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Staphylococcal nuclease: sequential assignments and solution structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
D A Torchia  S W Sparks  A Bax 《Biochemistry》1989,28(13):5509-5524
Sequential assignments are reported for backbone 15N and 1H of nearly all residues of staphylococcal nuclease (Nase) complexed with thymidine 3',5'-diphosphate and Ca2+. Because of the relatively large size of the Nase ternary complex, Mr 18K, the crucial element of our assignment strategy was the use of isotope-edited two-dimensional NMR spectra, particularly 15N-edited nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY), 15N-edited J-correlated spectroscopy (COSY), and 1H/15N or 1H/13C heteronuclear multiple quantum shift correlation spectroscopy (HMQC). These experiments, together with the more conventional NOESY, COSY, and homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectra of natural abundance or deuteriated samples, yielded backbone assignments of 127 of the 136 residues in the structured part of the protein. Using the NOESY data, we identified three helical domains and several beta-sheets which were in close correspondence with secondary structure identified in the crystal structure. Moreover, many long-range NOESY connectivities were identified that were in agreement with distances derived from the crystal structure. The region of the sequence in the neighborhood of residue 50 appears to be more flexible and disordered in solution than in the crystal. Very slowly exchanging amide protons are those found to be hydrogen bonded in the crystal structure; however, even hydrogen-bonded amides located within similar types of regular secondary structures, e.g., alpha-helices, exchange with greatly different rates.  相似文献   
L E Kay  D A Torchia  A Bax 《Biochemistry》1989,28(23):8972-8979
This paper describes the use of novel two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) pulse sequences to provide insight into protein dynamics. The sequences developed permit the measurement of the relaxation properties of individual nuclei in macromolecules, thereby providing a powerful experimental approach to the study of local protein mobility. For isotopically labeled macromolecules, the sequences enable measurements of heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) and spin-lattice (T1) and spin-spin (T2) 15N or 13C relaxation times with a sensitivity similar to those of many homonuclear 1H experiments. Because T1 values and heteronuclear NOEs are sensitive to high-frequency motions (10(8)-10(12) s-1) while T2 values are also a function of much slower processes, it is possible to explore dynamic events occurring over a large time scale. We have applied these techniques to investigate the backbone dynamics of the protein staphylococcal nuclease (S. Nase) complexed with thymidine 3',5'-bisphosphate (pdTp) and Ca2+ and labeled uniformly with 15N. T1, T2, and NOE values were obtained for over 100 assigned backbone amide nitrogens in the protein. Values of the order parameter (S), characterizing the extent of rapid 1H-15N bond motions, have been determined. These results suggest that there is no correlation between these rapid small amplitude motions and secondary structure for S. Nase. In contrast, 15N line widths suggest a possible correlation between secondary structure and motions on the millisecond time scale. In particular, the loop region between residues 42 and 56 appears to be considerably more flexible on this slow time scale than the rest of the protein.  相似文献   
The N1 imino units in Escherichia coli tRNAfMet, tRNAGlu, tRNAPhe, and tRNATyr were studied by 1H-15N NMR using three different techniques to suppress signals of protons not attached to 15N. Two of the procedures, Fourier internuclear difference spectroscopy and two-dimensional forbidden echo spectroscopy permitted 1H and 15N chemical shifts to be measured simultaneously at 1H sensitivity. The tRNAs were labeled by fermentation of the uracil auxotroph S phi 187 on a minimal medium containing [1-15N]uracil. 1H and 15N resonances were detected for all of the N1 psi imino units except psi 13 at the end of the dihydrouridine stem in tRNAGlu. Chemical shifts for imino units in the tRNAs were compared with "intrinsic" values in model systems. The comparisons show that the A X psi pairs at the base of the anticodon stem in E. coli tRNAPhe and tRNATyr have psi in an anti conformation. The N1 protons of psi in other locations, including psi 32 in the anticodon loop of tRNAPhe, form internal hydrogen bonds to bridging water molecules or 2'-hydroxyl groups in nearby ribose units. These interactions permit psi to stabilize the tertiary structure of a tRNA beyond what is provided by the U it replaces.  相似文献   
