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The excised patch clamp configuration provides a unique technique for some types of single channel analyses, but maintenance of stable, long-lasting preparations may be confounded by rundown and/or rapid loss of seal. Studies were performed on the amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel, located on the apical surface of A6 cells, to determine whether the nystatininduced open cell-attached patch could serve as an alternative configuration.Compared to excised inside-out patches, stable preparations were achieved more readily with the open cell-attached patch (9% vs. 56% of attempts). In both preparations, the current voltage (I-V) relation was linear, current amplitudes were equal at opposite equivalent clamped voltages, and E rev was zero in symmetrical Na+ solutions, indicating similar Na+ activities on the cytosolic and external surfaces of the patch. Moreover, there was no evidence that nystatin altered channel activity in the patch because slope conductance (3–4pS) and E rev (75 mV), when the bath was perfused with a high K:low Na solution (E Na=80 mV), were nearly equal in both patch configurations.Our results therefore indicate that the nystatininduced open cell-attached patch can serve as an alternative approach to the excised inside-out patch when experiments require modulation of univalent ions in the cytosol.We thank Dr. Olaf S. Andersen for his suggestions in the development of the open cell-attached recording technique. This work was supported by a National Institutes of Health grant (DK-18061)  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Telemetry data have been widely used to quantify wildlife habitat relationships despite the fact that these data are inherently imprecise. All telemetry data have positional error, and failure to account for that error can lead to incorrect predictions of wildlife resource use. Several techniques have been used to account for positional error in wildlife studies. These techniques have been described in the literature, but their ability to accurately characterize wildlife resource use has never been tested. We evaluated the performance of techniques commonly used for incorporating telemetry error into studies of wildlife resource use. Our evaluation was based on imprecise telemetry data (mean telemetry error = 174 m, SD = 130 m) typical of field-based studies. We tested 5 techniques in 10 virtual environments and in one real-world environment for categorical (i.e., habitat types) and continuous (i.e., distances or elevations) rasters. Technique accuracy varied by patch size for the categorical rasters, with higher accuracy as patch size increased. At the smallest patch size (1 ha), the technique that ignores error performed best on categorical data (0.31 and 0.30 accuracy for virtual and real data, respectively); however, as patch size increased the bivariate-weighted technique performed better (0.56 accuracy at patch sizes >31 ha) and achieved complete accuracy (i.e., 1.00 accuracy) at smaller patch sizes (472 ha and 1,522 ha for virtual and real data, respectively) than any other technique. We quantified the accuracy of the continuous covariates using the mean absolute difference (MAD) in covariate value between true and estimated locations. We found that average MAD varied between 104 m (ignore telemetry error) and 140 m (rescale the covariate data) for our continuous covariate surfaces across virtual and real data sets. Techniques that rescale continuous covariate data or use a zonal mean on values within a telemetry error polygon were significantly less accurate than other techniques. Although the technique that ignored telemetry error performed best on categorical rasters with smaller average patch sizes (i.e., ≤31 ha) and on continuous rasters in our study, accuracy was so low that the utility of using point-based approaches for quantifying resource use is questionable when telemetry data are imprecise, particularly for small-patch habitat relationships.  相似文献   
The pelagic larval duration ( D PL) for 10 temperate cryptobenthic species belonging to three families: Gobiidae, Gobiesocidae and Blenniidae was investigated. Overall, the Gobiesocidae presented short D PLs varying between 11 and 18 days, the Gobiidae's D PL ranged between 14 and 39 days, and Parablennius pilicornis (Blenniidae) had an average of 33 days (range 31–37 days). Two subtypes of settlement marks were found among individuals of the same species.  相似文献   
Yugal K. Prasad 《BioControl》1990,35(3):421-429
The discovery of isolated patches of prey by the natural enemies of the cottony-cushion scaleIcerya purchasi Maskell was tested in the field on potted plants ofAcacia baileyana and citrus between November and February in South Australia. The survival of scales to adults in patches in the 4 fortnightly releases (cohort sets) was not significantly different between location-1 (under anAcacia tree harbouring scales and its natural enemies) and location-2 (about 500 m away from the nearest host plant of the scale). The temporal distribution of mortality in the scale cohorts was described by the Weibull model. The proportion of scales surviving at the 2 locations (on the 3rd & 6th fornight) was not significantly different suggesting that the total effect of all the mortality factors on the scales at the 2 locations was the same. The trends in prey patches destroyed in time could be explained from the period of activity of the natural enemies in the field.Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant) had discovered the prey patches within a fortnight of the release of scale crawlers. The results substantiate earlier reports thatRodolia can find and destroy isolated scale colonies.   相似文献   
This article attempts to conceptualize the dynamics of resource allocation by colonist farmers under the unique conditions of land abundance and labor scarcity which characterize frontier environments, such as the smallholder agricultural settlement areas in the Amazon basin. In contrast, most previous theoretical literature on household agricultural decision making and land-use change in rural areas considers conditions of high population density and land scarcity, and is not, therefore, adequate for understanding critical land-use changes which may be occurring in frontier regions. This article first discusses the appropriateness and inadequacies of the analytical frameworks commonly used to explain the expansion of settler agriculture into remote forest regions and the unsustainable land-use practices observed in these areas. This review serves as the basis for characterizing resource allocation under the particular conditions of frontier environments. A conceptual advance in the analysis is its consideration of the way institutional/policy factors and farm-level characteristics can interact to produce land-use outcomes. This knowledge is essential to understand not only the social and economic factors affecting present land use and choice of technology, but also those factors influencing farmers' demand for more optimal systems of land use which are consistent with varying agro-ecological potentials, demographic situations, and their own management capacity.  相似文献   
