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Peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding sites (PTBBS) are markedly increased in the injured CNS. Astrocytes appear to be the primary cell type which express increased PTBBS. Because certain cytokines within the injured CNS are potent mitogens for astrocytes, we examined the effects of two such cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), on PTBBS in cultured astrocytes using [3H]Ro 5-4864 as the specific ligand. Purified cultures of either polygonal or process-bearing astrocytes were prepared from neonatal rat cerebral hemispheres. At a concentration of 1.8 nM, specific binding of the radioactive ligand to polygonal astrocytes reached equilibrium within 60 min and was half-maximal by 5-10 min. By contrast, specific binding to process-bearing astrocytes barely exceeded background levels. IL-1 and TNF increased PTBBS within polygonal astrocytes in both dose- and time-dependent manners. At 10-50 ng/ml, IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha elevated [3H]Ro 5-4864 binding in polygonal astrocyte cultures 65 and 87%, respectively, above the level in control cultures. However, no changes in PTBBS were seen within polygonal astrocytes after IL-2 treatment. Scatchard analysis of saturation binding experiments suggested that the increase in PTBBS promoted by TNF was due to an increased number of binding sites present in polygonal astrocytes and not due to an increase in receptor affinity. Binding data suggested that PTBBS within cultures of process-bearing astrocytes were virtually absent irrespective of the treatment. These in vitro data suggest that certain cytokines found in the injured brain may be involved in up-regulating PTBBS within a particular subtype of astrocyte.  相似文献   
Abstract A Vero toxin (VT2 or Shiga-like toxin II)-converting phage was isolated from Escherichia coli 0157: H7 strain J-2. Nontoxigenic E. coli C600 produced VT2 when lysogenized with the toxin-converting phage. Eco RI fragments of the phage DNA were ligated with Eco RI-digested pBR322 or pUC118 and were transformed into E. coli MC1061 or MV1184. Transformants exhibiting VT2 production commonly contained a 4.6 kb Eco RI fragment. It was found that a 2.3 kb Kpn I- Sph I fragment coded VT2 production and that this fragment hybridized weakly with the 2.1 kb fragment encoding VT1.  相似文献   
Recent approaches toward the immunotherapy of neoplastic disease involve the introduction of expression-competent genes for interleukin-2 (IL-2) into autologous malignant cells. Treatment of tumor-bearing experimental animals with the IL-2-secreting cells successfully induces partial and at times complete remissions. In most instances, however, although delayed, progressive tumor growth continues. Here, certain of the characteristic of B16 melanomas (H-2b) persisting in C57BL/6 mice (H-2b) treated with an IL-2-secreting, melanoma-antigen-positive cellular immunogen (RLBA-IL-2 cells) are described. Unlike the melanoma cells first injected, B16 cells recovered from mice treated with RLBA-IL-2 cells were deficient in the experssion of MHC class I, but not class II determinants. Deficient MHC class I expression correlated with the cells' resistance to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from the spleens of mice immunized with RLBA-IL-2 cells. Melanomas persisting in mice treated with non-IL-2-secreting, melanoma-antigen-positive cell constructs (RLBA-ZipNeo cells) were also deficient in the expression of MHC class I determinants, and the melanoma cells were resistant to CTL from mice immunized with RLBA-ZipNeo cells. Thus, the expression of melanoma-associated antigens rather than IL-2-secretion correlated with deficient MHC class I expression by the persistent melanomas. This point was substantiated by the expression of MHC class I antigens by melanomas persisting in mice treated with IL-2-secreting, melanoma-antigen-negative LM cells (LM-IL-2); it was equivalent to that of melanomas in untreated mice. The involvement of MHC class I antigens in the immune resistance of persistent melanoma cells from mice treated with the melanoma-autigen-positive immunogens was indicated by the effect of interferon (IFN) orN-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) on the susceptibility of the cells to anti-melanoma CTL. Treatment of the resistant melanomas with IFN or MNNG stimulated MHC class I antigen expression and restored the cells' sensitivity to CTL from mice immunized with IL-2-secreting or nonsecreting, melanoma-antigen-positive cellular immunogens. Prior treatment of the treated cells with antibodies to MHC class I determinants inhibited the cells' susceptibility to CTL from mice immunized with RLBA-IL-2 cells.  相似文献   
