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Antibodies specific for C-reactive protein (CRP) have been reported to react with certain human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL); however, the nature of the antigen has not been clearly defined. In the present study we identified the CRP antigenicity on PBL as a CRP neoepitope not seen on the native-CRP molecule. Neo-CRP epitopes are expressed when the native pentameric form of CRP is dissociated into free subunits. Commercial anti-CRP antisera were found to possess a significant proportion of specificities (up to 16% of the total reactivity) directed against neo-CRP antigenicity. Since similar reagents had been used in previous studies on the reactivity of anti-CRP antisera with PBL, we set out to determine if either native- or neo-CRP epitopes were preferentially expressed on PBL. We prepared antisera monospecific for native-CRP and neo-CRP, respectively, and characterized these reactivities in both direct and indirect enzyme immunoassays. When analyzed by flow cytometry, anti-neo-CRP but not anti-native-CRP antiserum was found to react with normal PBL. F(ab')2 fragments of affinity-purified anti-neo-CRP had identical activity, and the reactivity against CRP was absorbed by reagents expressing neo-CRP but not native-CRP epitopes. Flow cytometric analyses of monocyte-depleted PBL from 25 normal donors detected a mean of 23.8 +/- 5.8% anti-neo-CRP-positive cells, a higher proportion of PBL expressing the CRP antigen than previously reported. Our findings indicate that a molecule identical to, or cross-reactive with, a neo-antigenic form of CRP is present on the surface of a significant proportion of normal human PBL.  相似文献   
C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute-phase reactant that is found bound to cells at sites of inflammation. We have passively sensitized HEp-2 cells for CRP binding and examined the effect of this treatment on complement activation and cell lysis. When cells were treated with protamine sulfate and CRP and were incubated with normal human serum in a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay, no significant lysis was noted. In contrast, HEp-2 cells treated with antibody and normal human serum were lysed. The consumption of complement components in normal human serum after incubation with cells treated with protamine and CRP was measured by hemolytic assays. CRP-treated cells consumed over 80% of C1, C4, and C2 and about 40% of C3 present. No significant consumption of C5 through C9 components was observed. Cells treated with antibody and complement showed consumption of C1 through C9. Cells were also sensitized for CRP binding by using diazophenylphosphocholine. This treatment also led to CRP binding and activation of the early classical pathway (C1, C4, C2, and to a lesser extent C3). The components of the membrane attack complex (C5 through C9) were not activated. Both a mouse monoclonal IgM and a human IgG antibody to phosphocholine activated the entire classical pathway. These results indicate that CRP activation of the classical complement pathway is restricted to the early part of the pathway. In the absence of activation of the membrane attack complex, complement-mediated cell lysis cannot occur.  相似文献   
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a serum protein that shows rapid increases of as much as 1000-fold in concentration in response to infection, traumatic injury, or inflammation. CRP reacts with the phosphocholine moiety of pneumococcal cell wall C-polysaccharide, and this reaction can lead to complement activation in vitro and protection against pneumococcal infection in vivo. We have previously studied the chemiluminescence response of human neutrophils to Streptococcus pneumoniae as a measure of in vitro opsonophagocytosis by CRP and complement. CRP in the presence of complement was an effective opsonin for S. pneumoniae serotype 27 (Pn27), but not for serotypes 3 or 6. Because Pn27 differs from most serotypes of S. pneumoniae in containing phosphocholine in its capsular polysaccharide, we have determined the sites of CRP and C3 fixation to Pn27 and S. pneumoniae serotype 4 (Pn4), and related these to the ability of CRP and complement to opsonize these serotypes in vitro. By using a chemiluminescence (CL) assay to measure opsonophagocytosis, CRP was shown to enhance the response of human neutrophils and monocytes to Pn27 in the presence of normal human serum. The CL response of neutrophils and monocytes to Pn4 was not affected by the addition of CRP to serum. The addition of anti-capsular antibody to Pn4 and Pn27 enhanced the CL responses of both neutrophils and monocytes to both bacteria. The localization of bound CRP and C3 on Pn4 and Pn27 was determined by immunoelectron microscopy. CRP bound to Pn4 only in the cell wall region and C3 was located in this area whether or not CRP was present. Anti-capsular antibody deposited C3 in the capsule of Pn4. In contrast, Pn27 bound CRP throughout the capsule and cell wall areas. C3 was deposited in the cell wall region of Pn27 by serum alone and in the cell wall region and capsule when CRP or anti-capsular antibody was present. Because C3 fixation to the capsule was consistently associated with enhanced responses by phagocytic cells, it appears that the site of CRP binding and subsequent complement activation may be critical in the opsonophagocytosis of S. pneumoniae. These findings extend the correlation between capsular C3 and opsonization to a nonimmune system. By using CRP and different pneumococcal serotypes we have shown that the same molecules that are effective in the stimulation of phagocytic cells when bound to the capsule are not effective when bound to the cell wall.  相似文献   
