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Modifications of different EEG rhythms induced by a single neurofeedback session (by the EEG characteristics) directed toward an increase in the ratio of the spectral powers (SPs) of the α vs θ oscillations were compared with the psychological characteristics of the tested subjects (the group included 30 persons). A generally accepted neurofeedback technique was used; the intensity of acoustic white noise served as the feedback signal. EEG potentials were recorded from the C3 and C4 leads. Psychological testing was carried out using Eysenck’s (EPQ), Rusalov’s (OST), and (16 PF) questionnaires. The directions of changes in the SPs of EEG frequency components were found to significantly correlate with some individuality-related peculiarities of the tested subjects. The SP of the δ rhythm correlated with the EPQ scale “neuroticism,” OST scale “social plasticity,” and 16 PF factors H (“parmia”), I (“premsia”), and Q3 (“self-control of behavior”). The SP of the θ component demonstrated correlations with the OST scales “ergisity,” “plasticity,” and “social temp” and with 16 PF factors M (“autia”), Q4 (“frustration”), and Q1 (“exvia”). The SP of the α rhythm correlated with 16 PF factors Q3 (“self-control of behavior”), G (“strength of superEgo”), O (“hypothymia”), L (“protension”), and N (“shrewdness”). The SP of the β rhythm correlated with the OST scale “emotionality,” while that of the γ rhythm showed correlations with the 16 PF indices L (“protension”) and M (“autia”). Changes in the ratio of the α vs θ SPs correlated with the EPQ scale “neuroticism.” Thus, our data confirm the statement that a high individual variability of the results of a single (first in the series) neurofeedback session is to a great extent related to peculiarities of the individual psychological pattern of the subject. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 239–247, May–June, 2006.  相似文献   
This paper presents methods for the stereological analysis of spatial fibre systems on the base of planar or thin sections. Under the assumption that the cross-section figures of the tubular fibres can be measured, the orientation distribution of the fibre system and its line density Lv can be determined from one section only and without distributional assumptions. A simple way to study the degree of randomness of fibre systems consists in the statistical analysis of the point pattern of centres of intersection figures. More sophisticated methods are of stereological nature and yield the spatial reduced second moment measure. Similarly also correlations between two fibre systems can be quantified. The methods are demonstrated by two examples concerning samples of human brain.  相似文献   
Arginine, agmatine, putrescine and spermidine were found in the apical parts and leaves of chayote ( Sechium edule Swartz ) at various stages of development. The concentration of agmatine, the immediate decarboxylation product of L-arginine, increased considerably in young leaves at the first emergence of floral buds. Young leaves always had a relatively higher content of agmatine than older ones. There was a decrease in the concentration of agmatine from the apical part to the basal leaves. Agmatine was the predominant amine in young leaves at every stage of development (50–90% of the whole amine pool). It was also predominant in mature leaves when the floral buds appeared (70% of the total amine content). An accumulation of agmatine could not be found in other Cucurbitaceae species.  相似文献   
Summary Inflorescence proliferation is a plant tissue culture technique that, can be used to obtain in vitro inflorescences year-round without the intervening development of vegetative organs. In this study, we used albino mutant inflorescences of Dendrocalamus latiflorus as the original explant material to investigate, the effect of plant growth regulators on long-term inflorescence proliferation. The albino inflorescences proliferated on solidified Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with thidiazuron (TDZ), and the optimal concentration for successful long-term inflorescence proliferation was 0.45 μM TDZ. A combination of α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) with 0.45 μM TDZ inhibited the inflorescence proliferation. Inflorescences cultured on a TDZ-free medium supplemented with 26.82 μM NAA rooted in 21 d, vegetative shoots formed by 42 d and, in one case, flowering occurred after 63 d. The auxins 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D, 4.52 μM) and pieloram (4.14 μM) induced shoot formation. The protocol described can be used to produce large numbers of mutant inflorescences within a relatively short period of time.  相似文献   
Allogibberic acid (I) has been identified as the compound responsible for the inhibition of flowering, increase in frond multiplication rate and decrease in frond size produced in Lemna perpusilla 6746 by autoclaved, unbuffered aqueous solutions of gibberellic acid (VII). 13-Deoxyallogibberic acid (IV), a product of autoclaving aq. GA7 (VIII) solutions, also inhibits flowering in L. perpusilla and is about 10 times more active than allogibberic acid.  相似文献   