Mouse oocyte maturation inhibitory factors, on the basis of inhibitory activity of spontaneous germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of denuded mouse oocytes in culture, were extracted and partially purified by reversed-phase resin adsorption and Sephadex G-100 and G-50 column chromatographies from the urine of pregnant women. Denuded oocytes obtained from ovaries of ICR mice underwent spontaneous GVBD by cultivation for 3 h in modified Krebs–Ringer's buffered solution, while this spontaneous GVBD was found to be inhibited by adding the final preparation (U-D-4) of urine. The inhibition was dose dependent, ranging from 0.6 to 10 μg protein/ml medium. Oocytes treated with U-D-4 and resuspended in control medium resumed GVBD. The molecular mass of U-D-4 was estimated to be less than 2,000 Da with gel filtration. Ether treatment failed to extract inhibitory factor(s) from U-D-4 and pepsin treatment inactivated U-D-4, indicating that inhibitory factor(s) in U-D-4 are peptide-like substances. The inhibitory effect of U-D-4 on spontaneous GVBD was partially reversed in the presence of naloxone, a potent opioid antagonist. U-D-4s obtained from urine samples of pregnant women, nonpregnant women, and men showed the inhibitory effect on spontaneous GVBD; however, the activity of U-D-4 obtained from pregnancy urine was significantly more potent than those of the other urine samples. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The heat-stable enterotoxin (O1-ST) gene (sto) was cloned from chromosome of the strain GP156 of Vibrio cholerae O1 (Inaba, El Tor) in Escherichia coli K-12, and its nucleotide seqence was determined. The nucleotide sequence of sto was very similar to that of NAG-ST gene (stn) of V. cholerae non-O1. Both sto and stn were flanked by 123-base pair direct repeats which had at least 93% homology to one another and included some inverted repeats. All the strains of V. cholerae, V. mimicus, V. metschnikovii, V. hollisae and Yersinia enterocolitica examined by colony hybridization had the direct repeat sequence regardless of ST-gene possession.  相似文献   
The garnet-type phase Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) attracts significant attention as an oxide solid electrolyte to enable safe and robust solid-state batteries (SSBs) with potentially high energy density. However, while significant progress has been made in demonstrating compatibility with Li metal, integrating LLZO into composite cathodes remains a challenge. The current perspective focuses on the critical issues that need to be addressed to achieve the ultimate goal of an all-solid-state LLZO-based battery that delivers safety, durability, and pack-level performance characteristics that are unobtainable with state-of-the-art Li-ion batteries. This perspective complements existing reviews of solid/solid interfaces with more emphasis on understanding numerous homo- and heteroionic interfaces in a pure oxide-based SSB and the various phenomena that accompany the evolution of the chemical, electrochemical, structural, morphological, and mechanical properties of those interfaces during processing and operation. Finally, the insights gained from a comprehensive literature survey of LLZO–cathode interfaces are used to guide efforts for the development of LLZO-based SSBs.  相似文献   
Colorectal cancer (CRC) has a high mortality rate among cancers worldwide. To reduce this mortality rate, chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan) or targeted therapy (bevacizumab, cetuximab, and panitumumab) has been used to treat CRC. However, due to various side effects and poor responses to CRC treatment, novel therapeutic targets for drug development are needed. In this study, we identified the overexpression of EHMT1 in CRC using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data derived from TCGA, and we observed that knocking down EHMT1 expression suppressed cell growth by inducing cell apoptosis in CRC cell lines. In Gene Ontology (GO) term analysis using RNA-seq data, apoptosis-related terms were enriched after EHMT1 knockdown. Moreover, we identified the CHOP gene as a direct target of EHMT1 using a ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation) assay with an anti-histone 3 lysine 9 dimethylation (H3K9me2) antibody. Finally, after cotransfection with siEHMT1 and siCHOP, we again confirmed that CHOP-mediated cell apoptosis was induced by EHMT1 knockdown. Our findings reveal that EHMT1 plays a key role in regulating CRC cell apoptosis, suggesting that EHMT1 may be a therapeutic target for the development of cancer inhibitors.  相似文献   
