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Hyposidra talaca (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) is the most harmful pest of northeastern tea hub of India that devastates the tea production by feasting on the tea leaves. Hyposidra talaca nucleopolyhedrovirus (HytaNPV) is a natural enemy of the aforesaid pest, as it poses great obstruction in the multiplication of the pest by causing significant larval mortality. The study was undertaken to screen the virus activity against first to fifth instar H. talaca larvae. Early instar stages are found more susceptible than the late stages as they tend to reflect highest LC50 value for fifth instar as 4.3 × 107 POB/ml and lowest LC50 value for first instar as 7 × 104 POB/ml within seven days of inoculation. LT50 values vary between 2.47 and 8.45 days for neonates to fifth instar. The high record of virulence of HytaNPV indicates its bright prospect as a useful microbial biopesticide.  相似文献   
南方红壤区3年生茶园土壤呼吸特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨南方红壤区茶园的土壤呼吸特征,采用LI-Cor8100开路式土壤碳通量测定系统观测3年生茶园系统的土壤呼吸速率,对茶园土壤呼吸速率的季节变化和在茶行尺度上的空间异质性进行了研究。结果表明,茶园土壤呼吸速率的月动态变化呈明显的单峰曲线特征,峰值出现在8月;茶园土壤呼吸速率的月动态变化与温度呈极显著相关(P<0.01),土壤10 cm的温度能够解释茶园不同观测区域土壤呼吸速率月动态变化的67.79%~88.52%;用指数方程计算的茶园不同观测区域土壤呼吸Q10值为1.58~1.86。在茶行尺度上,茶园土壤呼吸速率存在明显的空间异质性,土壤呼吸速率通常在距离茶树基部较近的位置较高;根系生物量能够解释茶园土壤呼吸速率在茶行尺度上空间变异的82.68%。因此,根系分布的空间差异是造成茶园土壤呼吸速率空间异质性的主要原因。  相似文献   
Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases, including cancer. In the present study, the protective effect of natural antioxidants, such as quercetin and tea polyphenols, on intracellular oxidative stress was studied. Here we report a novel function of quercetin and tea polyphenols, as potential inhibitors of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE)-induced intracellular oxidative stress and cytotoxicity. In rat liver epithelial RL34 cells, a potent electrophile HNE dramatically induced the productions of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which correlated well with the reduction in cell viability. We found that quercetin and tea polyphenols, such as epigallocatechin gallate and theaflavins and their gallate esters, significantly inhibited the HNE-induced ROS production and cytotoxicity. In addition, HNE induced a transient decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψ), which was also retarded by the antioxidants. These data suggest that the antioxidants, such as quercetin and tea polyphenols, are inhibitors against mitochondrial ROS production.  相似文献   
The tea leaf roller, Caloptilia theivora Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Gracillariinae), is one of the serious pests of tea plants in Japan. To understand the mechanism of seasonal occurrence of this insect pest, we developed a population dynamics model that explicitly incorporates the temperature-dependent development of the pest. The model predictions were compared with observed captures in pheromone traps at the experimental site of the Kagoshima Tea Experiment Research Station in Japan. The results showed that the emergence timing