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The effect of prey species and the different stages of prey on the predatory efficiency and biology of the phytoseiid mites,Amblyseius gossipi Elbadry andTyphlodromus mangiferus sp. n. was studied. It was found that feeding either predator onTetranychus cucurbitacearum (Sayed) promoted faster development and a higher rate of oviposition than rearing on the twospotted spider mite,T. urticae (Koch). Different stages of both prey species also produced different responses in the biological activities of these predaceous mites.
Résumé On a étudié l'effet de l'espèce de la proie et de ses différents stades sur l'efficacité et la biologie des acariens phytoseiides,Amblyseius gossipi Elbadry etTyphlodromus mangiferus sp. n. Il a été constaté que l'alimentation des 2 prédateurs avecTetranychus cucurbitacearus (Sayed) assure un dévelopment plus rapide et une fécondité plus élevée que leur élevage surT. urticae (Koch). Les différents stades de ces 2 proies produisent des réponses différentes dans les activités biologiques des 2 acariens prédateurs.
A single dose of zearalenone (10 g/g LBW) was injected intraperitoneally to Wistar Albino rats at the age of 50–100 days. The uterine acetyl cholinesterase enzyme was significantly increased in the treated animals compared to that in the controls. Therefore, zearalenone would be considered as an esterogenic effector for increasing the uterine acetyl cholinesterase which enhances uterine relaxation and subsequently improves its function for pregnancy in prematured-animals.Unlike estradiol, it was interesting to find that the estrogenicity of zearalenone was increased by the moderating progesterone hormone. Moreover, it was revealed in this study that the injected dose of zearalenone had no deleterious effects on the pregnant rats at 10–12 days period of gestation. The harmful effects of zearalenone on pregnant animals cited in the literature (11, 13, 19) were reviewed.  相似文献   
Serial concentrations of aflatoxin B1 ranging from 200 to 1500 p.p.b. in 2% lactic acid solution (which is the aimed concentration of lactic acid in fresh silage) were assayed for detoxification. Thin-layer chromatography analysis, revealed a complete transformation of 1 000 p.p.b. of aflatoxin B1 to a new fluorescing compount corresponding to aflatoxin B2a which is referred to as hydroxydihydro-aflatoxin B1 toxicity test on chickens confirmed Ciegler's findings (4). The results confirm that the chemical changes taken place in the silo can detoxify aflatoxin B1 to aflatoxin B2a.  相似文献   
Cytological characteristics and pattern of distribution of different cell types in the epithelia of cervix and uterus of crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis) in follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cyclic and amenorrhea were studied. The cervix uteri and uterus exhibit remarkable structural differenes in the ciliated, secretory, and ciliated-secretory cells. Since the number of ciliated-sexretory cells in the uterus is higher than in the cervix. It is believed that they form an additional source for the secretion of uterine fluid during the menstrual cylce. Both ciliated and secretory cells undergo degeneration; extensive cytoplasmic vacuolation associated with pycnosis and disorganization of the nuclei encountered.  相似文献   
The significance of seasonal fluctuations in the components of the reproductive cycle is complex. In mammals, high environmental temperature may cause delayed puberty, delayed onset of sexual season, irregularity in cycle length, duration of estrus, ovulation rate, frequency of anovulatory estrus,morphological abnormalities in ova, fetal size and semen characteristics. High temperatures, in birds, may affect rate of egg laying, egg weight, shell quality, fertility, size of blastoderm and hatchability. Animals have developed effective thermoregulatory mechanisms for the testis. The effects of extremes of temperatures on reproduction vary with the species,breed, age, stage of reproductive cycle,period of temperature exposure, nature of temperature fluctuation and altitude. Effects of low temperature on reproduction have been little studied.
