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While sinusoidal grating stimuli are finding increasing application in clinical tests for visual disturbance, the possible effects on the test results of simple defocus of the retinal image, due to refractive or accommodative error, are not always acknowledged. Theoretical considerations and experimental measurements emphasize that the degradation in visual performance due to such defocus effects is minimal when the eye pupil is small and the spatial frequency of the grating test objects is low.  相似文献   
Autism spectrum disorders (henceforth autism) are diagnosed in around 1% of the population [1]. Familial liability confers risk for a broad spectrum of difficulties including the broader autism phenotype (BAP) [2, 3]. There are currently no reliable predictors of autism in infancy, but characteristic behaviors emerge during the second year, enabling diagnosis after this age [4, 5]. Because indicators of brain functioning may be sensitive predictors, and atypical eye contact is characteristic of the syndrome [6-9] and the BAP [10, 11], we examined whether neural sensitivity to eye gaze during infancy is associated with later autism outcomes [12, 13]. We undertook a prospective longitudinal study of infants with and without familial risk for autism. At 6-10 months, we recorded infants' event-related potentials (ERPs) in response to viewing faces with eye gaze directed toward versus away from the infant [14]. Longitudinal analyses showed that characteristics of ERP components evoked in response to dynamic eye gaze shifts during infancy were associated with autism diagnosed at 36 months. ERP responses to eye gaze may help characterize developmental processes that lead to later emerging autism. Findings also elucidate the mechanisms driving the development of the social brain in infancy.  相似文献   
Capsule Marsh Tits were strongly associated with both the amount and species diversity of woodland understorey; Blue Tits were associated with large trees and deadwood.

Aims To gather quantitative information on the habitat requirements of Marsh Tits, in comparison with those of Blue Tits, across a large number of sites in England and Wales, and secondly to evaluate the range of habitat conditions likely to encourage the presence, and increase the abundance of, each species.

Methods Counts of birds were made at each of 181 woods across England and Wales, and habitat data were collected from the same locations in each woodland. Marsh Tit and Blue Tit presence and abundance were related to habitat characteristics, interspecific competition and deer impact.

Results Shrub cover and species diversity were important for the presence and abundance of Marsh Tits, across their geographical range in Britain. Blue Tits were associated with large trees and deadwood.

Conclusion Our results support the hypothesis that changes in woodland management, leading to canopy closure and a decline in the understorey available, could have had an impact on Marsh Tits, and may have led to the observed population decline. These same changes were also consistent with population increase in Blue Tits.  相似文献   
Capsule The breeding success of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos minor is now lower in England than previously reported and also lower than found in studies elsewhere in Europe.

Aims To quantify the breeding success and identify the causes of nest failure. To test the hypotheses that breeding success is related to aspects of food limitation and parental care, and inclement weather during the nesting period, or to interactions with Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Methods Nests were monitored in three regions of England, recording survival and causes of failure. We measured aspects of food limitation and parental care, rainfall and Great Spotted Woodpecker interactions at nests, to explore whether there was any evidence that these factors were related to breeding success. We compared results to other studies from the UK and continental Europe.

Results Nest survival was 52%. The average number of chicks produced from successful nests was 2.8. Chick-stage daily nest survival was positively related to provisioning rates, indicating that food supply may be limiting. The most common cause of nest failure was presumed starvation of chicks after the disappearance of an adult. Some females ceased visiting nests, leaving provisioning solely to the male. This behaviour has been reported elsewhere in Europe, but in the present study males were unable to compensate fully by increasing their provisioning rates, leading to poor nest survival. Provisioning rates and chick-stage daily nest survival were negatively associated with rainfall. Nest predation by Great Spotted Woodpeckers occurred but was a less frequent cause of failure. Aggressive interactions were recorded between the two woodpecker species but these were unrelated to breeding parameters.

