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温度和化学预处理对玉米秸厌氧消化产气量的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
提出通过中温消化和化学预处理相结合的方法提高玉米秸的厌氧消化产气量。研究了中温和常温条件下,不同负荷率对玉米秸产气量的影响,以及经氢氧化钠、氨水与尿素处理后玉米秸主要成份的变化规律及其对产气量的影响。结果显示,中温消化产气量比常温提高了139.2%~281.8%,消化时间减少了8~16d;除尿素外,氢氧化钠和氨处理都可不同程度地提高玉米秸的产气量;中温消化时,氢氧化钠处理玉米秸的产气量比未处理玉米秸提高了77.0%,比常温消化的未处理玉米秸提高了263.6%。把中温消化和化学处理结合起来是提高玉米秸厌氧消化效率和产气量的有效方法。  相似文献   
Previous experiments have demonstrated that green lacewing (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) adults could be attracted to field crops using artificial honeydew. To be effective as a biological control method, such a technique would require that the increase in female abundance translate in an increase egg deposition. An experiment was conducted to evaluate whether the honeydew-feeding females of the green lacewing Chrysoperla rufilabris (Burmeister) avoid laying eggs in the presence of conspecific eggs. The potential risk associated with oviposition in a site already occupied by conspecific eggs was also studied. The preference of C. rufilabris larvae for kin and non-kin eggs and the susceptibility of C. rufilabris eggs to cannibalism relative to their age was determined. The results demonstrate that females are not reluctant to oviposit in the presence of conspecific eggs. Larvae show no preference for kin or non-kin eggs, and lacewing eggs become less susceptible to cannibalism as they age. This indicates that the risk of egg cannibalism by neonate in the field may be low. The results are discussed from ecological and biological control points of view.  相似文献   
光照强度对大花旋蒴苣苔叶形态和生理指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以复苏植物大花旋蒴苣苔(Boea clarkeana)为盆栽实验材料,通过梯度遮光处理,研究不同光照强度(100%、80%、60%、40%和20%透光率)和不同处理时间(30、60、90、120和150d)对大花旋蒴苣苔叶生长指标和生理指标的影响。结果表明:随着光照强度的减弱,大花旋蒴苣苔叶的各生长指标(叶片长、叶片宽、叶柄长、叶柄直径以及叶面积)呈现先增大后减小的趋势,透光率为60%时达到最大值;全光照(100%透光率)时,大花旋蒴苣苔表现出明显的外伤症状,透光率为80%和20%时,分别表现出中度伤害和轻度伤害,透光率为40%和60%时,未出现明显的外伤症状;过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)3种抗氧化酶活性均较低且随着光强减弱呈现先降低后升高的趋势,随着处理时间的延长呈先上升后下降的趋势,全光照时抗氧化酶的活性最大,透光率60%处理下酶活性相对较低;丙二醛(MDA)含量、脯氨酸(Pro)含量和质膜透性随着光强减弱呈先降低后升高的趋势,随着处理时间的延长显著升高;叶绿素含量随着光强减弱呈逐渐上升的趋势,随着处理时间的延长先降低后升高。分析表明,40%~60%的透光率有利于大花旋蒴苣苔的生长,强光和弱光对大花旋蒴苣苔的生长均不利。  相似文献   
本研究从造纸厂的污泥及污水筛选获得了一株产木聚糖酶能力较强的菌株,经鉴定该菌株为异硫链霉菌(Streptomyces althioticus),专利保藏号为CCTCC M 2014110。通过单因素试验初步优化了碳源、氮源、温度、初始p H、发酵周期、摇床转速、接种量及装液量。试验结果显示该菌株最佳产酶条件为:以为玉米芯为碳源,用量30 g/L;以大豆粉与硝酸钾复合物为氮源,用量分别为20g/L和10 g/L;发酵周期120 h,发酵温度40℃,接种量6%,初始p H 5.0,装液量50 m L/250 m L三角瓶,摇床转速为160 r/min。  相似文献   
玉米种质和新品种对腐霉茎腐病和镰孢穗腐病的抗性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
玉米是我国最重要的农作物之一,腐霉茎腐病和镰孢穗腐病是玉米生产上的重要病害。2006-2012年期间,对1647份玉米种质进行了抗肿囊腐霉茎腐病和拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病鉴定,筛选出高抗茎腐病和穗腐病的种质分别为564份和27份,占鉴定总材料的34.2%和1.6%,抗性材料分别为209份和352份,占比为12.7%和21.4%,表明高抗肿囊腐霉茎腐病的资源较为丰富,高抗镰孢穗腐病的种质相对匮乏。其中,13份种质对2种病害均表现高抗,207份种质对2种病害均表现抗性或对其中一种表现高抗而另一种表现抗性。自交系中对肿囊腐霉茎腐病和拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病表现抗性以上(含HR和R)的种质分别占总鉴定种质的56.5%和23.6%,在农家种中分别为21.2%和21.4%,表明玉米自交系中的抗性资源较农家种丰富。2009-2013年期间参加国家玉米区试的品种中,对腐霉茎腐病表现高抗、抗性、中抗、感病和高感的品种分别占11.5%、11.9%、40.1%、17.6%和18.9%。2009-2011年间,中抗以上的育成品种所占比例呈现明显上升趋势,但2012-2013年间,中抗以上的品种所占比例呈下降趋势。  相似文献   
以木质纤维素为原料的生物炼制不仅需要考虑到纤维素和半纤维素,同时也需要考虑到木质素的利用,以提高木质纤维素炼制的整体经济效益。利用汽爆处理的玉米秸秆为原料,通过优化碱提取的温度以及碱浓度,获得木质素得率较高,糖含量较少的提取液,同时该提取液经过浓缩后直接部分替代苯酚与甲醛反应制备酚醛泡沫。结果表明:当提取温度120℃,碱浓度1%,固液比1∶10,提取时间2 h,木质素的提取率达到79.67%。由该提取液替代苯酚制备的酚醛泡沫随着替代率的增加,其泡沫的密度逐渐增加,其压缩强度相对于纯酚醛泡沫也得到了提高。而木质素的加入并没有显著影响其热导率以及阻燃性能,同时由于其利用较为低廉的可再生资源木质素替代不可再生的苯酚原料,成本低,环保性好,具有更好的市场应用前景。采用木质素提液直接制备酚醛泡沫材料,工艺流程简单;增加了副产物木质素的经济价值,提高了整个木质纤维素炼制的经济性。  相似文献   