Zusammenfassung Die Bedeutung von jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der Komponenten im Fortpflanzungszyklus ist komplex. Bei SÄugetieren kann hohe Temperatur eine verspÄtere PubertÄt bewirken, spÄten Beginn der Brunst, UnregelmÄssigkeiten in der ZykluslÄnge,Oestrusdauer, Ovulationsrate und HÄufigkeit von anovulatorischen Oestrus, morphologische AbnormalitÄten der Eier, der Fötengrösse und des Samens.Bei Vögeln können hohe Temperaturen die LegetÄtigkeit, Eigewicht, SchalenqualitÄt, Fruchtbarkeit, Grösse des Blastoderms und Ausbrütbarkeit beeinflussen. Tiere haben wirksame thermoregulatorische Mechanismen für die Hoden entwickelt.Die Einflüsse von Temperaturextremen auf die Fortpflanzung variiert mit der Tierart, Zucht, Alter,Stadium im Fortpflanzungszyklus, Temperatureinwirkungszeit, Art der Temperaturschwankungen und Höhe. Die Bedeutung niedriger Temperatur für die Fortpflanzung ist noch wenig untersucht.

Resume L'importance des fluctuations saisonnières sur le cycle de reproduction est complexe. Chez les mammifères, une température élevée peut causer un retard de la puberté et du rut des irrégularités de la durée du cycle et de l'oestrus ainsi que de la fréquence des ovulations; les cycles anovulatoires, les anomalies morphologiques de l'oeuf, de la semence et les variations de la grandeur fétale sont plus frequents. Chez les oiseaux les hautes températures peuvent influencer la ponte, le poids de l'oeuf, la qualité de la coquille, la fertilité, la grandeur de blastoderme et la tendance à couver. Les animaux ont développé des mécanismes thermorégulateurs efficaces pour les testicules. Les influences des extrÊmes de température sur la reproduction varient avec l'espèce, la race, l'âge,le stade du cycle de reproduction, la nature et la durée des différences de température et l'altitude. L'influence des basses températures sur la reproduction n'a pas encore été bien étudiée.
This work was conducted in order to study the kinetic behaviour of dietary aflatoxins in the colostrum of a pregnant cow exposed to contaminated feeds for a short period.In this study, two pregnant cows received a single dose of dietary aflatoxins in the form of rice powder contained 31.20 ppm aflatoxin B and 19.68 ppm aflatoxin G during the last stage of pregnancy, at about two weeks before parturition.Samples of colostrum were collected from dams and assayed for the presence of toxic metabolites as well as its conjugations by electrophoretic analysis.The results revealed that the intake of aflatoxins appeared in the colostrum pospartum as AFM1 and also AFB2a which is a non toxic metabolite. Moreover, it was found that the excreted metabolites including AFB2a were conjugated to the immunoglobulin protein fraction of the colostrum.The significance of the obtained results to the newborn calf are discussed.  相似文献   
Among eight species of mammals in this study (cattle, sheep, pig-tail and rhesus monkeys, rabbit, pig, rat, and dog) four basic patterns of anatomical structure at the uterotubal junction are described. The classification of types is based upon the presence or absence of an intramural portion of the oviduct and of isthmal folds or plicae projecting into the lumen of the uterine cornu. Histological variations are reported for three tissues: epithelial and connective of the mucosa and smooth muscle of the tunica muscularis. In the epithelium during the estrous cycle the differences recorded include: (a) absence of ciliated cells in the distal end of the oviduct in rat and dog; (b) variations in ciliated and nonciliated cells in (1) cell height, (2) location, shape and stainability of the nucleus, and (3) in amount and stainability of apical cytoplasm; (c) presence of lymphoblast-like cells which appear to migrate through the epithelium from the lamina propria. The connective tissue of the mucosa, as a circular layer and as cores for the mucosal folds, shows variations in thickness and in relative density of cells and fibers of the matrix. Emphasis is given to the presence of an inner longitudinal layer of smooth muscle in the tunica muscularis of the distal oviduct in six of the eight species.  相似文献   
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