smelter. Cell wall and cytoplasmic lipid volumes, and size of pyrenoglobuli, positively correlated with the distance from the Monchegorsk smelter. Vacuoles and electron-opaque vacuolar deposits were significantly increased at the Finnish site in the vicinity of a pulp mill. Swelling of mitochondrial cristae and thylakoids showed little correlation with environmental factors, but indicated of initial stage of injuries and were observed at several slightly polluted sites in northern Finland and north-western Russia. The results suggest that the severe photobiont injuries of lichens are strongly associated with poor air quality.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The effect of the water-lily beetle, Galerucella (= Pyrrhalta ) nymphaeae (L.), (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), on the leaf production and leaf longevity of the yellow water-lily, Nuphar lutea (= N. luteum ) (L.) Sibth. & Sm., was studied experimentally in southern Finland during one growth season.
2. Twelve cages, each containing a single rosette of the water-lily, were established in the lake during May. Two treatments were randomly applied to cages: (i) control (herbivory not allowed), and (ii) fifty beetles added at the beginning of the season. Leaves were marked individually and the production of new leaves was followed until October.
3. In both treatments the production of floating leaves continued until the end of August but declined towards the end of summer. Herbivory did not affect the number of leaves produced, i.e. the plants did not compensate for the loss of leaves.
4. Leaf longevity was reduced dramatically (up to —60%) when herbivores were present. Leaves that emerged during the most intense period of larval growth had a life-span one-third of that of the control group.  相似文献   
Recent Pan-Arctic shrub expansion has been interpreted as a response to a warmer climate. However, herbivores can also influence the abundance of shrubs in arctic ecosystems. We addressed these alternative explanations by following the changes in plant community composition during the last 10 years in permanent plots inside and outside exclosures with different mesh sizes that exclude either only reindeer or all mammalian herbivores including voles and lemmings. The exclosures were replicated at three forest and tundra sites at four different locations along a climatic gradient (oceanic to continental) in northern Fennoscandia. Since the last 10 years have been exceptionally warm, we could study how warming has influenced the vegetation in different grazing treatments. Our results show that the abundance of the dominant shrub, Betula nana , has increased during the last decade, but that the increase was more pronounced when herbivores were excluded. Reindeer have the largest effect on shrubs in tundra, while voles and lemmings have a larger effect in the forest. The positive relationship between annual mean temperature and shrub growth in the absence of herbivores and the lack of relationships in grazed controls is another indication that shrub abundance is controlled by an interaction between herbivores and climate. In addition to their effects on taller shrubs (>0.3 m), reindeer reduced the abundance of lichens, whereas microtine rodents reduced the abundance of dwarf shrubs (<0.3 m) and mosses. In contrast to short-term responses, competitive interactions between dwarf shrubs and lichens were evident in the long term. These results show that herbivores have to be considered in order to understand how a changing climate will influence tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   
Selection for different fitness optima between sexes is supposed to operate on several traits. As fitness‐related traits are often energetically costly, selection should also act directly on the energetics of individuals. However, efforts to examine the relationship between fitness and components of the energy budget are surprisingly scarce. We investigated the effects of basal metabolic rate (BMR, the minimum energy required for basic life functions) and body condition on long‐term survival (8 winter months) with manipulated densities in enclosed populations of bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Here, we show that survival selection on BMR was clearly sex‐specific but density‐independent. Both the linear selection gradient and selection differential for BMR were positive in females, whereas survival did not correlate with male characteristics. Our findings emphasize the relative importance of individual physiology over ecological factors (e.g. intra‐specific competition). Most current models of the origin of endothermy underline the importance of metabolic optima in females, whose physiology evolved to fulfil demands of parental provisioning in mammals. Our novel findings of sex‐specific selection could be related to these life history differences between sexes.  相似文献   
Sweet potato virus disease (SPVD), the most harmful disease of sweet potatoes in East Africa, is caused by mixed infection with sweet potato feathery mottle potyvirus (SPFMV) and sweet potato chlorotic stunt crinivirus (SPCSV). Wild Ipomoea spp. native to East Africa (J cairica, I. hildebrandtii, I. involucra and J wightii) were graft-inoculated with SPVD-affected sweet potato scions. Inoculated plants were monitored for symptom development and tested for SPFMV and SPCSV by grafting to the indicator plant J setosa, and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Virus-free scions of sweet potato cv. Jersey were grafted onto these wild Ipomoea spp. in the field, and scions collected 3 wk later were rooted in the greenhouse and tested for viruses using serological tests and bioassays. In all virus tests, J cairica and J involucra were not infected with either SPFMV or SPCSV. J wightii was infected with SPFMV, but not SPCSV, in the field and following experimental inoculation; J hildebrandtii was infected with SPCSV, but not SPFMV, following experimental inoculation. These data provide the first evidence of East African wild Ipomoea germplasm resistant to the viruses causing SPVD.  相似文献   
1. We studied the relative role of local habitat variables and landscape pattern on vole–plant interactions in a system with grey-sided voles ( Clethrionomys rufocanus (Sund.)) and their favourite winter food plant, bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.). The study was conducted during a vole peak year (1992–93) in a tundra area in northern Norway.
2. Using Mantel statistics we were able to separate the direct effects of the spatial patterning of habitats and the indirect effects due to spatial aggregations of similar habitats.
3. Results indicate that knowledge about the explicit spatial patterning of patches does not improve our understanding of the system. Instead, two local factors, vegetation height and bilberry biomass, explained more than 50% of the variation in cutting intensity in winter (defined as the proportion of above-ground shoots cut). Increasing vegetation height increased, and increasing bilberry biomass decreased, the cutting intensity.
4. The conclusion that grey-sided voles are able to distribute themselves relative to habitat quality was also partially supported by our estimated over-winter persistence by voles in the various habitats. Vole persistence was uncorrelated with vegetation height, the important predictor of autumn vole density, but tended to correlate with the deviation from the relation between vegetation height and autumn vole density. This conforms to the expectations from the theory of ideal-free habitat distribution.
5. The cue for vole habitat choice, i.e. vegetation height, indicates that either predation or freezing risk is important for voles when selecting over-wintering habitat.  相似文献   
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