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During the progression of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (MPeM), tumor nodules propagate diffusely within the abdomen and tumors are characterized by distinct phenotypic sub-types. Recent studies in solid organ cancers have shown that cancer stem cells (CSCs) play a pivotal role in the initiation and progression of tumors. However, it is not known whether tumorigenic stem cells exist and whether they promote tumor growth in MPeM. In this study, we developed and characterized a CSC model for MPeM using stably expandable tumorigenic stem cells derived from patient tumors. We found morphologically distinct populations of CSCs that divide asymmetrically or symmetrically in MPeM in vitro cell culture. The MPeM stem cells (MPeMSCs) express stem cell markers c-MYC, NES and VEGFR2 and in the presence of matrix components cells form colony spheres. MPeMSCs are multipotent, differentiate into neuronal, vascular and adipose progeny upon defined induction and the differentiating cells express lineage-specific markers such as TUBB3, an early neuronal marker; vWF, VEGFA, VEGFC and IL-8, endothelial markers; and PPARγ and FABP4, adipose markers. Xenotransplantation experiments using MPeMSCs demonstrated early tumor growth compared with parental cells. Limiting dilution experiments using MPeMSCs and endothelial lineage-induced cells derived from a single MPeMSC resulted in early tumor growth in the latter group indicating that endothelial differentiation of MPeMSCs is important for MPeM tumor initiation. Our observation that the MPeM tumors contain stem cells with tumorigenic potential has important implications for understanding the cells of origin and tumor progression in MPeM and hence targeting CSCs may be a useful strategy to inhibit malignant progression.  相似文献   
Big Moose Basin: simulation of response to acidic deposition   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The ILWAS model has been enhanced for application to multiple-lake hydrologic basins. This version of the model has been applied to the Big Moose basin, which includes Big Moose Lake and its tributary streams, lakes, and watersheds. The basin, as defined, includes an area of 96 km2, with over 20 lakes and ponds, and 70 km of streams. Hydrologic and chemical calibrations have been made using data from seven sampling stations. When total atmospheric sulfur loading to the basin is halved, the model predicts, after four years of simulation, a decreasing sulfate concentration and to a lesser extent a rising alkalinity at Big Moose Lake outlet. At the end of four years, the results show an increase in pH of 0.1 to 0.5 pH units depending upon season.  相似文献   
In this report we describe the first purification and characterizationof the acid -mannosidase from the human parasite Trypanosomacruzi. The purified enzyme exhibited a native mol. wt of 240000 Da and is apparently composed of four identical subunitsof mol. wt 58 000 Da. Each of the four subunits contains oneN-linked high-mannose-type oligosaccharide. The -mannosidaseexhibited a pH optimum of 3.5 and a pI of 5.9. This low pH optimumand the ability of swainsonine to inhibit its activity suggestthat the -mannosidase is a lysosomal enzyme. Antibodies againstthe T.cruzi enzyme did not react with mammalian lysosomal -mannosidaseand, conversely, antibody against a rat lysosomal -mannosidasedid not react with the T.cruzi enzyme. Thus, the T.cruzi enzymeappears to be distinct from its mammalian counterpart. -mannosidase lysosomal enzyme Trypanosoma cruzi  相似文献   
Scanning electron micrographs of human placental cell surface show: (1) Differentiated zones of trophoblast which may be covered by fewer 'microvilli' than the adjacent syncytial cell surface and which extend as a narrow, usually distal protrusion of the chorionic villus. This narrow outgrowth terminates as a fractured end. Presumably since preparations were obtained from therapeutic terminations of pregnancy or Caesarian deliveries these broken ends represent the yield point in the anchoring 'villi' ruptured as a result of surgery. Similar anchoring 'villi' with fractured ends were observed in unfixed material with the use of Nomarski interference contrast microscopy. (2) It appears that, during apparent phagocytic uptake of maternal erythrocytes by syncytiotrophoblast, cell surface lining the forming vacuole still retains an irregular microvillous surface. This observation indicates the potential location of phagocytosis receptors for red blood cells in the placental cell surface. (3) Areas of human placenta which appears to have been damaged and may be undergoing repair exhibit masses of cells with conspicuous microvillar cell surfaces. The origin of these cells is discussed in relation to the usual processes of syncytiotrophoblast formation.  相似文献   
