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Animal populations are spatially structured in heterogeneous landscapes, in which local patches with differing vital rates are connected by dispersal of individuals to varying degrees. Although there is evidence that vital rates differ among local populations, much less is understood about how vital rates covary among local patches in spatially heterogeneous landscapes. In this study, we conducted a nine-year annual mark–recapture survey to characterize spatial covariation of survival and growth for two Japanese native salmonids, white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus and red-spotted masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae, in a headwater stream network composed of distinctly different tributary and mainstem habitats. Spatial structure of survival and growth differed by species and age class, but results provided support for negative covariation between vital rates, where survival was higher in the tributary habitat but growth was higher in the mainstem habitat. Thus, neither habitat was apparently more important than the other, and local habitats with complementary vital rates may make this spatially structured population less vulnerable to environmental change (i.e. portfolio effect). Despite the spatial structure of vital rates and possibilities that fish can exploit spatially distributed resources, movement of fish was limited due partly to a series of low-head dams that prevented upstream movement of fish in the study area. This study shows that spatial structure of vital rates can be complex and depend on species and age class, and this knowledge is likely paramount to elucidating dynamics of spatially structured populations.  相似文献   
Males of the giant water bug Appasus (= Diplonychus) japonicus Vuillefroy (Belostomatidae: Heteroptera) carry egg masses on their back, but little is known about the relationship between seasonal abundance and breeding ecology of the species. In the present study, therefore, a field survey based on a mark-and-recapture census was carried out at three survey points within a rice paddy area (0.3 km2) where A. japonicus forms a meta-population in northern Okayama, Japan. We investigated the body size, seasonal abundance, dispersion, egg mass size (number of eggs within one egg mass), number of egg masses and the total eggs carried on the back of each male as fundamental parameters of the population and breeding. Significant differences in egg mass size, number of egg masses, and total number of eggs that males carried was found among the survey points. The present results suggested the possibility that the differences in breeding parameters of A. japonicus were influenced by differences in environmental factors among the microhabitats. These results are discussed in conjunction with previous reports on seasonal abundance and breeding systems in Belostomatidae bugs.  相似文献   
A threatened but under-studied component offreshwater biodiversity in North America is thenative freshwater mussels (Bivalvia:Unionoidea: Margaritiferidae and Unionidae). Genetic data suggest that these mussel speciesgenerally exhibit levels of variability similarto other invertebrates. We surveyed allozymevariation in the Louisiana Pearlshell, Margaritifera hembeli (Margaritiferidae), athreatened freshwater mussel. Five examinedpopulations are monomorphic for 25 allozymeloci, the first report of a native freshwatermussel species with extensive allozymemonomorphism. Low genetic diversity appears tobe characteristic of margaritiferids, as anANOVA indicated that mussels of the familyMargaritiferidae have significantly lowerlevels of heterozygosity than the mussels ofthe family Unionidae. Margaritiferids havestrong habitat preferences and modification ofhabitat leads to rapid loss of populations.Although bottlenecks are known to cause lowgenetic variability, margaritiferids mayexhibit meta-population structure withextinction/re-colonization dynamics leading tolow genetic variability. Margaritiferidsgenerally exhibit a patchy distribution with acolonization rate that is approximately twicethat of extinction. Tests of themetapopulation hypothesis will requireadditional allozyme population genetic data aswell as hypervariable microsatellite loci.  相似文献   
采用样地每木调查法,通过丰富度、均匀度、多样性、层次结构复杂性和直径结构复杂性等指数进行分析比较,研究了快速城市化过程中深圳市不同立地等级黄牛木meta种群结构。结果表明:黄牛木群落以黄牛木[Cratoxylum cochinchinense(Lour.)Blume]和豹皮樟[Litsearotundifolia var.oblongifolia(Nees)Allen]两物种紧密组合为基本特征,立地等级越高,物种竞争力越强。立地条件好的黄牛木群落物种丰富度、均匀度和多样性比立地条件差的分别高1.58~1.85倍、0.67~0.87倍和1.34~1.60倍,说明缀块生境变差将导致群落层次结构趋于简单,群落不稳定。受城市化影响,黄牛木meta种群在台湾相思(Acacia confusa Merr.)群落和梅叶冬青[Hex asprella(Hook.et Arn.)Champ.ex Benth.]群落中明显占据优势种地位,群落有逆向演变趋势。今后应着力保护群落上层乔木层物种,改善群落缀块生境。  相似文献   
Co-evolutionary theory assumes co-adapted characteristics are a positive response to counter those of another species,whereby co-evolved species reach an evolutionarily stable interaction through bilateral adaptation.However,evidence from the fig-fig wasp mutualistic system implies very different co-evolutionary selection mechanisms,due to the inherent conflict among interacted partners.Fig plants appear to have discriminatively enforced fig wasps to evolve"adaptation characteristics"that provide greater benefit to the fig,and fig wasps appear to have diversified their evolutionary strategies in response to discriminative enforcement by figs and competition among different fig wasp species.In what appears to be an asymmetric interaction,the prosperity of cooperative pollinating wasps should inevitably lead to population increases of parasitic individuals,thus resulting in localized extinctions of pollinating wasps.In response,the sanctioning of parasitic wasps by the fig should lead to a reduction in the parasitic wasp population.The meta-populations created by such asymmetric interactions may result in each population of coevolved species chaotically oscillated,temporally or evolutionarily.  相似文献   
