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目的:探讨牙科高速气涡轮切割手机配合阻生牙专用加长裂钻拔牙对口腔外科门诊需要拔除下颌阻生第三磨牙患者的影响。方法:选取我院收治的59例需要拔除下颌阻生第三磨牙患者,按照随机数字表法将所有患者随机分为试验组和对照组两组。其中试验组患者采用牙科高速气涡轮切割手机辅助阻生牙专用加长裂钻进行拔牙,而对照组患者则采取传统的劈骨分牙法,通过两组患者的术后复诊对患者的下唇麻木、断根等发生率以及张口受限、疼痛、肿胀等情况进行评价。结果:根据我院对两组患者的术中情况及术后并发症情况进行统计分析,结果显示试验组患者的手术时间为(25.68±6.83)min,明显低于对照组患者[(35.23±14.23)min,t=3.962,P=0.000]。试验组患者中仅有1例术后出现断根情况,无其他并发症出现;而对照组患者术后则有3例断根情况和1例下唇麻木患者(后逐渐缓解)、1例下颌关节疼痛以及1例舌侧骨板骨折患者。根据我院对两组患者术后1d的临床资料进行统计分析,结果显示试验组患者术后1d面部肿胀程度明显比对照组患者轻(P0.05);试验组患者的疼痛情况明显优于对照组患者(P0.05);试验组患者的张口受限程度明显比对照组患者轻(P0.05)。结论:牙科高速气涡轮切割手机配合阻生牙专用加长裂钻拔牙对口腔外科门诊需要拔除下颌阻生第三磨牙患者具有较好的临床治疗效果,值得在临床上加以广泛推广和运用。  相似文献   
We assessed the effects of prescribed burning and cutting on mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon × Ovis sp.) spring habitat using an experimental design (17.28 ha) of 2 burned, 2 cut, and 2 untreated plots within a homogeneous stand dominated by heather (Erica cinerea and Calluna vulgaris). Overall, we found a shift in treated plots from ligneous species to herbaceous species with high digestive and energetic values for mouflon. We also found a consistently higher number of mouflon feeding on these treated habitats compared to untreated plots. Such effects were still apparent 4 years after habitat modifications. Our approaches could be used by managers to improve and maintain the range of mouflon populations experiencing habitat loss (e.g., woody plant encroachment) and for which the condition of an animal has often a high economical value through trophy hunting. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
顾梦鹤  杜小光  文淑均  马涛  陈敏  任青吉  杜国祯    《生态学报》2008,28(6):2472-2472~2479
试验选用青藏高原东部高寒草甸普遍存在的3种禾本科牧草垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)、中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)以及羊茅(Festuca ovina)进行种间竞争的野外研究.通过测定3种牧草生物量的干重,对其进行方差分析并计算了相对产量总和(RYT)以及竞争率(CR).结果如下:对实验物种竞争率(CR)的分析表明垂穗披碱草的竞争力最强,中华羊茅次之,羊茅最差.施肥和刈割处理对于原来的竞争格局没有影响,即在施肥、刈割及其交互作用下3种牧草的竞争等级均是一致的.对试验物种混播的相对产量总和(RYT)的分析表明:在中华羊茅与垂穗披碱草的混播中,两种组成物种利用相同的资源,表现出相互竞争的趋势,这种趋势是非密度依赖的;垂穗披碱草和羊茅混播,在低密度时,羊茅和垂穗披硷草可以共享资源,但是随着密度增加,羊茅和垂穗披碱草表现出竞争相同资源的趋势;在中华羊茅和羊茅的混播中,二者在生长过程中能够共享资源,有相互促进的趋势,表现出共生的关系,且是非密度依赖的.  相似文献   
The nutrient‐rich organic waste generated by ants may affect plant reproductive success directly by enhancing fruit production but also indirectly, by affecting floral traits related with pollinator attraction. Understanding how these soil‐nutrient hot spots influence floral phenotype is relevant to plant–pollination interactions. We experimentally evaluated whether the addition of organic waste from refuse dumps of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini) alters floral traits associated with pollinator attraction in Eschscholzia californica (Ranunculales: Papaveraceae), an entomophilous herb. We analysed flower shape and size using geometric morphometric techniques in plants with and without the addition of refuse‐dumps soil, under greenhouse conditions. We also measured the duration of flowering season, days with new flowers, flower production and floral display size. Plants growing in refuse‐dumps soil showed higher flower shape diversity than those in control soil. Moreover, plants in refuse‐dumps soil showed bigger flower and floral display size, longer flowering season, higher number of flowering days and flower production. As all these variables may potentially increase pollinator visits, plants in refuse‐dumps soil might increase their fitness through enhanced attraction. Our work describes how organic waste from ant nests may enhance floral traits involved in floral attraction, illustrating a novel way of how ants may indirectly benefit plants.  相似文献   
李语晨  程金花  李明峰  王宇 《生态学报》2019,39(6):1908-1916
以三种(杉木+少量栎类、杉木+栎类+光皮桦、杉木+栎类+光皮桦+马尾松)不同树种配置的杉阔混交林为研究对象,计算了角尺度、大小比数、混交度三个林分空间结构指标,全面分析了湖北省九华山林场不同树种配置杉阔混交防护林林分空间结构特征,结果表明:优势树种主要有杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)、栎类(Quercus L.)及光皮桦(Betula luminifera)三种,并有少量马尾松(Pinus massoniana)散生于林内,生长优势也较弱。不同树种配置所呈现的林分空间结构也不相同。树种配置Ⅰ(杉木+少量栎类)的角尺度平均值为0.42,大小比数平均值为0.31,混交度平均值为0.18,林木空间分布格局和生长优势度均较好,但混交程度较弱,近乎杉木纯林,对应的生物多样性也会较小。树种配置Ⅱ(杉木+栎类+光皮桦)的角尺度平均值为0.5,大小比数平均值0.32,混交度平均数0.48,空间分布格局整体呈现随机分布;林木主要处于亚优势生长状态,混交度以中度-强度混交为主;而树种配置Ⅲ(杉木+栎类+光皮桦+马尾松)的角尺度平均值为0.58,大小比数平均值0.51,混交度平均数0.54,林木空间格局呈现聚集分布,生长优势水平中庸,为中度混交。全面分析林分空间结构,可以明确林分空间结构中存在的不合理情况,为合理择伐以及近自然经营提供科学依据,使该地区的杉阔混交林的多种功能得到可持续发挥。  相似文献   