Detailed palynological studies in two adjoining French Pyrenean valleys, complemented by the study of archives, demonstrate that under similar climatic conditions, the forest history of each valley from the Bronze Age to present time was essentially determined by socio-economical constraints, possibly modified by natural characteristics such as topography. The studies show why the expansion of Fagus (beech) at c. 4000 B.P. was asynchronous on the northern slope of the Pyrenees and emphasize the effects of the human impact on the recent lowering of the tree-line.A contribution to the 8th IPC, Aix-en-Provence, 1992  相似文献   
The abundance of an mRNA encoding an HMG1/2 protein from Pharbitis nil (HMG1) has been previously shown to be regulated by light and an endogenous rhythm in cotyledons. A second Pharbitis nil HMG cDNA (HMG2) was characterized. The sequence of HMG2 was 82% and 86% identical to HMG1 at the nucleotide and amino acid level, respectively. As with HMG1, HMG2 mRNA was detected in all vegetative tissues and was most abundant in roots. However, unlike HMG1, HMG2 mRNA abundance did not increase upon transfer of cotyledons to darkness and did not exhibit regulation by an endogenous circadian rhythm when maintained in continuous darkness over a 68 h period. Similarly, while the abundance of HMG1 mRNA during a dark period that induced photoperiodically controlled flowering was dramatically affected by brief light exposure (night break), this treatment had no effect on HMG2 mRNA abundance. Collectively, these data are consistent with a role of HMG1 in contributing to the circadian-regulated and/or dark-regulated gene expression with constitutive expression of HMG2 playing a housekeeping role in the general regulation of gene expression in Pharbitis nil cotyledons.  相似文献   
When seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy, cv. Violet, are exposed to a single inductive dark period at 27°C, brief interruptions with red light (R) can be promotive after 2–3 h of darkness but increasingly inhibitory to flowering up to the 8–9th h of darkness. This rhythmic response to R interruptions can be advanced in phase by > 1 h when the preceding light period is interrupted with far-red (FR) 2 h before darkness (FR -2 h) or with FR – 15 h, whereas FR –8 h or FR–22 h retard the rhythm. These shifts in the R interruption rhythm are paralleled by equal shifts in the length of the dark period required for flowering. Brief FR interruptions of darkness displayed a similar rhythm which was also advanced by FR –2 h and retarded by FR –8 h. We conclude therefore that the semidian rhythm in the light, which we have previously described, continues through at least the first 12 h of darkness, is manifested in the R interruption rhythm, and determines the critical night length. A circadian rhythm with a marked effect on flowering was also identified, but several lines of evidence suggest that the circadian and semidian rhythms have independent additive effects on flowering and do not appear to show phase interaction.  相似文献   
Growth of 2-month-old nonnodulatedHippophaë rhamnoides seedlings supplied with combined N was compared with that of nodulated seedlings grown on zero N. Plant growth was significantly better with combined N than with N2 fixation and, although not statistically significant for individual harvests, tended to be highest in the presence of NH 4 + , a mixture of NH 4 + and NO 3 ? producing the highest yields. Growth was severely reduced when solely dependent on N2 fixation and, unlike the combined-N plants, shoot to root ratios had only slightly increased after an initial decrease. An apparently insufficient nodule mass (nodule weight ratio <5 per cent) during the greater part of the experimental period is suggested as the main cause of the growth reduction in N2-fixing plants. Thein vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of NO 3 ? dependent plants was almost entirely located in the roots. However, when grown with a combination of NO 3 ? and NH 4 + , root NRA was decreased by approximately 85 per cent.H. rhamnoides demonstrated in the mixed supply a strong preference for uptake of N as NH 4 + , NO 3 ? contributing only for approximately 20 per cent to the total N assimilation. Specific rates of N acquisition and ion uptake were generally highest in NO 3 ? +NH 4 + plants. The generation of organic anions per unit total plant dry weight was approximately 40 per cent less in the NH 4 + plants than in the NO 3 ? plants. Measured extrusions of H+ or OH? (HCO 3 ? ) were generally in good agreement with calculated values on the basis of plant composition, and the acidity generated with N2 fixation amounted to 0.45–0.55 meq H+. (mmol Norg)?1. Without acidity control and in the presence of NH 4 + , specific rates of ion uptake and carboxylate generation were strongly depressed and growth was reduced by 30–35 per cent. Growth of nonnodulatedH. rhamnoides plants ceased at the lower pH limit of 3.1–3.2 and deterioration set in; in the case of N2-fixing plants the nutrient solution pH stabilized at a value of 3.8–3.9 without any apparent adverse effects upon plant performance. The chemical composition of experimental and field-growing plants is being compared and some comments are made on the nitrogen supply characteristics of their natural sites.  相似文献   
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