Bacillus thermocatenulatus lipase 2 (BTL2) is a promising industrial enzyme used in biodiesel production. Although BTL2 has high thermostability and good resistance to organic solvents, the activity of BTL2 is suboptimal for industrial processes. To improve BTL2 activity, we engineered BTL2 lipase by modulating hydrophobicity of its lid domain. Through site‐directed mutagenesis, we constructed three mutants, namely Y225F+S232A, S232A+T236V and Q185L, to cover all uncharged hydrophilic amino acids within the lid domain. Activities of these mutants were characterized. Our findings suggest that one mutant (Y225F+S232A) showed ~35% activity increase in catalyzing heterogeneous hydrolytic reactions relevant for industrial applications. A mathematical framework was established to account for different molecular events that contribute to the observed apparent catalytic activities. Increases in hydrophobicity of lid domains were associated with increased interfacial adsorption of lipases and lower molecular enzymatic activities. The measured apparent activities of lipases include contributions from both events. Lid hydrophobicity can thus result in different changes in lipase activities depending on the mutation site. Our work demonstrates the feasibility of increasing BTL2 activity by modulating the hydrophobicity of lid domains and provides some guidelines for further improving BTL2 activity.  相似文献   
Relatively little has been studied on the AMA-1 vaccine against Plasmodium vivax and on the plasmid DNA vaccine encoding P. vivax AMA-1 (PvAMA-1). In the present study, a plasmid DNA vaccine encoding AMA-1 of the reemerging Korean P. vivax has been constructed and a preliminary study was done on its cellular immunogenicity to recipient BALB/c mice. The PvAMA-1 gene was cloned and expressed in the plasmid vector UBpcAMA-1, and a protein band of approximately 56.8 kDa was obtained from the transfected COS7 cells. BALB/c mice were immunized intramuscularly or using a gene gun 4 times with the vaccine, and the proportions of splenic T-cell subsets were examined by fluorocytometry at week 2 after the last injection. The spleen cells from intramuscularly injected mice revealed no significant changes in the proportions of CD8(+) T-cells and CD4(+) T-cells. However, in mice immunized using a gene gun, significantly higher (P<0.05) proportions of CD8(+) cells were observed compared to UB vector-injected control mice. The results indicated that cellular immunogenicity of the plasmid DNA vaccine encoding AMA-1 of the reemerging Korean P. vivax was weak when it was injected intramuscularly; however, a promising effect was observed using the gene gun injection technique.  相似文献   
Protein pattern has played an important role in biosensors, bioMEMS, tissue engineering, fundamental studies of cell biology, and basic proteomics research. Here, we developed a straightforward and effective protein patterning technique using macroporous poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) hydrogel micropatterns as a three-dimensional (3D) template for protein immobilization. Micropatterns of macroporous hydrogels with inverse opal structures were prepared on poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-coated silicon substrates by combining a colloidal crystal templating method with photopatterning. The resultant inverse opal hydrogel (IOH) micropatterns were modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane using the hydroxyl groups in PHEMA for the covalent immobilization of proteins. Proteins were selectively immobilized only on the hydrogel micropatterns, while the PEG regions served as an effective barrier to protein adsorption. Because of their highly ordered and interconnected 3D macroporous structures and large internal surface areas, protein loading in the IOH micropattern was about six times greater than that on a non-porous hydrogel micropattern, which consequently improved the protein activity. The porosity of the hydrogel micropatterns could be controlled using different sizes of colloidal nanoparticles, and using smaller nanoparticles produced hydrogel micropatterns with higher protein loading capacities and activities. To demonstrate the potential use of IOH micropatterns in biosensor systems, biotin was micropatterned on the hydrogels and the specific binding of streptavidin was successfully assayed using IOH micropatterns with better fluorescence signals and sensitivity than that of the corresponding non-porous hydrogel micropatterns.  相似文献   
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