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Abstract. Nutrient conservation in vegetation affects rates of litter decomposition and soil nutrient availability. Although resorption has been traditionally considered one of the most important plant strategies to conserve nutrients in temperate forests, long leaf life‐span and low nutrient requirements have been postulated as better indicators. We aimed at identifying nutrient conservation strategies within characteristic functional groups of NW Patagonian forests on Andisols. We analysed C‐, N‐, P‐, K‐ and lignin‐concentrations in mature and senescent leaves of ten native woody species within the functional groups: broad‐leaved deciduous species, broad‐leaved evergreens and conifers. We also examined mycorrhizal associations in all species. Nutrient concentration in mature leaves and N‐ resorption were higher in broad‐leaved deciduous species than in the other two functional groups. Conifers had low mature leaf nutrient concentrations, low N‐resorption and high lignin/N ratios in senescent leaves. P‐ and K‐resorptions did not differ among functional groups. Broad‐leaved evergreens exhibited a species‐dependent response. Nitrogen in mature leaves was positively correlated with both N resorption and soil N‐fertility. Despite the high P‐retention capacity of Andisols, N appeared to be the more limiting nutrient, with most species being proficient in resorbing N but not P. The presence of endomycorrhizae in all conifers and the broad‐leaved evergreen Maytenus boaria, ectomycorrhizae in all Nothofagus species (four deciduous, one evergreen), and cluster roots in the broad‐leaved evergreen Lomatia hirsuta, would be possibly explaining why P is less limiting than N in these forests.  相似文献   
Cord-forming fungi form extensive networks that continuously adapt to maintain an efficient transport system. As osmotically driven water uptake is often distal from the tips, and aqueous fluids are incompressible, we propose that growth induces mass flows across the mycelium, whether or not there are intrahyphal concentration gradients. We imaged the temporal evolution of networks formed by Phanerochaete velutina, and at each stage calculated the unique set of currents that account for the observed changes in cord volume, while minimizing the work required to overcome viscous drag. Predicted speeds were in reasonable agreement with experimental data, and the pressure gradients needed to produce these flows are small. Furthermore, cords that were predicted to carry fast-moving or large currents were significantly more likely to increase in size than cords with slow-moving or small currents. The incompressibility of the fluids within fungi means there is a rapid global response to local fluid movements. Hence velocity of fluid flow is a local signal that conveys quasi-global information about the role of a cord within the mycelium. We suggest that fluid incompressibility and the coupling of growth and mass flow are critical physical features that enable the development of efficient, adaptive biological transport networks.  相似文献   
Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.), pear (Pyrus communis L.) and olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes were evaluated for their tolerance to iron deficiency stress by growing young plants in three types of aerated nutrient solutions: (1) with iron, (2) without iron or (3) low in iron and with 10 mM bicarbonate. Plants were obtained either from rooted softwood cuttings or from germination of seeds. The degree of tolerance was evaluated with several indices: (1) the chlorophyll content, (2) the root Fe3+ reducing capacity and (3) the whole plant relative growth. Fifteen hours before Fe3+ reducing capacity determination, iron was applied to the roots of plants with iron-stress, since this method resulted in increasing the reductase activity. All quince and pear genotypes increased the root Fe3+ reducing capacity when grown in the treatments for iron-stress, in relation to control plants of the same genotypes. In olive cultivars, the Fe3+ reducing capacity was lower in the iron-stress treatments than in the control one. Studying the relationship between relative growth and chlorophyll content for each genotype under iron-stress, in relation to both indices in control plants, a classification of species and genotypes was established. According to that, most olive cultivars and some pear rootstocks and cultivars appear more iron-efficient than quince rootstocks. Our study shows that in some woody species, determining root Fe3+ reducing capacity is not the best method to establish tolerance to iron deficiency stress.  相似文献   
Over 80% of the values of approximate digestibility (AD), efficiency of conversion of assimilated food to biomass (ECD) and efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) calculated using energy terms are greater than the corresponding dry weight (DW) values, based on data for over 65 species (38 studies; number of comparative values: AD=139, ECD=128 and ECI=169). Largest positive differences (energy > DW values) are 30 (AD, ECD) and 24 (ECI) percentage points and largest negative differences (energy < DW values) are 9 (AD), 11 (ECD) and 8 (ECI) percentage points. These differences generally are least for ECI (71% of the differences fall between 0 and +5 percentage points), and AD (68%), followed by ECD (only 47% fall between 0 and +5), and they may vary with temperature, food and other factors. The differences tend to increase (esp. for ECD and ECI) when comparing later with earlier instars. Energy > DW efficiency values are commonly expected for AD because of the generally greater energy content of food than feces, and for ECD and ECI because of the generally greater energy content of insect biomass than ingested and assimilated food. Deviations from predicted differences in surveyed literature data are discussed in terms of possible methodological sources of error.
