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The ability of PVM, PVY and PVX viruses and their progeny to distribute themselves and accumulate in primary infected potato plants by mono‐ and mixed infections is analysed. It is shown, that the transport and accumulation of virus in inoculated potato plants depends on variety resistance, combination of viruses and sequence of their application.  相似文献   
Starting from the principle that there exists a randomization procedure that assigns treatments to experimental units, four subset selection rules for the problem of selecting the best treatment from a set of different treatments are proposed. Two of these are extensions of already existing subset selection procedures, which were defined for unbalanced designs, and need a separate selection constant for each individual treatment. The other two rules proposed are new and need only one selection constant for all treatments. The various procedures are compared, and illustrated by application to a plant breeding variety trial.  相似文献   
水稻品种茎集散度分析及评价记载标准探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对578份广东省育成品种(系)和470份台湾品种(系)的茎集散度进行了分析,广东育成品种的茎集散度分布为3°~23°,96.37%集中分布在5°~17°;台湾品种茎集散度分布为3°~17°,97.02%集中分布在4°~12°.广东育成的代表性品种茎集散度为7°~16°.提出水稻理想株型最适茎集散度的计算公式:α=arcsin D/2H.建议籼稻栽培稻茎集散度的评价记载标准分为集、中、散3个等级:茎集散度≤5°为集;茎集散度6°~15°为中;茎集散度>15°为散.  相似文献   
为了解暗腹雪鸡(Tetraogallus himalayensis)正常血液生理生化特性,本文对暗腹雪鸡21项血液生理生化指标进行了测定,并与海兰褐鸡(Gallus gallus domesticus var. Hyline)进行了比较。测定结果,暗腹雪鸡的红细胞纵径及横纵径乘积、平均红细胞容积及平均红细胞血红蛋白含量极显著大于海兰褐鸡(P<0.01);暗腹雪鸡天冬氨酸氨基转移酶和胆固醇含量均极显著高于海兰褐鸡(P<0.01)。其他各项血液生理生化指标两禽种间之间差异不显著。实验结果表明,暗腹雪鸡血液生理生化指标与家养蛋鸡之间有一定差异,暗腹雪鸡对高原低氧环境有较强的适应性可能与其红细胞体积较大、平均红细胞容积及平均红细胞血红蛋白含量较高有一定关系。  相似文献   
小麦目标产量设计及适宜品种选择的动态知识模型   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
运用知识工程和系统建模方法,在综合考虑决策点光温生产潜力、历史平均产量水平、土壤肥力、肥水管理水平和生产技术水平等诸多因子对增产系数影响的基础上,通过定量计算动态增产系数,建立了具有时空适应性的小麦目标产量设计知识模型;通过定量计算小麦品种特征值与环境因子和生产需求之间的符合度,建立了适宜品种选择的量化知识模型.利用南京、郑州、泰安、保定和太原5个不同生态点的不同年型每日气象资料以及不同历史平均产量水平、土壤肥力和肥水管理水平,对目标产量设计模型进行了实例分析;利用广州、南京、泰安、北京、哈尔滨5个不同生态点常年气象资料以及15个不同品种资料,对品种选择知识模型进行了实例分析.结果表明,所建知识模型具有较好的决策性和广泛适应性.  相似文献   
玉米优异地方种质资源的筛选与评价   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
本文对20个玉米优异地方品种资源主要农艺性状进行了研究,运用灰色系统理论的方法,分析了资源的综合性状及各性状间的关系。研究结果表明,株高影响穗粗,穗位高影响穗长,株高和穗位均低的资源不会有较高的单株粒重;叶片数对资源的筛选、利用有一定的影响,对穗长、穗粗、单株粒重有显著影响;利用生育期较短的资源可能会选出单株粒重较高的自交系和杂交种。据此结果结合育种目标评价,筛选出白头霜、高油玉米、洛阳85、白鹤、二夏、品综2号、本地黄玉米、金皇后8个玉米地方品种,综合农艺性状好,具有较高的利用价值。  相似文献   
自1950s以来,我国玉米(Zea mays L.)产量以年递增幅度为126kg  相似文献   
红鲫近交系的建立   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
目的应用人工雌核发育繁殖技术建立红鲫近交系.方法红鲫卵子被经紫外线照射的鲤鱼精子激活后,在0~4℃的温度下进行冷休克处理30min,再在常温下静水孵化;以红体色为遗传标记,在连续2代雌核发育子代中选择二倍体红鲫,放置水泥池中常规饲养;用同样的人工雌核发育繁殖技术进行保种,随机交配繁殖1~2代供应实验;用常规方法测量形态学指标.结果红鲫卵子激活率在91%以上;实验组2中摄食期仔鱼成活率为15.20%,80%的成鱼为二倍体红鲫,其中有较高比例的遗传上真实的雄性个体.鳞式主要为27(5)/(6)28;鳍式主要为D.i,17~18;A.i,6;V.i,7~8;P.i,15~16;C.24~25;其他外部形态指标与封闭群红鲫近似.结论本实验建立的人工雌核发育繁殖技术,设备要求简单,操作安全可靠,并且省时节资,完全能够用于培育鱼类近交系,本实验结果完全可以满足育种繁殖的要求;所获得的二倍体红鲫,经同工酶电泳等检测,被证实是纯合的,具备鱼类近交系品系特征;出现遗传上真实的雄性个体是正常的.  相似文献   
Ofversten J 《Biometrics》1999,55(3):846-852
I propose detection criteria for identifying an abnormal or erroneous data vector provided by a single variety trial in a longer series of variety trials. The test criteria are based on the linear effects estimated separately for each studied trial using global variance components estimated from the whole series of variety trials. The criteria comprise three mutually independent test statistics. The first one is a quadratic form in the estimated fixed effects, the second one is a quadratic form in the estimated realized linear random effects not including the residual effects, and the third one is a quadratic form in the estimated realized residual effects. Under the null hypothesis defining a valid data vector, the three quadratics have independent chi2 distributions. Under natural alternative hypotheses, they have noncentral chi2 distributions. Decomposing the total variation of the data vector studied into quadratic forms due to different types of the realized linear effects intuitively justifies the resulting test criteria. The decomposition may also be used to show that the resulting tests are likelihood ratio tests. I further present computational procedures that allow us to dispense with the need for prior estimation of the linear effects.  相似文献   
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