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目的:桥本甲状腺炎是一种自身免疫性甲状腺疾病,且其发病率呈逐年上升趋势,在医疗实践中,HT 被认为是原发性甲状腺 功能减退最常见的原因,同时较易发生甲状腺癌和淋巴瘤。另外,HT 缺乏早期诊断标准,临床上发病隐匿且表现多样,病人多不 易察觉而延误治疗。本文旨在应用microRNA 芯片技术系统筛查HT病变甲状腺组织,以此研究并揭示其HT 的miRNA 表达谱 变化。方法:本研究首先采用microRNA芯片技术,对正常甲状腺组织及桥本甲状腺炎甲状腺组织中microRNA 的表达进行比较, 筛选桥本甲状腺炎中差异性表达的miRNAs。结果:与正常甲状腺相比,在桥本甲状腺炎及其合并甲状腺乳头状癌的一侧桥本甲 状腺炎中分别有39 个和25 个miRNAs 分子发生了差异性表达(P<0.05),比较2 组中共有的miRNAs 发现,miR-142-3p、 miR-338-3p、miR-454、miR-146a、miR-29b-1*、miR-150、miR-223 表达上调,miR-654-5p、miR-601、miR-198、miR-1226* 表达下调 (log2 FC≥ 2,P<0.05);而miR-142-5p 在原发性桥本甲状腺炎中表达显著性升高近8 倍(log2 FC=7.959,P<0.01)。结论:我们通 过microRNA芯片,首次直接系统筛查了桥本甲状腺炎病变组织相关miRNA 表达谱,总体上初步掌握了与正常甲状腺相比,桥 本甲状腺炎及合并甲状腺乳头状癌时其miRNA 表达谱的变化情况,为我们后续的研究提供了方向与基础。  相似文献   
目的:比较血小板生成素与白介素-11治疗胃癌患者术后化疗血小板减少症的时效和安全性。方法:术后辅助化疗出现血小板计数低于75×109/L的进展期胃癌患者68例,将其分为TPO组与IL-11组,分别为35例和33例。分别皮下注射rhTPO 15000U,每日1次;rhIL-11 1.5 mg,每日1次,当血小板计数125×109/L或比用药前上升50×109/L,即停止给药,疗程最长为14天。每3天抽取外周静脉血2 m L,通过全自动血液分析仪测定血小板计数,密切观察出现的不良反应并记录。比较两组患者不同临床病理资料、血小板计数、血小板计数升至75×109/L和125×109/L的时程、药物不良反应。结果:两组患者年龄、性别、化疗方案、血小板最低值出现的化疗周期及临床病理分期的比较均没有统计学差异(P值均0.05)。TPO组与IL-11组血小板动态值的比较,第9天出现显著差异(P=0.032)。TPO组与IL-11组血小板计数恢复至75×109/L和125×109/L所需的时间,有显著差异(P=0.041,P=0.013)。TPO组中,有3例(8.6%)患者发生不良反应,IL-11组中,有13例(39.4%)患者发生不良反应,TPO组患者出现的不良反应少且较轻微(P=0.006)。结论:rhTPO治疗胃癌患者术后化疗血小板减少症时效快,安全性好。  相似文献   
The laminated structure of the optic tectum is formed by radial and tangential cell migration during development. Studies of developing chick optic tectum have revealed two streams of tangential cell migration in the middle and superficial layers, which have distinctive origins, migratory paths, modes of migration, and destinations. We will review the process of the two types of tangential migrations, in order to elucidate their roles in the formation of the optic tectum layers.  相似文献   
Degeneration of mesencephalic dopaminergic (mesDA) neurons is the pathological hallmark of Parkinson’s diseae. Study of the biological processes involved in physiological functions and vulnerability and death of these neurons is imparative to understanding the underlying causes and unraveling the cure for this common neurodegenerative disorder. Primary cultures of mesDA neurons provide a tool for investigation of the molecular, biochemical and electrophysiological properties, in order to understand the development, long-term survival and degeneration of these neurons during the course of disease. Here we present a detailed method for the isolation, culturing and maintenance of midbrain dopaminergic neurons from E12.5 mouse (or E14.5 rat) embryos. Optimized cell culture conditions in this protocol result in presence of axonal and dendritic projections, synaptic connections and other neuronal morphological properties, which make the cultures suitable for study of the physiological, cell biological and molecular characteristics of this neuronal population.  相似文献   
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