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Zusammenfassung Am Präanalsegment von Scutigerella befindet sich ein Paar Trichobothrien, das komplizierter gebaut ist als entsprechende Sinnesorgane anderer Arthropoden. Die distalen Fortsätze von sechzehn Sinneszellen stehen mit der Gelenkmembran des nach allen Seiten beweglichen Sinneshaares in Verbindung. Aus ihrer Anordnung kann geschlossen werden, daß Scutigerella mit Hilfe des Trichobothriums mindestens acht verschiedene Richtungen unterscheiden kann. Der adäquate Reiz für die Trichobothrien dürften Luftbewegungen sein.
Sense organs of symphyla (Myriapoda)I. Ultrastructure of the trichobothrium of Scutigerella immaculata newport
Summary One pair of trichobothria is situated on the lateral portions of the preanal segment of Scutigerella. They are rather complicated compared to similar organs of other Arthroods. The distal portions of 16 sense cells are connected to the elastic membrane of the sense hair which can be turned in every direction. From the arrangement of the distal parts of the sense cells it may be concluded that Scutigerella can distinguish at least eight different directions. Probably movements of the air are the adequate stimulus for the trichobothrium.
Für technische Mitarbeit danke ich Frl. M. Genehr und Fr. G. Schröer, für die Anfertigung der Zeichnung Fr. C. St. Friedemann.  相似文献   
Spiders show a wide range of sensory capabilities as evidenced by behavioural observations. Accordingly, spiders possess diverse sensory structures like mechano-, hygro-, thermo- or chemoreceptive sensilla. As to chemoreceptive structures, only trichoid tip-pore sensilla were found so far that were tested for gustation. That spiders are also able to receive airborne signals is corroborated by numerous behavioural experiments but the responsible structures have not been determined yet. Here, we provide sensilla distribution maps of pedipalps and walking legs of both sexes of the wasp spider Argiope bruennichi whose biology and mating system is well explored. By means of scanning electron microscopy, we scrutinized whether there is in fact only one type of trichoid pore sensillum and if so, if there are deviations in the outer structure of the tip-pore sensilla depending on their position on the body. We also describe the external structure and distribution of slit sense organs, trichobothria and tarsal organs. Our study shows that all four sensillum types occur on pedipalps and walking legs of both sexes. As to chemosensory organs, only tip-pore sensilla were found, suggesting that this sensillum type is used for both gustation and olfaction. The highest numbers of tip-pore sensilla were observed on metatarsi and tarsi of the first two walking legs. Mechanosensitive slit sense organs occur as single slit sensilla in rows along all podomers or as lyriform organs next to the joints. The mechanosensitive trichobothria occur on the basal part of tibiae and metatarsi. Tarsal organs occur on the dorsal side of all tarsi and the male cymbium. The distribution maps of the sensilla are the starting point for further exploration of internal, morphological differences of the sensilla from different regions on the body. Cryptic anatomical differences might be linked to functional differences that can be explored in combination with electrophysiological analyses. Consequently, the maps will help to elucidate the sensory world of spiders.  相似文献   
通过对拟环纹豹蛛(Pardosa pseudoannulata)附肢体毛(触毛、听毛、味觉感觉毛)的扫描电子显微镜观察,发现拟环纹豹蛛的触毛与体表形成的角度为锐角,触毛粗大,毛干较挺立,周围有绒毛环绕,触毛主要分布在蜘蛛体触肢的跗节、胫节和步足的跗节、胫节、端部处,其中第一步足分布最多,其数量较听毛和化学感觉毛多。拟环纹豹蛛的听毛细而长,基本垂直于表皮,毛囊深窝有褶皱,听毛主要分布于触肢和第四步足的胫节上,其余腿节分布较少,不同部位的听毛在形态、长度上没有太大的差别。拟环纹豹蛛的味觉感觉毛基部四周有微微隆起的圆形毛囊,味觉感觉毛大于听毛又小于触毛,四周被绒毛环绕,主要分布于蜘蛛的第一步足和第二步足的跗节胫节处,在触肢和螯肢也有少量分布。  相似文献   
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