Several factors may restrict the acquisition of food to below the levels predicted by the optimization theory. However, how the design of structures that animals build for foraging restricts the entry of food is less known. Using scaling relationships, we determined whether the design of the entrances of leaf‐cutting ant nests restricts resource input into the colony. We measured nests and foraging parameters in 25 nests of Atta cephalotes in a tropical rain forest. Ant flux was reduced to up to 60% at nest entrances. The width of all entrances per nest increased at similar rates as nest size, but the width of nest entrances increased with the width of its associated trail at rates below those expected by isometry. The fact that entrance widths grow slower than trail widths suggests that the enlargement of entrance holes does not reach the dimensions needed to avoid delays when foraging rates are high and loads are big. The enlargement of nest entrances appears to be restricted by the digging effort required to enlarge nest tunnels and by increments in the risk of inundation, predator/parasitoid attacks and microclimate imbalances inside the nest. The design of the extended phenotypes can also restrict the ingress of food into the organisms, offering additional evidence to better understand eventual controversies between empirical data and the foraging theory. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
Xylem resistance to water stress‐induced cavitation is an important trait that is associated with drought tolerance of plants. The level of xylem cavitation experienced by a plant is often assessed as the percentage loss in conductivity (PLC) at different water potentials. Such measurements are constructed with samples that are excised underwater at native tensions. However, a recent study concluded that cutting conduits under significant tension induced cavitation, even when samples were held underwater during cutting. This resulted in artificially increased PLC because of what we have termed a ‘tension‐cutting artefact’. We tested the hypothesized tension‐cutting artefact on five species by measuring PLC at native tension compared with after xylem tensions had been relaxed. Our results did not support the tension‐cutting artefact hypothesis, as no differences were observed between native and relaxed samples in four of five species. In a fifth species (Laurus nobilis), differences between native and relaxed samples appear to be due to vessel refilling rather than a tension‐cutting effect. We avoided the tension‐cutting artefact by cutting samples to slightly longer than their measurement length and subsequent trimming of at least 0.5 cm of sample ends prior to measurement.  相似文献   
杜鹃花属植物扦插繁殖研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国有着丰富的杜鹃花资源,但有关其繁殖应用的研究还具有一定的局限。种子育苗耗时长,组培育苗成本和技术要求高,都不适于杜鹃花属植物的大面积生产。扦插繁殖快,还可保持母本的优良性状。从插条的选择,准备,插条的生根激素处理,扦插基质的选择,外界环境条件对扦插成活率的影响及扦插后的养护管理等六个方面对杜鹃的扦插繁殖技术的研究进行综述,以期推进杜鹃花属植物,尤其是中国野生杜鹃的引种驯化和大面积的推广应用。  相似文献   
采用速蘸法研究了高质量浓度(3 000、5 000、7 000和9 000 mg.L-1)IBA对兔眼蓝浆果(Vaccinium asheiReade)品种‘粉蓝’(‘Powderblue’)、‘梯芙蓝’(‘Tifblue’)和‘芭尔德温’(‘Baldwin’)插条生根率和开始生根时间的影响,并对木质化程度不同的‘顶峰’(‘Climax’)和‘雾达德’(‘Woodard’)插条的生根率和开始生根时间进行了比较。结果表明:经3 000~9 000 mg.L-1IBA溶液速蘸3 s,3个品种插条的生根率均高于或显著高于对照(P<0.05),开始生根时间则较对照明显提前,但不同品种有明显差异;随IBA质量浓度的提高,‘粉蓝’和‘芭尔德温’的生根率逐渐增加,开始生根时间逐渐提早,以9 000 mg.L-1IBA处理组的生根率最高(分别为93.98%和86.46%),开始生根时间最早(分别为15和21 d);品种‘梯芙蓝’插条的生根率则以5 000 mg.L-1IBA处理组最高(88.02%),开始生根时间最早(18 d)。木质化程度不同的插条生根率有显著差异(P<0.05),木质化程度越低,插条的生根率越高且开始生根时间越早;采用木质化程度低的插条,品种‘顶峰’和‘雾达德’插条的生根率分别达到88.54%和77.60%,开始生根时间分别为25和29 d。研究结果显示:高浓度IBA速蘸法是兔眼蓝浆果扦插生根的有效方法,在实际生产中应根据不同品种的特性选择适宜的IBA浓度;从木质化程度及插条可取数量两方面考虑宜选用半木质化枝条作为插条。  相似文献   
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