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我国有分布的天鹅属所有种(Cygnusspp.)均为国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物,根据中华人民共和国刑法,非法猎捕、杀害珍贵濒危野生动物构成刑事犯罪。然而,天鹅死亡案件仍时有发生。本文分析2000至2016年有统计的我国天鹅死亡案件发现,每年11月至翌年1月是涉天鹅案件的高发时期;毒杀为致死主因;案件多发生于我国行政区划交界处。因此,应于迁徙越冬季节重点加强高案发地点的侦查监管;加强克百威(呋喃丹)为代表的高毒农药管控;建立迁徙季节多地区执法联动机制。  相似文献   
为查清内蒙古乌梁素海湖泊湿地疣鼻天鹅(Cygnus olor)繁殖期和秋季迁徙前期种群数量,2014至2017年采用路线统计法和样点统计法对其进行精确计数统计,结合近十余年来的文献数据和监测记录,探讨了种群数量的变化及原因。结果显示,2015至2017年春季繁殖成鸟数量依次为84只、92只、80只,基本稳定;2014至2017年,秋季种群数量依次为411只、302只、281只、153只,逐年减少;近几年适宜繁殖地和觅食地面积不断缩小、天敌偷袭、捡蛋和投毒等因素影响亚成鸟和幼鸟的生存。根据文献和保护区监测数据,1996至2004年种群数量逐年增多,与自然保护区的建立、严禁捡蛋和没收猎枪有关,而2005至2013年因干旱缺水、水域被开发利用、芦苇(Phragmites australis)和宽叶香蒲(Typhalatifolia)面积扩增、水质恶化、富营养化加重等原因种群数量下降。研究表明,近几年乌梁素海被过度开发利用,人为干扰频繁,影响疣鼻天鹅正常繁殖栖息;栖息地的科学管理和严禁捡蛋及投毒行为,对该种群的生存及增长至关重要。  相似文献   
荣成天鹅湖湿地越冬大天鹅食性分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
2005年12月~2006年3月以大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)为对象,研究其越冬期间的食性,利用粪便显微组织分析法定量调查其食物组成。结果表明,大天鹅的越冬食物主要为小麦(Triticum aestivum)、海带(Laminaria japonica)和大叶藻(Zostera marina),其中,小麦的比例最大,分别占冬季食物组成的99.67%和早春的90.17%。对冬季与早春的食物组成的差异进行分析,发现大天鹅在天鹅湖保护区发生了食物替代现象。结合以往资料,认为生态污染和湿地结构性破坏导致大天鹅传统食物减少,致使食物替代现象的发生。  相似文献   
2015年初,黄河三门峡库区发生了大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)等野鸟感染高致病性禽流感病毒的疫情,我们通过对三门峡大天鹅越冬种群的监测和环志回收的分析,了解大天鹅的越冬种群现状和活动状况,希望研究结果有助于我国对大天鹅种群的保护。调查表明,近些年来大天鹅越冬种群数量呈上升趋势,特别是三门峡天鹅湖由2010年410只增加到2014年6 317只,大天鹅种群数量在12月中旬至翌年1月达到高峰,2月下旬陆续离开,至3月下旬全部北迁。根据彩色颈环标记的回收结果,大天鹅对三门峡库区作为越冬地的选择是较为稳定的,不同个体在库区内的各地点之间还存在游荡行为,此外,还观察到带有彩色颈环的119只个体,已经被证实是由蒙古北部和中部的19个湖泊迁徙而来。三门峡湿地公园大天鹅越冬种群数量增加较快,是由于湖泊水质改善且人为大量投食玉米饲料,吸引了众多大天鹅前来越冬。蒙古环志的大天鹅连续多年在三门峡库区越冬也间接反映了这里有良好的栖息环境和丰富的食物资源。然而,初步推测,2015年这次大天鹅感染禽流感病毒可能与种群密度过高有较大的关系,建议当地政府合理投食补饲,不要盲目追求较多的种群数量;同时采取合理有效的措施促进大天鹅种群扩散,如在附近建立适宜的栖息地,这对于大天鹅种群保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   
用DNA指纹法研究野生天鹅种群的遗传分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟安明帕.  DT 《动物学报》1993,39(2):209-216
DNA指纹技术自问世以来,已被广泛地用于法医学上个体识别和亲缘关系的鉴定。此外,人源DNA指纹探针(即多位点型小卫星探针)还被用于动植物等的研究,特别是在研究动物的繁育规律方面成效显著。近一两年来,DNA指纹技术也在分子水平上用来研究种群分化,为物种起源研究开辟了新的途径。本文利用人源多位点型小卫星探针,对分布在英国和美国的四种天鹅(小天鹅、疣鼻天鹅、大天鹅和喇叭天鹅)的种群结构和天鹅小卫星的分化初步进行了研究。用酶HaeIII和探针pSPT19.6分析了分布在英国的疣鼻天鹅种的两个群体(洛锡安群体和阿伯茨伯里群体)的DNA指纹图,结果表明两群体之间的遗传变异性大于群体内的遗传变异性;洛锡安群体内小卫星的变异程度较高。虽然小卫星在基因组中的作用尚不清楚,但某些天鹅小卫星在种间发生了分化,因而同一个种内不同个体的DNA指纹图有一些共同的特征,导致DNA指纹图的物种特异性。DNA指纹分析表明:小天鹅、大天鹅和喇叭天鹅在遗传上比较接近,而疣鼻天鹅与它们在遗传上相距较远,这与原来对天鹅种下分类情况是一致的。就遗传变异程度而言,在英国仕林布里奇的小天鹅为最高,英国卡拉乌尔洛克的大天鹅次之,英国阿伯茨伯里的疣鼻天鹅居第三,美国蒙大拿的喇叭天鹅最低。我们认为,基因迁移和遗传漂变对  相似文献   
湖北天鹅洲故道试养江豚生活习性的初步观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
杨健  张先锋 《兽类学报》1995,15(4):254-258
为抢救濒危水生兽类白暨豚,建立保护区无疑是最有效的途径,1990年3月到1993年10月,我们对引进白暨豚保护区湖北天鹅洲故道中试养的11头江豚的生活状况和对环境的适应性,进行了较为详细的研究,力求在引入白暨豚前,对此地江豚的生活情况及白暨豚保护区的建区工作做进一步的生态评价。结果表明,江豚非常适应故道环境,它们能在其中正常生活,完成妊娠过程,顺利分娩,抚幼,幼体也能正常发育和成长。此外,故道还存  相似文献   
The emergence of Austrobilharzia terrigalensis cercariae from the snail Velacumantus australis decreased with decreasing salinity and temperature. This was most marked between 23 and 25 and between 24 and 19°C. Very few cercariae were shed below 23 regardless of temperature. The decrease in cercarial emergence was associated with the decreasing metabolic activity of the intermediate host. The emergence pattern of A. terrigalensis cercariae from V. australis was diurnal. There was a major peak between 08h00 and 10h00 and a minor second one between 16h00 and 18h00. No cercariae were shed between 22h00 and 04h00. Cercariae survived in sea water (35) for up to 48h, with a half-life of 30h. There was evidence that the prevalence of A. terrigalensis infection in the intermediate host population in the Swan estuary was higher during the summer than during the winter. The production of cercariae in the sporocyst also appeared to be a seasonal phenomenon. Mature cercariae were rare in sporocysts examined during the winter months (May–October) and absent altogether from those examined in September.  相似文献   
