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The dispersal of parasites is critical for epidemiology, and the interspecific vectoring of parasites when species share resources may play an underappreciated role in parasite dispersal. One of the best examples of such a situation is the shared use of flowers by pollinators, but the importance of flowers and interspecific vectoring in the dispersal of pollinator parasites is poorly understood and frequently overlooked. Here, we use an experimental approach to show that during even short foraging periods of 3 h, three bumblebee parasites and two honeybee parasites were dispersed effectively onto flowers by their hosts, and then vectored readily between flowers by non-host pollinator species. The results suggest that flowers are likely to be hotspots for the transmission of pollinator parasites and that considering potential vector, as well as host, species will be of general importance for understanding the distribution and transmission of parasites in the environment and between pollinators.  相似文献   
Pollination systems and associated floral traits generally differ between core and marginal populations of a species. However, such differences are rarely examined in plants with a mixed wind‐ and bumblebee‐pollination system, and the role of wind pollination during range expansion in ambophilous plants remains unclear. We compared floral traits and the contributions of bumblebee and wind pollination in refugium and marginal populations of the ambophilous plant Aconitum gymnandrum. We found that most floral traits differed between the two populations, and those traits associated with the shift to wind pollination were pronounced in the marginal population. Bumblebee visitation rates varied significantly, but were generally low in the marginal population. Wind pollination occurred in both populations, and the efficiency was lower than that of bumblebee pollination. Two types of pollen grains, namely round and fusiform pollen, were transported to a stigma by bumblebees and wind, but fusiform pollen contributed to wind pollination to a larger degree, especially in the marginal population. Our results suggest that wind pollination was enhanced by pollen dimorphism in the marginal population of A. gymnandrum, and wind pollination may provide reproductive assurance when bumblebee activity is unpredictable during range expansion, indicating that ambophily is stable in this species and shift in pollination system could be common when plants colonize new habitats.  相似文献   
The colony initiation rates of Bombus hypocrita (a native Japanese bumblebee) and Bombus terrestris (a European species) foundresses were compared after 4 weeks of exposure to B. terrestris cocoons. The B. terrestris cocoons, when replaced weekly, were effective for inducing oviposition by foundresses of both species. There were no significant differences in the colony initiation rates of B. terrestris and B. hypocrita, either with the control treatment or with the cocoons. The cocoon method was also tested for five species and two subspecies of native Japanese bumblebees. The colony initiation rate was higher for foundresses of the subgenus Bombus s. str. than for foundresses of the subgenera Pyrobombus, Diversobombus, and Thoracobombus. When replaced weekly, the cocoons of B. terrestris are effective inducers of colony foundation in three Japanese native species, namely B. ignitus, B. hypocrita hypocrita, and B. h. sapporoensis.  相似文献   
露蕊乌头(毛茛科)不同海拔居群的传粉生态学   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对青藏高原东北部两个不同海拔地点(互助,2460m和海北,3200m)的露蕊乌头Aconitum gymnandrum的传粉生态学进行了比较研究。研究结果表明高海拔居群的单花花期、雄性期持续时间、雌性期持续时间比低海拔长。露蕊乌头不存在无融合生殖现象,尽管高度自交亲和,但产生种子必须依赖传粉媒介。熊蜂是露蕊乌头的主要传粉昆虫,两个居群均存在传粉限制。熊蜂取食花蜜为主,在同一个花序上的访问顺序以由下向上为主,但在互助居群和海北居群有3.9%和2.7%的访花是由上向下进行的。统计发现有37.7%和29.3%的访问行为发生在同一植株内;因此,同株异花传粉造成的自交在露蕊乌头中仍然不能避免。低海拔居群的熊蜂种类和访花频率均高于高海拔居群,但自然状态下两个居群的结实率并没有显著差异。高海拔露蕊乌头居群可能具有较长的柱头持续时间,从而补偿了由于访花频率低带来的结实率降低。  相似文献   
We report the details and characteristics of a total of 44 novel microsatelllite loci for Bombus spp. Most of them are highly polymorphic in Bombus terrestris, and a high degree of polymorphism is also found where these primers have been tested in 10 other bumblebee species. These markers will therefore be useful for the genetic study of this group.  相似文献   
A summary is provided of recent advances in the natural science evidence base concerning the effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on insect pollinators in a format (a ‘restatement'') intended to be accessible to informed but not expert policymakers and stakeholders. Important new studies have been published since our recent review of this field (Godfray et al. 2014 Proc. R. Soc. B 281, 20140558. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.0558)) and the subject continues to be an area of very active research and high policy relevance.  相似文献   
1. Bumblebees are important pollinators in North America and are attacked by a range of parasites that impact their fitness; however, few studies have investigated the extent or causes of parasitism in North America. 2. This study used a 2‐year multi‐site survey of bumblebee parasitism to ask: (i) how common are parasitoid conopid flies and the internal parasites Crithidia bombi and Nosema bombi in Massachusetts; and (ii) what factors are correlated with parasitism? 3. Infection rates by all three parasites were higher in this study than previously documented in North America. Overall, conopids infected 0–73% of bees in each sample, C. bombi infected 0–82% of bees, and N. bombi infected 0–32%. 4. Conopid flies infected female bees more than males and intermediate‐sized bees more than large or small bees. Crithidia bombi infection rates were higher in certain bee species and sites, and exhibited a unimodal pattern of prevalence over time. Nosema bombi parasitism was higher in male than female bees. 5. Infection by N. bombi in two rare bumblebee species was higher than expected based on parasitism rates of common bee species but C. bombi infection was lower. If high prevalence of N. bombi in these bumblebee species is common, parasitism may be a potential cause of their decline. 6. Given the documented effects of these parasites, the high levels of infection may affect bee populations in Massachusetts and threaten the stability of their valuable ecosystem services.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. The small hive beetle, Aethina tumida , is a parasite of honeybee ( Apis mellifera ) colonies native to sub-Saharan Africa and has become an invasive species. In North America the beetle is now sympatric with bumblebees, Bombus , not occurring in its native range. Laboratory studies have shown that small hive beetles can reproduce in bumblebee colonies but it was not known whether infestations occur in the field.
2. For the first time, infestation of bumblebee colonies by small hive beetles was investigated in the field. Commercial Bombus impatiens colonies ( n = 10) were installed in proximity to infested apiaries. Within 8 weeks, all colonies that were alive in the 5-week observation period ( n = 9) became naturally infested with adult small hive beetles and successful small hive beetle reproduction occurred in five colonies.
3. In four-square choice tests, the beetles were attracted to both adult bumblebee workers and pollen from bumblebee nests, suggesting that these odours may serve as cues for host finding.
4. The data indicate that bumblebee colonies may serve as alternative hosts for small hive beetles in the field. To foster the conservation of these essential native pollinators, investigations on the actual impact of small hive beetles on wild bumblebee populations are suggested.  相似文献   
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