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本文记述中国刺蛾科1新记录属:拟线刺蛾属Caniatta Solovyev&Witt,2009及1新记录种:光拟线刺蛾Caniatta levis Solovyev&Witt,2009,并提供雄性成虫和外生殖器特征图及分布情况.  相似文献   
Larvae of the cosmopolitan family Limacodidae, commonly known as “slug” caterpillars, are well known because of the widespread occurrence of spines with urticating properties, a morpho‐chemical adaptive trait that has been demonstrated to protect the larvae from natural enemies. However, while most species are armed with rows of spines (“nettle” caterpillars), slug caterpillars are morphologically diverse with some species lacking spines and thus are nonstinging. It has been demonstrated that the evolution of spines in slug caterpillars may have a single origin and that this trait is possibly derived from nonstinging slug caterpillars, but these conclusions were based on limited sampling of mainly New World taxa; thus, the evolution of spines and other traits within the family remains unresolved. Here, we analyze morphological variation in slug caterpillars within an evolutionary framework to determine character evolution of spines with samples from Asia, Australia, North America, and South America. The phylogeny of the Limacodidae was reconstructed based on a multigene dataset comprising five molecular markers (5.6 Kbp: COI, 28S, 18S, EF‐1α, and wingless) representing 45 species from 40 genera and eight outgroups. Based on this phylogeny, we infer that limacodids evolved from a common ancestor in which the larval type possessed spines, and then slug caterpillars without spines evolved independently multiple times in different continents. While larvae with spines are well adapted to avoiding generalist predators, our results imply that larvae without spines may be suited to different ecological niches. Systematic relationships of our dataset indicate six major lineages, several of which have not previously been identified.  相似文献   
Zygaenid moths are capable of releasing hydrogen cyanide in their defense by enzymatic break-down of cyanoglucosides, but only larvae of chalcosiine and zygaenine moths store cyanogenic compounds in cuticular cavities and thus are able to discharge defense droplets, which effectively deter potential predators. A previously proposed phylogeny of Zygaenidae hypothesized a sister group relationship of chalcosiine and zygaenine moths because of their similar larval defense system. Not all chalcosiine taxa possess cuticular cavities, however, and a comparable defense mechanism has been reported in larvae of the zygaenoid family Heterogynidae. Considering sequence data of seven molecular loci, the present study estimates the posterior probability of phylogenetic hypotheses explaining the occurrence of larval cuticular cavities. The molecular data confirm the previous exclusion of Himantopteridae from Zygaenidae and suggest their close affinity to Somabrachyidae. The sequence data also corroborate the recently proposed exclusion of the Phaudinae from the Zygaenidae, because this subfamily is recovered in a reasonably well supported species cluster consisting of members of the families Lacturidae, Limacodidae, Himantopteridae, and Somabrachyidae. We consequently agree to raise Phaudinae to family rank. Within Zygaenidae, the subfamilies Callizygaeninae, Chalcosiinae, and Procridinae most likely constitute a monophyletic group, which is sister to the Zygaeninae. Our results imply that cuticular cavities were probably present in the larvae of the most recent common ancestor of Zygaenidae. Heterogynidae cannot be confirmed as sister taxon to this family, but appear at the very first split of the Zygaenoidea, although with poor support. The specific pattern of taxa in the molecular phylogeny showing larval cuticular cavities opens the possibility that these structures could have been already present in the most recent common ancestor of the Zygaenoidea.  相似文献   
报道中国刺蛾科6新种、5新纪录属及12新纪录种。新种包括:岔颚凯刺蛾Caissa staurognatha sp.nov.、叉颚银纹刺蛾Miresa dicrognatha sp.nov.、透翅泥刺蛾Limacolasia hyalodesa sp.nov.、北京岐刺蛾Austrapoda beijingensis sp.nov.、索洛绿刺蛾Parasa solovyevi sp.nov.及黑条刺蛾Striogyia obatera sp.nov.。条刺蛾属Striogyia Holloway、佳刺蛾属Euphlyctinides Hering、温刺蛾属Prapata Holloway、裔刺蛾属Hindothosea Holloway和白刺蛾属Pseudaltha Hering为我国新纪录属。黑基客刺蛾Ceratonema nigribasale Hering、拟焰刺蛾Pseudiragoides spadix Solovyevet Witt、铜翅佳刺蛾Euphlyctinides aeneola Solovyev、叶奇刺蛾Matsumurides lola(Swinhoe)、温刺蛾Prapata bisinuosa Holloway、黑温刺蛾Prapata scotopepla(Hampson)、赭背刺蛾Belippa ochreata Yoshimoto、裔刺蛾Hindothosea cervina(Moore)、纷刺蛾Griseothosea cruda(Walker)、白翅姹剌蛾Chalcocelis albor Solovyev et Witt、维绒刺蛾Phocoderma witti Solovyev和沙坝白刺蛾Pseudaltha sapa Solovyev为中国新纪录种。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆昆虫标本馆(IZCAS)。  相似文献   
Burnet moths of the genus Zygaena are a striking group of primarily diurnal Lepidoptera displaying an exceptional phenotypic plasticity. Previous attempts to elucidate the phylogenetic history of the group had been confounded by a perplexing pattern of characters or insufficient taxon sampling. In the present study, we infer a phylogeny of the genus Zygaena by analysing 5.4 kb of their nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Eighty‐four of the 98 currently recognized species in this genus are considered, including representatives of all described species groups. RNA coding sequences are aligned with reference to zygaenoid moth specific secondary structure models of corresponding molecules. We conduct phylogenetic analyses within a Bayesian framework applying partition specific substitution parameters; covariation of paired sites in RNA gene sequences is accommodated by using doublet substitution models. The molecular data reveal that a considerable number of currently recognized species groups in Zygaena are not monophyletic. The traditional subgeneric classification proves to be artificial as well; Agrumenia and Zygaena (sensu stricto) are polyphyletic. Only the subgenus Mesembrynus can be confirmed as a monophyletic species cluster. Optimization of larval host–plant associations and forewing patterns on sampled trees of the Bayesian analyses suggest convergent evolution of similar wing pattern types in distantly related species clusters and a shift from cyanogenic to acyanogenic host‐plants. The phylogenetic results challenge the classic assumption that early species diversification in Zygaena took place in the Irano–Turkestanian region. Rather, the molecular data point to the western Mediterranean area as the geographical origin of the group and imply a subsequent colonization of the Middle East and Central Asia. We discuss the apparently convergent evolution of similar wing patterns in context with the chemical defence system of burnet moths and suggest a species group concept for the genus Zygaena that accounts for the recent findings. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 501–520.  相似文献   
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