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Temperature dependencies of sprouting and germination were compared for subterranean perennating organs and seeds of ten closely related species of the genusDioscorea (Dioscoreaceae), a group of monocotyledonous summer perennials which are distributed from the tropics to the subarctic. The species used wereD. nipponica Makino,D. tokoro Makino,D. japonica Thunb.,D. tenuipes Franch. et Savat.,D. septemloba Thunb.,D. quinqueloba Thunb.,D. izuensis Akahori,D. bulbifera L. f.spontanea (Makino) Makino et Nemoto,D. pentaphylla. L. andD. alata L.; they are distributed from cold northern areas to warmer southern areas approximately in this order in and around Japan. Bulbil sprouting was also studied in those forming bulbils. Subterranean organs of the tropical species sprouted faster without any prior temperature treatment, whereas those of species from the more northern areas sprouted after prechilling. Northern species required longer, periods of prechilling for sprouting. On the other hand, with seeds or bulbils, the southern species required longer periods of prior temperature treatment for dormancy breaking. This difference in the length of dormant periods between seeds or bulbils and subterranean organs among the ten species may be related to their size and position of shedding; seeds or bulbils are small and are shed on the ground surface, whereas subterranean organs are large and are located below the surface. It is important to determine in other perennials whether the above relation between dormant features of seeds or bulbils and subterranean organs are common properties or not.  相似文献   
Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle tubers from monoecious plants andPotamogeton gramineus L. winter buds were sprouted and allowed to grow in the dark for 120 days. We measured plant length and counted the number of leaves at 2–3 day intervals.Hydrilla grew most rapidly during the first 16–17 days andPotamogeton grew most rapidly during the first 16–25 days. Measurement of propagule carbon content over time indicated that cessation of rapid growth coincided with depletion of tuber carbon by one-half forHydrilla. ForPotamogeton, growth was reduced after 16 to 25 days while the winter bud C half-life was 37 days. Calculations indicated thatHydrilla mobilized 49% andPotamogeton 39% of the initial propagule carbon to support growth. In a second experiment, in which plants were grown in substrate the plants grew taller and produced slightly more leaves per plant.Potamogeton removed from darkness after specified time periods, and allowed to grow for 21 days in a greenhouse recovered from 20–30 days in the dark. Similarly treatedHydrilla plants recovered from up to 80 days in the dark.Potamogeton had mobilized 79% of initial C by the time it was unable to recover from the dark treatment. Combined results for both species indicate that the majority of propagule C was utilized in the first 16 to 30 days following sprouting. In conjunction with an understanding propagule sprouting requirements, this information will be useful in the timing of application for management techniques. The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged. The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   
The multi-stem clump structure of a coastal dwarf forest dominated byLitsea japonica Juss. was investigated in order to clarify the sprouting characteristics and self-maintenance of clumps by stem alternation. The size and age distribution of multi-stem clumps were analyzed using cumulative relative frequency curves.L. japonica had a large number of stems and an even height distribution or young age-biased distribution of stems within a clump. These results indicated the sequential flushing of sprouts at high frequency. Height distribution within a clump ofL. japonica was relatively even compared to other species. This clump structure suggested the stable self-maintenance of individuals in all ranges of size and age without disturbances. It originated specific sprouting characteristics as a response to the severe stress of salty wind.Ardisia sieboldii Miq. had few stems within a clump. Although the stem height distribution of large individuals tended to be even, most clumps had a large size-biased distribution of stem height which indicated simultaneous sprouting. From this structure, sprouts of this species were thought to be of less significance in the stable self-maintenance of individuals thanL. Japonica.  相似文献   
Seizures set in motion complex molecular and morphological changes in vulnerable structures, such as the hippocampal complex. A number of these changes are responsible for neuronal death of CA3 and hilar cells, which involves necrotic and apoptotic mechanisms. In surviving dentate granule cells seizures induce an increased expression of tubulin subunits and microtubule-associated proteins, suggesting that an overproduction of tubulin polymers would lead to a remodeling of mossy fibers (the axons of granule cells). In fact, these fibers sprout in the dentate gyrus to innervate granule cell dendrites, creating recurrent excitatory circuits. In contrast, terminal mossy fibers do not sprout in the CA3 field. Navigation of mossy fiber's growth cones may be facilitated by astrocytes, which would exert differential effects by producing and excreting cell adhesion and substrate molecules. In the light of the results discussed here, we suggest that in adult brain activated-resident astrocytes (nonproliferating, tenascin-negative, neuronal cell-adhesion molecule-positive astrocytes) could contribute to the process of axonal outgrowth and synaptogenesis in the dentate gyrus, while proliferating astrocytes, tenascin-positive, could impede any axonal rearrangement in CA3. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
In onion ( Allium cepa L.) postponement of sprouting is necessary to achieve long term storage. We studied the factors determining sprouting during dry storage at 16°C. The period to visible sprouting depends on the length of the dormancy period, if present, and on the growth rate of the sprout. In the three cultivars tested, sprouts were initiated within 2 weeks after harvest indicating the absence of a real dormancy period. Sprout length increased linearly during storage. The mitotic activity of the apex decreased before harvest, was low at the transition from scale to leaf formation, and increased again when the sprout was initiated. From a few weeks before harvest, the initially high fructan content of the scales decreased, leading to a large increase in fructose. The sprout always contained enough carbohydrates for growth (between 50 and 60 mg g−1 dry weight, of which 30% was fructan). The activity of sucrose synthase (EC increased as the sprout grew, indicating an increase in sink strength. Invertase (EC was absent in all bulb organs, during the various developmental stages. Although carbohydrates and enzymes were available for fast sprouting, sprout growth was still linear instead of exponential during dry storage at temperatures favorable for growth (16°C). The relative importance of factors determining sprouting are discussed.  相似文献   
恒定磁场对苦荞种子的生物学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验用不同剂量的恒定磁场处理苦荞种子,结果表明:适宜的磁场可有效地提高苦荞种子萌发期的发芽势、发芽率,降低种子浸出液的电导率。  相似文献   
Background and AimsRoot sprouting (RS), i.e. the ability to form adventitious buds on roots, is an important form of clonal growth in a number of species, and serves as both a survival strategy and a means of spatial expansion, particularly in plants growing in severely and recurrently disturbed habitats. Occurrence and/or success of plants in severely and recurrently disturbed habitats are determined by two components, namely the ability to produce adventitious buds on roots and the vigour of their production. As mechanisms behind different magnitudes of RS remain unclear, our study investigates: (1) whether the presence or absence of specific tissues in roots can promote or limit RS; and (2) whether there is some relationship between RS ability, RS vigour and species niche.MethodsWe studied RS ability together with RS vigour in 182 Central European herbaceous species under controlled experimental conditions. We used phylogenetic logistic regressions to model the presence of RS, RS vigour, the relationship between RS and anatomical traits and the relationship between RS and parameters of species niches.Key ResultsA quarter of herbs examined were able to produce adventitious buds on roots. They were characterized by their preference for open dry habitats, the presence of secondary root thickening and the occurrence of sclerified cortical cells in roots. Root sprouting vigour was not associated with any specific anatomical pattern, but was correlated with the environmental niches of different species, indicating that preferred disturbed and dry habitats might represent a selection pressure for more vigorous root sprouters than undisturbed and wet habitats.ConclusionsOur study shows that sprouting from roots is quite common in temperate dicotyledonous herbs. Two components of RS – ability and vigour – should be considered separately in future studies. We would also like to focus more attention on RS in herbs from other regions as well as on external forces and internal mechanisms regulating evolution and the functions of RS in both disturbed and undisturbed habitats.  相似文献   
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