Field manipulative experiments were used to investigate some of the potential regulating factors of the meiofauna of a Louisiana salt marsh. Effects of various combinations of marsh grass clipping, exclusion of natant macrofauna, and tidal flushing on nematode, polychaete, and copepod density, as well as copepod species composition, were determined. Edaphic chlorophyll a was measured simultaneously. Grass clipping consistently affected the meiobenthic copepod assemblage; diversity and evenness dropped by Day 29 when Nitocra lacustris (Schmankevitsch) became dominant. Nematode density relative to controls was lower by Day 29 in clipped plots. N. lacustris abundance increased relative to controls in clipped plots enclosed by a solid Plexiglas box. Nematode density was negatively correlated with chlorophyll a content. No simple explanation of these patterns is possible; concomitant changes in microflora coupled with associated changes in the physical/biological environment of meiofauna must be responsible. Exclusion of only natant macrofauna (fish, shrimp, crabs) had no influence on meiofauna contrary to findings in other marshes. Dense grass cover and short, irregular tidal inundation may normally restrict intertidal grazing in Louisiana marshes.  相似文献   
Nanofiltration assures that protein therapeutics are free of adventitious agents such as viruses. Nanofilter pores must allow passage of protein drugs but be small enough to retain viruses. Five nanofilters have been evaluated to identify those that can be used interchangeably to yield a high purity Coagulation Factor IX product. When product preparations prior to nanofiltration were analyzed using electrophoresis, Western blot, liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry and size exclusion HPLC, factor IX, inter – α – trypsin inhibitor and C4b binding protein (C4BP) were observed. C4BP was removed from product by all five nanofilters when nanofiltration was performed at physiological ionic strength. However, at high ionic strength, C4BP was removed by only two nanofilters. HPLC indicated that the Stokes radius of C4BP was larger at low ionic strength than at high ionic strength. The results suggest that C4BP exists in an open conformation at physiological ionic strength and is removed by nanofiltration whereas, at high ionic strength, the protein collapses to an extent that allows passage through some nanofilters. Manufacturers should be aware that protein contaminants in other nanofiltered protein drugs could behave similarly and conditions of nanofiltration must be evaluated to ensure consistent product purity.  相似文献   
Hypertension is common and contributes, via cardiovascular disease, towards a large proportion of adult deaths in the Western World. High salt intake leads to high blood pressure, even when occurring prior to birth – a mechanism purported to reside in altered kidney development and later function. Using a combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches we tested whether increased maternal salt intake influences fetal kidney development to render the adult individual more susceptible to salt retention and hypertension. We found that salt-loaded pregnant rat dams were hypernatraemic at day 20 gestation (147±5 vs. 128±5 mmoles/L). Increased extracellular salt impeded murine kidney development in vitro, but had little effect in vivo. Kidneys of the adult offspring had few structural or functional abnormalities, but male and female offspring were hypernatraemic (166±4 vs. 149±2 mmoles/L), with a marked increase in plasma corticosterone (e.g. male offspring; 11.9 [9.3–14.8] vs. 2.8 [2.0–8.3] nmol/L median [IQR]). Furthermore, adult male, but not female, offspring had higher mean arterial blood pressure (effect size, +16 [9–21] mm Hg; mean [95% C.I.]. With no clear indication that the kidneys of salt-exposed offspring retained more sodium per se, we conducted a preliminary investigation of their gastrointestinal electrolyte handling and found increased expression of proximal colon solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3 (SLC9A3) together with altered faecal characteristics and electrolyte handling, relative to control offspring. On the basis of these data we suggest that excess salt exposure, via maternal diet, at a vulnerable period of brain and gut development in the rat neonate lays the foundation for sustained increases in blood pressure later in life. Hence, our evidence further supports the argument that excess dietary salt should be avoided per se, particularly in the range of foods consumed by physiologically immature young.  相似文献   
