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大型水母声学观测与评估技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪末以来,世界多个海域频繁出现大型水母暴发现象,对海洋生态系统、海洋渔业、沿海工业和滨海旅游业带来了巨大的灾难。为了研究大型水母生态习性,进而揭示其暴发机理并进行灾害的预警防治,近些年来国内外学者开展了大量的采用网具、目视、水下摄像、声学技术、航空影像等多种手段的大型水母监测调查工作,其中使用声学技术对大型水母进行资源评估和行为跟踪目前在欧美、日本、韩国等渔业发达国家已经开展了相关应用,在资源评估、运动学规律等研究中展现出较好的观测效果和应用潜力。目前我国在大型水母声学观测研究应用领域鲜有文献报道,通过介绍国际上利用声学技术对大型水母进行资源调查与评估、空间分布监测、运动规律等研究成果,为今后我国开展大型水母声学调查研究提供理论基础和科学依据。通过本文的分析,建议可以借鉴国际上采用科学鱼探仪、高分辨率成像声呐、声学信标等方法对大型水母进行监测调查和资源评估的研究成果,结合实际情况将声学技术逐步研究并应用到我国大型水母资源调查与评估、自然生态习性研究、重点水域大型水母动态监测预警中去,完善我国大型水母监测调查体系。  相似文献   
A total of 15 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in the red panda, Ailurus fulgens, were characterized in this study. Based on evaluations of 33 red pandas, the number of observed alleles for each locus ranged from seven to 17 and the expected and observed heterozygosities were 0.412–0.897 and 0.121–0.909, respectively. The mean polymorphic information content was 0.721. These markers would greatly strengthen the utilization of microsatellite tools in genetic variation studies in red panda populations.  相似文献   
Arundo donax L. (Poaceae) is native to Mediterranean Europe and invasive in the Rio Grande Basin of North America. Rhizomes from nine sites in France and Spain infested with a candidate control agent, the armoured scale Rhizaspidiotus donacis (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) weighed 50% less than those from nine sites without scale.  相似文献   
四川邛崃山系小熊猫分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000-2002年,对四川邛崃山系11个县(市)的小熊猫分布状况进行了调查.共完成调杏样线2332条,发现有小熊猫痕迹样线130条,分布在9个县,样线平均遇见率为5.57%,样线遇见率最高的是汶川县和崇州市;估算整个山系有小熊猫栖息地面积5107.82km2,以宝兴、汶川和天全3县的面积最大,分别占总面积的34.08%、30.65%和16.61%,这3个县占总面积的81.34%;小熊猫分布密度等级最高的区域是崇州市的四川鞍子河自然保护区.在山系内7个自然保护区中有小熊猫栖息地面积2166.84km2,占栖息地总面积的42.4%.小熊猫空间分布格局极不连续,存在许多空白区域,栖息地存在破碎化趋势,应进一步加强对邛崃山世界遗产地内小熊猫种群的保护.  相似文献   
岷山地区是大熊猫保护的关键地区.运用图论分析法研究了岷山地区大熊猫生境影响因子,及其相互作用关系.结果表明:在岷山地区,12个影响因子66对组合中,47.0%的影响因子间存在直接的联系,其中89.2%的影响具有增大效应,这说明人类活动对大熊猫生境的影响具有协同增大效应,并占主导地位.研究发现,在影响因子关系集中,存在强连通性的子集K={(TD);(RB);(MI);(HPL);(AP);(AD);(SR);(TH);(FC)},这表明近期进行的旅游景点开发,公路建设,采矿,高压电线走廊建设,以及传统的农业开发,畜牧业,薪柴采集等影响因子之间存在着强烈相互作用关系,这些人类活动还会将其他人类活动对大熊猫生境的影响放大,加剧其对大熊猫生境的不利影响,是影响岷山地区大熊猫生境的主导因素.研究还表明如果不能对主导因子进行有效的控制,很难有效地保护岷山地区大熊猫生境.研究表明图论分析法是研究大熊猫生境影响因子的一个有效工具,有助于明确影响熊猫生境的主导和关键因子,为制定有效的大熊猫保护策略提供科学依据.  相似文献   
凉山山系小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)分布区景观格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2000~2001年对凉山山系主山脊7个县小熊猫野外分布调查数据,利用“3S”技术对凉山山系小熊猫分布区进行了确定,估算出分布区面积为219055hm^2,占山系研究区域面积17.8%。利用景观空间格局定量化分析软件FRAGSTATS,分析了小熊猫分布区景观格局的组成、各类型斑块特征、不同类型斑块间空间分布关系。结果表明,栖息地景观边缘褶皱程度低,趋于平整,景观丰富度大;森林斑块间的结构连通性较好,各类型斑块聚集度较高。小熊猫生境内部破碎化程度较低,森林结构连接程度高,有适宜生境面积为160249.5hm^2,占分布区面积的73.15%,生境中存在3个脆弱区域,特别是美姑-峨边公路通过的椅子垭口区域需要引起极大的关注。  相似文献   
  1. As a highly endangered species, the giant panda (panda) has attracted significant attention in the past decades. Considerable efforts have been put on panda conservation and reproduction, offering the promising outcome of maintaining the population size of pandas. To evaluate the effectiveness of conservation and management strategies, recognizing individual pandas is critical. However, it remains a challenging task because the existing methods, such as traditional tracking method, discrimination method based on footprint identification, and molecular biology method, are invasive, inaccurate, expensive, or challenging to perform. The advances of imaging technologies have led to the wide applications of digital images and videos in panda conservation and management, which makes it possible for individual panda recognition in a noninvasive manner by using image‐based panda face recognition method.
  2. In recent years, deep learning has achieved great success in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition. For panda face recognition, a fully automatic deep learning algorithm which consists of a sequence of deep neural networks (DNNs) used for panda face detection, segmentation, alignment, and identity prediction is developed in this study. To develop and evaluate the algorithm, the largest panda image dataset containing 6,441 images from 218 different pandas, which is 39.78% of captive pandas in the world, is established.
  3. The algorithm achieved 96.27% accuracy in panda recognition and 100% accuracy in detection.
  4. This study shows that panda faces can be used for panda recognition. It enables the use of the cameras installed in their habitat for monitoring their population and behavior. This noninvasive approach is much more cost‐effective than the approaches used in the previous panda surveys.
Evidence from DNA phylogeny, Plio‐Pleistocene ocean currents, giant tortoise dispersal, evolution of plant defences, radiocarbon dates and archaeology indicates that the endemic giant tortoises on the Mascarenes and Seychelles colonized naturally and were not translocated there by humans.  相似文献   
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