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Unpredictable growth pattern of costochondral graft.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
B Guyuron  C I Lasa 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1992,90(5):880-6; discussion 887-9
Costochondral grafts have gained increasing popularity in reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint and condyle in children. This is a report on the long-term follow-up of eight adolescent patients who underwent reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint and ramus for correction of hemifacial microsomia or trauma-related temporomandibular joint ankylosis during varying periods of growth. Six patients had hemifacial microsomia, and two suffered from posttraumatic temporomandibular joint ankylosis. Average follow-up was 80.4 months. Four patients had excessive growth of the graft, one patient had suboptimal growth, and three patients had no growth. In addition, one patient had undergone four procedures for significant graft overgrowth. Based on this study and review of the literature, we have concluded that the growth pattern of the costochondral graft is extremely unpredictable, ankylosis is a common problem following a temporomandibular joint reconstruction with costochondral graft, and mandibular overgrowth on the grafted site can actually be more troublesome than the lack of growth. Furthermore, maxillary growth is proportionately influenced by vertical mandibular growth of the graft, while the horizontal maxillary growth is not altered. Ankylosis is a result of ossification of the cartilaginous portion and the three-dimensional graft overgrowth, aggressively extending beyond the cartilage graft boundary. Based on this study, we recommend that this procedure be performed only on severe deficiencies. Adequate amounts of soft tissue should be retained between the skull base and the graft, and we further recommend harvesting the graft from the fourth or fifth rib, which may reduce the potential for overgrowth.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Understanding of the pedogenic pathways associated with arsenic (As) transformations in soil is important to understanding arsenic soil chemistry and discriminating between natural background and anthropogenic arsenic (As). Twenty-one soil series, some with multiple pedons, were assessed to determine if the As distributions in soil profiles exhibit discrete maxima that correspond to the presence of agrillic horizons. The majority of pedons exhibiting argillic horizon expression show a Fe-oxyhydroxide and As maxima corresponding precisely with the argillic horizon. Pearson correlation coefficients verify the close correspondence of Fe and As. Soil profiles having cambic horizons, and lacking argillic horizons, may also show As and Fe accumulations at soil depths. Some coarse-textured, well-drained to moderately well-drained Entisols and Inceptisols have Fe-oxyhydroxide accumulation in their cambic horizons, promoting As accumulation. Conversely, silty-textured and poorly drained to somewhat poorly drained Entisols and Inceptisols have C and Cg horizons that show somewhat uniform Fe and As concentrations throughout their soil profiles. Analysis of selected pedons having well-drained to moderately well-drained soil profiles demonstrates that clay fraction Fe and As concentrations are closely correlated and that the As and Fe concentrations are greater than those from the corresponding whole soil. The somewhat poorly drained Crowley pedon exhibited cohesive masses of Fe and Mn accumulation (sand separate) that had greater arsenic concentrations than those of the clay and silt separates. These pedogenic nodules with enhanced arsenic concentrations reveal alternative pathways involving arsenic transformation.  相似文献   

The “Nanguo” pear is a typically climacteric fruit and ethylene is the main factor controlling the ripening process of climacteric fruit. Ethylene biosynthesis has been studied clearly and ACC synthase (ACS) is the rate-limited enzyme. ACO (ACC oxidase) is another important enzyme in ethylene biosynthesis. By exploring the pear genome, we identified 13 ACS genes and 11 ACO genes, respectively, and their expression patterns in fruit and other organs were investigated. Among these genes, 11 ACS and 8ACO genes were expressed in pear fruits. What’s more, 4 ACS and 3ACO genes could be induced by Ethephon and inhibited by 1-MCP treatment. This study is the first time to explore ACS and ACO genes at genome-wide level and will provide new data for research on pear fruit ripening.