Whole genome sequencing has allowed rapid progress in the application of forward genetics in model species. In this study, we demonstrated an application of next-generation sequencing for forward genetics in a complex crop genome. We sequenced an ethyl methanesulfonate-induced mutant of Sorghum bicolor defective in hydrogen cyanide release and identified the causal mutation. A workflow identified the causal polymorphism relative to the reference BTx623 genome by integrating data from single nucleotide polymorphism identification, prior information about candidate gene(s) implicated in cyanogenesis, mutation spectra, and polymorphisms likely to affect phenotypic changes. A point mutation resulting in a premature stop codon in the coding sequence of dhurrinase2, which encodes a protein involved in the dhurrin catabolic pathway, was responsible for the acyanogenic phenotype. Cyanogenic glucosides are not cyanogenic compounds but their cyanohydrins derivatives do release cyanide. The mutant accumulated the glucoside, dhurrin, but failed to efficiently release cyanide upon tissue disruption. Thus, we tested the effects of cyanide release on insect herbivory in a genetic background in which accumulation of cyanogenic glucoside is unchanged. Insect preference choice experiments and herbivory measurements demonstrate a deterrent effect of cyanide release capacity, even in the presence of wild-type levels of cyanogenic glucoside accumulation. Our gene cloning method substantiates the value of (1) a sequenced genome, (2) a strongly penetrant and easily measurable phenotype, and (3) a workflow to pinpoint a causal mutation in crop genomes and accelerate in the discovery of gene function in the postgenomic era.  相似文献   
Maternal undernutrition results in elevated blood pressure (BP) and endothelial dysfunction in adult offspring. However, few studies have investigated interventions during early life to ameliorate the programming of hypertension and vascular disorders. We have utilised a model of maternal undernutrition to examine the effects of pre-weaning growth hormone (GH) treatment on BP and vascular function in adulthood. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed either a standard control diet (CON) or 50% of CON intake throughout pregnancy (UN). From neonatal day 3 until weaning (day 21), CON and UN pups received either saline (CON-S, UN-S) or GH (2.5 ug/g/day)(CON-GH, UN-GH). All dams were fed ad libitum throughout lactation. Male offspring were fed a standard diet until the end of the study. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was measured at day 150 by tail cuff plethysmography. At day 160, intact mesenteric vessels mounted on a pressure myograph. Responses to pressure, agonist-induced constriction and endothelium-dependent vasodilators were investigated to determine vascular function. SBP was increased in UN-S groups and normalised in UN-GH groups (CON-S 121±2 mmHg, CON-GH 115±3, UN-S 146±3, UN-GH 127±2). Pressure mediated dilation was reduced in UN-S offspring and normalised in UN-GH groups. Vessels from UN-S offspring demonstrated a reduced constrictor response to phenylephrine and reduced vasodilator response to acetylcholine (ACh). Furthermore, UN-S offspring vessels displayed a reduced vasodilator response in the presence of L-NG-Nitroarginine Methyl Ester (L-NAME), carbenoxolone (CBX), L-NAME and CBX, Tram-34 and Apamin. UN-GH vessels showed little difference in responses when compared to CON and significantly increased vasodilator responses when compared to UN-S offspring. Pre-weaning GH treatment reverses the negative effects of maternal UN on SBP and vasomotor function in adult offspring. These data suggest that developmental cardiovascular programming is potentially reversible by early life GH treatment and that GH can reverse the vascular adaptations resulting from maternal undernutrition.  相似文献   
To examine the potential use of synthesis gas as a carbon and energy source in fermentation processes, Rhodospirillum rubrum was cultured on synthesis gas generated from discarded seed corn. The growth rates, growth and poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoates (PHA) yields, and CO oxidation/H(2) evolution rates were evaluated in comparison to the rates observed with an artificial synthesis gas mixture. Depending on the gas conditioning system used, synthesis gas either stimulated or inhibited CO-oxidation rates compared to the observations with the artificial synthesis gas mixture. Inhibitory and stimulatory compounds in synthesis gas could be removed by the addition of activated charcoal, char-tar, or char-ash filters (char, tar, and ash are gasification residues). In batch fermentations, approximately 1.4 mol CO was oxidized per day per g cell protein with the production of 0.75 mol H(2) and 340 mg PHA per day per g cell protein. The PHA produced from R. rubrum grown on synthesis gas was composed of 86% beta-hydroxybutyrate and 14% beta-hydroxyvalerate. Mass transfer of CO into the liquid phase was determined as the rate-limiting step in the fermentation.  相似文献   
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