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Hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1), a key regulator for adaptation to hypoxia, is composed of HIF-1alpha and HIF-1beta. In this study, we present evidence that overexpression of mitochondria-located thioredoxin 2 (Trx2) attenuated hypoxia-evoked HIF-1alpha accumulation, whereas cytosolic thioredoxin 1 (Trx1) enhanced HIF-1alpha protein amount. Transactivation of HIF-1 is decreased by overexpression of Trx2 but stimulated by Trx1. Inhibition of proteasomal degradation of HIF-1alpha in Trx2-overexpressing cells did not fully restore HIF-1alpha protein levels, while HIF-1alpha accumulation was enhanced in Trx1-overexpressing cells. Reporter assays showed that cap-dependent translation is increased by Trx1 and decreased by Trx2, whereas HIF-1alpha mRNA levels remained unaltered. These data suggest that thioredoxins affect the synthesis of HIF-1alpha. Trx1 facilitated synthesis of HIF-1alpha by activating Akt, p70S6K, and eIF-4E, known to control cap-dependent translation. In contrast, Trx2 attenuated activities of Akt, p70S6K, and eIF-4E and provoked an increase in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production. MitoQ, a mitochondria specific antioxidant, reversed HIF-1alpha accumulation as well as Akt activation under hypoxia in Trx2 cells, supporting the notion of translation control mechanisms in affecting HIF-1alpha protein accumulation.  相似文献   
As part of our interest into the bioinorganic chemistry of gallium, gallium(III) complexes of the peptide ligand N-(2-(4-imidazolyl)ethyl)pyridine-2-carboxamide (pypepH2) resembling a fragment of the metal-binding domain of bleomycins (BLMs), have been isolated. Reaction of pypepH2 with (Et4N)[GaCl4] and Ga(acac)3 [acac- is the acetylacetonate(-1) ion] affords the mononuclear complex [Ga(pypepH)2]Cl.2H2O (1) and the tetranuclear complex [Ga4(acac)4(pypep)4].4.4H2O (2), respectively. Both complexes were characterized by single-crystal X-ray crystallography, IR spectroscopy and thermal decomposition data. The pypepH- ion in 1 behaves as a N(pyridyl), N(deprotonated amide), N(pyridine-type imidazole) chelating ligand. The doubly deprotonated pypep2- ion in 2 behaves as a N(pyridyl), N(deprotonated amide), N(imidazolate), N'(imidazolate) mu2 ligand and binds to one Ga(III) atom at its pyridyl, amide and one of the imidazolate nitrogens, and to a second metal ion at the other imidazolate nitrogen; a chelating acac- ligand completes six coordination at each Ga(III) centre. The IR data are discussed in terms of the nature of bonding and known structures. The 1H NMR spectrum of 1 suggests that the cation of the complex maintains its integrity in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) solution. Complexes 1 and 2 are the first synthetic analogues of metallobleomycins with gallium(III).  相似文献   
An important component of learned behaviour is the ability to forecast positive or negative outcomes based on specific sensory cues. Predictive capacity is typically manifested by appropriate behavioural patterning. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying behavioural plasticity are poorly understood. Caenorhabditis elegans displays experience‐dependent behavioural responses by associating distinct environmental signals. We find that ASIC‐1, a member of the degenerin/epithelial sodium channel family, which localizes at presynaptic terminals of dopaminergic neurons, is required for associative learning in C. elegans. ASIC‐1 functions in these neurons to amplify normal dopaminergic signalling, necessary for associative learning. Our results reveal a novel role of DEG/ENaC ion channels in neuronal communication by enhancing the activity of dopaminergic synapses. Similar mechanisms may facilitate synaptic plasticity in vertebrates.  相似文献   
We investigated the capacity of normalized transillumination methods in imaging fluorescent proteins in visible light, in phantoms and in live mice. We demonstrate significant imaging improvements over epi-illumination imaging, as commonly applied today. Of particular importance is the significant betterment in contrast achieved, due to minimization of the influence of autofluorescence and the enhancement of depth sensitivity compared to epi-illumination imaging. Although normalized transillumination does not match the accuracy and quantification capacity of tomographic imaging, it nevertheless attains key advantages over other planar optical imaging methods while preserving implementation simplicity. Due to the balance achieved between simplicity and accuracy, normalized transillumination approaches could serve as an important alternative molecular imaging method.  相似文献   
