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Raw leachate was treated using a two-stage upflow anaerobic filter process. Leachate from a solid waste landfill site, which received both municipal and industrial wastes, contained high organic matter (17-21 g/L COD, 13-14 g/L BOD, and 3.5-4.6 g/L volatile acids), and low metal (Zn and Fe) concentrations. Depending on sampling time, leachate composition and characteristics varied considerably. At an organic loading up to 4 g COD/day(2) media area, the BOD and COD removal percentages were 98 and 91%, respectively. The biofilters were also effective for metal removal. However, the filter effluent contained a high concentration of ammonia. System overloading was characterized by the accumulation of large quantities of volatile acids and by a now ratio of alkalinity/volatile acids, resulting in low COD removal and reduced gas production. Once the first filter was upset, the second stage could only partially respond to the volatile acids accumulated in the effluent of first filter.  相似文献   
九种罕见的人类染色体异常核型报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
ReportonNineRareSpeciesofHumanChromosomalAbnormalKaryotypesHanWeitian;QuOu;YuPing;JiangMiao(LiaoningResearchInstituteofFamilyPlanning,Shenyang110031)自1983年以来,我们对数千例不育及胚胎丢失等生殖异常患者进行细胞遗传学研究,发现大量异常染色体核型,而且异常种类繁多,已报道世界首报人类异常核型25种[1]。最近,在不良妊娠患者中又发现9种异常核型,经湖南医科大学医学细胞遗传学国家培训中心鉴定,为世界首次报道.现报告如下。1病例摘要及核型例1男,30岁,表型及智力正常,其妻子妊娠两次,均在无任何诱因情…  相似文献   
CT所见肝脏肿大占据左右上腹,纠正了既往把肝左叶当做脾大的结论;B超发现前所没有报道的二尖瓣赘生物将给患者终生致残;标准品DS行双向电泳,首次发现其分离为DS1与GS2两个斑点;杂合子、患者尿GAG均出现DS1斑点,而正常人则不出现。实验显示,DS1的出现在杂合子检出和患者确诊上有重要意义。  相似文献   
Vibrio vulnificus produces fulminant septicemia in humans with underlying conditions, particularly those with diseases that elevate the iron level. The effect of a high iron level on the virulence of V. vulnificus was therefore investigated in mice treated with iron dextran. The mice loaded with iron became highly susceptible to V. vulnificus infection, the LD50 (50% lethal dose) decreased five logs when infected per peritoneum. However, when infected via the oral route, the LD50 was affected little unless the mouse was treated with an additional drug such as cyclophosphamide or D-galactosamine. Mice with or without iron-overloading died when the bacterial concentration in the blood reached 10(5) cfu/ml or above. Iron increased the growth rate of the bacteria, both inside and outside of the animal, quickly reaching a lethal concentration in the iron-overloaded mouse. V. vulnificus, grown with or without the addition of iron, showed strong cytotoxicity on the isolated cells or within the animal at high bacterial concentration. Iron overload stimulated the production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), a major factor of septic shock, in mice upon infection with the bacteria, probably caused by the endotoxin; however, the neutrophils, whose migration is effected by TNF-alpha, appeared to be less active. Taken together, the major virulence factor of V. vulnificus appeared to be the accelerated growth of bacteria to quickly reach the lethal level and the lower activity of immune cells including neutrophil as a result of iron-overloading. These two effects manifest other virulence factors, the host's as well as bacterial. Such factors, other than TNF-alpha stimulated by the endotoxin, enhanced cytotoxicity, which kills the host cells including the host's immune cells.  相似文献   
肿瘤干细胞及其耐药机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ou Y  Guo XL 《生理科学进展》2007,38(2):115-119
肿瘤干细胞是存在于造血系统肿瘤和一些实体瘤中具有干细胞特性的细胞。肿瘤干细胞假说认为,经药物治疗后肿瘤复发和转移与肿瘤干细胞残存有密切关系。其原因可能是肿瘤干细胞高表达ABC转运蛋白和Bcl-2抗凋亡蛋白,同时其本身又具有一些干细胞特性。对肿瘤干细胞耐药机制的研究,将有助于发现新的肿瘤治疗靶点和更好的抗癌策略。  相似文献   
