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Semisynthetic des-(B27-B30)-insulins with modified B26-tyrosine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Semisynthetic des-(B27-B30)-insulins containing modified B26-tyrosine residues were prepared to refine the understanding of the importance of position B26 with regard to biological and structural properties of the hormone. The following shortened insulin analogues were synthesized by trypsin-catalysed peptide-bond formation between the C-terminal amino acid ArgB22 of des-(B23-B30)-insulin and synthetic tetrapeptides as amino components: des-(B27-B30)-insulin, des-(B27-B30)-insulin-B26-methyl ester, -B26-carboxamide with varying C-terminal hydrophobicity of the B-chain, and [Tyr(NH2)B26]-, [Tyr(NO2)B26]-, [Tyr(I2)B26]-, [D-TyrB26]des-(B27-B30)-insulin-B26-carboxamide containing non-proteinogenic amino acids in position B26. Starting from insulin and an excess of synthetic Gly-Phe-Phe-Tyr-OMe as nucleophile, des-(B27-B30)-insulin-B26-methyl ester--the formal transpeptidation product at ArgB22--was formed in one step. Biological in vitro properties (binding to cultured human IM-9 lymphocytes, relative lipogenic potency in isolated rat adipocytes) of all semisynthetic analogues are reported, ranging from slightly decreased to two-fold receptor affinity and nearly three-fold biopotency relative to insulin. If the C-terminal tetrapeptide B27-B30 is removed, full relative insulin activity is still preserved, while the shortening results in the loss of ability to associate in solution. Only after carboxamidation or methyl esterification of TyrB26 the self-association typical of native insulin can be observed, and the CD-spectral effects in the near UV spectrum related to association and hexamerization of the native hormone are qualitatively reestablished. The results of this investigation underline the importance of position B26 to the modulation of hormonal properties and solution structure of the shortened insulins.  相似文献   
As a further contribution to the synthesis of an insulin analogue with a stable A7-B7 interchain bond, the synthesis of A(8-21) by solution methods, and of B(9-25) as well as [7-(2,7-diaminosuberic acid)]B(1-8) by solid phase methods is described. In the latter compound, the amino group of the diaminosuberic acid residue was acylated with A(1-6), and the resulting "U-peptide" sequentially elongated with the C-terminal A- and finally B-chain sequences. The conversion of the product into the disulfide moiety gave a mixture which could not be resolved by currently available methods. However, the low biological activity of the crude product indicates that the A7-B7 disulfide bond is not crucially important for the activity of insulin.  相似文献   
Two methods are described for the preparation of NalphaB1,Nepsilon29-Boc2-insulin from Nalpha A1-trifluoroacetyl-insulin and Nalpha A1-citraconyl-insulin in 80 - 90% and 65% yields, respectively. Removal of the Boc protections afforded the fully active insulin. Application of this derivative was demonstrated by the preparations of des-GlyA1-insulin and [A1-guanidinoacetyl]insulin. The former compount exhibited 2% activity in the in vitro free fat cell assay and the latter 88 +/- 5% while NalphaB1-NepsilonB29-Boc2-insulin showed 45 +/- 3% activity only.  相似文献   
Shortened insulin with enhanced in vitro potency   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
After it has been shown that removal of residues B26-B30 leaves insulin with full biological activity, provided the new C-terminus is amidated (Fischer et al. (1985) Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 366, 521-525), it is demonstrated here that it does not even preclude enhancement of potency. 7 analogues of des-(B26-B30)-insulin-B25-amide were prepared by trypsin-mediated semisynthesis, the replacements being D-PheB24; HisB25, D-PheB25, TrpB25, TyrB25; D-PheB24,B25 and D-PheB24, TyrB25. Mere conversion of the configuration of B25-phenylalanine reduces in vitro potency to 0.5%. If B25-phenylalanine is, however, substituted by histidine or tyrosine activity is increased to 310 or 230, respectively. According to the features common to these two side chains, the favourable effect should be due to their ring structure with balanced aromatic and polar or H-bonding properties, respectively. The results indicate that in the complete insulin molecule the C-terminal pentapeptide modulates the subtle role that residues B24 and/or B25 play in receptor binding and activity; its presence may have a positive or negative effect. The drastic differences in activity between the shortened analogues are in no ways reflected in the CD spectra which are very similar, though clearly different from that of native insulin.  相似文献   
An analogue of porcine insulin which differs from the native molecule in that the amino-acid residue B22-L-arginine is replaced by its D-enantiomer has been synthesized. The [D ArgB22]B-chain was synthesized by the segment condensation method and purified as the di-S-sulfonate by ion exchange chromatoggraphy on SP-Sephadex at pH 3.5. Combination with native porcine sulfhydryl A-chain gave [DArgB22]insulin which was purified by ion exchange chromatography on SP-Sephadex at pH 4.5 with a linear NaCl gradient. The biological activity of this analogue as measured by glucose oxidation in rat epididymal adipocytes was 2%. Thymidine incorporation into DNA of human fibroblast was 16%. The immunoreactivity using antipork insulin antibody in a double antibody immunoassay was 4%. The receptor-binding affinity as measured by radioreceptor assays was 2% with cultured human fibroblasts and 1% with rat adipocytes. These results suggest that the L-configuration at B22-arginine is essential for retaining the biological, immunological and receptor-binding properties of the hormone.  相似文献   