Here, the synthesis and the evaluation of novel 20-aminosteroids on androgen receptor (AR) activity is reported. Compounds 11 and 18 of the series inhibit both the wild type and the T877A mutant AR-mediated transactivation indicating AR antagonistic function. Interestingly, minor structural changes such as stereoisomers of the amino lactame moiety exhibit preferences for antagonism among wild type and mutant AR. Other tested nuclear receptors are only weakly or not affected. In line with this, the prostate cancer cell growth of androgen-dependent but not of cancer cells lacking expression of the AR is inhibited. Further, the expression of the prostate specific antigen used as a diagnostic marker is also repressed. Finally steroid 18 enhances cellular senescence that might explain in part the growth inhibition mediated by this derivative. Steroids 11 and 18 are the first steroids that act as complete AR antagonists and exhibit AR specificity.  相似文献   
Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is an ubiquitously expressed enzyme that generates the second messenger cGMP and hence, leads to a number of physiological responses including vasodilation, inhibition of platelet aggregation and neurotransmission. Whilst many activating and stimulating modulators of sGC were identified and studied in recent years, only two selective inhibitors are known: ODQ and NS 2028. Furthermore, a synthetic approach to these inhibitors has not been reported yet. Herein, we describe a novel and efficient synthesis of these inhibitors, as well as the preparation of three different classes of NS 2028 analogues. Biological evaluation of this library using rat aortic smooth muscle cells revealed four new compounds with good to moderate sGC inhibitory activity. Our experiments underline the major importance of the oxadiazole ring in ODQ and NS 2028 for the efficiency of this class of inhibitors.  相似文献   
The discovery of new templates and their subsequent elaboration to clinically useful receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitors continues to be an important issue. RTKs are a class of enzymes responsible for the activation of different cellular signal transduction cascades. The majority of the known small molecules RTK inhibitors are ATP-competitive and they are multiple targeted inhibitors. We describe here serotonin derivatives as a new class of multiple targeted RTK inhibitors. In contrast to most other RTK inhibitors they act via a non-ATP-competitive (allosteric) mechanism. Furthermore, they are able to inhibit the proliferation of HUVE cells, fibroblasts and two cancer cell lines.  相似文献   
Fatigue Profile, a new numerical method for characterising fatigue in isokinetic cycle ergometry is presented and compared with the conventional fatigue index (FI). The new method describes the temporal development of muscle fatigue based on the decline of peak power output throughout a whole trial. The advantage of this method is demonstrated by the analysis of two 25 s maximum trials, separated by 90 s recovery, performed by a well-trained athlete at a pedal frequency of 120 revolutions per minute. A fourth degree polynomial was fitted to model the peak power data. Using the polynomial model coefficients the first derivative represented the rate of changing peak power which represented the Fatigue Profile. The conventional FI was calculated as -35 Ws(-1) and -32 Ws(-1) for trials 1 and 2 respectively, indicating minor differences in fatigue between trials. In contrast the Fatigue Profile revealed important numeric and temporal differences between the trials. For trial 1 a maximum rate of peak power decline of -65 Ws(-1) was reached at approximately 6 s into the trial. In marked contrast, in trial 2, maximum rate of peak power decline (-146 Ws(-1)) occurred immediately. The Fatigue Profile approach allows the characterisation of the temporal development of fatigue under different experimental conditions and in combination with other techniques may yield further insight into the underlying mechanisms of fatigue.  相似文献   
To investigate whether resting cells of 3T3 mouse fibroblasts carry out de novo synthesis of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, we determined the turnover of the thymidine triphosphate pool of G0 cells obtained by starvation of cultures for platelet-derived growth factor. These cells were contaminated by less than 1% S-phase cells. In the absence of deoxyribonucleosides in the medium one million G0 cells contained 5 pmole of dTTP with a turnover of 0.09 pmole/min. S-phase cells in comparison contained a 20 times larger dTTP pool with a more than 200-fold faster turnover. Our results suggest that G0 cells carry out a slow but finite de novo synthesis of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates to satisfy the cells' requirement for DNA repair and mitochondrial DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
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