Résumé Plus de 80% des valeurs de la digestibilité approchée (AD), de l'efficacité de la conversion de la nourriture assimilée en biomasse (ECD) et de l'efficacité de la conversion de l'aliment ingéré (ECI), calculées en termes énergétiques, et obtenus à partir de données sur 65 espèces, sont supérieures aux valeurs des poids secs correspondants (DW): 38 études; valeurs comparatives: AD=139, ECD=128, ECI=169. Les plus importantes différences positive (énergie>valuers DW) sont de 30 (AD, ECD) et de 24 (ECI) centièmes (les différences négatives les plus fortes = 9 (AD), 11 (ECD) et 8 (ECI); ces différences sont moindres pour ECI (71% des différences tombent à 0 et +5 centièmes), et AD (68%), suivi de ECD (seulement 47% tombent entre 0 et +5). Ces différences peuvent varier avec la température, l'alimentation et d'autres facteurs; les différences tendent à croître (particulièrement pour ECD et ECI) quant on les compare plus tard avec des stades plus précoces. Energie > aux valeurs d'efficacité DW sont généralement attendues pour AD par suite du contenu énergétique supérieur de l'aliment à celui des excréments, et pour ECD et ECI par suite du contenu énergétique généralement plus élevé pour la biomasse de l'insecte que pour l'aliment ingéré et assimilé. Les écarts par rapport aux différences prédites dans les données de la littérature examinée sont analysées en considérant les sources possibles d'erreurs méthodologiques.
Abstract: This study focuses on the sex ratio and spatial distribution of males and females in three populations of the endemic and restricted tropical dioecious shrub, Baccharis concinna (Asteraceae) in the mountainous region of Serra do Cipó, southeastern Brazil. The proportion of female plants in the population at lower elevation (1000 m a.s.l.) was significantly greater than of male plants. At this elevation of P/N and Ca/Al ratios in the soil were also greater indicating better nutritional status of the soils. The concentration of aluminium increased significantly with the elevation ( p < 0.001), perhaps rendering soils less conducive to female plants at higher elevations. Female plants are possibly adversely affected to a greater extent by soil quality than male plants. The spatial distribution of the populations within habitat was tested by the K(t) function, where the neighbourhood of a given individual was defined by a circle with a radius (t) up to 3 m. Despite the strong tendency for aggregation, the distribution of the sexes within habitats was random and the hypothesis was not supported. The independent distribution of the sexes within habitats may be explained by nutrient homogeneity of the soils, as well as by an absence of antagonism between the sexes. Nevertheless, we found a trend for males and females to be aggregated according to their gender.  相似文献   
For any element which is incorporated into biomass, the biogeochemical cycle of that element in a given ecosystem will be coupled to that of any other element similarly incorporated. The mutual interaction of two such cycles is examined using a simple model in which each cycle is constrained into four compartments. In each cycle the assimilation rate (primary productivity) is related in a non-linear fashion to the two nutrients and to biomass. The interactions are represented by combining a hyperbolic dependence for each nutrient (involving a "Michaelis constant") with a logistic equation governing the dependence of rate on biomass (involving a "carrying capacity"). The response of the model to perturbation (e.g. mobilization of an abiotic reserve) is strongly governed by the values assigned to these constants. The coupled cycles can exhibit positive feed-back with anomalous responses of the steady state and time-dependent solutions may exhibit complex oscillatory behaviour. Both the steady-state sensitivity and the kinetic behaviour of such coupled systems are simplified if the range of atomic ratios permitted by the assimilation process is restricted. It will therefore be of importance to determine under what conditions the assimilation rates for different elements are governed by mass-action effects (Liebig's Law) or by stoichiometric constraints (Redfield ratios).  相似文献   
Seedlings of 14 species were grown for 14–28 days on nutrient solution with 6 mmol.l−1 NH4 as the sole nitrogen source. Solutions acidity was were kept constant at pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 by continuous titration with diluted KOH. The following species were used: barley, maize, oats sorghum, yellow and white lupin, pea, soybean, carrot, flax, castor-oil, spinach, sugarbeet and sunflower. Most plant species grew optimally at pH 6.0 with slight reductions at pH 5.0. Growth of many species was severely inhibited at pH 4.0, but this inhibition was not observed with the legume and cereal species. Yield depressions at pH 4.0 relative to pH 6.0 were well correlated with the respective relative decreases of the K concentration in their roots (P<0.002). In the roots of two species (sunflower and flax) total N concentrations were also strongly reduced at pH 4.0. apparently, the interactions between uptake of K, NH4 and H ions become the prevalent problem at suboptimal pH. At pH 7.0, yields were also considerably decreased, with the exception of the lupines. At this pH, the roots of the growth inhibited plants were characterized by increased levels of total N and free NH4. It is thought that the binding capacity of the roots for NH4 is an important factor in preventing NH4/NH3 toxicity at supraoptimal pH.  相似文献   
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