The effects of in ovo peptide YY (PYY) or epidermal growth factor (EGF) administration on chick growth, yolk absorption and yolk stalk function in posthatch (0–5 days) meat-type or broiler chicks were determined. At Day 18 of incubation, treated eggs were injected into the air cell with 100 μl of either PYY (Trial 1) or EGF (Trial 2) at a dosage of 600 μg/kg egg weight. Saline-treated control eggs were injected similarly with 0.9% saline. At hatch, 200 μl of 51Cr-labeled microspheres were injected into chick yolk sacs. Epidermal growth factor increased ileal wet weight adjusted for body weight as well as ileal serosal dry matter. Body weight, feed consumption and excreta weight per bird, and relative weights of the yolk sac, intestine and liver were significantly affected by age of the chick in both trials. Relative radioactivity of the yolk sac, yolk stalk, blood, liver, and kidneys were affected by bird age in Trial 2; however, there were no significant effects due to PYY or EGF treatments on relative radioactivity of the tissues and organs examined. These data suggest that PYY and EGF had no effect on yolk absorption or yolk stalk function through 5 days in the posthatch chick.  相似文献   
Understanding tolerance of thermal extremes by pest insects is essential for developing integrated management strategies, as tolerance traits can provide insights into constraints on activity and survival. A major question in thermal biology is whether thermal limits vary systematically with microclimate variation, or whether other biotic or abiotic factors can influence these limits in a predictable manner. Here, we report the results of experiments determining thermal limits to activity and survival at extreme temperatures in the stalk borer Eldana saccharina Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), collected from either Saccharum spp. hybrids (sugarcane) (Poaceae) or Cyperus papyrus L. (Cyperaceae) and then reared under standard conditions in the laboratory for 1–2 generations. Chill‐coma temperature (CTmin), critical thermal maximum (CTmax), lower lethal temperatures (LLT), and freezing temperature between E. saccharina collected from the two host plants were compared. CTmin and CTmax of E. saccharina moths collected from sugarcane were significantly lower than those from C. papyrus (CTmin = 2.8 ± 0.4 vs. 3.9 ± 0.4 °C; CTmax = 44.6 ± 0.1 vs. 44.9 ± 0.2 °C). By contrast, LLT of moths and freezing temperatures of pupae did not vary with host plant [LLT for 50% (LT50) of the moth population, when collected from sugarcane: ?3.2 ± 0.5 °C, from C. papyrus: ?3.9 ± 0.8 °C]. Freezing temperatures of pupae collected from C. papyrus were ?18.0 ± 1.0 °C and of those from sugarcane ?17.5 ± 1.8 °C. The E. saccharina which experienced the lowest minimum temperature (in C. papyrus) did not have the lowest CTmin, although the highest estimate of CTmax was found in E. saccharina collected from C. papyrus and this was also the microsite which reported the highest maximum temperatures. These results therefore suggest that host plant may strongly mediate lower critical thermal limits, but not necessarily LLT or freezing temperatures. These results have significant implications for ongoing pest management and thermal biology of these and other insects.  相似文献   
为探究玉米基部节间质量性状与茎秆强度形成的内在关系,该研究选用不同耐密性玉米品种为材料,采用随机区组设计,在田间条件下研究玉米基部节间形态特征、干物质积累的变化特点,分析茎秆内部木质素积累动态变化及其相关合成酶活性对茎秆强度形成的影响。结果表明:(1)耐密品种‘先玉335’基部节间单位长度干重(DWUL)和直径均较高,不同品种的茎秆强度快速形成时期有一定差异,与木质素的积累密切相关。(2)耐密品种茎秆穿刺强度(RPS)和木质素积累快速形成时期较不耐密品种‘新玉41’长5~7 d,穿刺强度高于不耐密品种24.9%~36.6%,其木质素积累量高于不耐密品种12.5%~47.0%,且RPS和木质素积累速率较不耐密品种快。(3)玉米抽雄期(VT)前是基部节间木质素快速积累的关键时期,玉米大喇叭口期(V12~V15)酶活性与抽雄期木质素积累量呈显著或极显著正相关,对茎秆强度形成至关重要。(4)在玉米12叶期耐密品种‘先玉335’的木质素合成相关酶均显著高于不耐密品种‘新玉41’,PAL、TAL、CAD和POD分别较‘新玉41’高1.85、0.30、0.11和0.42 U·mg-1。研究认为,玉米大喇叭口期茎秆干物质积累量较高、木质素合成相关酶的活性较强,能有效促进木质素的快速积累,增加茎秆抗倒伏强度,进而提高玉米茎秆抗倒伏能力。  相似文献   
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