The reactivity of H-2b-restricted murine T cells towards bovine insulin was reported to depend on the expression of Ia.W39, a private specificity of I-Ab, on antigen-presenting cells. Cells of male (CBA/N x B6)F1 mice carrying the mutation xid on the X chromosome lack Ia.W39 on the cell surface. These cells are unable to present bovine insulin to primed T cells derived from female (CBA/N x B6)F1 mice. We show here that spleen cells of male (CBA/N x B6)F1 hybrids served perfectly as accessory cells for the insulin-dependent induction of a proliferative response of long-term cultured T cells with (B10 x B10.BR)F1 genotype, restricted to recognizing insulin in the context of F1-unique I-A determinants. The epitope on the insulin molecule essential for stimulation was determined to depend on the glutamic acid residue in position 4 of the A chain of insulin. This contrasts with the H-2b-restricted response of B6 mice to bovine insulin, which appears to be directed at the A chain loop determinant (amino acids A8 and A10). These data suggest that distinct I-Ab-encoded structures, the expression of which is regulated independently, may serve as components of restriction elements for H-2b and (H-2b x H-2k)F1 restricted T cells, which are specific for different epitopes of bovine insulin.  相似文献   
Several semisynthetic analogues of human insulin were prepared by enzyme-assisted coupling of synthetic octapeptides to the C-terminal of porcine desoctapeptide insulin. We report the receptor-binding and biological properties of [LeuB24]- and [LeuB25]-insulins, one of which has the same sequence as a “mutant” insulin recently found in a diabetic patient (Tager, H. et al.(1979) Nature 28:121–125). [LeuB24]- and [LeuB25]-insulins had, respectively, 8–12% and 0.9–1.1% of the binding affinity of human insulin, and 11% and 2.7% of its potency in stimulating lipogenesis in isolated rat fat cells. Neither one was an antagonist of the biological effects of native insulin. While the ability of [LeuB24]-insulin to induce negative cooperativity was clearly impaired, that of [LeuB25]-insulin was almost abolished. [LeuB25]-insulin was also a potent antagonist of the negative cooperativity induced by native insulin.  相似文献   
Acylation of insulin with citraconic anhydride was studied at different pH values. The controlled acylation at pH 8.5 and 7 yielded mainly A1-citraconylinsulin (41%) and A1,B1-dicitraconylinsulin (39%), respectively. Acylation with excess reagent at pH 5.6, followed by partial deblocking at pH 5 for 30 min and 17 h, led mainly to A1,B1-dicitraconylinsulin (51%) and B1-citraconylinsulin (40%), respectively. The order of the deblocking rates for the three citraconyl groups at pH 3.5 and 5 was B29 much greater than A1 greater than B1. The biological activity of citraconyl derivatives: A1-citraconyl, B1-citraconyl and A1,B1-dicitraconylinsulin were found to be 15%, 100% and 15% (in vitro fat cell assay) and 46%, 78% and 48% (in mouse convulsion assay), respectively. In a double insulin immunoassay these derivatives had 40%, 75% and 30% immunoreactivity, respectively.  相似文献   
This paper reports on an insulin analogue with 12.5-fold receptor affinity, the highest increase observed for a single replacement, and on its solution structure, determined by NMR spectroscopy. The analogue is [D-AlaB26]des-(B27-B30)-tetrapeptide-insulin-B26-amide. C-terminal truncation of the B-chain by four (or five) residues is known not to affect the functional properties of insulin, provided the new carboxylate charge is neutralized. As opposed to the dramatic increase in receptor affinity caused by the substitution of D-Ala for the wild-type residue TyrB26 in the truncated molecule, this very substitution reduces it to only 18% of that of the wild-type hormone when the B-chain is present in full length. The insulin molecule in solution is visualized as an ensemble of conformers interrelated by a dynamic equilibrium. The question is whether the "active" conformation of the hormone, sought after in innumerable structure/function studies, is or is not included in the accessible conformational space, so that it could be adopted also in the absence of the receptor. If there were any chance for the active conformation, or at least a predisposed state to be populated to a detectable extent, this chance should be best in the case of a superpotent analogue. This was the motivation for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of [D-AlaB26]des-(B27-B30)-tetrapeptide-insulin-B26-amide. However, neither the NMR data nor CD spectroscopic comparison of a number of related analogues provided a clue concerning structural features predisposing insulin to high receptor affinity. After the present study it seems more likely than before that insulin will adopt its active conformation only when exposed to the force field of the receptor surface.  相似文献   
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