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Patterns of feeding ecology among the living macaques conform poorly with recognized phyletic distinctions within the genus because there is an important ecological division which cross-cuts phyletic groupings. This division, between weed species and non-weed species, is based on the differing abilities of macaques to tolerate and even prosper in close association with human settlements. Based on available information about their ecology in the wild, we tentatively assign macaque species to these two categories. Finally, we consider the implications of our argument for scenarios of the initial spread of the macaques.  相似文献   
The value of routine follow up of women treated for early breast cancer by mastectomy with or without postoperative radiotherapy was assessed retrospectively. Over eight years 546 patients made 6863 clinic visits, during which 192 first relapses were detected. Ninety three relapses were detected at scheduled (routine) visits and 99 at unscheduled (interval) visits. First relapses within the treated area or in the contralateral breast were detected significantly more commonly at routine visits than were first metastatic relapses (66/89 (74%) compared with 27/103 (26%)). Patients whose local relapse was detected at a routine visit had a significantly better survival than those whose local relapse was detected at an interval visit. A relapse that was potentially curable (local or in the contralateral breast) was detected at 66 (1%) of 6764 routine visits, but only 26 (39%) of these patients remained free of disease. It is concluded that the intensity of follow up of such patients could be reduced without any adverse effect on prognosis but with appreciable financial and other benefits.  相似文献   
Pulsed field gel electrophoresis using OFAGE, TAFE, and CHEF systems has been used to more fully characterize karyotypic variation within the two closely related fungal species of Ophiostoma ulmi sensu lato. Twelve wild-type and laboratory strains, representing the less agressive species O. ulmi and both of the biotypes of the more aggressive species O. novo-ulmi were studied and their karyotypes determined. Depending on the strain, a minimum of four to a minimum of eight chromosomal DNA bands were present that fall into three distinct size classes, with one exception. Strain CESSI6K (O. novo-ulmi, North American aggressive subgroup) contains a unique chromosomal DNA band which comigrated near a Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome of 0.95 Mb. This unique band was the smallest O. ulmi s. l. chromosomal DNA observed. Seven of the twelve strains shared a common chromosomal DNA banding pattern, whereas each of the other five had a unique karyotype. There was no correlation between chromosome profile and species, as some O. novo-ulmi and O. ulmi strains shared common electrophoretic karyotypes.  相似文献   
The self-thinning behavior of a monoculture forest is examinedfrom a mechanistic viewpoint, in terms of the carbon balanceof trees at the stand level. Two approaches are described: thefirst is based on simple assumptions concerning the balancebetween growth, photosynthesis and respiration; the second usesthe process-based I.T.E. EDINBURGH FOREST model, extended toinclude tree birth and death, to examined the assumptions ofthe first approach at a more mechanistic level and to interpretthe observed variation in the responses to shading and soilfertility in terms of a single model. The first approach leads to a power law relation m n -1/y betweenmean biomass per tree (m) and the number of trees per unit groundarea (n), where y is the exponent characterising the rate atwhich respiration (r) scales with biomass (i.e. r my). Forvalues of y less than 1, m and n are predicted to increase anddecrease, respectively, as powers of time (t) such that thebiomass per unit ground area (M) increases linearly with t forany value of y. When y equals 1, m and n vary exponentiallywith t and M remains constant. When r is assumed to be proportional to stem cambium surfacearea, the value of y is shown to lie in the range 0·5to 1 depending on the rate of stem taper. This leads to slopeson a log m vs. log n self-thinning plot in range -1 to -2 andtypically around -1·5 for rates of taper based on mechanicalrequirements. For the second approach, the I.T.E. EDINBURGH FOREST model,a previously published mechanistic model of plantation growthat the stand level (Thornley, 1991), is extended to naturalstands by introducing average stem birth and death rates thatare functions of the carbon and nitrogen substrate status oftrees. Growth of even-aged and mixed-age forest over about 500years is simulated under a variety of environmental and physiologicalconditions. In general, the forest model predicts a curved log m vs. logn thinning line, but has a reasonably well-defined linear sectionunder most conditions. The slope of the linear portion flattensas the rate at which cambium surface area scales with structuralbiomass increases, in qualitative agreement with the analyticalprediction of the first approach. Quantitative differences betweenthe two approaches are interpreted in terms of the process representedin the forest model. In general, the height of the thinningline increases with irradiance, but is relatively insensitiveto soil nitrogen, with no change in slope in either case. However,at very low irradiance or soil nitrogen levels, the slope flattenscontinuously and the entire thinning line becomes markedly non-linear.Even-aged stands and mixed-age stands have different thinningslopes.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Self-thinning, carbon balance, mechanistic model, forest growth, respiration  相似文献   
Elevated levels of FtsA protein block cell division at a very early stage, similar to that caused by inhibition of the action of FtsZ. In contrast, overexpression of FtsA and FtsZ together does not block division. A specific ratio of FtsA to FtsZ protein, therefore, is required for cell division.  相似文献   
The essential cell division genes ftsQ and ftsA overlap by 1 bp (A. C. Robinson, D. J. Kenan, G. F. Hatfull, N. F. Sullivan, R. Spiegelberg, and W. D. Donachie. J. Bacteriol. 160:546-555, 1984; Q.-M. Yi, S. Rockenbach, J. E. Ward, and J. F. Lutkenhaus. J. Mol. Biol. 184:399-412, 1985). We have previously shown that ftsA can be expressed from a weak promoter located within the ftsQ gene (Robinson et al., J. Bacteriol. 160:546-555, 1984). We report here the effects on ftsA expression of a series of deletions within ftsQ. We find that two regions upstream of the promoter are important in its expression. When both are present, ftsA is expressed, as is also the case when both are absent. The two regulatory elements (O1 and O2) have 9-bp sequences, of which 8 bp are identical.  相似文献   
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