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The advances in the biotechnology industry, and in biosciences research are impressive by any measure, but it is not sufficient just to continue to make spectacular scientific breakthroughs. It is important that the general public is assisted to keep up with the pace of technological change. Some efforts have been made, but they have not been enough. A public relations strategy is required. The biotechnology industry needs to influence public opinion as well as lead discovery. The aims of a public relations campaign should not be just to inform and convince legislators and regulators, but should target the average consumer of the 21st century. There are two areas where the science community must direct its attention if the international public is to be brought along on this biotechnological odyssey: the compulsory school sector – including teachers, students and policy makers; and key sector groups that can be specifically targeted such as farmers, indigenous peoples, horticulturists, food sector people, health professionals, and in particular, the recently retired. If the potential of biotechnological advances is to be realised, scientists must be proactive in educating the general public. This will also involve educating the educators. No amount of public education will completely remove the opposition to genetic engineering, but with an educated public there is an increased opportunity for a fair debate and scare tactics, half-truths and innuendo will gain less traction.  相似文献   
在当前面对医疗市场激烈的竞争现状,医院如何立于不败之地,如何使医院建设保持一个良性发展势态,是医院管理者面临的严峻课题。各级医院应主动适应市场变化,大力推行市场营销,促进医院的建设与发展。讨论医院怎样运用现代营销理论来构建面向市场、符合医院行业特点的医院营销体系。  相似文献   
2015 年 9 月,美国、欧盟和日本共批准 46 个新药,包括新分子实体、新有效成分、新生物制品、新增适应证及新剂型药物。 本文对全球首次获得批准的新分子实体、新有效成分、新生物制品进行分析,重点介绍这些药物的临床研究结果和研发历史进程。  相似文献   
2015 年 11 月,美国、欧盟和日本共批准 36 个新药,包括新分子实体、新有效成分、新生物制品、新增适应证及新剂型药物。 对全球首次获得批准的新分子实体、新有效成分、新生物制品进行分析,重点介绍这些药物的临床研究结果和研发历史进程。  相似文献   
2014的新药批准和上市年终报告显示医药行业的活跃性持续保持在高位。截至2014年12月23日,共有55个新药和生物制品 首次上市。此外,29个重要的延伸性新药(新处方、新复方或已上市药物的新适应证)也在2014年上市。在这些新上市的药物中,最多 的是抗感染药物,有11个新药和生物制品。它们大多用于多药耐药菌引发的感染或丙肝的治疗。美国再一次成为这些新上市药物最青睐的 市场,该国是2014年半数以上新上市药物的首选地区。不过,日本在2014年开发上市新药的能力显著增强,多年来首次超越欧盟。另一 重要成果是:2014年上市的新药和生物制品中有15个获得罕见病用药资格,5个获得突破性治疗药物资格,以及3个获得合格传染病产 品(QIDP)资格。另外,2014年还有19个产品首度获批,将于2015年初上市。  相似文献   
2014的新药批准和上市年终报告显示医药行业的活跃性持续保持在高位。截至2014年12月23日,共有55个新药和生物制品 首次上市。此外,29个重要的延伸性新药(新处方、新复方或已上市药物的新适应证)也在2014年上市。在这些新上市的药物中,最多 的是抗感染药物,有11个新药和生物制品。它们大多用于多药耐药菌引发的感染或丙肝的治疗。美国再一次成为这些新上市药物最青睐的 市场,该国是2014年半数以上新上市药物的首选地区。不过,日本在2014年开发上市新药的能力显著增强,多年来首次超越欧盟。另一 重要成果是:2014年上市的新药和生物制品中有15个获得罕见病用药资格,5个获得突破性治疗药物资格,以及3个获得合格传染病产 品(QIDP)资格。另外,2014年还有19个产品首度获批,将于2015年初上市。  相似文献   
Increased trade in non-timber forest products (NTFPs) has been promoted as one possible means to slow tropical deforestation by increasing the economic value of intact forest. A market survey of NTFPs occurring in the Capim River basin in eastern Amazonia, Brazil demonstrated that the reality for many smallholder communities in frontier and remote regions includes chronic transportation difficulties, high variability in fruit production, perishable products and lack of market expertise. In some communities, declining abundance of NTFPs due to logging and fire has resulted in a lack of forest products to even meet subsistence needs. In areas close to cities where transportation is assured and where forest clearing has eroded the natural occurrence of some valuable native NTFPs, smallholders who manage and successfully market native fruit and medicinal species are overcoming these obstacles. In frontier regions undergoing rapid transformation, however, decline in locally used and regionally marketed NTFPs currently pose detrimental consequences for communities. Findings suggest that an overemphasis on NTFP marketing has diverted attention from local livelihood, resource access and subsistence issues.  相似文献   
In the early 1990s, a new cycle of films emerged that depicted complex portrayals of the lives of African-Americans in the neighbourhoods in which they lived. This so-called ‘hood genre was quite radical in its foregrounding of structural racism and police violence. But Hollywood's marketing of these films muted this radical content by directly contradicting explicit signifiers in the films’ story worlds. While many of the ‘hood films take place on the urban fringe and in suburbs, their promotional materials worked to confine the action, to a mythic ‘inner city'.

This essay studies the two most popular films of the genre, Boyz n the Hood and Menace II Society, to illustrate how ‘paratexts' redistricted 'hood films. Through a comparative analysis of the films and their promotional materials, this essay argues Hollywood marketed a racialized ‘imaginative geography' for this important genre of African-American cinema.  相似文献   
2016 年6 月,美国、欧盟和日本共批准21 个新药,包括新分子实体、新有效成分、新生物制品、新增适应证及新剂型药物。 对全球首次获得批准的新分子实体、新有效成分、新生物制品进行分析,重点介绍这些药物的临床研究结果和研发历史进程。  相似文献   
2016年9月,美国、欧盟和日本共批准49个新药,包括新分子实体、新有效成分、新生物制品、新增适应证及新剂型药物。对全球首次获得批准的新分子实体、新有效成分、新生物制品进行分析,重点介绍这些药物的临床研究结果和研发历史进程。  相似文献   
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