Ligand-complexed C-reactive protein (CRP), like aggregated or complexed IgG, can react with C1q and activate the classical C pathway. Whereas IgG is known to bind to the globular region and not to the collagen-like region (CLR) of C1q, the site of interaction of C1q with CRP has not been defined. CRP-trimers were prepared by cross-linking and found to bind to C1q and to activate the C system. Heat-aggregated IgG (Agg-IgG) did not block the binding of CRP-trimers to C1q, nor did CRP-trimers block binding of Agg-IgG to C1q, suggesting that CRP and IgG bind at different sites. ELISA and Western blot analysis showed that CRP-trimers bound to the CLR, whereas Agg-IgG bound only to the globular region; similarly, anti-CLR mAb inhibited binding of CRP-trimers to C1q whereas anti-globular region mAb did not. Reactivity with CRP-trimers as well as with Agg-IgG was retained after reduction/alkylation and SDS treatment of C1q. A group of 22 anti-CRP mAb directed against at least six distinct native-CRP epitopes and eight distinct neo-CRP epitopes was tested for ability to inhibit the CRP-CLR interaction; one mAb, anti-native CRP mAb 8D8, with strong inhibitory activity was identified. Fab' of 8D8 blocked binding of CRP-trimers to intact C1q as well as CLR, and also inhibited CRP (CRP-trimers and CRP-protamine complexes) induced C activation, but had no effect on C1q binding or C activation by Agg-IgG. These results indicate that a conformation-determined region on CRP binds to a sequence-determined region on the CLR of C1q in an interaction which leads to C activation. Anti-CRP and anti-C1q mAb that specifically inhibit this interaction are described.  相似文献   
Ophioglossum petiolatum . Unlike Angiopteris (Marattiales), which is monoplastidic, Ophioglossum undergoes polyplastidic meiosis like members of the fern-seed plant clade. The meiotic spindle is distinctly multipolar in origin and is consolidated into a bipolar spindle that is variously twisted and curved to accommodate the large number of chromosomes. Although a phragmoplast forms after first meiosis, no wall is deposited. Instead, an organelle band consisting of intermingled plastids and mitochondria is formed in the equatorial region between the dyad domains. Following second meiosis, a complex of phragmoplasts forms among sister and non-sister nuclei. Cell plates are deposited first between sister nuclei and then in the region of the organelle band resulting in a tetrad of spores each with a equal allotment of organelles. Received 30 January 2001/ Accepted in revised form 24 April 2001  相似文献   
目的探讨多发伤患者的救治策略。方法回顾分析我科2000年1月至2008年5月急诊抢救的556例多发伤患者的临床资料。结果 16例患者经抢救无效死亡,死亡率2.88%;其余患者均经紧急抢救及行必要实验室检查,病情稳定,好转率达97.12%。平均抢救时间为(1.37±1.05)h。结论强化多发伤的急诊科早期救治,树立创伤急救"黄金1 h"观念,是提高多发伤患者生存率及降低死亡率的关键。  相似文献   
A flux analysis of glucose metabolism in the filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae was achieved using a specific radioactivity curve-matching program, TFLUX. Glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates labeled through the addition of extracellular [U-14C]glucose were isolated and purified for specific radioactivity determinations. This information, together with pool sizes and the rates of glucose utilization and end product production, provided input for flux maps of the metabolic network under two different experimental conditions. Based upon the flux analysis of this system, a mutant of R. oryzae with higher lactate and lower ethanol yields than the parent was sought for and found.  相似文献   
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) transforms rodent fibroblasts and is expressed in most EBV-associated malignancies. LMP1 (transformation effector site 2 [TES2]/C-terminal activation region 2 [CTAR2]) activates NF-κB, p38, Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) pathways. We have investigated LMP1 TES2 genome-wide RNA effects at 4 time points after LMP1 TES2 expression in HEK-293 cells. By using a false discovery rate (FDR) of <0.001 after correction for multiple hypotheses, LMP1 TES2 caused >2-fold changes in 1,916 mRNAs; 1,479 RNAs were upregulated and 437 were downregulated. In contrast to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) stimulation, which transiently upregulates many target genes, LMP1 TES2 maintained most RNA effects through the time course, despite robust and sustained induction of negative feedback regulators, such as IκBα and A20. LMP1 TES2-regulated RNAs encode many NF-κB signaling proteins and secondary interacting proteins. Consequently, many LMP1 TES2-regulated RNAs encode proteins that form an extensive interactome. Gene set enrichment analyses found LMP1 TES2-upregulated genes to be significantly enriched for pathways in cancer, B- and T-cell receptor signaling, and Toll-like receptor signaling. Surprisingly, LMP1 TES2 and IκBα superrepressor coexpression decreased LMP1 TES2 RNA effects to only 5 RNAs, with FDRs of <0.001-fold and >2-fold changes. Thus, canonical NF-κB activation is critical for almost all LMP1 TES2 RNA effects in HEK-293 cells and a more significant therapeutic target than previously appreciated.  相似文献   
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