Dirk Schories 《Aquatic Ecology》1995,29(3-4):341-347
For the last two decades dense mats of species of the filamentous green algaeEnteromorpha spp. have regulary occurred on tidal flats of Köningshafen Bay (island Sylt, North Sea, FRG). In calm areas overwintering of adult plants or plant fragments is a common process to guarantee the mass development during the next season. In contrast, the distribution ofEnteromorpha on exposed sandy tidal flats depends on recruitment by juvenile stages. In 1993Enteromorpha spore settlement was recorded regularly in the field. Polyethylene dishes were placed in the field and left for a period of seven days and lateron cultivated in the laboratory to checkEnteromorpha germling development. During summer 1993 — at a minimum distance of 200 m to the nearest adultEnteromorpha populations — a total of at least 82×106 spores m–2 settled. During winter the number of spores attached to the collecting dishes was close to zero and the adjacent sand flats were free of any visibleEnteromorpha plants. In further experiments it was shown that the development ofEnteromorpha juveniles in the next spring depended on the overwintering capacity of spores. More than 2×106 spores m–2 attached to large sand grains and other substrata (e.g. Hydrobia ulvae) survived the winter. In a laboratory experiment several species ofEnteromorpha were able to survive in total darkness for at least 10 months.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of intercommunication between the immune and nervous systems are not fully understood. In the case of the intestine, the enteric nervous system is involved in the regulation of immune responses. It was therefore decided to employ immunohistochemical techniques to investigate the structural organization of the enteric nervous system in Peyer's patches of the porcine small intestine. Using antibodies against various nervous system-specific markers (protein gene product 9.5, neuron-specific enolase, neurofilament 200, S-100 protein and the glial fibrillary acidic protein), an intimate and specific structural association could be demonstrated between enteric nerves and the compartments of Peyer's patches: follicles, interfollicular regions and domes. Peyer's patches have a close topographical relationship to the two submucosal plexuses. Enteric nerves are located around the follicle in the interfollicular area — the so-called traffic area-and in the dome area, which plays an important role in the uptake and presentation of antigens.  相似文献   
The goatfish Upeneus tragula undergoes an abrupt metamorphosis at settlement when the pelagic larvae begin a reef-associated benthic mode of life. A microspectrophotometric investigation of the retinal visual pigments was carried out on fish prior to, during, and following settlement. It was found that the visual pigment in the long wavelength-absorbing member of the double cones in the dorsal retina changed rapidly from a rhodopsin with a wavelength of maximum absorption (max) of 580 nm to that of 530 nm. The second member of the double cones always had a rhodopsin with the max absorbing at shorter wavelengths. Prior to settlement the average for this class of cones was 487 nm whereas during and immediately following the settlement period the max recorded from individual outer segments was found to vary between 480 nm and 520 nm, with two possible classes of cone absorbance emerging within this range. These two classes of absorbance had average max values of 487 and 515 nm. The average max of the paired cone classes in one larger wild-settled fish were found to be at 506 nm and 530 nm. No change was detected in the max of the single cones or the rods which were always found to have a max of about 400 nm and 498 nm respectively. The loss of the redabsorbing pigment occurred over the same time scale as the metamorphosis of morphological features associated with the settlement process. It is thought that the loss of this visual pigment is associated with the change in light environment of the fishes as they leave the surface waters to begin a benthic mode of life in deeper water.Abbreviations AIMS Australian Institute of Marine Science - ANOVA Analysis of variance - IR infra-red - max wavelength of maximum absorption - MSP microspectrophotometer - NA numerical aperture - SL standard length  相似文献   
The Corbières massif forms the lowest part of the Eastern Pyrenees, and as such is the easiest natural passage to connect the coastal plains of Languedoc and Roussillon in Southern France with those of Gironès and Barcelona in Northern Spanish Catalonia. This geographical situation confers on each of the sites discovered in this passage a role of milestone that can allow us to apprehend the dynamics of anthropic movements and relationships across these spaces. In 2007, the presence of a first Gravettian site in this Northern Pyrenean foothill was published: Jas d’en Biel 1. This discovery filled an “archaeological void” between the Gravettian sites of Languedoc and those of Spanish Catalonia. The discovery of a new site: Jas d’en Biel 2, 300 m from the first, reinforces the Gravettian presence in this region. The fact that the two sites present similar characteristics in terms of anthropic choices (solar orientation, proximity to a watercourse, lightness of the soil, protection from the wind, etc.) are all parameters that demonstrate the choices made by Gravettian men. The respective compositions of the lithic industries of the series do not show significant differences, allowing us to imagine a certain synchronism between the two sites. Burins are the most numerous tools, but at Jas d’en Biel 2 we find specimens close to the Raysse type that were absent from Jas d’en Biel 1. Jas d’en Biel 2, as well as its neighbor Jas d’en Biel 1, shows similarities with certain sites in Languedoc, such as Bois-des-Brousses, La Treille, La Verrière, the caves of Bize or La Crouzade. These are usually small deposits that belong to terminal moments of the Gravettian period. All these parameters point to similarities between the Languedoc sites and Jas d’en Biel 1 and 2. The geographical position of the Corbières massif allows us to consider the Jas d’en Biel sites as the last milestones of the Gravettian period upstream from the crossing of the Pyrenean passes, before the sites of the Serinyà region, such as l’Arbreda. Recent surveys carried out in the same valley of the Ravin d’en Saman have made it possible to locate and identify several other open-air settlements related to the Gravettian lato sensu. An analysis of intra- and extra-site characteristics will aim to understand the parameters that led men to settle in this micro-zone, as well as the reasons for this “concentration”.  相似文献   
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