Conclusions Low breeding success is most probably related to food shortages in the breeding period. Simple population modelling using parameters from the present study and from published work shows that if the low productivity that we have observed is replicated throughout Britain, it would be sufficient to account for the observed population decline. However, the possibility that survival rates are also low cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   


Metabolic flux profiling based on the analysis of distribution of stable isotope tracer in metabolites is an important method widely used in cancer research to understand the regulation of cell metabolism and elaborate new therapeutic strategies. Recently, we developed software Isodyn, which extends the methodology of kinetic modeling to the analysis of isotopic isomer distribution for the evaluation of cellular metabolic flux profile under relevant conditions. This tool can be applied to reveal the metabolic effect of proapoptotic drug edelfosine in leukemia Jurkat cell line, uncovering the mechanisms of induction of apoptosis in cancer cells.  相似文献   
The most carbon (C)‐dense ecosystems of Amazonia are areas characterized by the presence of peatlands. However, Amazonian peatland ecosystems are poorly understood and are threatened by human activities. Here, we present an investigation into long‐term ecohydrological controls on C accumulation in an Amazonian peat dome. This site is the oldest peatland yet discovered in Amazonia (peat initiation ca. 8.9 ka BP), and developed in three stages: (i) peat initiated in an abandoned river channel with open water and aquatic plants; (ii) inundated forest swamp; and (iii) raised peat dome (since ca. 3.9 ka BP). Local burning occurred at least three times in the past 4,500 years. Two phases of particularly rapid C accumulation (ca. 6.6–6.1 and ca. 4.9–3.9 ka BP), potentially resulting from increased net primary productivity, were seemingly driven by drier conditions associated with widespread drought events. The association of drought phases with major ecosystem state shifts (open water wetland–forest swamp–peat dome) suggests a potential climatic control on the developmental trajectory of this tropical peatland. A third drought phase centred on ca. 1.8–1.1 ka BP led to markedly reduced C accumulation and potentially a hiatus during the peat dome stage. Our results suggest that future droughts may lead to phases of rapid C accumulation in some inundated tropical peat swamps, although this can lead ultimately to a shift to ombrotrophy and a subsequent return to slower C accumulation. Conversely, in ombrotrophic peat domes, droughts may lead to reduced C accumulation or even net loss of peat. Increased surface wetness at our site in recent decades may reflect a shift towards a wetter climate in western Amazonia. Amazonian peatlands represent important carbon stores and habitats, and are important archives of past climatic and ecological information. They should form key foci for conservation efforts.  相似文献   
Capsule Frass fall was later and of longer duration in woods to the north and west of Britain compared with those in the southeast.

Aims Defoliating caterpillars are a major food resource for woodland breeding birds and our aims were to quantify large-scale patterns in the timing and duration of the spring peak in abundance of these caterpillars in oak woodlands in Britain.

Methods We deployed traps to collect caterpillar frass at regular intervals through spring in 19 oak woods distributed through England, Wales and Scotland. Models of the temporal patterns of the rate of frass fall were used to explore relationships with geographic variables and average local temperature.

Results The date of peak frass fall in 2010 ranged from 20 May to 18 June and was significantly related to altitude, latitude and local April–May temperature. The duration of the peak ranged from 20 to 53 days and was correlated with the date of the peak and April–May temperature. Limited data from 2008 and 2009 indicated considerable between-year variation in the date of the peak, which was consistent with the relationship with local temperature found in 2010.

Conclusions The date of peak frass fall was later and the duration of the peak longer in the north and west of Britain compared with the southeast which will have considerable implications for nesting woodland birds such as Pied Flycatchers. The date of the peak was well modelled by local April–May temperature offering the prospect of good predictive models. However, the duration of the peak was less well modelled by local temperature and may be determined by other factors.  相似文献   
The major polypeptides of visna viruses and other lentiviruses have been isolated and shown to be closely related if not identical in radioimmunoassays. By this criterion the lentiviruses form a distinct group of retroviruses unrelated to spuma viruses, mammalian and avian retroviruses that cause tumors, and unclassified retroviruses of cattle and horses. Two sera obtained from goats immunized with Mason-Pfizer monkey virus or squirrel monkey virus reacted with visna p30. Additional data suggest that this reaction represents infection of goats with a lentivirus or a new retrovirus closely related to the lentiviruses.  相似文献   
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