Smidt  S.  Oswood  M.W. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,472(1-3):95-105
Many wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain in southwestern Australia have catchments with significant areas of native vegetation. The dynamics of P release from their litter and its significance as a P source for wetlands have not been previously investigated. Litterfall of common plant species were collected before the local rainy season, and examined for P leaching properties under inundated conditions. Inundation of `intact' litter materials for 24 hours leached 30±7.5% (95% confidence level) of this Tot-P in litter, measured by anion exchange membrane extraction. This increased to 46.9% of `apparent' P release at 115 days. The released P was incorporated into microbial biomass during leaching so modifying leachate concentrations. Using liquid chloroform `fumigation' it was estimated that 36.2 ± 15.6% (95% confidence level) of Tot-P leached during the 115-day inundation was in the microbial biomass pool, not directly measured by AEM extraction. P leaching during initial and prolonged inundation correlated with litter Ca, Mg and total base concentration, but the initial Tot-P concentration of litter was the best predictor for P leaching, in both short-term and prolonged inundation (R 2 = 0.80 and 0.93, p < 0.0001). The high P leaching rate during 24 hours suggested that P from litter during `first storm' events could produce a significant P flux from local catchments and contribute nutrients to downstream wetlands.  相似文献   
L. Gao  Q. Wei  F. Fu 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):1175-1183
Macroalgal blooms have occurred worldwide frequently in coastal areas in recent decades, which dramatically modify phosphorus (P) cycle in water column and the sediments. Rongcheng Swan Lake Wetland, a coastal wetland in China, is suffering from extensive macroalgal blooms. In order to verify the influence of macroalgal growth on sediment P release, the sediments and filamentous Chaetomorpha spp. were incubated in the laboratory to investigate the changes of water quality parameters, P levels in overlying water, and sediments during the growth period. In addition, algal biomass and tissue P concentration were determined. In general, Chaetomorpha biomasses were much higher in high P treatments than in low P treatments. Compared with algae+low P water treatment, the addition of sediments increased the algal growth rate and P accumulation amount. During the algal growth, water pH increased greatly, which showed significant correlation with algal biomass in treatments with high P (P < 0.05). P fractions in the sediments showed that Fe/Al–P and organic P concentrations declined during the algal growth, and great changes were observed in algae+low P water+sediment treatment for both. As a whole, the sediments can supply P for Chaetomorpha growth when water P level was low, and the probable mechanism was the release of Fe/Al–P at high pH condition induced by intensive Chaetomorpha blooms.  相似文献   
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