A gene from Bacillus pumilus expressed under its native promoter was cloned in Escherichia coli. Recombinant B. pumilus esterase (BPE) affects the kinetic resolution of racemic mixtures such as unsubstituted and substituted 1-(phenyl)ethanols (E approximately 33-103), ethyl 3-hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoate (E approximately 45-71), trans-4-fluorophenyl-3-hydroxymethyl-N-methylpiperidine (E approximately 10-13) and ethyl 2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyrate (E approximately 7). The enzyme is composed of a 34-amino acid signal peptide and a 181-amino acid mature protein corresponding to a molecular weight of approximately 19.2kD and pI approximately 9.4. 3-D the structural model of the enzyme built by homology modelling using the atomic coordinates from the crystal structure of B. subtilis lipase (LipA) showed a compact minimal alpha/beta hydrolase fold.  相似文献   
离子注入对微生物细胞的刻蚀与对DNA的损伤及修复   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以耐辐射异常球菌为试材,以E. coli 为对照,用显微扫描电镜和3H-TdR标记,研究了离子注入对微生物细胞的刻蚀与对DNA的损伤及其修复。结果表明,注入离子对细胞存在着刻蚀损伤;中性蔗糖梯度密度离心沉降分析证明, 大剂量下离子注入可直接导致DNA损伤,并观察到在对应的存活率峰值注入剂量下,D. radiodurans修复损伤DNA的能力比E. coli 强,还证明了细胞经不同时间温育后,损伤的DNA分子得到了部分修复。 Abstract: The direct action of N+implantationin on D. radioduransand E. coliwas investigated by SEM, and their cells were labeled with 3H-TdR, which were implanted by 20keV N+after incubation 18hours, then the DNA of lysed cells was subjected to the neutral sucrose gradient(5%~20%) ultra-centrifugation sedimentation analysis. The results showed that N+implantation exerted direct action on two kinds of microorganisms; the momentum transfer and energy deposition of implantation ions produced the direct etching damage on cells, and repair DNA efficiency of D.radiodurans was higher than that of E. coli. Meanwhile, the damaged DNA incomplete repairing was observed. When incubation was continued up to 6 hours, the rejoined DNA molecules broke again. The repair of damaged DNA could be inhibited by 200μg/ml chloramphenicol. This suggested that DNA damage was serious by ion implantation and damaged DNA repair of cells need continuously synthesizing repair enzyme.  相似文献   
布氏田鼠 (Microtusbrandti)随机分组暴露在冷环境 [12L∶12D ,(4± 2 )℃ ]中 12h ,1d ,3d ,7d ,14d ,2 1d和 2 8d ;对照组生活在温暖环境下 [12L∶12D ,(2 5± 2 )℃ ]。与对照组相比 ,布氏田鼠的褐色脂肪组织 (BAT)重量在冷暴露 12h~ 3d时降低 ,7~ 2 1d时则增加。 7~ 2 8d冷暴露组动物的BAT总蛋白和总DNA含量均比对照组明显提高。冷环境中的布氏田鼠解偶联蛋白 (UCP)的mRNA随时间的延长而表达上调 ,在冷暴露 2 1d时达到高峰。结果表明 ,冷暴露能够诱导布氏田鼠BAT细胞增补和UCP基因表达 ,从而使适应性产热增加。  相似文献   
Antigenic variation is a viral strategy exploited to promote survival in the face of the host immune response and represents a major challenge for efficient vaccine development. Influenza viruses are pathogens with high transmissibility and mutation rates, enabling viral escape from immunity induced by prior infection or vaccination. Intense selection from neutralizing antibody drives antigenic changes in the surface glycoproteins, resulting in emergence of new strains able to reinfect hosts immune to previously circulating viruses. CD8+ cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) also provide protective immunity from influenza virus infection and may contribute to the antigenic evolution of influenza viruses. Utilizing mice transgenic for an influenza virus NP366-374 peptide-specific T-cell receptor, we demonstrated that the respiratory tract is a suitable site for generation of escape variants of influenza virus selected by CTL in vivo. In this report the contributions of the perforin and Fas pathways utilized by influenza virus-specific CTLs in viral clearance and selection of CTL escape variants have been evaluated. While transgenic CTLs deficient in either perforin- or Fas-mediated pathways are efficient in initial pulmonary viral control, variant virus emergence was observed in all the mice studied, although the spectrum of viral CTL escape variants selected varied profoundly. Thus, a less-restricted repertoire of escape variants was observed in mice with an intact perforin cytotoxic pathway compared with a limited variant diversity in perforin pathway-deficient mice, although maximal variant diversity was observed in mice having both Fas and perforin pathways intact. We conclude that selection of viral CTL escape variants reflects coordinate action between the tightly controlled perforin/granzyme pathway and the more promiscuous Fas/FasL pathway.  相似文献   
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