Forest cover change directly affects biodiversity, the global carbon budget, and ecosystem function. Within Latin American and the Caribbean region (LAC), many studies have documented extensive deforestation, but there are also many local studies reporting forest recovery. These contrasting dynamics have been largely attributed to demographic and socio‐economic change. For example, local population change due to migration can stimulate forest recovery, while the increasing global demand for food can drive agriculture expansion. However, as no analysis has simultaneously evaluated deforestation and reforestation from the municipal to continental scale, we lack a comprehensive assessment of the spatial distribution of these processes. We overcame this limitation by producing wall‐to‐wall, annual maps of change in woody vegetation and other land‐cover classes between 2001 and 2010 for each of the 16,050 municipalities in LAC, and we used nonparametric Random Forest regression analyses to determine which environmental or population variables best explained the variation in woody vegetation change. Woody vegetation change was dominated by deforestation (?541,835 km2), particularly in the moist forest, dry forest, and savannas/shrublands biomes in South America. Extensive areas also recovered woody vegetation (+362,430 km2), particularly in regions too dry or too steep for modern agriculture. Deforestation in moist forests tended to occur in lowland areas with low population density, but woody cover change was not related to municipality‐scale population change. These results emphasize the importance of quantitating deforestation and reforestation at multiple spatial scales and linking these changes with global drivers such as the global demand for food.  相似文献   
The fact that pests are the most abundant species in agricultural settings has broadly precluded the attention to non-pest species and the study of temporal dynamics of diversity in agroecosystems. Because, agroecosystems hold increasingly important portions of biological diversity, understanding of non-pest species dynamics in such systems will contribute significantly to their conservation. In addition, deep understanding of both pest and non-pest population dynamics in a community context necessarily requires a long-term approach. By means of the analysis of weekly fruit fly sampling sessions across 12 years, in three tropical fruit orchards, we describe the temporal dynamics of species richness and turnover, structure and composition of Anastrepha fruit fly ensembles considering pest and non-pest species. Furthermore, we ask if time series of non-pest species covariate with time series of pest species, as a way to evaluate the best management scheme to minimize negative impacts of pest control on non-pest species. Among 18 Anastrepha fruit fly species detected over 12 years, five were considered as pest species. Fruit fly ensembles were characterized by strong seasonal dynamics composed of annual cycles. Sapodilla was the most diverse orchard. Overall, fruit fly ensembles appeared stable throughout time. The temporal dynamics of non-pest species covaried positively with temporal dynamics of pest abundance, with consequent management implications. Results suggest that in mango and grapefruit orchards, pest control could be focused during time periods with low potential impact on non-pest species; while in sapodilla orchards other approaches should be developed. The approach described here could be used in agroecosystems to minimize the impact of pest management on non-pest species particularly in highly anthropized landscapes and human-managed ecosystems were biodiversity conservation is a high priority.  相似文献   
Cattle and Weedy Shrubs as Restoration Tools of Tropical Montane Rainforest   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Over the last 150 years, a large proportion of forests in Latin America have been converted to pastures. When these pastures are abandoned, grasses may slow re‐establishment of woody species and limit forest regeneration. In this study, we explored the use of cattle in facilitating the establishment of woody vegetation in Colombian montane pastures, dominated by the African grasses Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyo) and Melinis minutiflora (Yaraguá). First, we described woody and herbaceous vegetation in grazed and non‐grazed pastures. Second, we tested the effect of grazing and seed addition on the establishment and growth of woody species. We also determined if the effect of grazing was different in P. clandestinum and M. minutiflora pastures. We found that low stocking density of cattle greatly increased density, number of branches per individual (a measure of “shrubiness”), and basal area of woody species, but also reduced woody plant species richness and diversity. In the grazed area, the shrubs Baccharis latifolia (Chilca) and Salvia sp. (Salvia) were the most abundant. The combined effect of grazing and shading from the shrubs reduced herbaceous vegetation by 52 to 92%. In the grazing/seed addition experiment, grazing increased establishment of woody seedlings, particularly of the shrub Verbesina arborea (camargo), but the largest effect was seed addition. Where grasses are an important barrier to regeneration, grazing can facilitate the establishment of shrubs that create a microhabitat more suitable for the establishment of montane forest tree species.  相似文献   
The biofilm formation capacity of Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates is considered an important virulence factor for the establishment of chronic infections. Environmental conditions affect the biofilm formation capacity of S. aureus, indicating the existence of positive and negative regulators of the process. The majority of the screening procedures for identifying genes involved in biofilm development have been focused on genes whose presence is essential for the process. In this report, we have used random transposon mutagenesis and systematic disruption of all S. aureus two-component systems to identify negative regulators of S. aureus biofilm development in a chemically defined medium (Hussain-Hastings-White modified medium [HHWm]). The results of both approaches coincided in that they identified arlRS as a repressor of biofilm development under both steady-state and flow conditions. The arlRS mutant exhibited an increased initial attachment as well as increased accumulation of poly-N-acetylglucosamine (PNAG). However, the biofilm formation of the arlRS mutant was not affected when the icaADBC operon was deleted, indicating that PNAG is not an essential compound of the biofilm matrix produced in HHWm. Disruption of the major autolysin gene, atl, did not produce any effect on the biofilm phenotype of an arlRS mutant. Epistatic experiments with global regulators involved in staphylococcal-biofilm formation indicated that sarA deletion abolished, whereas agr deletion reinforced, the biofilm development promoted by the arlRS mutation.  相似文献   
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