Plants in multiple symbioses are exploited by symbionts that consume their resources without providing services. Discriminating hosts are thought to stabilize mutualism by preferentially allocating resources into anatomical structures (modules) where services are generated, with examples of modules including the entire inflorescences of figs and the root nodules of legumes. Modules are often colonized by multiple symbiotic partners, such that exploiters that co-occur with mutualists within mixed modules can share rewards generated by their mutualist competitors. We developed a meta-population model to answer how the population dynamics of mutualists and exploiters change when they interact with hosts with different module occupancies (number of colonists per module) and functionally different patterns of allocation into mixed modules. We find that as module occupancy increases, hosts must increase the magnitude of preferentially allocated resources in order to sustain comparable populations of mutualists. Further, we find that mixed colonization can result in the coexistence of mutualist and exploiter partners, but only when preferential allocation follows a saturating function of the number of mutualists in a module. Finally, using published data from the fig–wasp mutualism as an illustrative example, we derive model predictions that approximate the proportion of exploiter, non-pollinating wasps observed in the field.  相似文献   
Barren ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) are distributed in herds that seasonally use specific geographic regions within an annual range, with varying levels of fidelity during different periods (e.g., calving, insect relief, wintering). As a result, caribou management is generally tailored to individual herds that often range across administrative boundaries. Herd ranges can shift over time, seasonal ranges of adjacent herds often overlap, herds merge, and there is often little genetic differentiation among adjacent herds. If substantial herd interchange occurs, it would have important management implications by influencing estimates of herd size, herd composition, and harvest rates. We compiled satellite telemetry data from 2003–2015 for 4 large arctic caribou herds to quantify herd interchange rates. We calculated a metric of herd interchange based on the relationship of caribou locations to typical weekly herd ranges (all yrs combined) and the distance to other radio-collared caribou from each of the 4 herds (yr specific). Although herd membership cannot always be clearly defined based on location, this metric provides an objective measure of the strength of evidence of herd membership that can be used to make comparisons among herds and time periods. We also calculated herd overlap and quantified how it varied throughout the year. Herd interchange was rare in the 2 larger herds, generally occurring when caribou overwintered with an adjacent herd, whereas herd interchange from the 2 smaller herds was more frequent and could last longer than a year. Although sample sizes were limited, there were no clear patterns in herd interchange with year or annual herd size. The 2 smaller herds had large seasonal overlap with adjacent herds, suggesting that herd interchange may be related to spatiotemporal herd overlap and relative herd size. Our results can help managers understand herd interchange and overlap to make management decisions, interpret research results, and develop more accurate population models. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
This study investigated the potential application of genomic selection under a multi-breed scheme in the Spanish autochthonous beef cattle populations using a simulation study that replicates the structure of linkage disequilibrium obtained from a sample of 25 triplets of sire/dam/offspring per population and using the BovineHD Beadchip. Purebred and combined reference sets were used for the genomic evaluation and several scenarios of different genetic architecture of the trait were investigated. The single-breed evaluations yielded the highest within-breed accuracies. Across breed accuracies were found low but positive on average confirming the genetic connectedness between the populations. If the same genotyping effort is split in several populations, the accuracies were lower when compared with single-breed evaluation, but showed a small advantage over small-sized purebred reference sets over the accuracies of subsequent generations. Besides, the genetic architecture of the trait did not show any relevant effect on the accuracy with the exception of rare variants, which yielded slightly lower results and higher loss of predictive ability over the generations.  相似文献   
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