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Retroviral integration protein (IN) has been shown to be both necessary and sufficient for the integration of reverse-transcribed retroviral DNA into the host cell DNA. It has been demonstrated that self-assembly of IN is essential for proper function. Analytical ultracentrifugation was used to determine the stoichiometry and free energy of self-association of a full-length IN in various solvents at 23.3 degrees C. Below 8% glycerol, an association stoichiometry of monomer-dimer-tetramer is observed. At salt concentrations above 500 mM, dimer is the dominant species over a wide range of protein concentrations. However, as physiological salt concentrations are approached, tetramer formation is favored. The addition of glycerol to 500 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris (pH 8.4), 2 mM beta-mercaptoethanol significantly enhances dimer formation with little effect on tetramer formation. Furthermore, as electrostatic shielding is increased by increasing the ionic strength or decreasing the cation size, dimer formation is strengthened while tetramer formation is weakened. Taken together, the data support a model in which dimer formation includes favorable buried surface interactions which are opposed by charge-charge repulsion, while favorable electrostatic interactions contribute significantly to tetramer formation.  相似文献   
Charge is a fundamental property of macromolecules in solution. However, estimation of the apparent charge on polyions has confounded science for decades. Presented here is a general method to determine directly the apparent charge on a polyion, regardless of its size or shape. This new method uses equilibrium electrophoresis, a procedure in which opposing solute flows from electrophoresis and from diffusion balance everywhere as the system reaches a steady-state distribution. The method uses only small quantities of materials, is nondestructive, and requires only simple, inexpensive instrumentation. Here we describe a prototype apparatus, demonstrate the phenomenon, and present experimental examples of the procedure.  相似文献   
We have investigated the formation of the aa-tRNA X EF-Tu X GTP ternary complex spectroscopically by monitoring a fluorescence change that accompanies the association of EF-Tu X GTP with Phe-tRNAPhe-F8, a functionally active analogue of Phe-tRNAPhe with a fluorescein moiety covalently attached to the s4U-8 base. With this approach, the protein-nucleic acid interaction could be examined by direct means and at equilibrium. The fluorescence emission intensity of each Phe-tRNAPhe-F8 increased by 36-55% upon association with EF-Tu X GTP, depending on the solvent conditions. Thus, when Phe-tRNAPhe-F8 was titrated with EF-Tu X GTP, the extent of ternary complex formation was determined from the increase in emission intensity. A nonlinear least-squares analysis of the titration data yielded a dissociation constant of 0.85 nM for the ternary complex in 50 mM N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (pH 7.6), 10 mM MgCl2, and 50 mM NH4Cl, at 6 degrees C. The delta H degrees of this interaction, determined by the temperature dependence of Kd, was -16 kcal/mol; the delta S degrees was therefore -16 cal mol-1 deg-1 at 6 degrees C in this buffer. In a more physiological polycation-containing solvent ("polymix"), the Kd was 4.7 nM. The ionic strength dependence of ternary complex formation showed that a minimum of two salt bridges and a substantial nonelectrostatic contribution are involved in the binding of aa-tRNA to EF-Tu. The affinities of unmodified aa-tRNAs for EF-Tu X GTP were determined by their abilities to compete with the fluorescent aa-tRNA for binding to the protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We find that the isolated, extracellular domain of tissue factor (TF1-218; sTF) exhibits only 4% of the activity of wild-type transmembrane TF (TF1-263) in an assay that measures the conversion of factor X to Xa by the TF:VIIa complex. Further, the activity of sTF is manifest only when vesicles consisting of phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylcholine (30/70 w/w) are present. To determine whether the decreased activity results from weakened affinity of sTF for VIIa, we studied their interaction using equilibrium ultracentrifugation, fluorescence anisotropy, and an activity titration. Ultracentrifugation of the sTF:VIIa complex established a stoichiometry of 1:1 and an upper limit of 1 nM for the equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd). This value is in agreement with titrations of dansyl-D-Phe-L-Phe-Arg chloromethyl ketone active site labeled VIIa (DF-VIIa) with sTF using dansyl fluorescence anisotropy as the observable. Pressure dissociation experiments were used to obtain quantitative values for the binding interaction. These experiments indicate that the Kd for the interaction of sTF with DF-VIIa is 0.59 nM (25 degrees C). This value may be compared to a Kd of 7.3 pM obtained by the same method for the interaction of DF-VIIa with TF1-263 reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine vesicles. The molar volume change of association was found to be 63 and 117 mL mol-1 for the interaction of DF-VIIa with sTF and TF1-263, respectively. These binding data show that the sTF:VIIa complex is quantitatively and qualitatively different from the complex formed by TF1-263 and VIIa.  相似文献   