Crystallization of a new form of the eye lens protein beta B2-crystallin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new crystal form of the bovine oligomeric lens protein beta B2 has been grown in the presence of calcium acetate. The crystals are orthorhombic, I222 or I2(1)2(1)2(1), with cell dimensions a = 77.8 A, b = 83.6 A, c = 109.2 A. This new crystal form, which diffracts to at least 2.5 A, has a and b cell dimensions that are half those of the original crystal form, although there is no simple relationship between the c cell dimensions. The new crystal form reported here contains only one subunit per asymmetric unit, indicating that the dimer lies on a crystallographic 2-fold axis, and is a suitable candidate for molecular replacement studies.  相似文献   
Cleavage of synthetic peptides by purified poliovirus 3C proteinase   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Synthetic peptides, 14-16 residues in length, were used as substrates for purified recombinant poliovirus proteinase 3C. The sequences of the substrates correspond to the sequences of authentic cleavage sites in the poliovirus polyprotein, all of which contain Gln-Gly at the scissile bond. Specificity of cleavages was demonstrated by analysis of 3C digests of synthetic peptides. Relative rate constants for the cleavages were derived by competition experiments. The rate constants roughly correlated with the estimated half-life of the homologous precursor proteins detected in poliovirus-infected cells. The peptide most resistant to cleavage corresponded to the 3C/3D junction, a site known to be cleaved very slowly by 3C in vivo. Substitution of threonine for alanine in P4 position of this peptide, however, resulted in significant cleavage. This observation supports the hypothesis that the residue in P4 position, in addition to the Gln-Gly in P1 and P1', respectively, contributes to substrate recognition. Ac-Gln-Gly-NH2 was not a substrate for 3C.  相似文献   
This paper describes the application of recently developed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) pulse sequences to obtain information about the internal dynamics of isotopically enriched hydrophobic side chains in proteins. The two-dimensional spectra provided by the pulse sequences enable one to make accurate measurements of nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) and longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) relaxation times of enriched methyl carbons in proteins. Herein, these techniques are used to investigate the internal dynamics of the 11 leucine side chains of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase), a small enzyme having Mr = 16.8K, in the absence and presence of ligands thymidine 3',5'-bisphosphate (pdTp) and Ca2+. We report the synthesis of [5,5'-13C2]leucine, the preparation of SNase containing the labeled leucine, the sequential assignment of the leucine methyl carbons and protons in the liganded and unliganded proteins, and the measurement of the 13C T1, T2, and NOE values for the SNase leucine methyl carbons. Analysis of the relaxation parameters using the formalism of Lipari and Szabo shows that the internal motions of the leucine methyl carbons are characterized by effective correlation times tau f (5-80 ps) and tau s (less than 2 ns). The fast motion is identified with the rapid rotation of the methyl group about the C gamma-C delta bond axis, while the slow motion is associated with reorientation of the C gamma-C delta bond axis itself. The mean squared order parameters associated with the latter motion, Ss2, lie in the range 0.34-0.92. The values of Ss2 correlate reasonably well with the temperature factors of the leucine methyl carbons obtained from the crystal structures, but some are smaller than anticipated on the basis of the fact that nearly all leucine methyl carbons are buried and have temperature factors no larger than that of the leucine backbone atoms. Five leucine residues in liganded SNase and eight in unliganded SNase have values of Ss2 less than 0.71. These order parameters correspond to large amplitude motions (angular excursions of 27-67 degrees) of the C gamma-C delta bond axis. These results indicate that, in solution, the internal motions of the leucine side chains of SNase are significantly larger than suggested by the X-ray structures or by qualitative analysis of NOESY spectra. Comparison of Ss2 values obtained from liganded and unliganded SNase reveals a strong correlation between delta Ss2 and distance between the leucine methyl carbon and the ligands.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
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