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Summary The rhizosphere microflora of arecanut palm under continuous application of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers was studied. The nutrients applied are 100 g N, 40 g P2O5 and 140 g K2O/palm/year in the form of organics and inorganics. The application of organic manure increased the microbial population. The increase in microbial population was observed between the rhizosphere samples collected at 0–30cm and 30–60 cm depths. The surface cultivation of soil increased the microbial population.Trichoderma sp. andAspergillus sp. dominated in therhizosphere of arecanut palm. Contribution No. 208. Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Vittal-574243, Karnataka, India.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of total nitrification to nitrate or partial nitrification to nitrite on the soil organic nitrogen status was examined. NH 4 +15N was added to the soil in the absence and the presence of NaClO3, respectively nitrapyrin. The first chemical inhibits only nitrate formation, the second inhibits total nitrification. The accumulation of nitrite nitrogen in the soil at levels up to 5 mg kg–1 increased the loss of nitrogen. Yet, it did not increase the binding of mineral nitrogen into soil organic matter, relative to the control soil. The data suggest that the biochemistry of the nitrite formation process, rather than the levels of nitrite ions formed, are of primary importance in the role of nitrification mediated nitrosation of soil organic matter.  相似文献   
Advances in alternative DNA delivery techniques   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This review describes recent advances in alternative DNA-delivery techniques with particular emphasis on silicon carbide fibers, intact tissue electroporation, electrophoresis and microinjection. The advantages/disadvantages of each method along with a historical overview and theory of practice are discussed.  相似文献   
Coffee leaf rust, caused by Hemileia vastatrix, is the most devastating disease of coffee. Since limited information is available in the literature on silicon (Si) affecting plant diseases in coffee, this study was designed to investigate foliar application of potassium silicate (PS), a source of soluble (Si), on infection process of coffee leaf rust at the microscopic level. The foliar Si concentration for plants sprayed with water and PS has no significant difference (0.24 and 0.30 dag kg?1, respectively). X‐ray microanalysis indicated that the deposition of Si on the leaves of the plants that were sprayed with PS was greater in comparison to the leaf samples from the plants sprayed with water. Rust severity on leaves of plants sprayed with water or sprayed with PS reached 44% and 32%, respectively, at 36 days after inoculation (dai). Plates of polymerised PS were observed on the leaf surfaces of the plants sprayed with the product, in contrast to its absence on the leaf surfaces of plants sprayed with water. At 36 dai, a greater number of uredia were observed on the leaf surfaces of plants sprayed with water in comparison to the leaf surfaces of plants sprayed with PS. On fractured leaf tissues that were sprayed with PS, less fungal colonisation was observed in comparison to the leaves of plants sprayed with water. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that the effect of foliar‐applied Si on the control of the coffee leaf rust development may be attributed to the physical role of the polymerised PS, its osmotic effect against urediniospores germination, or both.  相似文献   
The effects of silicon deficiency on the metabolism and composition of lipids in Cyclotella cryptica T13L Reimann, Lewin, and Guillard were examined. Silicon-deficient cells had higher levels of neutral lipids (primarily triacylglycerols) and higher proportions of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids than silicon-replete cells. After 4 h of silicon deficiency, the percentage of newly assimilated NaH14CO3 partitioned into lipids increased from 27.6% to 54.1%, whereas the percentage partitioned into chrysolaminarin decreased from 21.6% to 10.6%. In addition, pulse-chase experiments with NaH14CO3 indicated that the amount of 14C in the total cellular lipid fraction increased by 32% after 12 h of silicon deficiency despite the absence of additional photoassimilable 14C. Therefore, the accumulation of lipids in response to silicon deficiency appears to be due to two distinct processes: (a) an increase in the proportion of newly assimilated carbon partioned into lipids, and (2) a slow conversion of previously assimilated carbon from non-lipid compounds into lipids  相似文献   
Minesoils developed from lignite surface mining in Texas are nutrient-poor and have a high N retention capacity. A major concern of landowners and soil conservationists is the response of Coastal bermudagrass to the application of low rates of ammonium-N fertilizer on these nutrient-poor minesoils. A glasshouse study, using15N-labelled ammonium sulfate fertilizer and lignite minesoil, was conducted to measure Coastal bermudagrass biomass production and fertilizer recovery during establishment in response to clipping at 2, 4, and 8 week intervals. At N rates of 0, 40, and 80 kg N ha–1,increases in N fertilization increased Coastal bermudagrass aboveground biomass 5-fold, but showed only small increases in belowground biomass. Recovery of ammonium-N fertilizer ranged from 54 to 63%. Roots contained approximately the same N content across all fertilizer rates suggesting that young, estabilishing, Coatal bermudagrass roots reserve N until their N requirement is met. As more N is obtained above that which was needed to maintain roots, then additional N taken up by the plant was transported to aboveground plant parts for growth. Frequent clipping intensified N transport to aboveground tissues. Reduced amounts of N were contained in roots after clipping due to reductions in root growth, biomass, and resource demand. Fertilization of Coastal bermudagrass at low N rates with different N fertilizer forms influenced the distribution of N in the plant and affected N recovery by different parts of the plant.  相似文献   