The myogenic determination factor MyoD is a member of the basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein family. A 68-residue fragment of MyoD encompassing the entire bHLH region (MyoD-bHLH) is sufficient for protein dimerization, sequence-specific DNA binding in vitro, and conversion of fibroblasts into muscle cells. The circular dichroism spectrum of MyoD-bHLH indicates the presence of significant alpha-helical secondary structure; however, the NMR spectrum lacks features of a well-defined tertiary structure. There is a naturally occurring cysteine at residue 135 in mouse MyoD that when oxidized to a disulfide induces MyoD-bHLH to form a symmetric homodimer with a defined tertiary structure as judged by sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation and NMR spectroscopy. Oxidized MyoD-bHLH retains sequence-specific DNA-binding activity, albeit with an apparent 100-1000-fold decrease in affinity. Here, we report the structural characterization of the oxidized MyoD-bHLH homodimer by NMR spectroscopy. Our findings indicate that the basic region is unstructured and flexible, while the HLH region consists of two alpha-helices of unequal length connected by an as yet undetermined loop structure. Qualitative examination of interhelical NOEs suggests several potential arrangements for the two helix 1/helix 2 pairs in the symmetric oxidized dimer. These arrangements were evaluated for whether they could incorporate the disulfide bond, satisfy loop length constraints, and juxtapose the two basic regions. Only a model that aligns helix 1 parallel to helix 1' and antiparallel to helix 2 was consistent with all constraints. Thus, an antiparallel four-helix bundle topology is proposed for the symmetric dimer. This topology is hypothesized to serve as a general model for other bHLH protein domains.  相似文献   
Summary We recently proposed a novel four-dimensional (4D) NMR strategy for the assignment of backbone nuclei in spectra of 13C/15N-labelled proteins (Boucher et al. (1992) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114, 2262–2264 and J. Biomol. NMR, 2, 631–637). In this paper we extend this approach with a new constant time 4D HCC(CO)NNH experiment that also correlates the chemical shifts of the aliphatic sidechain (1H and 13C) and backbone (1H, 13C and 15N) nuclei. It separates the sidechain resonances, which may heavily overlap in spectra of proteins with large numbers of similar residues, according to the backbone nitrogen and amide proton chemical shifts. When used in conjunction with a 4D HCANNH or HNCAHA experiment it allows, in principle, complete assignment of aliphatic sidechain and backbone resonances with just two 4D NMR experiments.  相似文献   
Compensatory base changes (CBCs) in helix II of rDNA ITS2, suggested as a molecular classifier for fungi, were analyzed in Mucor circinelloides and its varieties. Only a few CBCs were found in the complex. Three out of the four accepted formae (f. circinelloides, f. lusitanicus, f. janssenii) did not exhibit CBCs. One CBC was found between strains that form zygospores; consequently, CBC is not always concordant with mating experiments. Strains with two CBC are unable to breed. It is suggested that some strains of the M. circinelloides complex are at the beginning of speciation.  相似文献   
Methionine, folic acid, betaine and choline interact in the one-carbon metabolism which provides methyl groups for methylation reactions. An optimal intake of these nutrients during pregnancy is required for successful completion of fetal development and evidence is growing that they could be involved in metabolic long-term programming. However, the biological pathways involved in the action of these nutrients are still poorly known. This study investigated the interaction between methyl donors and protein content in maternal diet during the preconceptual, pregnancy and lactation periods and the consequences on the rat offspring in the short and long term. Methyl donor supplementation reduced leptin secretion in offspring, whereas insulin levels were mostly affected by protein restriction. The joint effect of protein restriction and methyl donor excess strongly impaired postnatal growth in both gender and long term weight gain in male offspring only, without affecting food intake. In addition, rats born from protein restricted and methyl donor supplemented dams gained less weight when fed a hypercaloric diet. Methylation of the leptin gene promoter in adipose tissue was increased in methyl donor supplemented groups but not affected by protein restriction only. These results suggest that maternal methyl donor supplementation may influence energy homeostasis in a gender-dependent manner, without affecting food intake. Moreover, we showed that macronutrients and micronutrients in maternal diet interact to influence the programming of the offspring.  相似文献   
Orthopoxvirus species like cowpox, vaccinia and monkeypox virus cause zoonotic infections in humans worldwide. Infections often occur in rural areas lacking proper diagnostic infrastructure as exemplified by monkeypox, which is endemic in Western and Central Africa. While PCR detection requires demanding equipment and is restricted to genome detection, the evidence of virus particles can complement or replace PCR. Therefore, an easily distributable and manageable antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of orthopoxviruses was developed to facilitate particle detection. By comparing the virus particle binding properties of polyclonal antibodies developed against surface-exposed attachment or fusion proteins, the surface protein A27 was found to be a well-bound, highly immunogenic and exposed target for antibodies aiming at virus particle detection. Subsequently, eight monoclonal anti-A27 antibodies were generated and characterized by peptide epitope mapping and surface plasmon resonance measurements. All antibodies were found to bind with high affinity to two epitopes at the heparin binding site of A27, toward either the N- or C-terminal of the crucial KKEP-segment of A27. Two antibodies recognizing different epitopes were implemented in an antigen capture ELISA. Validation showed robust detection of virus particles from 11 different orthopoxvirus isolates pathogenic to humans, with the exception of MVA, which is apathogenic to humans. Most orthopoxviruses could be detected reliably for viral loads above 1 × 103 PFU/mL. To our knowledge, this is the first solely monoclonal and therefore reproducible antibody-based antigen capture ELISA able to detect all human pathogenic orthopoxviruses including monkeypox virus, except variola virus which was not included. Therefore, the newly developed antibody-based assay represents important progress towards feasible particle detection of this important genus of viruses.  相似文献   
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