of the insect pest observed in the field was determined primarily by temperature. The relationship between the timing of adult emergence and the leaf damage level was also studied using a logistic regression model. The infestation level decreased as the interval between the adult peak emergence date and the date of tea plucking increased, implying that asynchrony between plant phenology and emergence of the insect pest is a critical factor reducing damage level. We examined how the damage level changes according to global warming. Increased temperature made the timing of insect appearance forward and enhance asynchrony of plant–pest phenology. Therefore, reduction of damage level by the insect pest is expected under global warming.  相似文献   
低农药残留量的乌龙茶种质资源筛选研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以福建省武夷山茶叶科学研究所鸟龙茶种质资源圃120份资源为试验材料,依外部形态特征初步筛选出31份比较有希望的品种(系)。将联苯菊酯、甲氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯和噻嗪酮4种农药喷施于这31份资源,7d后采摘鲜叶,烘干固样。用气相色谱法分析检测31份品种(系)鲜叶中4种农药的残留量,筛选出低联苯菊酯、低甲氰菊酯、低氯氰菊酯和低噻嗪酮残留量的乌龙茶特异资源各5、4、3和7份。  相似文献   
【目的】明确沃尔巴克氏菌Wolbachia对茶尺蠖两近缘种杂交卵孵化的影响及相关机制。【方法】使用2.5 mg/mL四环素浸液处理1 min后的新鲜茶树叶片连续饲喂灰茶尺蠖Ectropis grisescens幼虫3代,建立不携带Wolbachia的灰茶尺蠖种群。通过携带和不携带Wolbachia的灰茶尺蠖成虫分别与小茶尺蠖E. obliqua成虫进行杂交,探究Wolbachia对二者杂交卵孵化的影响。同时利用iTRAQ技术检测并分析携带和不携带Wolbachia的灰茶尺蠖精子蛋白的差异。【结果】与自然携带Wolbachia的灰茶尺蠖相比,去除Wolbachia后的灰茶尺蠖与小茶尺蠖杂交卵孵化率从3.92%显著提高到56.20%,表明Wolbachia诱导胞 质不亲合。精子蛋白差异分析显示,携带和不携带Wolbachia的灰茶尺蠖的精子蛋白中,共有128个蛋白显著差异表达,其中KEGG数据库注释到45个差异蛋白富集到鞘脂类代谢、唾液分泌、溶酶体、鞘脂信号通路和鞘糖脂生物合成等106个通路中,其中鞘脂类代谢通路中与神经酰胺合成相关的神经酰胺酶和磷酸酯酶显著上调表达。【结论】共生菌Wolbachia通过胞质不亲和作用介导了茶尺蠖两近缘种间的合子前生殖隔离,导致杂交卵的孵化率显著下降;Wolbachia可能通过鞘脂代谢通路实现了对雄性精子蛋白的修饰。  相似文献   
为了解小贯小绿叶蝉Empoasca onukii Matsuda对光的行为反应,为茶园害虫综合防治提供新思路,本研究利用光谱行为学,采用18种LED单色光源对小贯小绿叶蝉的趋光行为进行了研究。结果显示,小贯小绿叶蝉成虫对18个光源中的黄光(590~595 nm)趋向性相对较强,其次为紫光(420~425 nm),对白色光源(对照)的趋向性最低。趋光性由大到小分别为黄光(590~595 nm),紫光(420~425 nm),紫外光(390~395 nm),蓝光(460~465 nm)。忌避性较强的分别为橙光(600~605 nm),对照,冰蓝青光(490~495 nm),绿光(520~525 nm)。17种光谱与对照光结合显示,小贯小绿叶蝉对不同光谱的选择发生了变化,更倾向于先择紫外光(370~375 nm、380~385 nm、385~390 nm),紫光(420~425 nm),其次为琥珀色光(595~600 nm),趋光率最低的为蓝光(460~465 nm)和红光(660~665 nm)。双光谱结合时,其选择随不同的结合而发生改变。黑暗、对照和光谱间相结合处理时,白光结合下对光谱的选择趋向性显著高于黑暗条件,两者间呈负相关。小贯小绿叶蝉对黄光(590~595 nm)和紫外光(370~375 nm)的趋向性较强,而对橙光(600~605 nm)、绿光(520~525 nm)和蓝光(460~465 nm)有显著的忌避性。可利用其对光谱的选择性,在室内饲养或茶园防治中采用相应的光谱进行处理,从而达到合理利用的目的。  相似文献   
云南茶树地方品种农艺性状与品质性状遗传多样性分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为发掘具有优异农艺性状与品质性状的茶树品种资源,对51份云南茶树地方品种进行农艺和品质性状遗传多样性分析。结果表明,云南茶树地方品种农艺和品质性状存在丰富的遗传变异,农艺性状变异系数平均为25.84%,多样性指数平均为1.94;生化成分变异系数平均为16.53%,多样性指数平均为1.88;茶叶感官审评红茶品质总分达87.5分~94.2分,绿茶品质总分达78.8分~91.5分,茶树品种红、绿茶适制性的多样性指数平均为0.92和0.94;聚类分析将供试材料分为3类:第Ⅰ类品种主要适合制作红茶,第Ⅱ类品种主要适合制作绿茶,第Ⅲ类为生化成分特异性品种。并从中筛选出18份优异品种资源,为今后的生产和育种提供利用。  相似文献   
42份武夷名丛茶树资源生化成分多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对武夷山茶区42份武夷名丛茶树资源的主要生化成分进行了评价鉴定和遗传多样性分析。结果发现,武夷山茶树资源的生化成分存在丰富的多样性和变异,平均遗传多样性指数达到2.06%,平均变异系数达到22.01%。通过多变量的主成分分析,前3个主成分代表了茶树生化成分多样性的89.02%的信息。基于生化成分,把42份武夷名丛聚类划分为3个类群。3个类群除了咖啡碱含量差异不显著外,其他各生化成分均存在显著差异。第Ⅰ、Ⅱ类群大部分为适制乌龙茶的资源,第Ⅲ类群大部分为适制绿茶的资源。并从中筛选出一批生化成分特异的资源。  相似文献   
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