A series of eight experiments was conducted using large pots to (1) find the most effective date, site, concentration of K-solution and K-salt for foliar K-fertilization of maize plants (Zea mays, L.) grown with sufficient K-supply in soil, (2) explain why maize responded to the K-treatment, and (3) examine the influence of various levels of N and P supplies on the effectiveness of K-fertilizer via the leaves. A single spraying on sweet maize and field maize on any day between 50% tasselling date to 10 days after tasselling shortened maturity date, increased grain yield, stover yield, grain-stover ratio, absorption of N, P, K, Ca and Mg, sweetness of young grain (of sweet maize), and crude protein content of grain. However spraying on the third day after 50% tasselling was most effective. The second application later than 7 days after the 50% tasselling date suppressed the effects of spraying on the most effective date. In application of many repetitive sprayings covering the most effective date, a spraying program with late spraying could reduce grain yield. KNO3, 2.5% KNO3-solution, and applications on all aerial parts were found to be the most effective. Increases in grain yield for spraying on all aerial parts, spraying on ear leaf only, spraying on all leaves above ear leaf and applying K to soil were 74%, 51%, 41% and 23%, respectively. The foliar K-fertilization affected maize by stimulating chlorophyll synthesis and not by increasing leaf area. A balance in N and K supplies was determined to be effective for the K-fertilization.  相似文献   
Abstract NO production and consumption rates as well as N2O accumulation rates were measured in a loamy cambisol which was incubated under different conditions (i.e. soil moisture content, addition of nitrogen fertilizer and/or glucose, aerobic or anaerobic gas phase). Inhibition of nitrification with acetylene allowed us to distinguish between nitrification and denitrification as sources of NO and N2O. Under aerobic conditions untreated soil showed very low release of NO and N2O but high consumption of NO. Fertilization with NH4+ or urea stimulated both NO and N2O production by nitrification. Addition of glucose at high soil moisture contents led to increased N2 and N2O production by denitrification, but not to increased NO production rates. Anaerobic conditions, however, stimulated both NO and N2O production by denitrification. The production of NO and N2O was further stimulated at low moisture contents and after addition of glucose or NO3. Anaerobic consumption of NO by denitrification followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics and was stimulated by addition of glucose and NO3. Aerobic consumption of NO followed first-order kinetics up to mixing ratios of at least 14 ppmv NO, was inhibited by autoclaving but not by acetylene, and decreased with increasing soil moisture content. The high NO-consumption activity and the effects of soil moisture on the apparent rates of anaerobic and aerobic production and consumption of NO suggest that diffusional constraints have an important influence on the release of NO, and may be a reason for the different behaviour of NO release vs N2O release.  相似文献   
Silicon accumulation and water uptake by wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silicon (Si) content in cereal plants and soil-Si solubility may be used to estimate transpiration, assuming passive Si uptake. The hypothesis for passive-Si uptake by the transpiration stream was tested in wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Stephens) grown on the irrigated Portneuf silt loam soil (Durixerollic calciorthid) near Twin Falls, Idaho. Treatments consisted of 5 levels of plant-available soil water ranging from 244 to 776 mm provided primarily by a line-source sprinkler irrigation system. Evapotranspiration was determined by the water-balance method and water uptake was calculated from evapotranspiration, shading, and duration of wet-surface soil. Water extraction occurred from the 0 to 150-cm zone in which equilibrium Si solubility (20°C) was 15 mg Si L–1 in the Ap and Bk (0–58 cm depth) and 23 mg Si L–1 in the Bkq (58–165 cm depth).At plant maturity, total Si uptake ranged from 10 to 32 g m–2, above-ground dry matter from 1200 to 2100 g m–2 and transpiration from 227 to 546 kg m–2. Silicon uptake was correlated with transpiration (Siup=–07+06T, r2=0.85) and dry matter yield with evapotranspiration (Y=119+303ET, r2=0.96). Actual Si uptake was 2.4 to 4.7 times that accounted for by passive uptake, supporting designation of wheat as a Si accumulator. The ratio of Si uptake to water uptake increased with soil moisture. The confirmation of active Si uptake precludes using Si uptake to estimate water use by wheat.  相似文献   
A simple, inexpensive, battery-powered, portable luminometer which is based on a silicon photodiode is described. The instrument is intended to measure the light produced by chemiluminescent and bioluminescent reactions. The devic shows a good detection limit and, in a bioluminescent reaction for adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP), detected 0.5 pmol in 1ml of aqueous solution. The instrument measures irradiance from 10?13 to 10?11 W cm?2 at the sensor, within the range 300 to 900nm.  相似文献   
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